Where will the Antichrist come from?

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who is the Antichrist and where will he come from I'm going to show you a date on this ancient clay tablet and a number hidden in several Bible prophecies that point to the exact day that a world leader would appear then I will show you the man who Rose to power on that day and how he is connected to the Antichrist and the end time Babylon when you see this evidence you're going to realize that almost everyone has been looking for the Antichrist in the wrong place in the Book of Revelation we find a description
of two men who will control the world at the End of the Age the first man is called the beast he will make war and gain control over the whole world the second man is called the false prophet and he will do Miracles and force everyone to take the mark of the beast which one of these two men is the Antichrist the Bible actually says that there are many antichrists and the word Antichrist has two parts anti and Christ anti can mean again against or in place of Christ means the anointed one and this word
can refer to Jesus Christ or someone else who is Anointed as a king or priest since both these men will be working against Jesus Christ they will both be antichrists but the false prophet will direct people to worship the world ruler who is called the beast as if he was God this world ruler will act as a substitute Christ who has come to save the world just like Hitler saw himself as the savior of Germany so when people talk about the Antichrist they usually are talking about this man who will rule the world where will
this world ruler come from and when will he appear we find one clue about the identity of this world ruler in Jeremiah 50 in this prophecy the man who will rule the world at the end of the age is called Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar was the king of Babylon 2,600 years ago and at that time Babylon was the most powerful Empire the world had ever seen but a few decades after Nebuchadnezzar died the Empire of Babylon was conquered eventually the city of Babylon was abandoned and disappeared but the Bible uses Nebuchadnezzar and his great
Empire of Babylon as a symbol or metaphor for another leader and Empire that will control the world at the End of the Age in the Book of Revelation we find a description of this end time Babylon which will reign over the kings of the Earth at the End of the Age this Babylon represents the political economic and religious power that will come to dominate the world right before the return of Jesus Christ and the man called the beast or the Antichrist will be the leader of this end time Babylon to understand exactly where this in
time Babylon will be located and when it will appear we can turn to a cryptic Prophecy in the Book of Daniel Daniel 4 describes a dream that Nebuchadnezzar the king of ancient Babylon had in his dream he saw a tall tree that provided shade and food for all the birds and animals in the world then the tree was chopped down and a band of iron and bronze was put around the trunk for a period of seven times when Nebuchadnezzar asked Daniel to reveal the meaning of the dream Daniel explained that the tree represented the king
who would lose his mind and wander around like an animal but after a period of seven times the king would get his sanity back and he would rule over Babylon again the chapter goes on to explain that a year later this prophecy was fulfilled just as Daniel had explained King Nebuchadnezzar lost his sanity for a period of time and after that he returned to rule over the Babylonian Empire again now on the surface this prophecy just seems to be about King Nebuchadnezzar but in fact many prophecies in the Bible predict two separate events the first
fulfillment of the prophecy is just a type or foreshadow that provides clues about a second larger fulfillment so we can use the first fulfillment of this dream as a guide to understand the second fulfillment in the first fulfillment the tree represented King Nebuchadnezzar in the second fulfillment the tree could represent another ruler or it could represent the kingdom of Babylon because in Bible prophecy the king often represents his kingdom in the first fulfillment Babylon was without a ruler for seven times in the second fulfillment Babylon would also be without a ruler for seven times but
what does seven times mean you can find the answer by comparing two scriptures in the Book of Revelation Revelation 12:14 mentions a period of time described as a time and a times and half a time that is one time plus 2 times plus half a time which is a total of 3 and 1/2 times next look in Revelation 11:3 and you will find the same time period is called 1,260 days so we can see that 3 and 1/2 times is equal to 1,260 days now if you take 3 and 1/2 times and and double it
you get seven times and if you double the number of days also you get 2520 days so going back to the prophecy in Daniel chter 4 we see that in the first fulfillment Babylon was without a ruler for 2,520 days which is about 7 years in the second fulfillment Babylon would be without a ruler again for 2520 days but in many Bible prophecies one day represents one year for example in Ezekiel 4 we see that the prophet Ezekiel was told to lay down on his right side and on his left side for a certain number
of days with each day representing one year of a future time period so if one day represents one year then in the second fulfillment of the prophecy in Daniel 4 Babylon could be without a ruler for 2,520 years so this prophecy may be a prediction that the kingdom of Babylon would be chopped down and would be without a ruler for 2,520 years after that the band of bronze and iron would be removed a new ruler would be appointed and Babylon would begin to grow again until it eventually ruled the world under the leadership of the
Beast or Antichrist if this is the case then we need to find out exactly when Babylon was conquered and lost its lead leader then we would be able to calculate the exact day that a new leader would be appointed and Babylon would begin to rise again going back to the Bible noticed that right after Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel 4 the next chapter jumps forward in time to describe the fall of the ancient empire of Babylon in Daniel chapter 5 we see that the rulers of Babylon were having a feast when a hand appeared and wrote
a message on the wall the king and his guests were ter terified and they couldn't read the message either so the king called Daniel to read and interpret the handwriting on the wall the message said many many tle and Parson Daniel explained that the inscription on the wall meant that the kingdom of Babylon was finished and that God had given it to the mes and the Persians but there was also a second numerical message hidden in this inscription if you have a Bible with footnotes you might see that these words are explained as units of
money men is a Mina which is 50 shekel tle is a shekele and Parson means divided or halves and refers to half a minina which is 25 shekels if you add these up you get 126 shekels but the shekele was not the smallest coin the smallest coin was a gara and there are 20 garas in a shekele so if you multiply 126 shekels by 20 you get 2,520 gas notice that this is the exact same number we found hidden in Daniel 4 this is a second confirmation that 2520 years would pass before Babylon would begin
to rise again now back to the story while the rulers of Babylon were having a feast the mes and Persians had already conquered the king Kingdom and they were invading the city of Babylon that very night we can find the exact day recorded in the nabonidus chronicle which says on the 14th day Sapar was captured without a battle nabonidus fled on the 16th day ubaru governor of gutium and the army of Cyrus without battle they entered Babylon Sapar was captured on the 14th day of the Babylonian month tium in 539 BC two days days later
Daniel told the rulers of Babylon that Babylon had already been given to the mes and Persians and that very night the city of Babylon also fell so here from an ancient clay tablet we have the exact date that marks the beginning of the 2,520 year period that Babylon would be without a ruler now it is important to note that dates in Bible prophecy always use the Hebrew calendar the month t in the Babylonian calendar is equivalent to the month of tishri in the Hebrew calendar so the city of seur fell on the 14th day of
tishri 539 BC and 2 days later Daniel said that the kingdom of Babylon had already been given to the mes and Persians so we will begin our count with the 14th day of tishy 539 BC adding 2520 years brings us to the 14th day of Tish 1982 which was October 1st on the Roman Calendar on that exact day the chancellor of West Germany was suddenly replaced by a man named helmet Co this didn't happen in an election instead the new leader was selected by the German Parliament after a constructive vote of no confidence in other
words the leaders in the government decided to select a new Chancellor without holding an election this was the only time in the history of Germany that a leader came to power in this way was helmet Call's sudden unexpected rise to power on October 1st 1982 a second fulfillment of the prophecy in Daniel 4 consider these three facts and decide for yourself fact One 8 years later on the exact same day that helmet Cole came to power East and West Germany were reunified under his leadership that was October 3rd 1990 which was Tish 14 on the
Hebrew calendar now do you know why east and west Germany were divided in the first place in World War I Germany and its allies conquered a large part of Europe then again during World War II Hitler LED Germany to conquer most of Europe after these two Wars the other world powers didn't want Germany to ever rule Europe again so they divided Germany got rid of its Army and destroyed many of its factories but in 1990 Germany was reunited by the man who came to power on the exact day the Bible predicted that Babylon would begin
to grow again Fact Two helmet Cole was the leading advocate for unifying the countries of east and west Europe into a world power he was one of the two men who wrote the treaty which founded the European Union that established the Euro as the common currency of Europe and that opened the way for the countries of Eastern Europe to join the European Union the prophecy in Daniel 4 indicated that when the band of iron around the stump of Babylon was removed a new tree would begin to grow from the same Roots if you look at
history you will see that Europe's roots go back to Rome Greece and ultimately Babylon in fact in the Bible the end time Babylon is described as a woman riding a beast you can find the same image of a woman riding a beast on the back of some two euro coins where the woman represents Europe helmet Cole helped unite Europe into a world power fulfilling the prophecy that a new world power would rise from the roots of ancient Babylon fact three helmet Cole and his successors have established Germany as the leading power in Europe and they
are working to establish Europe as the leading power in the world what are the chances that this sequence of events would begin on the exact same day that was foretold thousands of years in advance since October 1st 1982 a new world power a new Babylon has been emerging in in Europe and most people don't recognize what has been happening but what about the Antichrist helmet Cole retired from politics in 2002 and died in 2017 he was not the Endtime Antichrist who will lead the world but his appointment on the exact day predicted in Daniel 4
allows us to understand where the Antichrist will come from the Bible predicts that a man called the beast who was called the Antichrist by some while r rule over the end time Babylon that has been growing in Germany and Europe since 1982 just like Hitler this man might be born outside of Germany but he will eventually gain control over Germany Europe and the whole world but don't believe me the Bible warns that there will be many false prophets in the last days one of these false prophets will be a powerful religious leader who will work
together with the Beast this false prophet will use religion to deceive and control people the only way you can avoid being tricked by false prophets is to open the Bible and see what it says for yourself so I encourage you to carefully check all of the scriptures and facts that I have mentioned in this video to make sure that all of the details are true and accurate one thing you will find when you check the scriptures is that the Bible does not specifically say that the Beast or the false prophet are the Antichrist but regardless
of which person is the Antichrist the Bible clearly says that the Beast will rule the world with support from the false prophet so watch for these two men to appear in Europe once they appear what will they do how will they change Europe and what will happen to North and South America Africa Asia and the Middle East what role will countries like the United States Israel Russia and India play in in time Prophecy in the description you will find a link to a complete set of lessons that answer these questions in the next two lessons
I'll explain the mystery of the Lost tribe of Israel and how they fit into end time prophecy to help this video reach more people please click subscribe you can also find more lessons and videos at the clear truth.com
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