3 Disturbing True Hospital Horror Stories

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Mr. Nightmare
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foreign [Music] I've worked as a nurse in multiple hospitals and Facilities before the current hospital I work at I worked at a geriatric Hospital 30 minutes from my house I had experience working with older patients before so this was nothing new to me I had been working at this hospital for only a couple of weeks and you'll soon understand why this was on my second to last shift at this Hospital unbeknownst to me at the start of that night I was working the graveyard shifts and I was running on negative hours of sleep I was
assigned to the Alzheimer's Ward the patience in this Ward absolutely adored me my presence as a young girl in her 20s among the residents of this Ward who were otherwise left to themselves to float around in their minds I'm sure saw me as a breath of fresh air someone who could tie them to the now or to the everyday if you're just left yourself you can mentally go to other places but with someone else in your space you're tied to that moment in time I was dealing with a number of patients that night but one
was a little more Restless than the others her name was Lena this was my first night dealing with her and she kept telling me anytime I'd enter her room about the voices she kept hearing and the man dressed in black she kept seeing in the corner of the room the other lady in her room requested her curtain be closed before my shift started so that Lena would leave her alone she was a sweet lady that smiled whenever I was around her but she didn't say much and was very forgetful since I started my shift around
9pm most of the patients were asleep by 11 but not Lina whenever she called me into the room she'd be frightened of these alleged voices she was hearing and the Man in Black that kept staring at her in the corner of the room not gonna lie it was creeping me out a little I believe that in her mind she was seeing and hearing these things and I sympathized with her because I imagine them to be very scary but still I tried my best to calm her down and get her to go to sleep I didn't
want to turn on the TV to calm her down because I wanted to be courteous of the other patient in the room I held Lena's hands and told her it's okay to breathe and to relax I reminded her that she wasn't here alone and I was always just a call away this seemed to do the trick Lena relaxed for a while and the next time I came in the room she was asleep once most if not all the patients are asleep the night goes much slower time almost Moves In Reverse an hour or two later
I was in the linen room stocking my cart when I heard something in the room it was a relatively small dead quiet room I had the door closed too that's why hearing another noise was weird I turned saw nothing and resumed stocking my card then I felt what I can only describe to be a hand on my shoulder I looked at my shoulder jumped and screamed but there was nothing on my shoulder there was no one in the room yet I knew I felt something large basically grabbed my shoulder I went out in the hall
for a second to peek my head no other nurses in sight dead quiet I had nothing else to do but resume what I was doing I continued stocking the card until it was full then I turned to face the door and I fell to the floor and started screaming as my heart was immediately in my throat there was a man dressed in black standing outside the door looking through the glass smiling my screams were loud enough to wake the entire Ward the man disappeared out of sight through the glass window of the door seconds later
the door opened and one of my fellow nurses came in to help me off the floor as I was hysterical I asked her if she saw the man dressed in black her response was what man there's no one else here we checked all the rooms in the ward there wasn't anybody dressed in black in there my screams woke Lena from whatever light sleep she must have been in and when I came into her room she started talking of the voices this time the screams which she didn't know were my screams I asked her what this
man in Black looked like if he was smiling and she looked at me and I noticed her eyebrows Point down as her expression changed to look the most focused I'd seen her the entire day she asked how did you know and even with my heart still racing I felt it skip a beat as she said this she started screaming now screaming get me out of here he's coming the other nurses came in and tried to calm her down I was switched to a different Ward that night with someone else and I eventually ended up going
home early because I was just so freaked out I texted the head nurse the next day that my next shift would be my last that the experience traumatized me and that I didn't really want to be in that building anymore I got as friendly of a response as I could have hoped for I've never been diagnosed with anything nor have I ever dealt with hallucinations of any kind I'm aware of the effects of lack of sleep but this was next level I don't know if my mind started playing tricks on me from what Lena was
telling me all night but the feeling of the hand on my shoulder the image of the smiling man behind the glass door matching the description a patient kept giving multiple times this was one of those once in a lifetime unexplainable Supernatural occurrences at least I hope it was once in a lifetime before the next story I want to thank guardio for sponsoring this video stories like the ones you hear on this channel are the reason why you need to be vigilant of your surroundings but many people spend a majority of their time on the internet
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on or anything so I'm not sure how I caught it or who I could have caught it from I started developing really bad symptoms painful headaches confusion sleepiness nausea and lack of appetite but when the hallucination started that's when I knew I had something really serious laying sick in bed while my husband was at work I heard a child's voice call Mom from downstairs we don't have any kids I dragged myself out of bed to look down the stairway to call my husband's name of course he didn't answer because he was at work the headache
I had from standing was too much so I went back to bed for a second time I Heard a Voice call from downstairs it said hello I picked up the phone and called my husband freaking out to him into the phone that I was hearing a scary child's voice from inside the house and that I thought I was hallucinating he heard how distressed I was over the phone and so he left work early to bring me to the hospital while waiting for him to get home I changed out of my pajamas and while doing so
I had to run to the bathroom to throw up as I was mid throwing up I heard another voice from outside of the bathroom I couldn't hear what it might have said nor could I tell if it sounded the same as the other voice I heard I was losing my mind I wasn't diagnosed until I arrived at the hospital and apparently if untreated what I had could be very serious even fatal the doctor told me the hallucinations part was rather unusual but not unheard of I was given antibiotics through a needle shortly after I arrived
at the hospital with my husband the doctor told me that I was fortunate to have come to the hospital so quickly as if I had waited much longer this could have had lasting effects or possibly have been fatal my husband stayed with me for a few hours in the room I was told I was gonna have to stay there for a few days to a week given the severity of my symptoms around 10 o'clock my husband left to go home as he had work the next day the nurse told me call her if I should
have any issues though I still felt like absolute death I nodded off pretty quickly I started having this dream where my ex-husband was in the room over my bed looking down at me talking he was saying horrible things about my current husband he patted my head and said he was glad I was okay and that he came as soon as he saw my husband left he went into this rant about how he despises my current husband and wants to kill him he kept rubbing my forehead then left the room I often have bad dreams about
my ex-husband because of how toxic and abusive our marriage was and why it ended which I'd rather not include I woke up in this drowsy lightheaded State and looked around the room there was a chair pulled up in front of my hospital bed but no one was sitting in it it wasn't like that when my husband left it was still the middle of the night so I went back to sleep I woke up the next morning to the nurse in the room I told her about the weirdly Vivid dream I had and she left and
told me that wasn't a dream that my cousin came to visit me last night I told her I don't have any cousins that live in the state she looked more serious now and said well someone who said they're your cousin David visited you late last night David was the name of my ex-husband after explaining better the nurse got a doctor and the doctor told me the antibiotics may have caused delirium which hindered my ability to recognize sleep from wakefulness hence why I was so vividly hearing what David was saying I called my husband to tell
him what happened and of course she was livid and concerned he came back again that night after work but that day I texted David asking what the hell he was thinking visiting me and how did he know I was in the hospital my text delivered but he ignored it I sent a follow-up telling him I heard all of his threats towards my husband and that I'd be getting police involved and minutes later he responded saying I never made any threats towards your husband I was simply there when I heard what happened to make sure you
were okay you must have heard things in your sleep I responded stay out of my life or I'll get police involved again he didn't respond after this I never told my husband about the threats I heard in my drowsy half asleep State because I didn't know if they were real or not with a mix of the antibiotics and my already having weird audible hallucinations the day before I don't think it's impossible that what I heard wasn't actually what was said but I could be wrong I left the hospital the next week [Music] I once matched
this girl that I'm still friends with on Tinder named Francesca she seemed cool right from the bat she had a sleeve of tattoos on her left arm red highlights in her hair and she had in her profile that she loved to work out one of her pictures was taken on the rooftop of this cool looking building with a sick view I asked her where it was and she told me it was some abandoned Hospital on the edge of town that's super cool to explore at night and super easy to get into there's usually One Cop
patrolling the huge parking lot at night to deter trespassers but she said it was super easy to circumvent she came up with the idea of us going there together as our first date of sorts if you want to use the word date I was totally on board with it she seemed cool and it seemed like a cool different kind of way to meet someone as opposed to the usual let's get drinks I picked her up from her house 10 minutes away then we drove the 20 minutes to get to the hospital those 20 minutes gave
us a nice chance to get to know each other a bit and get comfortable with each other's personalities for a little when we got to the hospital she told me to park on this dead-end street hidden by a bunch of tall bushes which was a five minute walk to the inside of the hospital we hopped this little barrier separating the road from the hospital parking lot and then we jogged across the wide open lot towards the grass right next to the entrance she said she always used she led us to this broken window to the
basement of the hospital it seemed kind of creepy but I signed up for this I was glad I wore raggy jeans like she told me to because I knew I was going to rip them on something we used our phone flashlights we didn't bring any special heavy duty lights or anything she seemed to know this whole Hospital like the back of her hand she led us to The Stairway to the upstairs I gotta say being alone with one other person in a place like this at night was very scary but I had no idea how
scary it was about to get on the first floor Francesca kept talking so loud that I almost wanted to tell her to shh I was paranoid we'd be found out because of her voice down the corridor we were in it sounded like a door was opening or closing something echoed down the corridor to us she heard it too and went silent I asked her in a whisper is it normal for others to be here and she said sometimes but not really we turned off our flashlights and waited suddenly there was a bang much closer to
us now we both scrambled in the dark I followed her barely able to see we made it back to the stairway and ran up the stairs with our lights back on when we were a couple levels higher we felt it was okay to speak at a normal volume again Francesca told me the police never come in here so it may have been other explorers but the weird thing was there was no sign of another light in that corridor nobody normal would be walking in the dark then we heard sounds echoing from the exit stair shaft
where we just were someone was coming up the stairs once again we scrambled she led the way saying she knew where to go we ran for a few minutes through this Maze of a building I was truly freaking out it seemed like we were being followed and I wasn't sure if I would rather have it been the cops or someone else she led us to this mini outside spot we weren't on the highest rooftop but I guess we were on what you'd call the rooftop of this level we stopped to catch our breath the whole
being followed thing was killing the vibe completely even she seemed concerned and I looked her as the expert with this place after a few minutes we relaxed a bit and went through this broken window into the ceiling of this one large room this part was scary because she wanted to walk along these long narrow wooden planks with a 10-foot drop below us a fall from this height would cause injury but I didn't want to seem like a [ __ ] I followed her across the sketchy long wooden board until we got to the top of
this pillar where one board stopped and another one started we sat on this pillar to just chill and talk with our legs dangling over the edge overlooking the darkness below it was creepy in there and I thought we were all alone until there was a sound from below us it sounded like someone walking our presence was already made known to whoever was in there so we turned on our flashlights and aimed them down below and right below us standing at the pillar looking up at us there was this 40-something-year-old man in a black Carhartt beanie
wearing a black jacket and black sweatpants smiled at us and said in this creepy deep voice come on down as he was waving us to come down I asked are you police he disregarded my question as if he didn't hear me and repeated come on down with his creepy smile Francesca and I got up scared and started walking back across the narrow piece of wood I was even more scared of falling now than before I had no idea what that man would do to us as we were about halfway across the man hurried out of
the room below us through a door he was most definitely going to try to catch us we had to hurry we made it across and tried to get out of there knowing that man was dangerous as we were running down the stairs in the shaft on the opposite side of the hospital we heard the door a few flights above us open and slam shut and then footsteps stomping down the steps he somehow had followed us we were hauling ass as if we were running for our lives we made it back to the first floor and
we ran back to the opposite side of the hospital where we entered from we went back to the basement and climbed through the broken window the whole process of climbing through that window was Haunting because I went out second and I was afraid my legs would be grabbed at any moment but I think by that point we lost the man we ran back across the parking lot back to my car and when we made it first thing we did was lock the doors and catch our breath again that was a complete Nightmare and somehow us
getting through it together created a sort of instant bond between us we drove away from there and stopped at a Wendy's to get food and just collect our thoughts in the car we chilled for an hour just talking and then I dropped her off Francesca and I have stayed in contact through the years and while we were romantically involved for a few months we ended up just staying good friends neither of us ever returned to that hospital again
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