4 Game-Changing AI Tools You Didn’t Know Existed For Research

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Andy Stapleton
In this video, I explore four AI tools for research that you might not have heard of before. Each to...
Video Transcript:
the first AI talk you should know about is storm storm is from Stanford University Ooh La La let's see if they can live up to the hype of their own name and branding so here we've got co- storm get a Wikipedia like report on your topic with AI and there's two ways that you engage with this essentially you can have like just a storm um answer where the AI does all the work for you and then you can have Cod storm where you have someone like an expert you in the middle sort of like working
alongside the AI so if we go here you can see that uh this is something I've generated before and I put in um transparent electrode materials you'll see how I did that in a minute but I want to show you the pretty impressive results so this is what happens behind the scenes you have a material scientist an electrical engineer an environmental engineer and then a basic fact writer that work together these are different AI agents to create this uh report and so here I've got transparent electrode materials I've got types of transparent electron materials it
is very very in depth for the amount of uh prompting this took it is incredible and then down here you can see we get a little structure of everything it included it's even got like challenges and limitations it's got current research and Innovations actually click on that let's see what that says so down here you can see also that we've got different um references where it's gone out to a URL you can see this is actually a peer reviewed uh paper so we click on that it takes me to the peer reviewed paper which is
great cuz it's not hallucina ating and then we have all of the different sort of like advancements all in different paragraphs and I really really like that you can see it's got some limitations you know here it's just using that same reference for all of these but nonetheless it is a really great place to start how do you actually use it well you go up here to new session and then you type in uh create a new article and so let's have a look opv devices and then down here you get this annoying box and
it's a bit annoying because it's just like extra work but you should definitely do it I don't know why I'm so annoyed at it but it's there and also we get here you know general internet search it's got a drop down but don't give me a drop down if I can only select one thing I guess they're going to include more things in the future but whatever and then we've got uh okay a opv devices uh intro to peer reviewed uh paper that's what I want to write and then we've got down here storm which
is completely autonomous which is the sort of like generation of different AI agents and then we get c-storm down here so I'm going to click on storm AI autonomous because I don't want to do any work I'm lazy and then we wait we do the AI waiting [Music] [Applause] game it says here it may take up to 3 minutes and my experience from last time is it was pretty fast so let's just uh wait around a little bit maybe I'll spin on my chair oh this is interesting like you can see that it's going to
all of the different uh peer-reviewed Publications that it's found online and it said finish browsing this finish browsing this so it gives me confidence that it's actually finding scientific uh research that relevant to my topic not just doing like a general uh Bing or Google search and then coming up with rubbish it's using uh peer-reviewed paper which is just what I would expect from Stanford anyway back to waiting meanwhile here we go it's spit out this incredible thing here organic photovoltaic device we've got different references um we've got all of the structure the structure it
does is very very good I cannot believe that it's like produced this literature review so easily obviously it's the starting point right don't get on me being like oh you can't use that as your own work yes we all know that by now but look this is done for you even just having the headings is an advantage the fact that it's got references under it that have all of the information it's not hallucinating I love it it's completely free to use well done Stanford you've outdone yourself I really like this tool go check it out
for your research field mify formally chat mind whatever um it's an AI mind map summarizer so you end up with this like you put in a PDF and you end up with a mind map now it's not free but there are free limitations that you can take advantage of so I generated this map here if we open it up you can see I put in one of my papers and it gave me this map so this is the format this is how you sort of like change the dropdown so let's have a look I want
a actual mind map and then you can see there I want to fit map to the screen and this is what you generate from a simple PDF upload is the kind of mind mapping process this is something that would have taken hours if you do it on your own but now you've got it here lovely and set up for you can click on things and uh edit it if you want to add information but creating a new map is really simple and even though this isn't free I think this is super powerful within the free
limitations for stuff like a uh review article where you need to have a look at a big article and break it down into its themes and uh research group so if we go up here to new map we clip there and then it's like ask anything so you can type in a research question PDF doc you put in long text you can put in a website YouTube image audio I love that you've got loads of ways of putting in information for example you could put in audio of your recent uh supervisor meeting and it will
give you a mind map of what the themes were that you disc discuss and the outcomes and all that sort of stuff so it is sort of like a tool that can go beyond just using it for PDF documents and summarizing things nonetheless I think the most powerful way to use it for Academia and research is here so put in a PDF and document you click here to upload your file and then this is the one thing I like about it we click here for mify and then you'll see it just generate the map in
front of your very eyes in a minute oh here we go it's off and this is one thing I like so it's got introduction to transparent electrodes it's got development of that it's got flexibility and durab look at this it's B spitting it out and I like the fact they've shown it being built because you kind of get like a little bit closer to the stuff it's generating I don't know why and no upgrade no thank you we're students we don't have any money no I don't want to invite friends and earn credit so here
you can change the different type of style of the map um we'll just stick with that one and also the type of map so you can have a mind map a l chart a tree chart and also a grid let's have a look at grid nope don't like that tree chart don't like that all right let's just stick with normal mind map there we are so this is a place where you can get the outline and um the uh key themes of a review paper really simply and easily just by uploading it and then it
just makes your life so much easier thank you very much mapify formerly chat mind not sponsored by the way none of these are sponsored the next toour you should know about research flow research flow is this a dive deep into your research we'll see about that research flow but we've got dive in now let's have a look but this is what happens you put up a PDF um or it generates a PDF uh sort of like search for you we we'll look at that in a minute and then you've got this other little like mind
map here which I really like so you get uh answers from trusted sources you can dive Deeper by uploading a PDF all of that is really great but let's have a little look at what it can actually do for free because that's what I'm really interested in as a student when I'm starting out my research so once we're all logged in we've got here research flow new research this is something that I had a look at before and you can see here it's you know I asked Ai and then it came up with all of
this on the question how does chronic sleep loss affect cognition and so it's got a PDF it's really awkward to navigate can we zoom in no that goes up and down um but there we are you can sort of like zoom in and then use the mouse to kind of drag the page around but uh yeah this is everything that a particular PDF is that it found and it found this reference here if we click on that it opens up the reference and you can see where it is but we don't put the PDF in
necessarily we can start by going up here to New research and we can go to search and then type the question you want to ask this is where you um can put any research question it will go away and find a reference and the good thing is we can click Pro here Pro we get six searches day so you just need to wait 24 hours if you run out one thing I love about those sort of AI tools is that it has got a really nice sort of like generous free um service for PhD students
and students because you know we don't have much money do we when we're students so type the question you want to ask I want ask about beards what beards are most attractive and if it doesn't say Andy stapletons then we will never ever believe it will we so what beards are most attractive and it says AI is right writing we've got all of this what's this one mean add a little like node and then we've got copy the full text all sorts so AI is writing let's have a little bit of a wait we'll do
the AI writing uh we'll do the AI waiting game then we got here attractive beard style short stubble full beard oh I've got a full beard short beard factors influencing beard attractiveness we like that then grooming and maintenance there we are so you can see it's generating a mind map from a simple prompt it's not like mapify where you need to go find the information yourself it's found the information and we're using Pro so we're using up a few more of our credits for the day but I found with Pro that it works much much
better so go check it out for your research field go check out research flow the last all you need to know about is archive pulse and here it says stay informed on the latest research without feeling overwhelmed so there's lots of stuff on archive for particular research Fields but the problem is you know sometimes we're just overwhelmed there's so much going on out there but here this is what uh you end up with is a nice digest of archived papers or papers from archive um and a nice sort of like uh AI generated summary there
are some limitations with this and I'm going to tell you what I don't like about this first first of all is it's really expensive $15 a month so if you can get your PhD supervisor or your University to pay for this even better I think this is too expensive for the average student but nonetheless this is what you can do once you're in so you can try it out out and then I've signed in before so this is what happens is you get your pulses then you got your digest archive so here you click create
new create new and then you enter your topic and you put in a keyword then you choose your um category and then you choose a subcategory and then you choose how often you want it so super simple you know not much information you need to put in there but my pulses this is one that I did from transparent electrode materials and you can see that it's in physics Material Science and frequency every five days last scent at this time so let's see what that actually looked like there we are so now this is what it
looks like in my Gmail so here we've got hi Andy hello in this newsletter we'll delve into yeah it's quite wordy that's the second thing I want you to know about this is it's very very wordy but nonetheless it is kind of a nice summary without having to go read all of the papers the fact it sort of like puts it together for you great but to the developers just make it a little bit more sort of like summary wise less sort of like dense text and I think it could be little bit better um
here we've got transparent electr material so advancements blah blah blah and it gives you highly transparent this it tells you the link to the paper and then it gives you a an AI summary I feel like like I said that could be a little bit more concise and then we've got the conclusion and essentially a two long didn't read actually yeah that's what I'd like I'd like a to Long didn't read in here that's what I really want nonetheless that is what it looks like so archive PS if the cost comes down or they give
a sort of like a generous free offer or you can get your University to pay pay for it great and I think once they sort of like start refining how people want to interact with this it could get better so put it on your watch list for the moment those are the tools if you like this video go check out this one where I talk about important AI tool rules that you should know about if you're using AI tools for research you should know about them go check it out
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