How To Always Go Viral On TikTok

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Anyone can go viral once or twice. Not everyone can hit 100s of millions of views. This is how... ...
Video Transcript:
all right boys welcome back to new episode of Raw game the reason you guys like the raw game is cuz it's straight to the point no fancy setup no LED lights straight to the point I'm the one Guru who actually just gives out sauce without trying to make money off you guys monetizing these YouTube videos making them 40 minutes long as you guys know I'm the one Guru who responds to all your questions DM me on Instagram I respond to all your questions Drp Shipping Tik Tok anything related hit me with your questions I'm the one who responds I respond back with voice notes I'm like the mentor you never had so let's get straight to it this one is very very Saucy so how to consistently go viral on Tik Tok right when it comes to Tik Tok a lot of you guys have gone viral once or twice then fallen off a lot of you guys are just not going viral at all there's grandmas there's dogs there's kids on Tik Tok going viral with hundreds of thousands of followers and you just haven't gone viral right that's pathetic so this video I'm going to teach you guys how to consistently go viral on Tik Tok right I've done hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of views on Tik Tok and I break down a few ways that I consistently go V so number one this is very Saucy it's called the reposting method so whenever I land a video with over 10,000 views on Tik Tok right I don't bother doing this with any videos that didn't land at least 10,000 views so if I land a video with over 10,000 views on Tik Tok I'll just repost it right I'll go on snap ti. com and then you know copy the video and then download it and it downloads it without the Tik Tok Watermark and I'll repost it a lot of people say but Barson you know reposting videos leads to Shadow bands blah blah blah they're not wrong they're actually correct but they're doing it wrongly if you're reposting one video from one account to another account right that least a shadow bands cuz Tik Tok Flags you for impersonation but if you post a video onto the original account it was posted on like you make a video and you repost it back onto your same account there's no issues with that at all so whenever I land a video with over 10,000 views I go on snap. com download the video so the watermark goes away and the metadata goes away and I repost it back on the same account in fact every 72 hours I'll repost it what I want you to do is on your iPhone on the camera roll whatever Android whatever on the camera roll create an album called reposts every time you land a video with over 10,000 views you're just going to throw into your album and every few days just repost it every few days repost it so if you wake up one morning and you're sick and you can't post any videos but you still want to you know post and go viral just go on your album and just repost one of your videos some days I'm too tired to make videos I'm traveling I've got stuff going on I'll just repost six videos that I've already got these are prent toric videos now typically 20 to 30% of the time they go viral again so it's a very powerful reposting video so just to recap what I want you guys to do is every time you land a video with over 10,000 views you're going to repost it back on that same page and bro till the day you die every 72 hours you can repost every 72 hours repost every 72 hours repost right eventually you'll have an whole arsenal of repost you get 50 70 80 90 videos just sitting in your album that are ready to be reposted whenever you want you can go days without making new content you can just repost it and typically does better because these videos are proven to work if it goes viral once it can go viral a million times later in fact I've had videos where it gets 200k views we repost it it gets 2.
4 million views right so sometimes the reposted content does even better than the original content just make sure you never repost from one account to another account that leads to Shadow bands just repost it within the same account works perfect perfectly fine so that's one way reposting very powerful now another way I like to call this recreating I like to call this the recreating method now instead of reposting that video you're literally going to make this any video by the way that got over 10,000 views you're going to do this too so any video with over 10,000 views instead of reposting which you can do by the way you can recreate the video right which means do everything you did in that video second for second word for word and just make the video this just make the video again essentially if it's a 7. 25 second long video and you said this this that you're going to make another 7.
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