if there's one thing that you can do around the time of this cancer full moon let it be this listening to your emotions and your intuition sitting pausing seeing how it feels in your body and really reflecting on what home shelter just sort of energetic boundaries feels like and I say these things because we know that the Moon is home in the sign of cancer cancer is ruled by the moon and as many of you already know the Moon is directly tied to our emotional state our intuition our relationships and especially around the time of
full moons in general that's when a lot of these emotions can come to the surface just as the moon can raise the tides and all water particles on Earth so too can it raise our own emotions and our intuitive abilities cancer in modern astrology is represented by the crab it's also been represented by the lobster and even the turtle in some traditional cultures in the tropics and it's no coincidence these are all aquatic you know animals that have shells or they have exoskeletons really representing this overarching theme of protection insulation the home now this lunation
on January 13th 2025 is going to be the first full moon of the year and it'll likely be a deeply personal one for many of us really Illuminating these themes of emotional security nurturing and a sense of relief so with that said let's explore the meanings for you as they unfold collectively and on an individual level as I will be giving individual zodiac readings for each sign and don't forget the number one way to support my work here on YouTube if you aren't already subscribed is literally just hitting the like button it's free and it
supports my free work and I appreciate it so thank you in advance now this cancer full moon will be peing at 23° in the sign of Cancer opposing the sun which will be in Capricorn all full moons oppose the sun now full moons really highlight in general these culmination points as mentioned before really moments of CL it and sometimes emotional intensity and Cancer's more nurturing and intuitive energy will likely be inviting us to reflect on how far we've come in caring for not only ourselves but for others and it'll be inviting us to release anything
that no longer serves us that doesn't feel aligned with those themes of self-care holding space for how we actually feel and also insulating ourselves in places where we might need to I.E boundaries by the way I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you guys so so much if you have gotten an rline astrology planner we've been flooded with a bunch of new reviews for the 2025 planner and I am honestly Blown Away by how much you guys are enjoying it and I don't mean that to toot my own horn or anything like
that I work all spring and summer on these planners usually and I work by myself even if I even as I make these videos I'm mainly by myself all the time and so getting this type of feedback specifically on the details of the Planner on all of the sections on the new additions like it means so so much to me like that was my Christmas gift seeing those so I just really want to say thank you for that but anyway let's first take a moment to look at the broader astrological influences that will be shaping
this lunation so the top transits essentially so first up we will have the sun in Capricorn forming a try aspect with Uranus in Taurus so this is the type of Transit happening around this full moon that can indicate the higher likelihood of unexpected yet usually constructive breakthroughs and I say this because Uranus is the planet of innovation of change it's really all about progressiveness and Innovation and when it comes together with the sun which is almost boosting its effect so to speak together this aspect is really suggesting potential surprising Revelations that could be unfolding specifically
in areas tied to our association with stability resources and our long-term visions of what will play out in the world it can be this moment where we can feel a sort of shakeup that can tend to have more longer lasting effect but ultim it's usually tied to um some level of progress in some way it's just likely that there can be some unexpected changes around the time of this full moon and we really want to look closely at what's going on with the moon because we know this is a full moon but because it's in
cancer anything going on with the moon will be very relevant at this time and with that said we will see that the moon in cancer will be sex stying with Uranus in Taurus so really a lot of Uranus stuff so this Transit will be pointing to more intuitive insights and more emotional Liberation for a lot of us now now the moon's connection to Uranus will be creating a lot more opportunities to potentially break free from old emotional patterns and embrace potentially unexpected opportunities for growth so this energy will especially show up in terms of matters
of the home our sense of security selfworth and offering them a bigger sense of freedom and renewal for many of us and I say this because again Uranus is this planet that is associated with unexpected changes um depending on its Transit and where it's at this could be unexpected positive changes and positive opportunities but it could also be unexpected shifts on a global scale as well um where it's at the end of the day it it wasn't expected and it shifts our perspectives of things from my perspective I think that around the time of this
full moon likely leading up to it it it might not happen all over the world but something I feel like something might happen that create seismic shifts globally that does make us on a collective level reflect on our sense of security in some way and so you know make of that what you will but and this is off topic but I'm just going to say it anyway comment down below if y all have heard about the Dior bags that's all I'm going to say comment down below I'd love to hear now another trans that happening
around the time of this cancer full moon will be when we see retrograde Mars also in cancer trining with Neptune in Pisces so this is the type of Transit that can soften Mars's retrograde energy and it'll be indicating a higher potential for a sense of healing through compassion and our creative ideas and this suggests a lot of more emotional release that can happen especially in areas of your life where you might have felt more stuck or blocked so it can be helpful when it comes to approaching challenges with a bit more um Imagination um but
also just relieving any sort of tension to really hold space for how you're feeling versus trying to force things especially if there's anything that's been coming up that has felt like there has been stagnation and finally there's a lot of relevant transits happening around this full moon we'll see Venus and Pisces will be squaring with retrograde Jupiter in Gemini now this is a type of Transit that I don't think will be too bad I don't associate with anything negative but it's the type that can indicate this period of time that's really highlighting tensions between Venus
ruled aspects of our lives like our idealism around love and harmony and Jupiter is more expansive but scattered energy and and it sort of suggests this push and pull Dynamic around balancing our sense of idealism with PR IC ality specifically when it comes to our relationships and any sort of creative Pursuits that we might have now this Transit could also be encouraging many of us to reflect on our dreams and whether or not they're realistic and also what it looks like to overextend yourself maybe spotlighting the fact that you have been doing that all right
y'all next up let's explore how this full moon in cancer will be impacting each sign based on the house that it's transiting for you so go ahead and go to the time stamps to find the reading for your zodiac sign also also I wanted to say sorry for the video delay I know I usually put out these videos about a week before any given lunation but when I tell you when this New Year hit like I feel so aligned with nature right now and that I don't want to do anything y'all but I'm just wishing
all of you guys a very very peaceful very peaceful 2025 uh a year of divine protection of a year of Divine Alignment and a a year of divine clarity hello hello and welcome to my cancer friends so this full moon will be spotlighting your first house this is all about you it's a house of identity self-expression and personal growth and this will be a deeply highly likely a deeply emotional moment really inviting you to reflect on how far you've come in stepping into your personal authentic self what when you think of what is your identity
what does that look like to you if you wrote those things down what would you write these are the type of things that can and be very Illuminating around this time I do want to potentially warn of this because this happened to me when we had the Gemini full moon um you and Capricorn energy right now you know what maybe give a little space give give give each other a little space if there's any of that there can be a bit of tension in that space and that's totally okay just know that it does pass
as the full moon ends and the light waines from the surface of the Moon so two can any any sort of tension that you're feeling so really consider waiting out any High emotion type interactions that maybe you don't know if you'll be able to conduct in a constructive way if you get what I mean okay but on a more um positive note really consider celebrating the ways that you have grown in your confidence and your self-awareness so consider asking yourself what potentially old insecurities or fears no longer serve the version of yourself that you know
that you're becoming really consider releasing them to make space for deeper self-love hello and welcome to my Leo friends so this full moon will be illuminating your 12th House of introspection imagination healing and spiritual growth so this can be a really great time to reflect on your inner world how have you nurtured your personal mental health and spiritual well-being especially at this time in the winter really consider celebrating any strives that you've made within this realm especially when it comes to letting go of potentially subconscious fears or even potentially self-sabotaging habits and consider asking yourself
what emotional patterns or hidden beliefs are potentially holding you back and can you release them around this time are you ready to take steps in that direction if those things have been coming to the Forefront of your mind at this time hello and welcome to my Virgo friends now this full moon will be lighting up your 11th House of community friendship and long-term goals so really consider reflecting on any potential progress that you've made when it comes to connecting with like-minded people and working towards your dreams in any sort of way or the dreams of
the collective around you and consider celebrating how your sense of belonging and purpose has developed over the years maybe ask yourself are there any friendships groups or goals that in any aspect no longer serve you in any way consider releasing these sort of things around the time of this full moon whether it's writing them out getting clear on it or getting clear on the steps that you want to take of moving in the direction that is most conducive to you feeling secure safe and welcome in the communities that you inhabit hello and welcome to my
Libra friends so this full moon will be illuminating your 10th House of career Public Image of taking what you have learned and actually implementing it for the greater good about in in in contrast to your inner Circle your Outer Circle and your reputation so this cancer full moon can be a potent moment for you to reflect on your more professional accomplishments how you interact with the Greater Community around you and ask yourself how has your career or your connection to your community and broader Community evolved over the last 6 months how have you or how
can you bestow and share the insights tools or resources or um abilities or talents that you have to support other people around you and have you been doing those things and consider asking yourself are there any professional roles Ambitions or public perceptions that no longer resonate with who you are that feel outdated really let go of what feels misaligned to create space for a more authentic path ahead that way you don't feel maybe obligated to uphold an image that's not really aligned with who you are hello and welcome to my Scorpio friends now this full
moon will be shining a light on your ninth House of your personal beliefs Higher Learning philosophy religion and expansion and really consider reflecting on how your world view and personal growth has evolved over the years or knowledge that you've gained along the way and what I mean by that is deep learning and consider asking yourself what potentially outdated beliefs or limiting perspectives are you ready to release around this time really use this time to embrace more expansive and open-minded approach to life and what I mean by that is because this is transiting your ninth house
and it does have so much to do with your emotions idealism and being in the heart versus the head and it's involving expanding your awareness this is really highlighting for you a likelihood around the time of this full moon where you are faced with I maybe the reality like on one side of the coin it's like you could be faced with the reality of how little you know on a certain subject and for many people who are more egoic it's like well I'm going to dig my heels into the dirt and I'm not going to
move and my ego is harmed and blah blah blah but if you're open-minded that could look like a beautiful opportunity to just learn more just ask people who have different experiences than you what you should do do more research you know and not be too defensive about it that's what I feel called to say on the other side of the coin you might be interacting with people where you feel like oh I need to share this information with them or um I need to provide resources But ultimately this can be a really great time for
sitting down to learn something if you've been feeling called to do that this could be a really interesting time where you're finally following your heart to dive deeper on a subject that you have been called to explore for a long time so ultimately it does have to do with expanding your awareness you know the ninth house is also associated with long longdistance travel again expanding your world expanding your awareness through travel and experiencing other people's world so especially because this is a cancer full moon I can see this involving expanding your empathy as well so
that's what's coming up but I'm wishing you a happy full moon hello and welcome to my Sagittarius friends so this full moon will be spotlighting your Eighth House really activating it and your sense of transformation intimacy and shared resources so this can be a great time to reflect on how far you've come when it comes to facing your fears and embracing emotional depths so really consider reflecting on how far you've come in facing any fears and embracing your emotional depths or the depths of others and celebrate any potential inner transformation or shifts in your relationships
especially when it comes to vulnerability because being able to be vulnerable with people is what deepens intimacy and connections and a sense of trust in our relationships I could absolutely see that around this time there are situations where you are being invited to finally open up about something or other people open up to you but ultimately there's this these deeper rooted feelings that are being expressed and I know that for many of us that can be very uncomfortable and scary um and ultimately it's going to this could show up in so many ways that does
not equate to you should open up to them and you should be vulnerable to them no no no no no sometimes s it's like okay thank you for sharing that but I also am learning how to set my boundaries and now I have you know strengthened my ability to set these boundaries to protect my own energy and in other cases that does look like this really notable almost Cosmic experience that through being vulnerable and through either you holding space for somebody else and helping them to feel safe enough to process something with you and open
up to you or vice versa you're co-creating a dynamic with yourself and others of deeper levels of trust and of knowing that you are safe and again thus a deeper level of intimacy so consider asking yourself what potentially emotional baggage or shared commitments are you ready to let go of to feel more empowered is there any sort of baggage also that's holding you back at this time cuz full moons are great for releasing all right hello hello and welcome to my Capricorn friends now this full moon will be illuminating your seventh House of Partnerships of
one-on-one connections relationships and balance so consider reflecting on the process that you've been in in your relationships and how you've cultivated a sense of balance and support within your relationships really consider celebrating the growth that you've experienced in love and collaboration as well around the time of this full moon I definitely see there being this Spotlight on your relationships and for some of you this could show up as the spotlight on on how little you have been um helping to co-create healthy relationships with others and and maybe something's coming to the surface on the other
side of the coin it could be you know these necessary conversations that come up that are sparking this conversation of like hey like let's work on balancing things this could also be a beautiful time where you are enjoying the fruits of your labor of how you have already been co-creating really great relationships I'm thinking right now about what just what comes to mind is that as the time time of me recording this there are these crazy fires going on in California and I'm from California and this these are the times when you kind of see
like how everyone's showing up for one another and these are these pivotal times where relationships are all that matter these networks of Support also just that you know we're only a few days into 2025 and a lot has been going on in the world and it's just really important to Foster healthy relationships with one another and give unconditionally to the people who you feel safe around and also not be afraid to receive not be afraid to express your needs this is definitely these are the general themes that can come up around this time for you
and you can consider asking yourself what relationship Dynamics or even expectations no longer serve you really consider releasing any of those things to create space for healthier connections around the time of this full moon hello and welcome to my Aquarius friends now this full moon will be highlighting your sixth house of health of daily routines and of service so really consider reflecting on how you've improved in your personal habits and how you've cared for your well-being and the well-being of your family and really consider celebrating the positive changes that you've made in your daily life
and in your routines over the course of the last 6 months or even years and consider asking yourself what routines or responsibilities are are potentially draining you and how can you potentially let those go the sense that I'm getting for you my Aquarius friends is that there has potentially been a lot of pressure that you have put on yourself or that people have put on you to kind of have your is together especially at the beginning of this year and this almost this sense of tension of how you need to show up and how you
need to be and I feel like this full moon will like is indicating potential experiences is where for many of you you're being invited to stop being in the cerebral and figuring out how am I going to plan things and I'm not doing this right and pause and ask yourself on a deeper level why why do you feel this need to be perfect right now why do you feel this pressure to be in action in in one form or another where does that come from and also checking in with your body and checking in with
your health and looking at things through that lens of what is nourishing you to actually have the energy to eventually do whatever it is that you need to do how can you pour into your cup that way you're not pouring from an empty cup but what everybody's getting is an overflow because you put your oxygen mask on first looking at things from that perspective are you tired are you tired that's okay like it's okay to be tired I'm going on a whole thing but I just felt called to say that to you all I'm sending
you my love and I hope that you have a beautiful new year hello hello to my Pisces friends so this full moon will be shining a light spotlighting activating your fifth House of creativity joy and self-expression so consider reflecting on how far that you've come when it comes to prioritizing your sense of fun and following your personal passions really consider celebrating any forms of creativity or creative breakthroughs or moments of joy that you've been experiencing and where do those things come from but also consider asking yourself what potential creative blocks or fears around self-expression are
you potentially ready to release at this time hello hello this is a different setting different camera um but my camera when I was recording this it went out and I didn't notice until I was editing which is right now and so but you know what by golly we're going to get get this reading completed so my Aries friends this cancer full moon will be transiting your fourth house now your fourth house is the house of cancer which is really interesting and like I mentioned before cancer is represented by the crab the lobster and sometimes even
the turtle you know and so when you see that this full moon will be activating this fourth house it'll be bringing in a lot of Illumination around how you insulate yourself how you protect yourself your heart heart what are your boundaries and it it indicates this higher likelihood of potential experiences where things come to the surface involving um things having to do with your home things having to do with um maybe even moving in some way or needing to set boundaries in some way in some cases but ultimately this is a very emotional house to
be in and this is a very emotional um lunation happening right now so really consider taking the time to pause and ask yourself in what ways do you protect your inner self even literally think of your inner child in what ways do you protect that part of you in what ways do you protect your home and and and the people around you and what ways do you advocate for yourself in those ways but ultimately I think that this full moon will definitely be spotlighting those themes and it I just feel like there's going to be
a lot of emotions for y'all but it's going to ultimately be highlighting where you and others set bound boundaries and also a lot of family Dynamics like when you think of the fourth house a lot of it has to do with your inner circle your more immediate friends and Community your more immediate space in where you live often times so I think that there's going to be definitely things popping up within those spaces and especially with Uranus so heavily involved there might be sudden shifts or Revelations especially within those spaces for you so I'm sending
you my love my Aries friends hello to my Horus friends this is a different setting this is a different camera angle that is because your girl uh you know the there's only a certain amount of time that my camera can record for and then I have to pause and hit record again and I I messed up on it you know sorry but anyway um I'm going to start the first half of your reading here and then the second half was actually recorded So to start off this cancer full moon will be transiting your third house
of communication information exchange learning and short term travel the third house is the house of Gemini it's a house that's ruled by U Mercury and so this full moon will be Illuminating all things communication like when you think of this full moon and it being in cancer and it being likely High emotion for many of us um and with it being involved with Uranus with these higher likelihood of sudden changes it's really indicating that for you my Taurus friends there's a higher likelihood that there's going to be unexpected communication unexpected expressions of emotion whether it's
from you finally speaking your peace in some way or finally you know saying something feeling safe enough to express something or it could be with other people but this is going to be relatively immediate this is going to likely show up by email or by friends or by family members but there like there's a high likelihood of unexpected things popping up for you right now ignore this stuff over here ignore oh my gosh I'm like looking at the angles the sun is literally setting I'm racing against time y'all but anyway um we will now cut
to the edit for the rest of your reading that was recorded correctly on my other camera I'm sending you love and in general it seems like this full moon will be indicating experiences that Spotlight the importance of you not only expressing your needs your inner World your emotions that way you're on the same page with people but also reflecting on any Dynamics where you haven't felt safe or secure enough to actually honestly Express those needs like reflecting on the social dynamics that you have been around and whether or not there's things that you might be
ready to release whether that's standards whether that's confidence in yourself whether that's upholding the values that um you know that you have within you and the things that you know that you deserve in order to be in environments where you can properly express your inner world because this is a cancer full moon it is all about our emotions and our intuition and our connections with people and and it's because it's transiting the third house which is this third house of Gemini it's all about information exchange I think something else that could pop up is a
lot of information coming out you you you taking in a lot of information or you helping to share it in some way all right hello hello to my Gemini friends so this full moon will be Illuminating and activating your second house of finances values and personal resources things in the tangible world so consider reflecting on how far you've come in building a sense of stability and aligning your values and consider celebrating the growth that you've achieved in managing your resources over the last 6 months and years what financial habits or even attachments no longer align
with your priorities especially when it comes to the second house realm all right y'all next up let's go over some Journal prompts to help you process the energy of this cancer full moon together if you have if you have your 2025 orine astrology planner you can now flip to the very first lunar Journal area in it to write all of these out are there any emotional patterns or attachments that you have outgrown describe them how has your ability to nurture and support yourself evolved over the years how would you compare it to 5 years ago
and finally is there anything that you're ready to release at the time of this full moon all right y'all if you made it to the end I would love if you commented three water wave emojis for this cancer full moon this water sign and again the number one way to support my work here is to just hit the like button it tells you know it helps with the algorithm it helps spread my work to other people and finally if you haven't already checked out either the orine planner or the wall calendar um I think that
you would love it it's perfect for the office for the classroom for your space I made it jumbo the wall calendar I made it extra large on purpose literally what we package it in the packaging is like relatively unique because of how relatively big the calendar is and I did that because if you know me um you know I'm a little neuros spicy and it helps me so much to have visual cues of what's coming up to be able to just look at the wall and I see it versus sometimes things are kind of like
tucked away so if that's something that resonates with you definitely check that out this is the perfect time for the new year and there's also a habit tracker on it which has helped me so much over the years but again thank you so much for your incredible reviews of the planners and I'm so glad to hear that you're enjoying the new additions to the planner the new features and I just it it really does mean the world to me and I'm sending you so much deep deep deep gratitude and wishing you a beautiful 2025 please
stay safe please stay safe and I'm sending you my love