Beat Acne & Prevent Wrinkles: How Food impacts our Skin | Episode 18 of 18

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Useful Links Mentioned in the Video: • Anti-Spike Formula, my new supplement that reduces the spike ...
Video Transcript:
glucose spikes lead to inflammation which then increases acne rosacea psoriasis eczema and glucose spikes also lead to glycation which makes wrinkles happen faster and also damage the collagen in your [Music] skin hello angels and welcome to the glucose goddess show I'm J chit bio chemist a French biochemist obsessed with helping you understand your body and your food and how to be in Optimal Health and live the life you want to live today we're talking about skin we're going to talk about glycation inflammation we're going to talk about acne psoriasis eczema we're going to talk about
wrinkles all that good stuff let's get to it hey my dears so listen when you have a skin problem whether it's acne psoriasis eczema redness you see it it is there you think about it all the time you can feel shame around it you canot want to go and do social activities because of it it really takes over our life and often what we think of first when we see something on our skin is we think of putting something else on our skin to try to block it so maybe it's makeup maybe it's topical treatments
maybe it's creams Etc now the thing is usually if something is going on on our skin and it's visible from the outside it's because it's trying to to tell you something about what's going on on the inside of your body I know this can sound a bit counterintuitive but your skin is like the mirror for the inside health of your body and in particular today I want to cover two reasons that your skin may be acting out because of glucose spikes so for a little recap on what glucose spikes are have a look at my
other episode when I do the big deep dive on glucose spikes but right now I want to talk about two of the consequences of glucose spikes and how they may be affecting your skin and how avoiding spikes can help you reduce those symptoms on your skin first things first the first consequence of glucose spikes is inflammation now inflammation is usually a normal healthy response in the body it helps us fight off Invaders it helps us fight off diseases and colds but when inflammation happens for two long which is the case when we have lots of
glucose bikes that are triggering inflammation this can to a lot of inflammatory based diseases and the ones that are related to skin that are inflammatory based are pretty much everything so acne psoriasis eczema rosacea those are all inflammatory based diseases that means that the more inflammation there is in your body the worse those conditions are going to get very simply put if you want to reduce how much of these skin condition PA you're having acne psoriasis rosacea eczema it's very important to reduce inflammation that is the underlying Cornerstone of it all and by reducing your
glucose spikes that's going to be a very effective way of getting that inflammation down if you're not sure where to start in terms of reducing glucose spikes I have a free one pager in the description of this episode with my 10 glucose hacks so these skin conditions when you see flareups when you see redness when you see the acne the psoriasis the eczema the rosacea they are indicating that there's inflammation in your body and often we don't realize that we're causing this inflammation with the way that we're eating notably because we're creating lots of glucose
spikes in our body by eating a lot of starches and sugars without clothes on them or maybe in the wrong order at the wrong time Etc so have a look at my hacks that's going to help you really understand how and when to eat carbs in a way that's going to reduce inflammation hey really quickly if you can't always do my food hacks and you want to eat the carbs that you love with less impact on your glucose levels I created a capsule just for that it's called anti-spike formula you take two before a meal
it cuts the glucose Spike of carbs by up to 40% 100% made out of plants and tested by over 25 clinical trials link is in the description okay back to the episode now of course glucose is not the only thing that impacts our skin there's lifestyle there's chemicals there's skin routines there's stress Etc but it's such an easy and important place to start looking and it can bring a lot of relief to a lot of people very quickly and there's a study that I want to mention it's called a low glycemic load diet improves symptoms
in acne vulgar patients a randomized control trial and in this long Australian study 43 male participants were randomly given either a low glycemic low diet so diet that doesn't create too many glucose spikes or one that creates glucose spikes for 12 weeks and their acne was monitored the participants found that in the diet group that had smaller glucose spikes the number of acne lesions reduced significantly more and their insulin sensitivity improved and they also lost body fat so all is to say that looking at your glucose levels and making sure that they're nice and steady
is going to help reduce inflammation in your body which is going to help reduce acne and other skin conditions like psoriasis eczema and rosacea it is truly the first place to start looking and to give you even more interesting data so in my second book the glucose goddess method I recruited 3,000 people that followed my four most important hacks for four weeks and I asked them how it was going I sent them a bunch of questionnaires now this was not a randomized control trial there was no control group it was not a proper scientific study
it was more like an experiment but that being said at the end of the four weeks by adding just the four hacks 46% of the participants who had skin issues saw improvements in their skin just by adding my four most important hacks which are Savory breakfast vinegar veggie starter and movement and they didn't have to change anything else in their diet when not talking about cutting out carbs we're not talking about counting calories just by adding these four hacks like gentle giants into their lives they were able to see on their skin how the inside
of their body was getting healthier how inflammation was reducing from the inside out now let's move on to wrinkles and aging so another consequence of glucose spikes is that glucose spikes increase glycation and glycation is a bit bit like what happens to a chicken when you cook it in the oven the chicken goes from pink to Brown so it cooks and that's actually glycation that's happening it's just a technical scientific term for it now interestingly from the moment that we're born we are slowly glycating we are slowly cooking like the chicken in the oven and
this glycation this cooking is also similar to aging so from the moment we're born we slowly glycate we slowly age and then when we're fully cooked fully aged we die I know it sounds weird but it's true and we cannot stop glycation from happening we cannot stop aging from happening but what we can do is depending on how we're eating we can slow it down or speed it up and now this glycation this aging it shows on your face as wrinkles it's true so when a molecule of coll becomes glycated because of a lot of
glucose spikes it then breaks and is no longer as flexible as before and this shows on your skin as wrinkles and sagging skin so if you want to slow down the appearance of wrinkles if you want to slow down how quickly you're getting your wrinkles well looking at your diet and how you're eating and looking at your glucose spikes is a really really really important place to look now of course again aging is not entirely defined by just how many glucose spikes you have it's defined by lots of other stuff like exercise exercise is the
most powerful thing you can do if you want to slow down aging like reducing stress like good sleep like emotional connection and more but your glucose levels also have a strong part to play in this so if you want to slow down how many wrinkles you're getting have a look at the free one pager in the description of this episode with my 10 core glucose hacks and that's a really nice easy place to start now because glycation happens every everywhere in the body it also impacts other systems notably glycation will impact your hair and your
nails and your wound repair capability so it's not just about the wrinkles on your face it's also about all the other stuff going on around your skin around your hair around your nails around how quickly you heal from a wound on your skin so it's super key to get this glycation down so that your collagen stays nice and flexible and robust and healthy so that your skin stays healthy and in its prime for as long as possible so there you have it a little recap on how glucose bikes and skin are correlated glucose bikes lead
to inflammation which then increases acne rosacea psoriasis eczema and glucose spikes also lead to glycation which makes wrinkles happen faster and also damage the collagen in your skin so if you want your skin to be bright and shiny and healthy for as long as possible look at your glucose bikes guys it's super important free pdf in the description of this video to start your journey you can also check out my video with my 10 core glucose hacks if you want to get some more detail on those and that is all we have time for today
I will see you next time bye [Music] oh
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