Thunderbolts and The Moral Relativism of Modern Hollywood

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The Dave Cullen Show
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[Music] the trailer to the new Thunderbolts movie a new MCU film has been released it's kind of like the Avengers B team so it stars Florence Pew as yena Bova the New Black Widow she was first introduced in the blackluster Black Widow movie David Harbor as Red Guardian introduced in the same film Hannah John Cayman as ghost Julia Louie dfus as Valentina something something Fontaine she's kind of the Nick Fury hero assembler character Sebastian Stan as bookie Barnes Winter Soldier Wyatt Russell introduced in Falcon and Winter Soldier he was briefly Captain America he lost that
position and became us agent Lewis pman as century and Olga coreno as Taskmaster now having looked at the trailer the film looks okay actually I'm not seeing anything really special here mind you it doesn't look great by that I mean visually it's so dull with this Bland grayish desaturated color palette remember when superhero movies looked like this give me some color please some life remember when scenes were well lit look how dull daylight is in this film it was also like this for secret Invasion I've seen this in a few films now where there's so
much black in the image and the characters are already wearing dark clothes the color pal is so desaturated and the lighting is so poor deliberately it seems that when the camera cuts to a new shot it can be difficult for the eye to know exactly where it's supposed to be looking right so we don't exactly know immediately uh who or what we're supposed to be focused on I really hate that about modern Cinema these days I hope it's an annoying Trend that ends soon so the story is that these characters have all done bad things
they've been assassins and Contract Killers someone now wants all of them dead so that's the basis of the story and it looks like bookie Barnes is turned against them at some point I don't know I'm not going to complain needlessly about what I've seen in this trailer okay because there is actually only one thing that really bothers me so in the trailer Valentina something something Fontaine she gives a speech and she says we're brought up with this belief that there are good guys guys and there are bad guys but eventually you come to realize that
there are bad guys and there are worse guys and nothing else now I think some of you knew I was going to talk about this so this is the moral relativist Trend again rearing its ugly head so we've seen this in Hollywood over and over for the past few years now remember recently with the acolyte one of the themes of that show was a more gray area morally between the Jedi and the Sith and the light and the dark side bounding into Comics remarked about this back in April of 20123 when the acolyte star Charlie
Barnett said the best part about Star Wars is there is no good or evil depends on what side you're standing on this moral relativist philosophy flies in the face of the clear-cut distinctions between good and evil that are supposed to be at the core of Star Wars likewise we're seeing this now in rings of power where they're trying to make Sauron this sympathetic character there's all this shipping for him and gadriel right there was this line in season one H sometimes to find the light we must first touch the darkness no it's possible to see
what evil is without partaking in it it's possible to see evil A Million Miles Away in fact if you raise children correctly that is modern Hollywood love loves this for some reason Shades of Gray morality where there is no good or evil the problem with this is there is evil in the world there are bad people who have terrible agendas and by not reinforcing positive depictions of morality by not explaining to young people The Perils and dangers of evil and its deceptions by not showing them the importance of values they can become easy prey for
Wicked people people or worse they can become Wicked people themselves Fontaine speech in this trailer is so utterly stupid I mean what are you suggesting that there's no good guys anymore what when did this happen this is supposed to be a superhero franchise emphasis on the word hero what kind of messed up moral framework is this this is the big issue with allowing children to watch the these kinds of Productions in my opinion and I would argue that part of the soullessness of so many recent MCU Productions is that they're all lacking the moral conviction
that they once had the conviction that inspires people to Greatness and if we want to get deeper with this we could we could talk about it from a theological perspective even a Christian point of view now you can look at it purely in philosophical terms I hope I don't turn off too many people when I talk about this stuff but by creating a world where people don't abide by or aspire to goodness and the light what happens is they are saturated in an environment that is morally bankrupt and so they are prone to sinning okay
so it's like having pollution and toxins in the air around you you're going to get sick okay likewise the very absence of values and strong morals is a pathway to Darkness for the individual and the society and where the society goes individuals follow because for the most part people are followers and in a cyclical fashion where an individual goes that reinforces the direction of the society and culture at the macro level so this is why moral absolutes are so important and they're supposed to exist this is why traditions and standards are supposed to be the
pillars for our civilization this is why we uphold them this is why we protect them now if you think I'm overthinking this tell me why this moral gray area relativism Trend keeps appearing in Hollywood and I'm sure you can think of other examples of this and you can leave those comments below the key message that young people have to learn as they grow up and what they're supposed to understand is that evil wins in our world by default if good people stand by and do nothing that's why heroes are supposed to exist and that's why
we write stories about them and why we write cautionary tales for children that's why we used to Champion and celebrate values like delayed gratification self-sacrifice self-reliance empathy compassion courage duty honor being brave love of one's nation and Homeland and family God not giving into temptation our connection to our ancestors all these things upholding these things keeps evil at Bay removing these values redefining morality unpacking it transforming it deconstructing it this is how the devil gets in the door and how good is is neutralized as the saying goes the devil's greatest trick is convincing the world
he doesn't exist it's just like that with evil it bothers me immensely how these Sinister messages are creeping into media and seemingly going unnoticed or unchallenged instead children are not being given solid role models to Aspire to they're being given these ruthless dark broken anti-heroes riddled with self-doubt who are all too often sitting down and breaking bread with evil the Timeless archetype of the hero and his or her journey has always been at its most compelling when we know that evil has it easy good does not have it easy the good guys have the odds
stacked against them that's what makes them heroic and Noble it is hard to stay on the path of righteousness that's why it's worthwhile that's why we relate to stories where the hero has to undergo a major personal transformation to be humbled to fall and rise again and return stronger to climb out of the darkness and hopefully save the day this is why the theme of redemption is such a significant part of Christianity because it's about the individual's atonement for their past sins and that's something that has worked its way into the stories that we like
to tell ourselves about our ourselveses and the stories we want to imagine ourselves in remember with great power comes great responsibility we want to go on that Journey with the hero but hey I'm just overthinking it right come on Dave stop being so cringe with all this morality talk right it's just a movie bro it's just a movie but the moral gray area narrative keeps being pushed over and over again across multiple franchises boy I wonder why let me know your thoughts in the comments below thank you very much for watching take care and I'll
see you next time bye-bye [Music]
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