LBCC - Habits of Successful College Students

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00:02:00:09 - 00:02:03:12 [Music] 00:02:05:01 - 00:04:46:16 all right um today's workshop is a very important one for me to teach it has to do with habits of successful college students next week we're going to talk and the week after going to talk about time management how to organize yourself so you get everything done today its habits of successful college students and one of the things I want to say just to kind of introduce this topic I've been teaching at this college for a long time I won't tell you how long because you get scared but
a long long time and I have watched students be very successful and I've watched other students not be successful and end up sort of dropping out not reaching their goals the two main reasons why a student would not be successful is first their skills their basic skills like reading and writing and all that are so low that they can't handle college-level work that person could be successful but they have a lot of work to do to build those skills up until they can handle what College asks them to do so that's one the second is
this and that is some students have good or even very good academic skills you know they're they're strong that way but their habits as a student are very weak or very poor and that always drags a student down and causes them not to do as well as they could do and probably as they should do so I'm going to say this just to kind of start this and that is I ask students all the time because I think it's very interesting what do you think makes a successful college student why would somebody be successful and
I don't know if you have thoughts that come to mind but the two most common things that people tell me one somebody says oh I know why people are successful they're really smart and I say to them it's nice to be smart that's not it and so what else and they say well they study like 15 hours a day and I say it's good to study and to take that seriously that's not it either okay and so what is it that's kind of like the it's not a mystery but it's something that I've observed over
the years so what we're going to do for today to sort of have me teach this and work through with you is I'm going to give you a handout and work through all of that and then ask you to do something for me near the end of the workshop I'm going to put you to work on something that's pretty simple but it requires a little bit of thought on your part so let me go ahead and pass these out if you could pass one behind you please oh 00:04:47:20 - 00:08:19:15 and by the way I
forgot to mention earlier when you show up for workshops this semester a lot of them are going to be videotaped if you could pass behind you that's for people who aren't able to attend and all that so no need to feel nervous or anything about a camera in the room it's not on you it's on me so if anybody is going to be nervous it would be me and I'm okay because I'm sort of used to it so just ignore the camera and you'll be fine okay when it comes to habits of successful college students
I want to start by reading the little section at the top and then we're going to go through these one at a time spend a couple of minutes on each one at the very top it says one main characteristic of successful college students is that they act in a professional way in other words they treat school as seriously as they would a high-paying career job this is demonstrated in their attitude and day to day actions and habits everything they do shows that school is a very high priority in their lives now some of you in
here may have had a job before maybe you even are working now while you go to school even if you've never worked you know that if you get a job especially a good one that you don't want to lose there are certain things you do certain ways that you act (added) and approach your job that are important and if you don't do those you may end up getting fired and everybody knows those things but then when they become students a lot of people don't do any of those same things they kind of get lazy or
their habits sort of decline and that's something again that we want to work on so again if you were being paid a hundred thousand dollars a year to go to school that would be nice right you'd show up every morning at like six o'clock in the morning well you're not getting paid but all of you I hope are going to school so that you can get a good education and then get a job that it makes a lot more than you could have if you didn't go to college so it's kind of going to get
to you eventually but the very first one of these is always a kind of a fascinating one to me so I'm going to ask a few questions in a minute and one thing that I want you to understand about the way that I teach my workshops is that I ask questions sometimes and I want answers from anybody and even if you get the wrong answer that's okay at least you're trying and so I'm hoping to get some involvement no pressure be relaxed about it okay number one it says this is again the the description of
a successful college student they take care of themselves physically and emotionally eating a well-balanced diet exercising getting appropriate amounts of sleep dealing with stresses and difficulties in positive healthy ways etc so they can have the concentration needed to make it through each class session and the stamina needed to make it through the ups and downs of a long semester successfully okay so most people when they read the first portion of this about taking care of yourself everybody says well sure of course that's what you're supposed to do but my question for you is a lot
of people read that and say I know you're supposed to do that but what does that have to do with being a good student it almost doesn't seem like it has anything to do with it can you see a connection there between those two why would it be important to do that in order to be successful 00:08:22:19 - 00:38:34:08 you want to be successful at both what happened yeah yeah that's a good example of it um anybody here have a class this semester that meets for three hours straight a couple of you okay that's fun
huh trying to stay away even if you like the class what a lot of students do that is not good is that they don't take care of themselves so they eat all junk food and fast food they stay up late at night to watch TV or play video games or do whatever and they end up getting very little sleep they don't ever exercise and then they walk into classes and while the teachers taking role they're already looking like this they're already fading out before class even starts is there anybody here who's in college for the
very first semester this semester got a couple people okay those who have been around for a while know this and even if you just raise your hand you know it's really hard for you to concentrate well on a teacher for even an hour let alone two or three it takes a lot of Energy's hard if you're tired or if you're hungry or if you're stressed out it makes it almost impossible and so I know that some people don't sleep well because they have problems sleeping other times people don't sleep enough because they have a child
for example who's up half the night and so they have to be up with them so sometimes things are outside of your control but other times you can control these things and so what a lot of students do is that they end up not taking care of themselves and then their work suffers as a student not just concentrating in class but everything that they do and also those who have been around the college a little bit know that a semester here at this college is 18 weeks is <- (grammar correction) long is really long and
it's very tiring it's like a long marathon run to get through and one thing I see all the time every semester is that some of my students start out great they got this great energy and then about halfway through the semester I see them start dying out like they're running to the finish line and just you know staggering and they can't make it in order for you to have the same amount of energy in the 17th and 18th week that you do at the beginning that requires you to take care of yourself and that's something
that pretty much anybody can do I know some things are outside your control but that's the idea with number one now as we go through these what I want you to do is I want you to think about how you do in each one of these now you know just is this a strong area for you is it a weak area is it somewhere in the middle and I'm going to have you kind of evaluate yourself at the end of the workshop I'll explain that in a little bit okay number two they're never absent from
a class meeting unless a true emergency arises even on those days when they don't feel like showing up or it's not convenient to do so they push themselves and attend anyway true emergency absences might include personal illness such as being contagious under doctor's orders to stay home etc family emergencies like serious illnesses or a funeral etc legal requirements jury duty court appearances or unexpected transportation issues like the car won't start or dies on the way to school now what I will the point I want to make here is that every one of those things that
I just listed here those are all really good reasons for not showing up to class every one of these is under the description for me of life interrupting school you know it's just those things happen but the question that I want you to answer for yourself you don't have to answer it for me is when you don't have an emergency like this do you always faithfully show up to every one of your classes even when it's a hassle or even when you don't feel like it some people are really good with that and they always
show up faithfully unless they have an emergency other people have a hard time with that and sometimes they just say you know I've had a long week taking the day off or they have a morning class at 8:00 in the morning and they hit the snooze button for the fourth time and then they just say oh forget it and then they go back to sleep usually students who have very very good attendance almost always on average end up with higher grades than people who miss class a lot and that should make sense to you but
again there are certain students every semester of mine who want to do well want to try hard and so they have all the ability to do well but they just have a really bad semester where they have a death in the family and then they're sick for three weeks or whatever and it's just hard for them and there's nothing they can do about it but I'm going to write one thing up here on the board and this is just for your information last semester in my class I teach a class that is passed no pass
so there are no letter grades but as C or above you know or below those students in my classes who ended the semester with anywhere from zero to three absences so they were good you know almost always there 92% of them passed my class it's very high number right those who were and so that likes 8% who didn't and then those who were absent a lot like four to six times they dropped all the way down to 50% who passed and so it's not just showing up because you have work to do you have tests
to take and all that but when you show up you always know everything that's going on you hear everything the teacher teaches and it helps a lot so sometimes students don't do well in college because they just aren't very disciplined and showing up whenever they possibly can unless they have an emergency so again the question is how do you do personally on that one now number three this has three parts to it so I'm going to talk about each one just for a minute a lot of students don't do very well at this and I
don't know what your reaction is going to be when you read it but that's true of a lot of people it says number three if they have to be absent so if they have an emergency they do three things that are designed to help them not fall too far behind and improve their chances of doing well on upcoming tests and assignments the first thing they do is they call or email the instructor as soon as they know they'll miss class in order to find out what will be done during that class meeting and anything they
will need to do before the next session okay I want to stop there for a second when a person has a job and they are they have a schedule of jog drop shifts and they find out that they are not going to be able to make it to work what do they do yeah they call do they have to sort of remember to do that I don't think so it's just sort of habit like oh I can't make it in pick up the phone and call well the question is when you know you're going to
miss class do you automatically run for the syllabus and get the phone number or the email address and contact the teacher some people do that well other people say I never do that never even think of it and again it's just a habit well those of you who have classes that meet once a week this is especially important because I've had students in classes that I teach that are once a week who end up missing class and that's a whole week's worth right because it just meets once and they don't contact me at all they
show up the next week walk in hi how you doing doing fine how are you fine and then I say okay everyone I'm going to collect the homework now and they look a bit like what homework I gave assignment the week before and they have no clue well that means they have to turn it in late lose a lot of points for it and all it would have taken would be like a two-minute call or a one on one line email and then I would have gotten back to them and told them what they missed
and what they needed to do is a very easy thing to do but if you don't do it you get way behind and you get confused the second part of number three is they arrange to pick up copies of any important class papers like hand out study guides assignments etc from the instructor they pick up the material at the instructors office right before the next class meeting or in some other manner so the students who do this right in my class know they're going to miss they call or email me later that day I contact
them back and I tell them what they missed and if there's something important like an assignment or a study guide I (added) either email it to them I leave it for them so they can come pick it up or whatever so that they can catch up and a lot of students again don't do that at all and it's important for you to be in the habit of doing that and then the third one my favorite part of this is they make sure to arrive at least 10 minutes early for the next class meeting so they
can find and copy someone else's notes completely before that class begins okay so I wanted to ask you a question and I hope this is kind of easy but I want to ask anyway if a person is absent why would it be important for them to get to class the next time 10 minutes early why shouldn't they just show up on time and then borrow someone's notes and copy them during class what's the problem yes they won't be able to pay attention to what's going on so let me give you this example I have seen
this happen almost right in front of me before it's like a show during the class a student misses class the next time there's class they get there right on time which is normally you know good and then right as I start teaching the new material for the day I see the person do this hey hey they get their elbow going and the person next to them is what were you here last time and they say yeah can I see your notes and they're kind of like like this like they're trying to swat a fly away
and they keep going the elbow keeps going and they finally say all right and so they give the notes and then for about the next ten minutes the person is sitting there like this have you ever seen other people's notes I don't know if you think your notes might be kind of scary other people's are almost unreadable except by them and so they have even seen people say “what is this?” (Added 19:07) well not only are they kind of distracting me but they're also concentrating on that so they're missing everything I'm teaching now it just
like compounds the problem so if you're ever absent from a class that is a lecture type class and you know you're missing some notes that's the first thing you should think about after those other two is I got to get there early so I can borrow someone's notes copy them ask them about whatever I don't understand and then be ready as soon as the teacher starts talking and I can hear all the new material and again all of this sounds sort of common sense and all that but most people don't do it and most people
don't do it because they never thought of doing it again that's kind of part of what we're doing today so if you've never been absent from school would you do these things if you have been absent or if you would be and if you have been absent did you do all these things some people say I've never done any of those some people say I did one but I didn't do the other two so this is just part of this today is to think about your own performance your own habits okay number four is a
really simple one they always come to class prepared this means consistently having the course syllabus the textbook if it's required by the instructor a notebook containing past handouts past notes paper for new notes pens pencils scantrons on test days etc now that should sound pretty obvious to you a lot of my students show up and they always have everything they're supposed to have other people it's an adventure and I've had people get their elbow going again a lot of students have wild elbows and they come in and I start teaching and I see them doing
this hey hey (20:38) and the person says yeah? Do (added 20:42) you have an extra pen and they say yeah and they reach in to give them one thanks thanks you have some paper and they're just you know elbowing (grammar) and I just look at that person and again I think of them as a professional student if I went into a meeting at my job with my boss and all these other people it's a very important meeting and I said does anyone have a pen and paper that would be really unprofessional for me and everybody
knows that but then when it becomes to being a student like I said people sometimes get kind of lazy with that so when you show up to your classes are you always prepared most of the time or do you always forget something again everybody is different with that okay and then the last one on this side is they are consistently on time or even a little early so they can be prepared for the class being on time pretty much without fail is a sign of respect for the instructor and class it's a demonstration that school
(added 21:38) is important to them and it's an important personal habit to apply to all life situations you know that in this country thousands of people get fired from jobs every day because they're late a lot that's sad (Replaced ‘that’ to sad (21:52) especially in this economy it's hard to find a job so you don't want to lose it well again in my experience it's almost the same as this when my students show up on time almost all the time just maybe late a couple times during the semester the numbers are almost the same as
this and when they show up late constantly it becomes more like this and that doesn't even have anything to do with the coursework but usually when someone is there and they're on time it sort of means they're very serious about the class and they work hard on everything and end up doing well so how are you with that just in everything in your life do you always show up on time or early are you almost always late everywhere you go or is it somewhere in between again that's something for you to think about okay so
we'll go back to these in just a little bit but you can go ahead and turn the page and I want to talk about the rest of these and by the way just so that I don't forget I'm going to go ahead and start this sign-in sheet now so again when this gets to you if you could just fill out the information and pass it along so it doesn't get stuck that would be good so I'd appreciate that okay number six at the top of the the back side is a I guess a very important
one to me personally and I think it would be to you if you were a teacher also it says they are respectful to the instructor and to classmates at all times this means that they pay attention during lectures regardless of whether or not the topic being discussed is interesting and they do that by staying awake sitting up working hard to listen and sometimes it's hard maintaining at least fairly frequent eye contact etc in addition they do they avoid doing anything that will be distracting to others in the room this includes having running conversations with classmates
having their cell phone ring text messaging or doing anything else unrelated to what's going on in class at that time well as you look at all of that there you know how you are as a person you know a lot better than I do when you're in your classes do you do any of these things that are mentioned that aren't so good to do or do you never do them and I'll tell you give you a couple of examples I am always surprised when I see this in my classes it's actually a rule that if
you have a cellphone with you which almost everybody does it needs to be turned off and put out of sight some people put their cell phone on silent or on vibrate and then here's what happens I see this all the time they put it right next to them so it's sitting there on the desk and then they try to pay attention and take notes and all that and then all of a sudden it rings or goes off they hear them or whatever and I've seen students actually during class do this and they're trying to like
pay attention to me but they're so tempted and they end up grabbing it and then under the table texting back okay that's very distracting to the teacher it's usually distracting to the people around them and unless you have an emergency that you're waiting for word about there's no way that you should be able to I mean you should be able to go at like an hour two hours without texting some people are like addicted to texting and so they almost can't that's why it's better to just put it away turn it off completely unless you
have again an emergency that you're waiting for also in addition to that from this list here I've had students before many times who have sat together maybe with a friend of theirs and they love talking and I love when people talk but not exactly while I'm talking I think that's the same for you you'd feel the same way so I'm in the middle of teaching something important and then I see a person as soon as I finish saying something they turn to the person next to them and they do this and the other person yeah
and then about 20 seconds later I finish saying something else yeah and so after a while I end up saying something and then almost looking at them waiting for them to talk and everybody gets distracted around them the other thing that I've seen and I don't know if this is going to surprise you or not it always surprises me after even after all these years I've seen some students sitting there while I'm teaching and they have their notebook paper in front of them and they're listening and then when I say something they do this okay
now that looks good right that looks normal except when they're done they do this and then the person next one and they're passing notes during class and I look at that and I think if I wanted to see that I'd be teaching middle school or elementary school is this very immature so it's always important when you're in a class to be very respectful of your classmates and the teacher it's you want to have an environment where you can really listen and concentrate without being bothered by everything and teachers are especially bothered usually by everything that
happens where it's not focusing directly on them okay now number seven I want to make a comment about this too they realize that most college classes require several hours per week for homework review and other types of studying with that in mind they schedule time to study and most often choose (Choose replaced Stews 27:21) to study even when other more attractive activities come up they do this regardless of how they feel at any given time because doing well in school is very important to them okay now so here's what I'll say first about this if
you spend ten hours a day studying I will worry about you I teach study skills so I like it when people study but you have to have balance in your life or you go crazy so you need to enjoy things and all that but what this one is about is this um I think this is true of most of you maybe even all of you you're in school right now and you have a friend like a good friend of yours who's not in school and that's an interesting combination because it seems like their whole goal
in life is to tempt you to go away from what you need to do for school and so I'm going to give you this example I don't know if this sounds familiar to you but this is what a lot of people go through your best friend calls you at 6 o'clock at night hi it's me hey how you doing fine a couple of us are going down the street to the restaurant there your favorite restaurant will pick you up in a half-hour that sounds good right well you have a test the next day right so
you have a lot of studying you need to do and you tell them oh you know what I love to but I can't I got a test tomorrow and the person says hey it's me it's us it's your favorite restaurant come on yeah I'd like to but no no I can't I can't thanks anyway they keep at you and you start weakening and you can feel yourself weakening and finally you say look I got a study and they say study shmoney you could do that later some other time and you say okay I'll just study
late tonight and I'll stay up till 2:00 in the morning I know that's not good but I want to hang out with them and so you go some students cave into the pressure and go somewhere else other than studying when they know they need to study all the time other people are really good about saying no and saying I would love to no <- (29:35 replaced know) and the person <- (29:35 replaced version) says yeah but no and they're good with that and that's a good kind of a good habit to have I've had some
students who hate studying so much that when they were about to sit down to study if somebody called and they said you want they said yes whatever it is whatever I could do to get out of here and not study it's like any excuse possible so when you need to study when something is important are you really good at setting boundaries and saying no and sticking to it or do you give in all the time or are you somewhere in between and that's always the question on all these okay and then number eight is a
pretty simple one also and that is they work hard to follow all college and course rules and directions written and verbal this includes not being afraid to ask the teacher to repeat or clarify instructions during or after class reading all written directions carefully double-checking work for accuracy etc now this actually has two parts to it so let me just give you a really quick explanation of this some of my students are really good pretty much all the time at following all the directions I give so when they have an assignment to do or some due
date or whatever they're always on top of it and they know and they double-check and all that that's good always a few students who seem to never do things according to the directions and I think they see the directions and then throw them away and just sort of do it whatever way and that tends to hurt a student in college because when teachers ask you to do things a specific way that's the way you need to do it well the thing that I want you to think about here because again I don't know you so
I wouldn't know this is the other part of this one of the habits that you need to develop to get through college and to get a degree or whatever you're going for is the ability to not be afraid of teachers some people tell me they're afraid of teachers and what I mean by that is you need to be assertive as a student now assertive doesn't mean rude or obnoxious or aggressive but it means assertive and what a lot of students do is that when a teacher teaches something or gives directions to them and they're confused
about any part of it their attitude is I'm not really sure what you meant by that and so before they leave the room that day they come up to the teacher and say could you please explain such-and-such again so they refuse to leave until they understand that's good other people though are extra shy or afraid to talk to teachers or they think it's rude to go up to a teacher so they just leave the room and say well I'll try to figure it out at home and usually that's not very good I always tell my
students at the beginning of the semester that I never want to see you walk out of the room at the end of class looking like this you know that's a bad look like I have no idea what I'm supposed to do talk to me there are a few teachers that I've had who are scary and I wouldn't even want to go up and talk to them because they're pretty mean and all that but most teachers aren't like that and they want to help you and they're available to answer and explain but you have to go
you have to be the one to do that okay and then number nine they make a major effort to turn in all homework assignments on time or early realizing the problems that can be caused by turning work in late lost points lower grade increased stress etc so again as a person as a student throughout your life but especially now these days do you almost always turn in all assignments on time or early or is everything late or is it sort of half and half and so again we'll kind of examine this in a minute and
then the last one of these and then I'm going to put you to work a little bit is number ten and I just want to take a couple of minutes with this it says they seek to learn from their mistakes and treat disappointments like low grades as motivation for doing better on future tests and assignments rather than giving up or getting discouraged easily they talk to their instructors in such cases so they can improve their performance as the semester goes on okay so let me explain what I mean by this here's what happens to some
of my students and it's not good I understand it but it's not good they take the first test of the course in the you know fourth or fifth week and they get it back and they look at the grade and they're disappointed maybe they got a D or an F that's never fun to see right they look at it they give the test back they leave never see them again so it's like somebody took a pin and just put in the balloon and they just sort of give up after one you know bad grade other
people though do the right thing and that is when they get a grade like that they look at it and they're disappointed at it in the grade but here's what their reaction is they look at it and they see a D or an F and they say this all right that's what grade I got that's not good that's the last time I'm ever going to get a grade that low in this class and so they come to me and they talk to me about how they studied for the test and all of that and I
give them suggestions and try to help them know how to study better so they treat it as a challenge never will that happen again and that's the better way rather than just giving up so when you are faced with a disappointment like that do you tend to just give up do you make it a challenge like that or is it some of each again depends on the person okay so um one thing that I want to explain before we get to this last little part here did the sign-in sheet make it all the way to
the back their sign-in sheet okay and you two didn't sign right okay if you could just pass that up we'll get it to the two of them Thanks one of the things that I wanted to tell you is that some people have experience as a student all the way through elementary school and middle school and high school or whatever that tends to be not so good so in other words they just never a very good student and so what a lot of students tell me when they start college is I'm not a good student and
I say well how do you know so I just never have been a good student cause (36:05) never get really good grades and I said well that doesn't mean you can't be a good student now and they say yeah but I'm not smart enough or you know whatever they come up with all these ideas all the way through college you need to work on your skills you know your academic skills your reading and writing and all those because those always need to get better for everybody but I want you to think back at what we
just did all ten of these none of these are skills there's no skill involved here at all they're just habits and if they're habits that means everybody in here can become great at all of these there's no excuse for so I can't do that I can't do that everybody can do these and if a student gets to the point where they're really good at all of these it doesn't mean that they're going to be successful in college for sure but it helps a lot it gives them a big advantage over everybody else so what I'm
going to ask you to do and we're going to just do sort of a short version of this (37:00) is this the little blanks you see you must emit wondered what are those blanks doing there what I'm going to have you just start to do a little and just so you kind of understand how this works is that I ask my students when we go through this to look at each one of those and be very honest with themselves because they're the only one who's going to see it so it's just honesty and to give
themselves a grade from a down to F anywhere in there that they think is their grade for that right now and so I have people giving themselves you know a C FDB whatever they give themselves grades (37:40) so what I want you to do is just take a minute or two and at least look at the first few of these you don't have to read them again because we already went over them and just sort of react and think is that a strength of mine am i really bad at that or is it somewhere in
the middle and just give yourself a grade again from a down to F some people like a plus or a minus in there if you want to do that you can but it's mostly to come up with a grade and I'll let you just do that at least with the first five here and then I'll explain the last little part and then we'll be done so go ahead and kind of look at each one and again just be honest you're not turning this in to me so it's just for you okay if you get through
the front side and you want to go to the back you know and keep going you may not get all the way through and that's okay I don't exactly expect that but I'll just give you another minute or so and then as I said I'll just finish up with a couple of other comments 00:38:55:22 - 00:42:20:22 okay regardless of where you are in that you can go ahead and just stop for one minute and I want to just show you the last little part of this and again you can feel free to do this or
not on your own it would just take a couple of minutes and we're going to be done here with our workshop in just a minute so you can do that whatever way you like at the bottom of the backside some of you have already seen this and some not it says which two of the ten areas do you feel you need to improve in the most this semester so that would obviously be the two lowest grades that you gave yourself and then it says what specifically will you do so improvement will happen and so the
one thing I wanted to give you as a sort of advice for this what you want to do is put a number like number one or five or seven here but the one thing not to do is if you're going to fill this out and finish the sentence I've had students show this to me and they wrote to improve in that area this semester I will try harder or I will do better and that's not good enough it needs to be more specific than that so for example I'll give you a couple of ideas some
people give themselves a low grade in the very first one and they give themselves like a D or an F and then they put number one and then they say to improve in that area this semester I will make sure to go to bed by 11 o'clock every night during you know school during the week and try to cut down on my junk food so that's a very specific you know plan that's what you want to do and or someone might say you know they have a tendency to have their cell phone in class a
lot and so they realize number six you know yeah that's probably something I need to work on so improving that area this semester I'll always make sure to turn off my cell phone before class begins or whatever so that's what you want to put whatever that might be is to try to be really specific and come up with a plan that you can actually follow instead of just being very general about it which is what a lot of people do the more general you are in writing something down the less you usually do it but
if it's specific then you can work on it okay so on the last thing that I want to share with you and again I appreciate you coming today next week we'll get into the subject of time management like I mentioned is this this is totally up to you I can't in these workshops I can't give homework that's why everybody likes these because I just sort of teach you and then you off you go but I would suggest this it's up to you and that is keep this and then later in the semester like four or
five six weeks from now pull it out look it over again look at the grades you gave yourself see if things have changed especially look at these and say if I doing my plan or not and if you are you should notice an improvement and if you're thinking oh yeah that was a good plan I haven't even done it yet then just start kind of remind yourself and again every student is like a work in progress in other words everyone is sort of learning and improving as time goes by and so by the end of
the semester I would hope that you could look back to any grades you gave yourself that was kind of low or very low and realize I'm still not great at that but I'm much better than I was the third week of the semester and that it's kind of exciting to see that you're making progress as you go okay so that's the idea with that okay any questions on anything okay thank you very much for coming 00:43:22:29 - 00:43:26:29 [Music] 00:43:30:15 - 00:43:33:17 [Music] 00:43:35:24 - 00:43:53:02 [Music] 00:43:56:18 - 00:44:08:14 [Music] 00:44:16:04 - 00:44:21:12 [Music] 00:44:23:24
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