Most Watched Season 1 Cases | Suits

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Season 1 really hit the ground running. Revisit some of the cases that we can never get enough of wa...
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Dominic Mike I'd like you to meet Dominic Baron the man responsible for the design and production of this engine this is my new associate Mike Ross he's just a kid he trying to steal his soul before he hits puberty okay obviously still upset about our labor negotiations my my workers took a big hit and mckernan took a bigger one both of which poised the company to be strong for years I was always straight with you about that sophisticated words for a guy who screwed us look I'm sorry you feel that way but you have to
admit I did have the courtesy to do it from the front wow yeah he really appreciates what you've done for the company Robert stenland like you to meet your new associate Mike Ross we're not paying him what we pay you nor should you but I assure you he's highly effective I'll believe it when I see it I had him read your corporate lease last week ask him anything that's a 300 page document okay what are the terms okay I have no idea what you're talking about see was the parent company Glendon Enterprises 35,000 ft at
19 West 57 $80 a foot expires in 6 months with an option to extend exercisable in 30 days who signed the lease you did what's my middle name the letter L what happens in the event the company no longer exists that wasn't in the lease how can you be sure because the lease I read wasn't 300 Pages it was 364 and I can tell you what's on any one of those pages but I can't tell you tell you that that's how I can be sure excellent you can get him started on the new deal right
away New Deal yeah I have found a buyer willing to spend $200 million for the ground underneath the flagship Factory where are you moving manufacturing well that's the beauty of it the real asset of mcer and Motors is the name we move overseas we save ourselves a bundle a front payout while retaining the name and maintaining cash flow over time that's genius exactly we'll take care of everything okay right thanks really Jesus I knew he was cheap I didn't realize he was an idiot what are you talking about the asset's not the name it's the
quality he moves overseas he's going to kill the goose that laid the goddamn golden engine wait a minute I thought you didn't get emotionally attached to the client I'm emotionally attached to me look I made a bet that this company would grow and my billables would grow with it we're holding a pair of Aces and this is trying to fold so what are you going to do I'm not going to do anything you're going to go through those bylaws and you're going to find me a way to get rid of Robert St no no no
no I have to go see my grandmother uh-uh is she dying no cancel onor now would you find me on mcna Motors the board can't vote for at least 24 hours after the CEO presents a deal involving the sale of company land but stenin already presented it to the board right but stenland isn't CEO I wrote those bylaws myself he's CEO H page 238 Clause 137 States if the CEO dies an interim CEO will be appointed in until the board convenes an election vote which can't be called till the next fiscal quarter in this case
next Thursday so they can't vote them in until Thursday Thursday okay well prepare the due diligence for me to take to stenland but I don't want anything ready to sign where are you going out I have until Thursday to find a new CEO huh what oh nothing uh it just 6 hours 1,500 pages and I uh found your mistake yeah you found the one mistake I made while drafting those bylaws a dozen years ago when I was 2 years younger than you a mistake by the way that's going to help me get rid of stenin
mistake spent a day with a top Head Hunter I know who couldn't produce one legitimate CEO candidate by Thursday what about that Dominic Baron guy who runs production he said he was responsible for the engines and clearly cares about the workers oh he's not the guy uh you're scared you can't convince him because he hates you I get it nice try Harvey glad you can make it we were about to sign the papers I got worded back at the office I just came to see how Lewis was getting around the bylaws I don't know ah
I'm at somewhat of a loss Robert I'm sorry this is what was holding up your due diligence technically you're still interim CEO until the board votes you in on Thursday if protocol isn't followed it leaves you with huge litigation exposure that's right well I imagine we should uh hold off then please don't blame lisis it's my fault we usually have senior Partners oversee transactions like this because Junior Partners they tend to miss things see you Thursday 1 second uh just so you know you a junior partner to recently there's a reason I'm not anymore I
need you to prepare the draft CEO candidate speech for Thursday I thought you were supposed to back off yeah I'm supposed to do a lot of things I'll call you with the plan on my way back from where from convincing the man who hates me to do what I say oh right you mean the guy I suggested you go to in the first place do you remember that whole getting a thing I was talking you about I can't even gloat gloating is fine you just have to not suck at it okay thank you so much
it hurt Robert Harvey you know I have to admit I almost didn't see it coming excuse me it's the delay in the due diligence it just didn't smell right so the only thing it could be was that you were going after my CEO appointment so since I'm still within my rights to move a board meeting I did I was voted in today at noon and tomorrow the board will ratify the sale of the factory and now I'm firing your firm and I'm firing you try the Quan gentlemen marmalade's fantastic follow me I need you to
go talk to Dominic what why sten's already CEO that won't matter if we just buy the damn company what why you still working it's one of my Creations not leaving it unfinished the hell do you want I'd be happy to tell you if you put that wrench down you're quick with the jokes I'm the guy just got fired you're right I'm sorry what would you say if I told you we could get your job back and stick it to Sten I'm done with Harvey and his plans yeah you were there we got fired too you
and Harvey still have jobs he doesn't care about anybody but himself including you Mike yeah you're probably right but he did stick his neck out to keep your company here and he does have an idea that requires your help so you can stay here and call him an or you can come with me and we can help him you know goes from 0 to 60 in the blink of an eye did you bring me down here to tell me I can drive this better for $250 million you can own it mckern and Motors is for
sale if we Act Fast I'll need to see the financials you put together a letter of intent they'll get you the financials you know the real asset is a enging in quality I don't want to just buy the name speak of the devil Lawrence I'd like you to meet the man responsible for every mckernin Motors engine ever built wow Dominic Barone very nice to meet you good to meet you I'd like to show you something if you haven't absolutely so how do we get an offer to the board before their vote to ratify the deal
tomorrow you're going to go through those bylaws and you're going to figure something out I don't have to look through them and figure it out because I just did well what took you so long trying to look like me each of you have had 24 hours to review the documents in front of you so at this time excuse me excuse me what is he doing here I'm sorry I'm going to take care of this no no no I will you gentlemen have no right to attend this meeting actually we do the bylaw states that any
original employee has the right to petition the board anytime they meet Dominic Baron has assigned that right to me he was fired he no longer has that right per section 17-5 c Dominic wasn't given 3 days notice so technically he wasn't fired which is why I do have the right to urge the board to accept the offer for the purchase of Mur Motors now I can tell you that this offer will keep manufacturing here and save jobs while retaining the flagship engine that put this company on the map but I don't have to because it
happens to be for way more Goddamn money than the one in front of you right now hey Bob how are you it's funny how you held out on me on that proper notice exception I didn't hold out I made that up on the spot really on the spot remember that getting stuff I know right I'm getting it well I was going to say that but now you ruined it that's one thing you definitely get how to ruin it how to ruin it I heard that Mr D correct me if any of this is wrong but
you and I both know it's not please address me and not my client Mr Spector you mean your client who purchased $10 million of lunardi pharmaceuticals and then a day later word of their FDA approval got out and the stock shot up to $30 million she purchased that stock for your clients Bert Kimble and Dean MLL Based On A Tip Sheet handed out by your clients an allegation that tainted their reputation yet the doj looked into it and found nothing that doesn't mean it didn't happen I'll turn your client over in person no handcuffs it'll
be a country club prison and I'll make sure that she's processed as gently as possible as long as she admits that she made this trade of her own accord it's a crappy deal wrapped in Pretty Paper why aren't we dealing with the Department of Justice because the doj wanted to put you behind bars for 7 years and I got him down to 11 months look it's a great deal you're going to sign it you're going to serve your year in prison and every night when you climb into your bunk you're going to thank your lucky
stars that Harvey Spectre negotiate on your behalf nobody's ever going to believe me and I don't have the resources to fight this thing forever so I'll sign the goddamn deal but I'm not thanking anybody you here to make sure I don't change my mind about the deal no would you you know my father was a teacher he worked hard followed the rules last year the district cut his pension to save their budget I went to Wall Street so I could make some money before getting into teaching myself I never thought I'd have to worry if
they let convicted felons teach can I get you some water or [Music] something I'm just going to get you some water no no no no what she's gone just because a pretty girl tells you a story doesn't mean it's true if she'd gone to trial the burden of proof would be on the prosecution yet her own lawyer told her to take the deal not to mention that innocent people don't run I think this fell out of her purse I found it here why are you telling me this now because you were mad at me before
so your answer to that is to delay giving me important information well when you put it like that okay I got to smooth things over with the doj that phone is our only lead try not to lose lose it before I get back okay did you help Gabby when she was charged with insider trading of course I did she wasn't just a Trader she was my friend I recommended a lawyer and let her borrow some cash after you guys froze her account that was Henderson he's a stickler for procedure tell me when was the last
time you saw her Radley let me inform you that withholding knowledge of the whereabouts of a gnome fugitive is a federal offense do you understand Gabby came in here 20 minutes ago she asked to borrow my key card to Mel assets offices and I gave it to her well the department appreciates your honesty Gabby what are you doing that stock was on my tip sheet it was on mine I if I could find that Tip Sheet I could prove my innocence is this what guilty people [Music] do I know they're your clients but can you
help me please I'm sorry you can either come with us or we'll have the Department of Justice bring you [Music] in hey I forget why are we looking into Gabby Stone again oh right because I said she's innocent and now you agree with me no I don't agree with you that she's Innocent but if there's even the slightest chance that someone else is involved they're putting the whole company at risk and I can't have that okay so you disagree with what we agree about I'll agree with that these folders you'll find every trade made by
Mel Assets in the last year personally delivered by ber Kimble I'm flattered we just want to make sure you've got everything you need Harvey we really appreciate your diligence now I better get back to the office the Australian markets are just opening up good to see you always a pleasure B Harvey this is great we can take these tip sheets and put the what are you doing this guy's not that friendly to his own mother he's hiding something and I'm pissed what are you talking talking about those aren't the real trades okay so how do
we get them right how do I get them hello you figure out how to get the most profitable trades yet Mike the Mel Brokers hang out at a bar called the closing bell I'm on my way now just remember you're working I'll talk to you later I guarantee you my biggest trades kick the ass out of your biggest Trad I don't think so brother last month I made2 million on kill medals in one hour 2 million I made 4 million off of manux back in February that stock tripled overnight what's up 4 million oh that's
adorable how about the 6 million I just cleared on ripy and Micro Devices oh yeah what do you think my boy here made on Piper web systems but this guy right here uhhuh uh I don't know a pack of chewing gum in your sister's [Music] panties oh it's on [Applause] it's landed 7 million off of droan limited 8 million off of eping RTX 9 million dollar off of RMA integrated products well gentlemen breed is good so's his sister right come on man that's his sister that's not cool dude you just made like the same [Applause]
joke hey Bradley's finally here uh all right ladies listen I got a split it's been real I'll get drinks next time all right right make money money make money hey Harvey come on we got to save Gabby deini oh oh you got a sweet Place dude don't ever call me dude do you think that maybe I could take it off your hands like when you're going out of town like a like a house sitting type situation remind me to have Donna get your spare key you have the trades Tada good hey when can we uh
why didn't you fight this harder after I saw how much money the trade made I suspected something I went to Burke Kimble he reassured me that I made a profitable trade and did nothing wrong he even told me I I had a $300,000 bonus coming at the end of the quarter I should have gone to someone said something I made one mistake and I'm going to regret it for the rest of my life you thinking about Gabby I'm thinking about her lawyer what knowing what she said why would that Zan guy agree to a deal
that puts his client Behind Bars without even putting up a fight I can't stand that kind of shot at work he's a bad version of both of us he doesn't care about his client and he's not about winning he's got even less style than you really see how that's relevant at all hold on how did she get this lawyer her friend Brad the one who also works at melas yeah I don't think Bradley's as good a friend as she thinks he is see after I saw your client sitting in jail I got to wondering how'd
she find you I'm going to call security absolutely see it turns out that her friend Bradley recommended you Bradley who's been a Mel assets for the past 7 years so I checked you know what I found you represented Bert Kimble in a civil suit 12 years ago it just so happens that you also represented lunardi Pharmaceuticals in their FDA approval proceedings doesn't mean anything you see my relationship with the doj you want me to point them in your direction or do you want to admit to me that bur Kimble's paying you off he's a cancer
you don't cut him loose he's going to kill your whole company how dare you walk in here and accuse me with these things mean you are my lawyer no Bert I'm the lawyer for Mel Asset Management as far as the law is concerned Dean Mela is my client not you dumb son of a BCT B you're fired what effective immediately you're going to fire me because of this I hope you're happy cuz without me this hedge fund's nothing I'll be happy when the Department of Justice puts your ass in handcuffs enjoy your freedom Bert because
they're coming for you and since you're a bigger trophy than Gabrielle Stone you're going to get a whole lot more than 11 months I can't tell you how grateful I am to both of you never doubted you for a second oh Gabby I uh wanted to give you something left it on your desk thank you all right well I'm going to find some water you don't come back soon we're sending out a CS party you never doubted her for a second I didn't doubt her for a second I doubted her for days yeah that's not
what you just let her to believe people hear what they want to hear remember Tori of course nice to see you I told Jessica I don't really want to talk shop when we're here to support a good cause well that's the beautiful thing about a retainer we're always on call when you need us so how can we help it involves one of our most Trusted Senior VPS something recently came to light about his past I'm shocked by it really tell us where it hurts and we'll make it go away firing Stan Jacobson who senior vice
president drybeck County our County firm yes they're our firm and our client how's that possible they signed a conflict of interest waiver look at that he's actually learning out the law Works acquaint yourself with dryx company charter and Stan's original Employment contract what'd he do he lied he lied about what wait let me guess he cooked the books how doesn't anyone on Wall Street put in an honest day's work anymore actually he's got a stellar record as a senior VP he lied on his resume never got a CPA license never even went to business school
he lied about where he went to school and now he's getting fired dbec does the books for half of Wall Street word gets out that a senior staff is a fraud they're going to start bleeding clients we have to do this fast and keep it quiet Stan we're not here to go over any accounting business you're here because you're being let go it's not going to feel as surprising when you understand why the firm looked into your background recently they know you lied about passing the CPA exam you were hired because of your outstanding credentials
and the reality is they never existed I've been there for nine years my work has been nothing but I mean why would this even matter now you've been committing fraud your entire career the liability it presents no I don't accept this take a de breath once you go over the severance numbers you'll see that we've been more than fair [Music] fair you think this is fair we understand how difficult this must be Stan how you must feel right now you have no idea what I feel right now so I'm clear you're not denying what we're
presenting you with you mean that I lied back when drybeck hired me no but I'm not some scam artist either I did go to college I just couldn't afford to graduate no one ever questioned it before because I'm that good with numbers they find out all of a sudden they didn't this background check is 5 years old what it doesn't make sense is this the original yeah so Tor new all this time wait do you not think something funny is going on you know what here's what I think is going on you're sympathizing with Stan
because you think he's you that doesn't mean that you need to learn something from what just happened not the least of which is how anyone no matter how valuable can be let go I can chalk up what happened with Stan to youthful exuberance but Jessica can't so if you want to work here you better go home now because if she sees you this habit of you empathizing with every client it's not getting you anywhere you want to work in this firm you need to deal in facts evidence information that can hold up that's what a
real lawyer does you forgot this when you left I said I'm not signing anything it's nothing to sign it's a lawsuit you worked for drybeck for 9 years oversaw 80 clients filed hundreds of tax returns and fought 27 audits now in light of your recently discovered fraud all of that can now be called into question therefore you are being sued for 9 years back pay plus any expenses incurred to mitigate the damage you've done this is this would bankrupt me or you can take what's behind door number two it's aine who not a who it's
a what drybeck is doing business with him and I think that's where the problem was you don't get it okay I'm only leaving with one of these and if it's the lawsuit the first thing your friends upstairs are going to ask you for is a big fat retainer and when you tell them that Harvey Spectre is the one who's suing you you're going to watch the color drain from their faces now what would you like to do you ever heard of aine solutions dyack listed them as a consultant firm they bill us every month for
their Management Services okay what does that mean I'll check with accounting I did they can only tell me how much we pay them so I called Aberdine directly it's an automated answering system I left six messages no returns Stan mentioned it something just doesn't feel right are you saying you want to invest at our client they're also our accountants and Tori is also a friend Harvey if you got caught get caught I am explicitly telling you not to do this and I'll let you know what I don't find after I don't look into it name
of CAS and R date Aberdine versus Paula O'Neal say 6 months ago let's see says here that they were listed as a subsidiary of dryback in a wrongful termination suit that's it that's what I'm looking for I can't print this out I'll get tagged come around take a look is that what you're after yeah that's it but what's that that links to another Court filing in relation to abedine click on it says here that they file for disillusion earlier today the whole company that's what it says they're officially shut down I'm going to need one
more favor if the message you left was another trick to get me down here no tricks I assure you come on in Stan I'm Jessica pear oh yeah I know who you are you said if I accepted the severance agreement there wouldn't be a lawsuit well there is one but not against you with you we know about Aberdine we know what Tor was orchest frustrating and with your help we can expose her why should I help you what have you got to lose tell me what you need me to do [Music] guys hello Tori yeah
we hired Stan to do a little independent Consulting on our behalf and he's come up with some very interesting connections it was easy even if I don't really have a degree there was that vacation you invited me on last year to your new house in the Bahamas a house you bought with money you stole from this firm my firm Jessica Jessica what you can't use any of this we have attorney client privilege with dryback accounting yes with the Shelf companies no unfortunately for you you're listed on the Shelf companies you stole from me you either
come clean now or the only time you'll see your children in the next decade will be during prison visiting hours so time to get my job back now right don't see why not no Stan you're not what D's going bankrupt after this all shakes out even if they don't they're not going to hire you back what because you falsified your resume what am I supposed to do now well we just got you more than your severance package I suggest you use it to tide yourself over till you figure something [Music] out Stan hey you better
asset is your mind they can't take that from you one little mistake you could go back to school become legitimate start [Music] over I never should have done it [Music] sh [Music]
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