A Prayer For God To Help You Navigate Through This World | Blessed Morning Prayer To Start Your Day

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
Video Transcript:
in this world we have to contend with so many different pressures there's the pressure that comes with family there's the pressure that comes with work there's pressure that comes from society now what we have to realize is that a lot of the pressures we contend with a lot of the weight we carry it all stems from the world's set of standards and do you know what it's easy to fall into Conformity to do what unbelievers do and to be as they are but as Christian men and women we're called to model our lives like Christ
we're called to live in a Godly manner fearing the Lord and obeying him even when it doesn't make sense to the rest of the world Romans 12:2 says says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of God what is good and acceptable and perfect the opposite of Conformity is a renewed mind the way God views the world and our lives is counterintuitive to everything our culture teaches therefore we must be willing to let him change us and
reteach us how to think then we'll be equipped to live a life that's pleasing to him 1 Peter 1: 14-16 says as obedient children do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance but as he who called you is Holy you also be holy in all your conduct since it is written you shall be holy for I am Holy you see the reason the world acts the way it does is because of ignorance they don't comprehend the Beauty and the worth of the Gospel they don't understand that what God has in store for
them is infinitely better than the empty promises of sin but thank God he has opened our eyes he has called us out of our ignorant ways and into something so much greater 2 Corinthians 7:1 says since we have these promises beloved let us clean ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit bringing Holiness to completion in the fear of God in the Old Testament the Hebrew people would form ritual cleansings after encountering anything unclean what if we show that same kind kind of dedication to the spots of worldliness in our lives what if we were
determined to make a clean break with any habit any Behavior any attitude not pleasing to God second Timothy 2: 21 says therefore if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable he will be a vessel for honorable use set apart as holy useful to the master of the house ready for every good work often times we find ourselves acting like the world because we're afraid of stepping on toes we are afraid of the ridicule or the criticism that we might receive if we show ourselves to be true followers of Christ and deep down we are afraid
that somehow by letting go of this world we might be missing out but when we separate ourselves from the world we are not depriving ourselves of any good thing rather we are taking hold of the promises of God Which is far greater the Bible in 2 Timothy 3 verses 1-5 gives us a detailed list of characteristics that can be found in people during the last days Saints as I read this passage of scripture I encourage you to look into your own life and be honest can any of these things be found in your life the
Bible reads but know this that in the last days perilous times will come for men will be lovers of themselves lovers of money boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful Unholy unloving unforgiving slanderers without self-control brutal despisers of good traitors headstrong hoty lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God having a form of godliness but denying its power and from such people turn away we are all Bel bels however that does not mean we are immune to sin and the sad truth is that no one is nearly as spiritual and holy as they want everyone
else to believe and my message today is to really highlight a few of these points and encourage you to put to death the things of the Flesh of the list we just read in second Timothy chap 3 a few things jump out people will be lovers of self self lovers of money meaning that they will put themselves and money above God my sister my brother can the love of self be found in your heart secondly people will be ungrateful so for all of God's goodness for all his Mercy shown for his grace and protection people
will have no gratit itude woman of God man of God do you have gratitude in your heart and finally people will have an appearance of godliness an outward form of religion but they will deny his power because they don't really have the love of God they don't really have the Holy Spirit working in them and so I want to encourage you to get to know Jesus Christ for yourself make room for the holy spirit in your life and in your heart he will bring about a renewal a transformation in your life that begins with your
heart that way you get rid of all false pretenses and religiousness because you will truly know Jesus Christ get together in prayer father God thank you thank you for giving us hope thank you for giving us a purpose beyond what this world has to offer you Lord have been so good and you've done so many good things for us and we thank you Father our prayer today is that we would not be conformed to this world in any way but instead I pray that the Holy Spirit would move in our lives and stir us up
I pray that he'd stir us up so that we can be transformed by the renewal of our minds Lord there is so much pressure in this world today there's pressure to be like everyone else to blend in with the crowd but father I ask that you'd keep strong King Jesus may we never bow down to pressures of this world we ask that you would give us the grace and strength to be the salt of the earth to be the light in this world Lord I pray for every person listening for anyone struggling with the pressures
of this world give them the strength not to conform to this world give them the strength to stand out to live life differently Lord give them the strength to think Against the Grain and father help us to never conform to the Wicked Ways of this world may we never conform to the world's way of living which leads to death and destruction but may we follow your way which leads to everlasting life father we understand that we may have to endure ridicule and mockery in this life but I know that our reward in heaven will be
so much greater 1 John chap 2 verse1 15 says do not love the world or anything in the world if anyone loves the world love for the father is not in them Father let there be no love of the world in my heart help me to be on guard against worldly traps Lord don't let me fall into habits that Grieve Your Holy Spirit don't let me start acting in ways that might harm my witness for Christ God we find so often that Satan disguises sin as something good and desirable but Lord help me to not
only recognize these works of darkness but Lord also help me to expose them and warn those around me so that they won't be caught unaware God give me me the courage and strength to stand up against evil whenever I see it build within me a character that is fully equipped and emboldened to stand for the gospel for the gospel is the only thing with the power to transform lives and hearts in this dark and sinful World Lord let that transformation begin in my own mind God I ask you to change my desires so that I
no longer think or act like the world but instead help me to imitate the example of Christ in all of my conduct instead of bitterness fill me with love Lord instead of jealousy fill me with gratitude break me of every habit and every attitude that resembles the world and father teach me to obey you instead may your Holy Spirit fill me and help me to discern your perfect will for my life God I know that I cannot follow your will without letting go of all my Earthly treasures and fully surrendering to you so heavenly father
I pray right now that you would consecrate me set me apart Heart for Service in your kingdom May the world look at my life and notice that there is a difference and then may they give glory to the one to whom all glory belongs and that is you my Lord and Savior I ask all these things in Jesus name I pray amen do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of God what is good and acceptable and perfect
as obedient children do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance but as he who called you as holy you also be holy in all your conduct since it is written you shall be holy for I am [Music] Holy since we have these promises beloved let us clean ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit bringing Holiness to completion in the fear of [Music] God there therefore if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable he will be a vessel for honorable use set apart as holy useful to the master of the house ready
for every good [Music] work do not love the world or anything in the world if anyone loves the world love for the father is not in them
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