Eat More Colors Lunch and Learn

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Ohio State Buckeye Wellness
In this Buckeye Wellness lunch and learn, join Buckeye Wellness and Exercise Physiologist and Health...
Video Transcript:
there we go all right hi everyone I'm Nicole Johnson I'm the program coordinator for Buckeye Wellness out of the office of the chief Wellness officer and Welcome to our August lunch and learn today a couple of upcoming events our next luncheon learned for September will be on the 22nd it'll be in brt the room we are in there also as always be a live webcast option if you aren't able to get here in person and join us we have our next Buckeye Wellness innovator orientation on October 17th in heminger Hall if you are not familiar
with the Buckeye Wellness innovator program we don't know what a BWI is Buck wants innovator they are essentially Wellness Champions that we have throughout the university and all the different departments that work to bring Wellness to their Department I feel like people can't see me behind this um so you go through an orientation with us you learn about the different Wellness departments on campus you get to meet them and figure out how we can work together to help your department so if you're someone who's really interested in Wellness you're passionate about Wellness want to be
more involved get to meet some like-minded people it's a great program it's a lot of fun and like I said that is in October and then lastly we have group fitness classes going on we have them pretty consistently Monday through Friday some are in the morning some are at the lunch hour somewhere in the evening so we're trying to cater to everyone's schedule would love to get you out for some our instructors are fantastic high energy can get modifications if you need it they're all great so I would highly recommend and would love to see
you out at some of those Fitness classes um during the presentation today if you do have a question you can hold it to the end we'll have a lot of time at the end to go through any questions and then also everyone should have a worksheet for today that you picked up out front I did go out online as well so our online folks can join in and then if you prefer the online option here have your laptop want to do it there that's fine as well if you didn't get one I'll bring some copies
in and just call me over but I will now introduce our fabulous speaker today we have Corey safe she is an ACSM exercise physiologist Who currently works as a health and well-being coach for the center of well-being and prevention in the College of Nursing she started her career in division one Collegiate Athletics as a cscca certified strength and conditioning coach with a Team USA weightlifting certification during those years she presented at the northeast Ohio strength conference as well as participated in national conferences Corey has continued to follow her passion for supporting others into the field
of Health coaching and offers individual and group coaching workshops and wellness activities she is honored and inspired by the opportunity to be an encouraging support in others Health Journeys and is enthusiastic about celebrating their success her personal experience as a professional athlete living overseas and now raising a multicultural family has strongly influenced her view of living well especially nutrition and drastically impacted her health for the better so please join me in welcoming Corey safe uh thank you so my name is Corey and that last Ted is in there because uh my nutrition has drastically changed
from what I was raised and what I was as a kid which means we all have the power to decide every day how we want to eat and how we want to take care of our bodies so today if you have worksheets make sure you have dots because we're going to talk about eating more colors I know you're eating so if I'm interacting with hand stuff I apologize but we're going to interact a lot with pants so if you have ever looked for nutritional information online magazines professional social media from any Source snap with one
of your hands come out how many of you have tried to improve your health and well-being through nutrition efforts use your other hand to snap twice well big topic if you have found information online it was amazing but in no way put it into practice in your everyday life use both hands to snap repeatedly for the last snaps and I'm right here snapping with you why is it that there's great healthy behaviors out there that we know about that we learned about but we can't seem to put them into action this is what we want
to bridge today some of the hurdles are it's uh overwhelming it's confusing there's a lot of barriers we want to take you past that first one today by leaning into your personal skills what do you have that you're strong at that we can use to get over that first hurdle and get into action so we're talking about nutrition we know that across the board confirmed we should eat more fruits and vegetables right but yet most people don't the World Health Organization States about 1.7 million deaths worldwide are linked to low fruit and vegetable consumption I've
seen that number be way higher in other studies we know that it can reduce the risk of major diseases and delay onset age-related disorders we know that low consumption could be a top 10 risk factor and that the daily intake of fruits and vegetables worldwide remains well below recommendations despite established health benefits we know this like many healthy behaviors we know we should do it but why don't we so we're going to take this first step and turn you into an empowered expert in your fruits and vegetables does everyone know their colors roygbiv yeah this
is kindergarten you got this if you saw a fruit or a vegetable could you tell me what color it is yeah congratulations you all now have the skills to be your own fruit and vegetable expert and this is because we know that color of foods relates to the micronutrient profile we know that the Hue is related to antioxidants we know that from a very long time ago this is not news for anyone that we eat with our eyes first we visually choose foods that look appetizing that look healthy for so many reasons uh even in
1996 we know that most nutritious foods are chosen by their color and appearance so this is not new eating in color is definitely not a New Concept Wexner Medical Center even one of their blog posts has put up rainbow nutrient eating so this is not a revolutionary nutrition secret I am sharing with you today but what we want to find out is how do we put you into action I'm not here to share with you a bunch of information and education because there's nothing I can tell you that you probably don't already know about the
fact that eating fruits and vegetables is healthy for you but our aim here today is to launch you into action build some personal skills and get you what you need to do to start actually eating more vegetables on a regular basis based on your own personal needs so we're going to do that in three steps a day we need to gather some resources we're going to identify a lot of colorful fruits and vegetables we'll talk about the micronutrients it's a fun fact we need to evaluate point a how many fruits and vegetables do I eat
now as well as what's point B on that road map how many fruits and vegetables should I be eating to get the benefits I want once we have an A and A B we can create a plan we can make an appropriate Road plan the last thing is we got to do it we're going to create you should be able to walk out of here today with an individual plan in hand with the support needed to eat more colors or eat more fruits and vegetables pretty simple right ready to hop to so on your sheet
look for this rainbow one that has the red orange yellow green the things you know the things you've been an expert at since you were probably five or younger if you have a pen or a pencil in front of you I encourage you to cheat open your Google steal words from my slides gather as many resources as you can in this moment you are going to have 30 seconds to write down as many fruits and vegetables as you can that are in that color we'll do about 30 seconds for each color so we're going to
start with red those are already starting I'm not even mad get them written in Just Go so red first are we ready and go red foods have the micronutrients vitamin C vitamin A potassium and antioxidants you don't have to copy mine just think red apples raspberries cherries feel free to shout out any that you can think of even if you don't see them up here tomatoes radishes watermelon you have four seconds don't worry you can add more later these sheets are yours to take I know it's the first week of semester your hand's going to
be burning moving on to Orange orange foods have vitamin C potassium vitamin K beta-carotene which the body then changes into Vitamin a shout out some orange foods what we got Orange brainstorming over here carrot cantaloupe pumpkin butternut squash but here was that person What I Hear Peppers yeah peppers are going to be using a few categories last five seconds we're moving on to Yellow for those that are trying to get ahead of the Curve yellow fruits and vegetables in general are great sources of vitamin C potassium and antioxidants notice there's a lot of similarity red
orange yellow had a lot of the same nutrients in it anecdotal coincidence that they are similar on the color wheel Spectrum as well bell peppers Chili Pepper Peach star fruit if anyone's had durian fruit my husband loves it me not so much corn nectarines what other yellow ones do you guys know but again you can Google this you can get this information anywhere you need this is simple stuff to grasp we're not making this complicated anymore you got about four more seconds before we shift away from these kind of common nutrients move into green and
green green foods have vitamin K magnesium potassium dietary nitrates and folates could be any kind of herb any kind of lettuce any kind of green collard greens turnip greens anything like this broccoli okra avocado green chilies Sprouts zucchinis some of these might be new to you but in majority of these you've probably seen before because you're an expert on fruits and vegetables and you know your colors foreign we'll give you about eight seconds left on Green this one gets a little trickier you might see less blue purples readily available to you blue purple blue purple
foods contain liposine flavonoids and vitamin D and K blueberries huckleberries some radishes maybe red onion trickster coming in on two slides Maybe eggplant if you eat the skin purple cabbage good call you're on the home stretch guys we only have two left if you're hands struggling we've got five seconds on blues and purples Brown we don't want to negate the Browns and the whites they may not get a lot of hype in the nutrition world but they still have things that are good for us Brown fruits and vegetables are high in potassium fiber beta glucans
lignins and ready for this one epigallo katachin galate so I'm not a nutrition expert I'm not going to say did you get enough egcg milligrams this week but I now can say hey did you get some brown Foods in and we know that nutrient got into your body we're talking almost any kind of nut oats cocoa beans coffee chocolate Brown's a good section guys we don't mess with it spices like cinnamon are coming from tree bark mushrooms flax seeds last few seconds to write down some Browns and you've almost made it wrong to White and
white foods contain allicin phytochemicals and so the anthoxanthins sulfur fiber and potassium who knows some white Foods what are some of your favorite ones cauliflower onion radishes they get on two grounds you get two colors with that vegetable rice water chestnuts this one celery root yeah I'll believe you I don't know you're the expert on that so I trust you coconut lots of white fruits and vegetables that have lots of good nutrients for us so you have this sheet with all these resources now looking at that sheet Circle a few that you know you like
you might want to go back later and find all of them but look through your colors and be like I love apples Circle them I love eggplant Circle it if you know you like this fruit or vegetable make sure it ends up in your house make sure it ends up within your reach on your order for groceries because this is literally the lowest lying fruit you can start eating this one now because you probably already like it and probably already know how to prepare it secondly that this is a good resource to you is underline
the ones you've never tried if you wrote down a few where you're like I have never tasted that but you jotted it down underline it because this is your new inspiration maybe I want to see if my grocery store carries it maybe I can find a recipe using that and figure out if I like it or not so now that we have a lot of resources you're an expert you know colors you know fruits and vegetables and you just proved it by putting a ton on a piece of paper let's start evaluating we're moving to
the next step so if you flip your page over I guess for you guys it's on the same page the next one has Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday I denote as an R I'm sorry if that's weird Friday Saturday Sunday we need to figure out how many fruits and vegetables am I currently having so that I can decide what's the best step towards my angle of what should be recommended so we're going to do this together if you're here with us in person you got the colored dots if you're with us on Zoom then you can
do this with colored pencils markers you can just use your pencil to write the letter of the first you know letter of the color however you'd like to mark it is fine simple we are not measuring amounts grams serving sizes none of that super simple did that color enter your body and give you the nutrients so let's do Thursday together because today's Friday and it's not done yet it's still happening think about yesterday's breakfast what did you eat for breakfast yesterday I'll give you an example and then if anyone feels comfortable you can throw on
out say you had a egg omelet with spinach and tomato you think about that breakfast spinach one Green Dot goes in your Thursday rainbow wedge tomato one red dot goes in that wedge it doesn't matter if you ate 10 Tomatoes or one tomato just one red dot because you ate that color that day so does anyone have an example of a breakfast that had fruits or vegetable that we can help color that up blueberries so your breakfast contained blueberries was that the only fruit and vegetable that had in it okay like breakfast can be hard
that's a tricky one so one blue dot would go on your breakfast let's think about yesterday's lunch in that same row you're still in Thursday what did you eat for lunch did anyone have a sandwich that had a side of chips and salsa because Salsa's got Tomatoes there's one Red Dot it's got onions in it there's a white dot it's got Jalapeno in it there's a Green Dot it's got cilantro in it there's a Green Dot does that make sense we're not measuring by size and amount just did that color go into your body thinking
about your dinner yesterday night's dinner if you can remember last night what did you eat for dinner last night if you had a salad with your dinner one Green Dot for lettuce did it have shaved carrots on it one Green Dot one orange dot for carrots did it have cucumbers on it another Green Dot so it's just the food and the color add that color dot using a marker or colored pencil however you'd like to denote it on that sheet what you see forming is a wedge of a visual measurement of the micronutrients you got
that day super easy to understand you have the count you have a visual Easy Go no numbers needed what about today this morning if you already had breakfast this morning move to Friday or if you already had lunch oh we all had lunch let's do lunch so if you had lunch if you had this salad at a Green Dot I see carrots in it add an orange Dot sorry I'm just gonna like stare at your lunch I see broccoli out of Green Dot what else is in there Tomatoes add a Red Dot croutons are not
a fruit of vegetables so we're not going to mark them but yeah you had orange Peppers so she would add an orange Dot do we get how to how to assess our nutrient intake cool it's easy Right add the color dots add the markers I'm gonna need your hands in a second so if you're eating chew your bite and put your fork down 10 is yes 100 I'm going to finish this whole sheet and have a whole week of assessment zero is no way Corey don't sign me up for your silly games show me with
your fingers are you going to complete and finish this color assessment this next week I see zeros I see fives I see tens I see sevens so we see everything there's no judgment there's not good or bad answers the Curious question is why why are you that number if you're a 10 why are you so confident what about it makes you so excited if you're a six or a five what's in your way is there something stopping you is it tedious is it hard is it not interesting what about it is the barrier to you
being able to accomplish it so it's curiosity what's your number and why is your number so we have our starting point point a we need the end of our road map how many fruits and vegetables should we be eating notice there's a bunch of different recommendations all of these are from accredited National sources so there's no wrong answers you get to choose the right one for you American Heart Association says four to five servings of each eight to ten servings of fruit and vegetables uh World Health Organization 400 grams if you're like the misery type
of person this is up your alley five day campaign two fruit three vegetable pretty simple concept balanced plate here at the Buckeye Dining Services half your plate should be fruits and vegetables that's in line with the USDA my plate Mayo Clinic has a different approach one fruit and vegetable breakfast two with lunch three with dinner and snacks for the rest of the day and then the USDA has a more in-depth chart that goes by age sex things like this and uses cup measurements so as you glance over these which one caught your eye which one
did your eye go back to of that one that one looks easy or that one makes sense to me or man 400 grams I love measuring food not and that would not be my choice so whichever one is right for you might be your end game that's your big goal that's not your first step that's not what I'm doing tomorrow that's where I want to be to get the health benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables so we have a I currently eat x amount of vegetables and fruits and I want to eat why amounts
of fruits and vegetables there's a really big Point here I don't want to miss on no one lacks desire I want to make more money I want to have better work-life balance I want to feel less anxiety I want to lose weight what we need to do is be able to actually support that desire by building the personal skills and developing the road map that's going to see you through that starts with a really good individual plan which is what we want to do today so we're ready to actually create the individual individual plan that
you get to walk out of here with today yeah so you'll see these two pages on yours we're going to start at the light bulb that has a puzzle piece on it this is the I want to this is your desire you can freeze this however you want but for the purpose of what we're doing today it's I want to eat more colors I want to eat more fruits and vegetables you can phrase that however you would like but our goal probably everyone's goal should be I want to eat more fruits and vegetables we know
it's beneficial for us we know a lot of people don't hit the Monk once you've jotted down your desire your I want go to that first bubble on the left why am I doing this am I doing it right now because everyone else is doing it and I'm just writing in too so she doesn't call on me is it because I really want to support I have a marathon coming up and I want to support my training is it I have an annual coming up and I want to be able to bring down my A1C
numbers I want to live to be a centurion why would you want to do this why do you want to eat more fruits and vegetables could be a few words could be a sentence could be a picture however you want to embody that importance the bubble on the right what are the benefits remember you're the expert you know this I'm not giving you any new information here what are the benefits of you eating more fruits and vegetables is it being a good example for your family or your kids is that a possible benefit is it
having better blood plan on numbers when you come out of that annual is it increasing or having a better PR time on that race you're preparing for what's your return on your investment why would I work hard to eat more what am I going to get from this now that we have your I want and we know why we're going to build a smart goal you might have seen different meetings for the smart in that we're just going to roll with this one all of them are good so if you find this different than normal
that's okay we need to be specific how will I do this if you say worms can eat more fruits and vegetables this isn't very specific are you going to eat a piece of fruit after dinner are you going to think about your color dot sheet am I going to make sure I have one of every color dot by the end of the week am I going to eat two more red dots each day am I going to three times a week have a vegetable heavy breakfast so what are you specifically going to do what's the
first step towards eating more fruits and vegetables for you everyone will have a different answer here go ahead and jot in your thoughts and then think about how we're going to measure it the m in your smart goal when will I do this how will I know I've succeeded what's the measure so at the end of the week did I have those three breakfasts that had vegetables in them yes or no this also Blends a little bit to accountability because you might like check mark it on your calendar you might be putting the dots onto
your sheet so it's a little bit of accountability mixing with measuring but what is the actual Civic measurement I'm going to have one cup of sliced pears after dinner every night of the working weekdays be very specific on your measurement of how you're calculating it the next resource we need to build in is what skills and things do you need is this achievable and how do we keep it accountable so what do you need let's use that example of I'm going to have breakfast that has vegetables do you need a recipe for that do you
know some off the top of your head or do we need to seek out some recipes and try some things was there a fruit or vegetable you really wanted to try but isn't sold at your local market how do you get a hold of it the other piece of that is the accountability is there someone you can tell that's either going to cheer you on or hold you to it who can you get on your team to help make sure this happens can you do it is it appropriate and who can help you get there
the r of smart is relevant why am I doing this now how does this benefit my big long-term vision of Health and Wellness so when you talk about I picture myself being in this form of well-being does this actually step towards that might be a great idea everyone needs to eat fruits vegetables but if you're already eating fruits and vegetables is there a different step or way you could take this Markle to get you towards your long-term goal so is it relevant is it something you actually piece towards your endgame goal and then the last
one is when will I know I've done it when is it done by so time are you gonna eat a piece of fruit after dinner Monday through Friday for one week for four weeks for three months what's your timeline that you know at the end of this time I'll be able to look back and measure yes out of the month that I wanted to eat a cup of Fruit after every dinner I got 18 out of the 20 available so what's your timeline put an end cap on it with these pieces of information we can
now squish together and change our I want statement into an I will statement so we now have a smart goal so use those pieces to say I will eat more fruits and vegetables bye and you add in your pieces of the puzzle so here's an example using the uh the evening one the fruit after dinner I will eat more fruits and vegetables by eating one cup of sliced pears Monday through Friday after dinner for one month smart school smart goal I will statement go ahead and jot that in giving yourself a few seconds formulate the
words and thoughts once you think you've got that pretty formulated you made a sentence it has the components I will do my goal by very specific information we are going to lean hard into some positive psychology one your brain loves being correct the more times you read this say this or write it the more chance it's just going to make it happen secondly it loves these in threes it's like a free dopamine kick so on this next sheet we are going to end up writing this three more times today right at the top is our
first time I am confident I will blink feel free to paraphrase it you could say you know eat more vegetables or you could skip that part and say I will have fruit after dinner however you want to paraphrase this fine but I am confident I will blank fill in your smart goal and then look at those smiley faces in circle kind of like the 10 finger question I asked you with the fruit dots how confident are you you're going to accomplish that goal that you specified it could be a 10 you could be a two
right below that you're gonna jot in that number I feel blank whatever your score was confident and write down why why are you that confident even if you're a two tell me why you're a two could be notes could be pictures again however you like to illustrate it what about your confidence score makes it what it is and then this one's hard when you see it in Reading but I will phrase it to you as well you're going to write in your score again I am blank confident and not a lower number because so if
I was going to say this to you as a question I would say if you were an eight why are you an eight and not a six tell me why you chose five and not four if you're a 10 you're feeling super good why are you a 10 and not an eight that's how that question would phrase if someone asked you directly why are you the higher score rather than anything lower than what you actually chose Here Comes our second brain trick of the page you're going to write it again how important is blank your
specifics Markle to you how important is eating more fruits and vegetables by blank blank blank blank win why Etc and then you're going to use that number skill to gauge and circle how important is this to me is this a high priority like wow I really got to get this intact or is it yeah it's important it's on my radar but it's not feeling really urgent to you as before we're not judging our answer but we're curious about our answer so here's the third time you have to write your smart goal I promised last time
let's just hammer it in the brain blank your smart goal is what you score important because what are the reasons this is important for you even if you scored a two you gave it some some form of importance jot in why was that important pencil still going love it most are stopped you get to take this with you so don't worry you can keep elaborating on this and fine-tuning this as you go in fact I recommend you do this can kind of be like a first draft for you alrighty you've made a plan you know
what you want to do you have ways of how you're going to do it and you've assessed how confident you are about doing it one of my favorite and last steps is how are you going to acknowledge or celebrate your success we're going there we're just picturing it you've succeeded you did it how do we celebrate is it a self high five is it like a victory jump go ahead and Shout out some answers how do you like to celebrate when you do something good hopefully a helpful treats we're not working against our success but
yeah a treat what about a retail retail trip retail tree seeing friends maybe just posted it on social media or you're telling that friend hey I did it I accomplished this that might be intrinsic treat enough for you but find a way to already Envision that and celebrate your success whether it's with someone whether it's by yourself whether it's internally whether it's buying yourself a treat but overall go ahead and think about that like what's my prize what's my reward that might add a piece that motivation you haven't had before so if you noticed during
this presentation I probably have to actually apologize to you I came into your lunch and learned and basically gave you no like health information education so I'm so sorry for that but I do hope that what we gave you was the support to build the personalized skills you need to actually Implement behaviors they're going to positively affect your health and well-being thank you guys thank you so much Corey for that fun and interactive presentation so we now have a lot of time for questions before we do that I just want to note um in a
second I'll change the slide and there'll be a QR code so if you've been to one in the last two months or so you know we've kind of Switched our evaluations to doing it with a QR code and an email will go out as opposed to like having paper copy so we're trying to be environmentally friendly um so when the QR code's up there if you have your phone you can put your camera on hold it up and tap on it and it should pop up like I said if not you need no we'll go
out so we have a lot of time for questions what questions do you have if you're in person please wait for me to get you the mic and then say your questions so people online can hear anyone with a question it's a good sign it means you're just ready to go do it do you mind clicking to the next just put the yeah oh my thing oh I thought you had the clicker on you I did well you ponder over your questions or anyone online have questions chat box you have a question have any suggestions
when in your household you have like a person like if it's just two of you and you buy produce and you want to eat the rainbow but the other person may not like all of the rainbow I struggle with food waste and I struggle with trying to sneak vegetables in two dishes yeah that's actually really common we had some requests to see if we could make all educational content around one just buying and storing produce in a way to not have food waste because I don't know if anyone's seen a pack of raspberries lately but
it's no joke and uh the second one is how do you deal with family members that could be less than on board with your idea of eating so you said sneak it in is that something you've tried before oh yeah yeah so it sounds like you're on to a right idea you're saying I think sneaking in is going to be my best way unless you can just find another recipe that they do like if they're up for exploring eating there are a lot of resources for sneaking it in there's a book from I'm not sure
how many years ago I think it's geared more towards kids but I think that works great with adults most of the time too of How It's called The sneaky Chef where you're basically putting like black bean brownies and broccoli and things like this into brownies that kids eat so sneaking it in as your first idea is one way to do that another way is having that conversation around getting them involved so maybe you have them fill out their color sheet what colors do you like so that you can find the ones they do like and
then you can play off those if you like more than they do um we're trying to see do they want to cook something maybe there's probably you could go a lot of directions here but usually involving them is when you see the most response from engaging someone but I like your idea of sneaking it that's what I do with my family a lot too we had a comment from Brenda in the chat saying how about frozen foods so I'm assuming in reference to food waste and whatnot of having Frozen yeah so actually Brenda's probably chiming
in for your answer Frozen is a great way I am not a nutritional expert I'm not a dietitian from my understanding frozen foods can be just as helpful as fresh because they're now freezing them on site Fresh Off The Garden so if you have the option to Fresh yes does it change the texture and taste in a lot of foods totally you can't just buy a bag of frozen Brussels sprouts and think it's going to be the same as a fresh seared one but if you find the tolerable that you like frozen can be a
great way to preserve if you're if it's freezable or if you buy it frozen and then you can portion out better so Brenda's Got a good answer there thanks Brenda any other questions come on okay I don't see any hands I don't see anything online well thank you all for coming today sorry so it was a comment um thank you all for coming today like I said everything will be sent out in an email so if you didn't get it beforehand if you may be registered after the list was sent to me you'll receive everything
afterwards so if you want to go through and do the activity again you can do that so once again thank you Corey this is fantastic thank you to everyone for joining us and have a great great rest of your day and a great weekend
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