This Just Changed YouTube Forever

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Ed Lawrence
Free AI Planning Bot ✅ Transform your YouT...
Video Transcript:
you probably think you don't have enough time to grow a YouTube channel but that's potentially no longer true because AI has gotten so good is changing the way that people grow their channels and their businesses so in this video I'm going to show you eight AI tools that are going to revolutionize how you use YouTube Forever from thumbnails to scaling production to moving you 10 times faster and easier but before we start I need to put these glasses on because I have very bad eye strain and the opition is told me to El and joh
mode is now activated so let's let's get cracking all right so this first AI is free you can access it from the link in the description and what it's going to do is this so in about two minutes it'll tell you exactly what to put in your next video so that it stands more of a chance of breaking out and growing your channel and it's going to do that based on what your viewers have said about similar videos so things like what they loved what they hated what confused them what questions remained unanswered and then
it's going to give you a step-by-step guide telling you exactly what to put in your video to give them absolutely everything they love and a bit more what that means is you can just stop guessing about what were include and just make what's in demand faster so you can see what it spat out on the screen right now feel free to pause it and give that a read it's flipping amazing all right so this next one this AI is how I produced a workshop that usually takes me about four to 5 days in an afternoon
and I simply cannot express how much of a game changer this is so let me just show you a few ways I'm using this to 4X my output 4X is not an exaggeration either this is blowing my mind so let's say you want to make a video or you want to make a social media post and you're like I know what to say but I kind of want to level it up a bit and I want to include some deeper info and I want to make sure I didn't miss anything but I don't want to
spend hours researching all you do is you use this and it will search the web for you and come back with a ton of information that you can add to your content but it's not just that that's just like basic mode so check out this prompt that I wrote it says I want you to research the best ways to create an email nurture system I want you to find tricks and tips people have for them as well as look for the best system I can use for building my own search Reddit Twitter blogs YouTube I
then want you to outline what the perfect system from the methods they give you is make sure you go deep on things like sending frequency the type of emails to send and then make each type of email into a template anyone could adapt to their own also I want you to give advice on how much to sell ways to sell and if there's any different selling techniques for different price points anyway it goes away and does its thing and then half an hour later it came back with this I think this is the best guide
on building an email nurture campaign kind of for beginners because it made it so simple so then what I did was I took this guide I pasted it into another Doc and I spent basically half editing it and then adding my own things to it that maybe didn't include or I wanted a build on now I need to be clear I have a lot of experience with email marketing so I do know this stuff I'm not going completely blind but there were a few things where I thought you know what I didn't know that that's
a great little tip but also there's a few things I thought you know what I can do better so this is more like a turbocharger for an engine not the engine itself but it doesn't end there this gets better so imagine if you could free up just one extra hour a day to focus on your business or Channel that give you two weeks of time extra a year and you could do so much more with that time well this bot actually makes it a reality because growing a Channel or business isn't just about working on
the business it's about removing the things that get in the way of you working on it too so let's say you want to go on holiday which sounds amazing right but it can take like five hours to plan flights and what you want to do so here you just tell it your budget where you want to go what sort of weather you want what sort of experiences ask it to go and research and then get it to come out of a plan this is kind of one of the things about business in YouTube people are
always looking at how can they get more productive one of the best ways to do that is to remove as much life admin as you can now the only downside really is this is open ai's Pro level so it's about $200 a month but for businesses out there you could use this probably once a month and it will pay you back in time savings so that brings me on to our next Ai and this is just another game changer too so imagine if you could clone yourself how much more do you think you could get
done well I have I built a bot to give intro feedback script feedback sales page feedback do research basically I have all these different versions of me that can do all different types of tasks who doesn't get tired or Miss obvious things or who doesn't have a bad day and struggles to focus or think and it could provide me a really high quality second opinion on anything I produce so now when I'm writing I am so much faster because AI will help me edit the first draft which again probably saves me about one to two
hours per script and if you really want to pump steroids into this thing watch this this is insane so I went back to the research bot and I typed this in I want you to build a bot that turns YouTube scripts or emails into short form video scripts to do that I want you to research how to write the perfect short form video I want you to find the most popular styles for educators and help me compile rules for writing each of them I want you to find Reddit forums that have short form hacks and
any piece of advice that can get me more views on YouTube shorts reals and Tik Tok I then want you to create templates anyone could use to make short form scripts now this was the first time I ever used this so I didn't really have much of an expectation for it but it's about this guide look at it the depth is insane there's 10 blades for each of the best performing video Styles so I basically just tweak what it's written and I can add a few more things but it's created a short form system but
it doesn't stop there because I then ask C AI if you can take this guide that you've made and turn it into a prompt I can then use to build my own AI bot so that I can feed in sections of a script and it will produce three different styles of short form scripts based on these guides and my rules and BOS each script can give me like five short form posts and it gives me different styles of scripts based on the viral formats that it's researched so in an hour got like 10 pieces of
content and the Skeptics are going to be like oh I can tell it's AI it's spitting out crap well yeah if you spend all of your day analyzing AI post you might be able to tell but what it's putting out isn't bad if you know how to edit it now these Bots they're not good enough for long form script share and if you don't know how to write you're not going to get as much out of this as people who do know how to write because you're not going to know how to spot the quality
outputs over the kind of crappy ones so what I think you should be doing right now is just make a list of absolutely everything that takes your time everything you wish you could do a bit faster everything you hate and just ask AI how it can help you build systems and processes to fix these issues and when you do that you're using AI to build more Ai and I'm pretty sure that's how the robot apocalypse starts anyway these little Bots they're called gpts you can make them on an open AI subscription and they're very very
simple to set up and no not everything I make is AI now all right so this next AI is another 10x speeder rerer looks like this so the issue with the YouTube Community which is by the way getting more engagement for me now versus Twitter by a mar is if you don't include an image it doesn't quite pop as much right but making images where takes a long time until now because watch this right now you can scroll a script into this called napkin Ai and let's just enter wait a little bit boom it turns
it into these cool little visuals now simple diagrams like this are a fantastic tool for simplifying your ideas and kind of improving information uptake and look I just made one for this video right now it's good right now don't just drop your entire script in just do it in little sections maybe like a point at a time and it will give you some strong outputs it's called napkin AI All Right Moves me on to the next one so have you better put off learning a new software because of the time it takes to get to
grip with well you don't need to worry anymore because this AI is basically like having a little tutor that sits next to you telling exactly what button to push anytime you want to learn some software and it works like this you can basically just talk to it and say out loud stuff so here's a demo I shot earlier so the first thing we do is go to aist studio. go to stream real time click this little start recording allow it how do I start a new project in Final Cut Pro Final Cut Pro go
to the file menu then select new and then choose project is there anything else I can help you with today in Photoshop how do I adjust the size of my image to adjust the size of your image in Photoshop go to the image menu then select image size what kind of project are you working on today it's a thumbnail for YouTube videos okay so for a YouTube thumbnail you'll want to make sure the image size is 1,280 pixels wide by 720 pixels high with an aspect ratio of 16 to9 would you like me to walk
you through the steps in Photoshop no thanks but could you write plan record and post a video for me you're great I understand that you want me to write plan record and post a video for you but I cannot perform those actions as I'm just a text based program however you're fired you're fired shut up so Photoshop marketing software notion any that you could try it and this could help slash the learning curve which for editing software and photoshop on YouTube I know is a massive time suck for people so I can't quite believe we
have this the next AI this is another freebie it's going to save you about 20 minutes per video I reckon and it's s to do these little things called chapters so you see below my video If you drag your mouse along there's these like different sections well it's kind of a good service for an educator to add these chapters to your video especially if you're doing like a deep dive or realistical the thing is I hate doing them they take ages they kind of really fiddly and you can get a VA to do it that's
fine but you could just sh in this method too and it might help now YouTube will Auto chapter these but I don't like it's Auto chapters it often gets them kind of wrong or says things I don't want it to say in the chapter I like to have a little bit more curiosity than just saying what it is so what I do is upload my video and then go to this tool here pop in the URL it then tells me the transcript plus all the times I then just throw that into my favorite Ai and
ask it to make some video chapters now you have to be careful cuz it will know what you're asking for but if your prompt sucks it's going to give you crack back so you might need to adjust it a little bit to refine your prompt but basically it'll write the chapter for you and come up with intriguing names if you ask it to and then you just need to check it now sometimes it does need a bit of a tweak but most of the time it's really good it's saving me a lot so if you
do have team members this is another thing like you need to be training them on this stuff now because if you have four team members and you forx they out out put congratulations you got 16 team members without the 16 team member headache now this next AI I'm keeping my little Bey eye on because it's not quite there yet but I do think it might be very soon and basically it's just going to enable you to make 25 videos at a touch of a button so what you do is you drop a link in and
then the AI Cuts up your Clips you've probably seen this it's not that new and it gives you these outputs it out subtitles you can edit it the editor is really easy to use but here's what's interesting so one thing you should maybe be thinking about if you want to use a tool like this is making sure you ton of hooks at the start of every point so that it's optimized for short form because I put one of my deep Dives in and out at the 25 I'd say five were very good five were okay
and the other 10 were kind of a bit like me but that's 10 pieces of content from pushing a button now there is a downside when your video's got a ton of Graphics or screenshots on it they look very good because it's all out of sync with the video so one thing I'm considering doing is just exporting the video with no Graphics nothing just like a shot like this and then loading it up to kind of make the whole workflow a lot simpler now I spoke to a few short form exports recently and said is
this a good strategy for growth they said know but I also had a chat at James Smith about it and he said actually repurposing just putting up Clips it will get people in your DMs and you can convert that way now things called Opus Clips no they're not sponsoring me now this next AI this is going to level your thumbnail skills up 5 years in half an hour and my clients are using it to make images like this it's a complete Game Cher and it's a little fiddly to set but I think for most people
especially if you're a beginner this just dropped the thumbnail barrier to entry like years it's called replicate you basically take a bunch of photos of yourself you load them in and then you can write a prompt like Ed sitting at a desk or you can do this you can put Al ab's thumbnail in and then have it make your own version which unless I changed it was the thumbnail I used for this sorry Ally now we don't want to use this thing to like rip off thumbnails we want to use it to be heavily inspired
and then we want to tweak it ourselves to make it unique because there's no point being another clone or someone else so with all this in mind what is going to happen to YouTube now because the barrier for entry is dropping at an alarming speed well certain things are going to get easier but the fundamentals I don't think they're going to change so if you want to learn how to master the fundamentals and go from zero to a million dollars on YouTube watch this video next because I believe there's almost nothing in that will be
impacted by AI
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