Pode treinar com dor muscular tardia?

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Leandro Twin
Assessoria esportiva online e cursos: http://www.leandrotwin.com.br/ E-book "Dieta Inteligente - Pa...
Video Transcript:
On Tuesday I went there and did a extreme quality training and Wednesday I woke up in pain. Okay. On Thursday I woke up more sore yet and on Friday I had to train that same muscle again and he is sore.
Should I train him? Yes or not? Very good question from you.
We will here respond very punctually and correct. So stay with me, click on liked it and subscribe to the channel it helps much. Well, in the other video I discussed about load magnitude, and that you can find here on the channel, always you have any questions Leandro Twin more theme you you will find a video of me here on the beauty channel.
Load magnitude, we have four types of load magnitudes when we talk of training, regenerative load, stabilizing, ordinary and shock. When I do a shock charge is an aggression too big for muscle and body. When I do a regenerative charge it's a lighter workout, it's almost a deload.
So understanding this will depend of the loads that I want to apply. So for example, let's say my triceps is stagnant, what is a advanced inter microcycle technique that I can I use? I can use shock charge.
"Leandrão already explained the shock charge? " Also, so come with me that here is almost a college upada on this youtube for you to assemble weight training. You will use a charge of shock.
What does a shock charge consist of? I have I explained there but let's do a brushstroke. I will make a aggression in the muscle and another aggression in the muscle for when it overcompensates the curve be very good and break that plateau.
So I'm going to train triceps on Friday, I will demand a lot from him and in Saturday I'll train triceps again, I can do that? I can is a shock charge. But after a shock load, obviously the literature tells us what?
A regenerative charge, so I'm going go back to training the triceps finished only 10,12,14 days because I I made a very big aggression on him and this phenomenon can break the plateau and in fact in my experience it breaks a plateau wonderfully well or foresee one already prevented you don't even enter, which is ideal when you have a coach, that's what I do with my students. When I realize that the rhythm is dropping I apply shock loads and that doesn't even allow him to enter the plateau anymore. So sometimes he says, "I never got in Leandrão plateau, you don't have to do anything.
" on the contrary, then I worked like hell so that you don't get there. So in this case I will train with pain, I will there I will do triceps to break and another day i'll do it in pain again it will hurt, I will do it and this pain will get worse and it will last for several days but then it will recover and go away and break the plateau. But obviously if I don't intend to make a load that way if I training with pain this can be bad, because I am sore, I will train sore I will probably get more sore and this can lead to an overtraining process.
So, depending on the case, if not a programmed shock charge I must rest. What happens is this, when you do some exercises and different movements you can get very sore and when you always do the same workout you tend not to get very sore, but when you don't get sore does not mean that your muscle is recovered, look what a thing. So look, let's suppose I start doing direct thread every day.
If I start doing every day always 3 out of 10 in my first one day it will hurt, the second i will end in pain in the third and then I will adapt, but I'm training with muscle not recovered only that it doesn't have a process inflammatory to the point that I feel pain. So when you don't feel pain you don't want to say that the muscle is not recovered and the The greatest proof of this is the following, go to gym and does 10 chest exercises, each a 4 series, when you finish training in an hour are you sore "No Leandrão, the pain only comes the other day. " Are you recovered?
"No, not also, I just destroyed everything I did everything until failure. " So notice that with this example you see that the other day if you wake up and you haven't sore does not mean you are recovered. So what does pain tell us?
Pain tells us that there is muscle damage but when there is no pain it doesn't mean that there is no muscle damage. So when we will set up a training we we have to think about overcompensation and not because of the pain, because the pain sometimes deceit. I invite anyone from you, do you train for hypertrophy?
We train. How much do you do with biceps? How many repetitions?
I do it normally from 16 to 12. Ta, try to make 50. If you do 50 the other day you will wake up sore.
Even failure because it is a stimulus different and that doesn't mean it's good for hypertrophy, then we cannot associate pain with hypertrophy and neither pain with necessarily not training because you can apply a shock charge, and also we cannot apply non-pain to power train, because you can still continue in recovery. Yes. I know it's confusing I know which is complex, understand that sometimes we take one college, several free, several years to be able to learn about structuring a workout and summarizing in 10 minutes absolutely clean so that anyone without luggage can understanding is sometimes difficult, but I'm here in this attempt.
"Leandro Twin are you trying to help me and I understand. "So if you can click on like and subscribe to channel this is very cool because it is a subject advanced. If you are in this video and you understand if you consider yourself advanced.
"Beauty Leandrão but I am not advanced and I want to leave here with something, I already I learned a little thing thank you very much, but now i want you to give me something more practical. "What can I tell you more practical for you. If you are the one who sets up your training and you don't have so much knowledge, don't look make shock loads, always make loads ordinary shares.
So always basic charge. Train calm, because if you apply an advanced training technique, requires more knowledge, advanced knowledge. Like you don't do it.
Train regularly. If do you train regularly what will happen? You will have some occasional pains, but as you structured a basic workout you very probably won't be sore for next workout, at least not in a way frequent.
And now that I'm going to discuss more a dot. When you train with pain it generates a faster adaptation of your body to not feel the pain. P example.
Who does abcd training, then each muscle group once a week, tends to feel more pain than who does ab2x training. So who trains chest twice a week, Mondays and Thursdays, tends to feel less pain from those who do breast every Monday and that's it. Or either when you get more training you tend to feel more pain.
When you have more often you reduce the incidence of pain. So if you switched training now and doing something new you will feel more pain, be it repetitions, be it order of exercises advanced techniques, the exercises themselves, anything you vary you tend to feel more pain in the beginning. In this case if it is this application, you will train with pain.
"But it will get the synergist and it won't pay off as well. " is an adaptation period and if you trains with pain you adapt more fast. So I trained biceps and I'm in pain, I will train back, should I train?
It should. However, I’ve been training biceps for six months and always in pain, so we have a structural training error, no it can last that long. One week, two burst bursting three weeks I train with pain, a system like that all right.
Not always now. We have an error of training possibly a diet error or both because nothing is polarized, or is this or is this, suddenly there is a little error there and a little error here. So if you entered now at the gym for example and doing an adaptation training, you will be all sore and you must train even in pain that's part of it.
Now, there was a month and I'm still like this, oops, let's take some care because I think that something is wrong there. Now if you are an advanced individual, you know what is doing and applying a shock charge, ok. In that case you must not only must go to train with pain.
So don't stick to do a well structured training of quality and if you get sore from some time and you have to train with pain in that time, train anyway in "Leandro Twin can I lower the load? " If you can keep the load, great keep it. If you can't.
"Po Leandrão it is very painful, I will decrease a little and I will do more concentrated. "You can do that. You will quickly adapt to this way and then it is no longer to happen.
If something is scheduled, then obviously how is programming you should do, what you should avoid training with pain is for a long period. I've been for months training with pain. So in this case the we need to see what's wrong of structuring training and diet of and obviously hormonal part.
"Leandro Twin how cool this advanced training load business that it's a shock charge, you've already made a video about it? "I already made it and it's here. In this video I explained how do you make a shock charge like that after you make it efficient, because making shock charge is one thing, now you get the recovery out of it and breaking a plateau is another part of process, but I explained everything here in this video then check that this is the key a castle.
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