I Survived A Plane Crash

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Video Transcript:
- I just bought this private jet. And now it's crashed. It takes on average 31 hours for a rescue team to find the survivors of a plane crash.
And now me and the boys are literally stranded in the middle of nowhere until help arrive. All right, let's assess the damage over here. - I see some water bottles.
We're gonna get thirsty out here. You know how it is. - Oh, look, they really paid two pilots and they only need one?
That's why your flight's so expensive. - Chris! - What?
- I found snacks. - So just like a normal plane, it's all terrible. We're saving these for later.
We gotta ration this. - But I'm hungry now. - We're gonna pool the plane resources on the wing.
- This takes layovers to the next level. - The only food and water we have to survive is what's typically stocked on a private jet. These tiny planes really don't have much food and water.
I think it's time we use some strategy. Half of us should go explore the area, and the other half should keep organizing the inventory and building a shelter. - All right, let's all go grab plane pieces.
- The longer we explore, the less we have to build. - Exactly. - We push it and we're making like a tent area.
Uh-oh. - It kinda works. - I like it.
That's what we want. - What is the objective of exploring? - I don't think exploring does anything.
- Oh, well, when you put it that way. Does this not look like a movie scene? - This feels like we're in "Jurassic Park.
" - It really does. - Wait, especially with that dinosaur. - Oh, shoot.
- Wait, is this our new home? This is epic. They made progress while we're gone.
Doesn't look like there's much water. - I drink my four bottles, which is my share. - You've been drinking waters?
- I've been thirsty. - What happened to rationing? - I rationed these nuts.
- Nice. - I'm a streamer, I'm not made for this outdoor stuff. We've come back with so many sticks.
Oh, it's scary in here now. Do you feel like you know how to get back from here? I think we're lost.
- Guys, I got a fire pit. Holy crap. Did you rip the engine off the plane?
This is actually a perfect fire pit. You might not be the brightest, but this is impressive. - I think I have enough wood to go ahead and get the firewood started.
Look at that. - Chris is big braining right now, dude. - We are thriving, not just surviving.
- I've got an idea. Tareq, give me the drone. Tareq brought this drone to get cool drone shots.
But what he didn't plan for is for me to tape the drone and use it to scout the area. Bro, it's literally just trees. I wonder if Ludwig hears this, then he's like- - He's terrified.
- I hear a drone. - You do? - Is it more that way?
This way. We might actually be lost. Karl!
Chris! - All right. Still trees.
Still trees. Wait, what is that? Oh, my God that's water.
- Hey, Chris! - That's water. Look what I found.
- That's a river source. - Wait, where is this river? - Karl!
- Is that Ludwig yelling? - Is that Ludwig? - Hello?
- Okay, Karl I'm having fun with the drone. You go save Ludwig. - Ludwig just screams.
- Karl! - Where is he? Is he in the forest?
- Where are you? - Ludwig! - Karl!
- Ludwig! - Karl! Karl!
Oh my God. - Are you kidding? - That's like nothing.
- These are good sticks. - That also wasn't even in the bag. - But I.
. . - Watch yourself with that stick.
- We need a meeting, Jimmy. Ludwig was lost in there and I find him with a bag of about eight sticks. - Man, that's actually a lot of wood.
- It's a good amount of sticks. - He was out there for an hour. .
- Here's the situation. This plane wing can fall at any point, we barely have any water left, and we haven't even built that helipad for the helicopter to land and pick us up when the time's up yet. I know everyone's about to go to bed, but I just remember we have a flare gun.
- Help! - Oh. - Oh, wow.
Wait, is it gonna come down? Oh, we're dead. Oh wait, nevermind.
Another one! Ooh. Before you shoot our last flare, what if we actually need a flare?
- Why would we possibly need a flare? - Apparently this drone has a thermal camera. So we decided to test something in the name of science.
- Dude let me write a message in urine. - All right, we're ready? Write us a message in your pee.
- I think I see it. - Yes, we see his pee! - You see it?
I put my initials. - Yeah, we do. - We can see your pee.
- Oh my God. - I wanted to write, "sub to Mreast" but I realized I was gonna run out of fuel. - You don't have enough, yeah.
- Yeah. Oh, that's actually the first water bottle I've had in six hours. - Chris, are you hungry?
- What do you think, Tareq? What kind of question is that? Of course I'm hungry.
Not anybody has ate. - We're not even halfway through the challenge and we're starting to go crazy due to dehydration. - The only thing in the air right now are these bugs.
- Guys, I just realized we're gonna miss our connecting flight. - Guys, I just realized we're probably gonna miss our connecting flight. - I'm not having fun anymore, bro.
- This is taking lay over to a whole new extreme. - It's 4:00 AM, I've gotten no sleep. It's freezing cold outside.
I've gone from heat exhaustion to shivering in like six hours. - How'd everyone sleep last night? - On the wrong side of the plane.
- It got really cold in the cave over there, so we all came over here and slept by the fire. - How much food do we have left? - None.
- We have like 10 packs of nuts. - Is that the only thing? - Literally only peanuts.
- As you guys remember when I was playing with the drone, we saw a river over there. And see now we need to shower and none of us have water minus like, Ludwig. - I drink my four bottles.
- I think we should go find the river. - To the river. ♪ Going to find a river through the woods ♪ You guys gotta remember I grew up in woods.
The roots have been washed out by water, that means we're getting close. Guys, I think I hear it. - Yeah.
Chris, the river did look closer on the drone. - We're almost there. - You guys wanna hear my Chris impression?
"Yo, it's right through here, guys. " - I am actually seeing like little purple dots and I don't know if it's gnats or I'm dehydrated. - I wouldn't drink out of this river - Boy, fishing poles.
- Oh. - We did not put those there, just to be clear. I don't think this is ever gonna be clean enough to drink and bathe in.
- No. - I have a headache and dehydrated. Chris is just gonna keep going.
- We keep trekking off. - I think we just head back to the plane and just leave them. - Shower would have been nice, though.
- Oh, what? Why in America's there just random things in the woods? - Whoa.
- How old is this Mountain Dew? - Whoa. - Oh my God.
This thing's disgusting. Oh, there's wasps in here. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
- All right, let's jet, let's jet. - I got you. - Oh, we brought bug spray.
- Run! - I've never been so excited to get back to a crash site. - We're back!
- Do you hear yelling? - I hear yelling. - What are you a river God?
- I am a river God. That's why I have this staff. It gives me plus 18 intellect.
You guys been being productive? - Chris, you're back. - Chris, who's that?
I'm the river God. - I'm severely dehydrated. They need to pack more waters on plane for when you get in a plane crash.
This is really hard to survive off of like this much water. How does this compare to 24 hours in a desert? - During the day was hot, but we had water.
- How does this compare to 50 hours in the wilderness? - This is way harder. - Because in the wilderness one, we had water.
- Almost like you need water to survive. - Is there actually a helicopter coming or not? I don't actually trust that there's a helicopter coming.
- It's officially been 30 hours, which means we have one more hour until the helicopter saves us. I have three layers of sunscreen on, four layers of bug spray. But that aside, we should build a place for the helicopter to land.
- Go a little faster, we've only got an hour. - You wanna do it? - Why do I have to mow the grass?
- We could burn the grass, 'cause then it'll just be a bare path. Now, theoretically, we should be able to burn the grass inside of where we did the fire extinguisher. - This is a terrible idea.
- So how are you making the H, Chris? - I'm using fire. - Fire!
I took care of it. - I think now we're burning an obvious place for them to land. - Bro, we ran out of water 10 hours ago.
- I'm just excited to go home and take a shower. - What? Come on, you had fun.
Did you not? - It was a good time. - What?
- Exactly. - With the exception of the lack of food, the lack of water, the lack of shower, the lack of sleep. - I'm tired.
- It hurts to breathe. - I haven't had a drink in five hours. - Chris, are you hungry?
- What do you think, Tareq? - Oh wait, do you guys hear. .
. - I hear it. - Oh my God.
- I hear it. Oh my God. - We gotta let him know where we are.
Oh. - Hey! That's our rescue helicopter.
That means that 31 hours is officially up. Here. - Here.
- Right there. - On the H that I made. - Yes!
Look at the trees! - Oh my God! - Whoo!
31 hours in that stupid plane. I'm out here. Goodbye.
I'm gonna go get some water and take a shower. - We're Going Home! We're Going Home!
- That just took layovers to the next level. - To the next level. ♪ Mreast, oh ♪ - I'll tell you this.
I'll tell you this right now. This is about to take layover to the next level. - I swear to go God.
. .
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