How to Understanding Attitude, Self Image, and the Laws of Life With Bob Proctor

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Proctor Gallagher Institute
Bob Proctor Explain How to Understanding Attitude, Self Image, and the Laws of Life,with an exhausti...
Video Transcript:
it's all about the mind that's really where it's at it's happening in here and it's got to happen inside first if you want it to happen outside at all some people are waiting and waiting I've haven't got anything I haven't got anything and they're whining and crying and you know and they're waiting for it to come what they don't understand what's coming is a reflection of what they're seeing inside most people let What's Happening Now control what thinking you don't like it and they're waiting for it to change it'll never change that's why I say
if you're goal is to get out of debt you're going to stay in debt forever if you're whatever you're thinking about is coming to you it's all about the mind and it's about your mind not mine yours we're talking about you what's happening in my life has to do with my mind but if we're talking about you it's all about your Marvel mind now we played this slide yesterday we say understanding our mind and working in harmony with the laws governing the mind is essential it's essential and if you're not following it you're toast baby
that's just the way it goes now look it we talked yesterday about paradigms let's stop and think about what it is it is a program you have PR programs in your computers you have programing your phone there's all kinds of programs in this phone do you know there's more power in this computer that's in this phone than the rocket that took the first astronaut to the Moon there's more power in here in this phone think of what we're working with that's the change that's taken place since then you see well just the same as the
power in here works or the power of this pulling these slides up on the screen with me you've got programs in here and it's controlling your bank account it's controlling the health of your body it's controlling your relationships it controls everything in your life it is a mental program that is almost almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior and you got to get this almost all of our behavior is Habitual what do you think of that L play with that for a little while yeah look here most people are extras in their own movie they
never see themselves playing the game it's always someone else it's rather strange you [Music] know what do you really want what do you now this is a time to think of what you want and we're coming up in Christmas and you know all the religious holidays and this is where you ask santa santa santa the Gods in the sky we call Santa please bring me this please bring me that as little kids were taught is what I want but we're not taught as we go through the year that we can really have everything we want
all we have to do is ask for it we're only limited by weakness of attention and Poverty of imagination now think we're only limited by weakness of attention and Poverty of imagination imagination is the most magnificent tool it's a it's a instrument we got in here and it'll take and create anything in our mind it's absolutely phenomenal when you stop and think about it now there's a record that um I I played This Record at least once a day The Strangest Secret I would imagine you can buy this you could probably get it on a
program of some kind if you just go looking for it you want The Strangest Secret by Earl Nale now do you know I remember years ago I had an office a cleaning company we started in Toronto and cleaning mean cleaning floors cleaning buildings and I would have people come in at 6:00 in the morning this the sales staff and we would sit and listen to this entire record I'm not sure how long it is it's probably I don't know 40 minutes something like that but every morning 6:00 every morning we did it for ages I
had one guy that he got out of the Air Force and he came to work with us and whenever I played that record he got so angry with me and I thought you know you think this guy if he would listen to this it would control something inside but he didn't listen to this he did not listen he listened to the voice inside the old Paradigm man he eventually quit and he went back in the Air Force yeah he's gone now God bless him take care of him all right listen if you can get a
hold this record get it it is 40 minutes of the best philosophy I was wondering how long it is I've been saying it's 40 minutes for years 40 minutes the best philosophy you'll ever find is absolutely incredible now look here for a moment really look closely at this this is you you are a mass of pure energy like everything you function on frequencies and you can experience greatness all you have to do yes get on a great frequency that's and you're controlling the frequencies you cut this is so good now look it we played this
before let's look at the mind and paradigms because this is where attitude is now you see if you're letting it bother you that well didn't you play this yesterday I did play yesterday and for myself I played the day before and the day before and the day before now look it I earned millions of dollars literally I um I'm really a pretty happy guy I'm 87 I'm still going strong and you know I'm living exactly the way I want doing what I want and um it's because I listen to this all the time it's the
repetition just take my word and do it now look it it's about your mind and your paradigms Dr Thurman fleet was very involved in The Healing Arts and holistic health he stated the mind is an activity not a thing it's an act ity no one has ever seen the mind in order to gain Clarity and eliminate confusion he's I'm going to create an image that we can work with see if you're trying to work with something you don't have an image then everybody's going to build a different image so we're all operating with different different
images and trying to get the same result a going to happen so I said I'm going to make an image of the mind no one has ever seen the Mind mind is not a thing it's an activity it's vibration that's what the mind is mind is activity it's actually The Interchange of ideas in your mind all right that's what mind is now look it he said let this represent the mind and he took and he divided the big circle into two parts and he said we will make the top half of this big circle the
conscious mind and right above the conscious mind you have the subconscious mind and the mind expresses operates and expresses itself with and through the body the body is the instrument of the mind now I have put this every time I show this for the first time I put this statement on this is the most valuable idea I have ever learned ever in my entire life now it's about this idea I want to talk to you about I'm going to play a record I want you to listen to this record this is very valuable this is
a record okay hello this is ear the magic word is the best people hello this is Earl Nightingale and this recording the magic word is the first of 12 you'll receive in this series titled how you can lead the field in the modern world before we start I'd like you to know that I'm not going to try to tell you how to live your life that's none of my business nor is it anybody else's business that's your your business nor is this lead the field program a collection of pleasantries platitudes or polyana it is a
summation of more than 20 years of research on one subject and that is why do some people do so well in life while so many more do not and the first thing let's talk about is the magic word the experts call it the most important word as far as the results we get from Life are concerned in this or any other language and that word is attitude it is our attitude toward life which will deter life's attitude toward us let's face the fact honestly that we shape our own lives and the shapes of them will
be determined by our attitudes now I literally laid the foundation for my life the way it is today listening to these records as he said there's 12 of them I literally laid the foundation for the life that I enjoy today I have a phenomenal life I'm telling you it's an enviable life it is so good and it keeps getting better I would listen to these over and over and over again now this is oh it's one of the best this is a program that um that you could get and listen to anywhere we've got the
whole thing we've got it all designed as I worked with it every word on here is on there um if you send an email to a rash a and the company and tell them you want to get this program I'm going to tell you it's best program you'll ever find I literally built my company on this I could um I could take you to thousands of people that'll tell you best program in the world and it really is now Earl said it's the most important word in the English language or any language so let's follow
through here and see what happens now we did this yesterday but I think it's worthwhile doing it again today the conscious mind now we and I literally look at my head as my mind and I see from here up as the conscious mind I really do and I see from here down as the subconscious you've got to have an image of something that is the image I hold Tommy um on in here for a minute when you're thinking of attitude both see that's why all right so look here's the conscious mind at your thinking mind
at your educated mind that's what the teachers are working with that your intellect all your intellectual factors are there most people don't know what the intellectual factors are all right and I'm talking about brilliant people now the subconscious is the emotional mind and it operates very different than the conscious mind now look here for a moment show you something show the screen up for a minute there Dan whoever is doing it okay look at this for a moment now if you are holding an image on of this when you're working on what you want you
start out here and you build a picture of whatever it is you want I don't care what it is doesn't matter what it is anything you want and then you take and you plant that picture in the garden of your subconscious mind now when you do that you turn that into a desire now desire comes in the Latin de of sire to give birth to the children this is the child you're going to give birth to now when you plant that there I'm going to show you what happens this part just disappears this then is
attracted to everything and anything in the universe that's required for the manifestation of this idea it could be something up here could be something up here here's something here down here down here you know that every one of them begin to move toward you now here's the crazy part I remember many many years ago Earl night and Gale say as you start to move towards your goal your goal starts to move toward you I thought this is absurd of course I'm seeing a car that I want and I've seeing I'm moving towards the car well
I can get that but the hell is car going to move towards me never got it never took me years to understand this however I understand now your subconscious mind is your Universal subconscious mind this is the universe that you're tapped into now that may sound Preposterous especially if you just started to study this take my word for it I've been studying this for over 60 years this is all I study I am very good at this I'm not much good at anything else but I'm very good at this now look it everything that you
need for the manifestation that goal is already here you got to believe nothing is created or destroyed it's all done the job is done and when you plant that idea in subconscious mind it then resonates with all these things why because it's on the same frequency what happens if I phone you what happens when I phone you I've got your number in here I can dial your number and it doesn't matter where you are I'm hooked up to it this could be your number out here and I hook up to your number then I attract
it and we get talking you could be over in uh Kodak keno and I'm sitting in Toronto and we're connected because we're on the same frequency well do you see everything that's on the same frequency as your desire instantly begins to move toward you now you're going to see that attitude plays an enormous part here let's get rid of that for a moment and come back here put back up on the screen all right now the conscious mind has the ability to choose how come because it can think it can think so we can choose
okay I'm going to get the wrong thing going here hold on there conscious mind can choose because you can think the conscious mind can accept or reject now that is pretty big when you stop and think about it the conscious mind can accept or reject when some dumb idea comes your way you don't have to accept it when somebody said something crazy you can reject it you don't have to accept what people say and you don't have to tell them that you rejected and just think this dummy and reject it okay now here's something else
about the conscious mind it is the ability to originate you are a creative being you are God's highest form of creation now let's look at the subconscious it operates totally different than the conscious mind it must accept everything you give to it that sounds pretty wild when you stop and think about it but it must accept why because it cannot reject it has no ability to reject and get this it cannot determine the difference between that which is real and that which is imagined when you start using your imagination subconscious mind accepts it as real
that's why we're set we're God's highest form of creation that's why our mind works the way it is we are truly God's highest form of creation you have an imagination such a magnificent tool it really is so let's look now just with that information that we've got here we are here today today not when I first heard this not when Truman Fleet first thought of it is today and there's ideas from social media from other people and from Netflix it's pouring into our Consciousness and we're listening to it and we think this is garbage absolute
garbage if I let this into my subconscious mind I'm doomed so what do I do get out of here and I can make it go away just but you know something most people don't do that you know what their problem is they don't think Albert schwitzer the Great doctor from Africa you know he was visiting London this is right on the right the start of the stranger secret it was in in the one of the reporters was interviewing him asked him what the problem was with men today he the problem is they don't think they
don't think you see instead of telling that stuff to get out of here you know what they do they leave it inside and look it when they're not thinking their subconscious mind's wide open it goes right into their subconscious and the subconscious cannot reject it you see why it's such a mess why can't it because of the Paradigm now how did this actually happen how did the Paradigm get built well let's take a look at it we'll close the window here and we'll come over here this is you as an infant this is how you
arrive but let's talk about before you arrive let's don't talk about we'll go back about 280 days at the moment of conception okay now think with a little bit of energy from Mom a little bit of energy from Dad come boom together that forms the nucleus of you all mom's DNA all dad's DNA joins together now it becomes your DNA do you know that there's genetic strains that go back for Generations we don't even know how far it goes back and that's all built into you it's all built it's going to determine where you're going
to go and what you're going to do this is absolutely wild when you think about it I've been thinking about it for a long time I see so many things my sister does they think my God she's just so much like mother but you know something I I see things I do they're just so much like mother yep we get programmed the subconscious mind when we arrive has a program that's already written it came from Mom and Dad their mother and dad their mother's mother mother and dad goes back and back and back a long
way and here we are now we've arrived on the scene the little mind wide open and everything everybody's talking about is going right into the subconscious mind and of course they're in the same environment they're hearing the same thing do you know that almost all welfare recipients are third and fourth and fifth generation welfare recipients now think of that almost all welfare recipients they're just waiting for a hand out from the city because their parents dead and their parents parents dead and their parents parents parents dead it's rather sad and they generally congregate in one
area of the city this is pretty wild when you think about it now here we are years later doing very much the same thing why would we do that well in the subconscious mind the Paradigm is built so let's look here the conscious mind okay deals with ons you have anything you want it's a marvelous thing to understand and when we impress that upon the subconscious mind through repetition that idea turns into a desire that idea turns into a desire okay that desire then has to be expressed with and through the body the body is
the instrument of the mind and produces the results get that picture in your mind because that's what you're doing right now I don't care what you say this is exactly how it works let's keep thinking here we are here there's a power flowing into the Consciousness I think you better blow this up on the screen put on the full screen there's a power flowing into your consciousness as this power Flows in You think and then you send those thoughts off into the universe at the same time you're impressing them upon your subconscious and the universe
is sending thoughts back to you the energy that you send out is coming back that's the way it works Action Reaction are equal and opposite going blow it up again the feelings that you're entertaining you send off into the universe and the universe sends back to you now here's something you really want to think about I just wrote the forward for Reverend Dyke's biography I had the honor of speaking at his funeral Reverend Dyke was an absolutely brilliant human being I believe and he made it very clear if you can think something and you can
feel something then you can have it whatever you think and feel you can have and he talks about the God within you and that's where it is and you see it's the thoughts that you impress upon the subconscious that set up The Feelings those feelings are expressed with and through the body now pay attention here that is how your results are formed one 2 3 Bingo it's the thoughts the feelings and the action that produce the results and that is called attitude attitude is your position or bearing is indicating thoughts feelings and actions I'm going
to tell you if your attitude is bad you are in for trouble the beautiful truth is no one can take control of your attitude without your permission you have the ability to do with the attitude yourself you actually do yet it's a beautiful thing to understand attitude is the most powerful word in this Randy language it's our thoughts feelings and actions and no one can take control of that away from you now you may have a paradigm that leaves the control to somebody else you may be reacting to life everywhere you go a paradigm is
a mental program that is almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior and almost all of our behavior is Habitual so do you see you could actually have a paradigm that blames outside forces condition circumstance environment for what's going on I was taught a great lesson by the man that put my this my hand it was a great lesson he said Bob you are the only problem you'll ever have and you are the only solution that's what an attitude is now look here you already know and you have the power to accomplish most anything you want
you already have that however most have not developed a clear understanding of how paradigms are formed and how they control our habitual Behavior this is something you're going to take a real grip on this is real really powerful stuff that's going to be determined whether you have wealth and abundance therefore we frequently do not do what we already know how to do we don't do it now think we're not doing what we know how to do we know how to do a better job you know way back in the 70s I worked with all of
the iial insurance company largest insurance company in the world I worked with um all of Metropolitan light the largest insurance company in the world one month met was the next month PR was and they just flipped back and forth they were giants I worked with them all they would wait until I come into their territory and they always knew where I was working by the results that their salespeople were getting one one regional manager could look on their spreadsheet when they'd see the sales of the whole company and they always knew where I was working
now do you know what I did I just work on this I worked on their attitude I have them making a 9:00 a.m. call and asking everyone to buy $100,000 worth of insurance that's had everybody doing that sales went up by hundreds of millions of dollars they knew how to do it they weren't doing it now look it Superior knowledge inferior results that's going to cause confusion and frustration so let's put our model back up here here's Mr stickers all right or Mrs stickers now this you got all this knowledge in your conscious mind they're
smart as you anybody you'll ever meet you talk to them and they're brilliant and you look at their results and it's absolutely pathetic how can brilliant people make such obvious errors how can people that are absolutely brilliant get such terrible results think about it well here's why it's the Paradigm is controlling their life that's why it's rather sad now look at this if that person wants to get better results they got to change things in here they get to get a new paradigm and they also have to change the image of thems now we're going
to run over this of your life that your Paradigm has enormous influence over this is so important okay your perception is controlled by your attitude and we can twist this around the self image which we're going to so it's your perception of yourself as yourself self image Put It On full screen okay your use of time your Paradigm controls your use of time you know that everybody gets exactly the same amount of time it's what we do with it our creativity everybody's creative you'll hear people say well I'm just not creative everybody's creative you're a
creative being you're God's highest form of creation Effectiveness you can become more and more and more effective and as you do you're going to become more productive here is the big one though your Paradigm controls your logic and you'll say that's illogical that could never happen that's crazy you couldn't do that well the truth is you can do the things that are illogical you can do the things that are crazy you think it was logical that a plane could fly and carry people in it in 1900 no not in 191 or 1902 it wasn't until
1903 that they actually got that thing off the ground now you see everybody thought it was illogical and then it was an attitude because they were up for for 14 minutes and um somebody says yeah but they only up for 14 minutes maybe it was 14 seconds and um they said they were only and the other attitude was do you know they not only got it up there they kept it up there for 14 seconds or whatever it was might have been 14 minutes anyway this is all attitude now look here for a moment your
ability to earn money is based on your attitude I'm going to tell you something and anybody knows me will say this is true I am very good good at earning money I have studied earning money now for 60 years this is an important subject say what do you need all the money for I don't you give it in other areas your ability to earn money you can develop that is an ability that you can develop some people are very good at cutting people's hair some people are very good at painting people's houses listen you become
very good at earning money and you can do all kinds of good in the world I am very good at it I've been good at it for a long time I learned very early how to earn money now look it it's almost like you're boxed in in these areas okay take the walls down you can go where you want but they don't and so we put this wall up all around they go to change their use of time I'm going to get up earlier 3 Days Later they're right back into the same slot again why
Paradigm they find a way they can be more effective at work and they know if they're more effective they're going to increase their income but then they find that couple of days they're doing the same old thing your perception never Chang up always looking at it the same way now look it when you make up your mind that you are going to change your Paradigm you're going to change it those walls come down now look at when the Wall comes down everything starts to improve this is a beautiful thing it really is when you imagine
I want you to just imagine how your entire life will change as you begin improving any and all of these areas of your life the change yes is going to be huge and get this it's permanent he see I didn't go back and I started to study this I didn't go back I stayed here I like this better I didn't go back mix with the people are always complaining always losing I stayed with the people that are always winning and that's what I'd recommend you do so the changes are not only huge they're permanent it's
a beautiful thing to know now let's imagine you just changed your use of time wow could you change your income well in both PR and met and I had to make a 9:00 a.m. calls sales went up by hundreds of millions of dollars in fact it was a gentleman Rudy misho he was a good man he is a good man A friend of mine he was a senior vice president in the Metropolitan Life Insurance company I worked with him when he was a president or just senior he was the vice president of the Eastern territory
all the East Coast then he became vice president of about 40% of the company I did a lot of work with them now I'm going back to the early 70s mid 70s his daughter saw me on television one day and she says Dad I think that's the guy that used to work with you look he said yeah it is so I sent a message to our company and one of the administrators in the service area got it and sent it on to me and asked if I would phone him he said Bob I just wanted
to thank you for the good work you did for me 25 years ago not too many people get a call like that that's how good it was and this is what we were teaching this is what we were given and everybody yet you can't get better information than this I don't care where you go and we talked about this yesterday Einstein said the intuitive mind is a sacred gift the rational mind is a faithful servant we have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift and you take a look at your
gifts there they are they're the Imp ual factors now look here for a moment let's stop and look here we are here there's the mind and there's the body okay we'll take and divide it into two parts okay there's the conscious mind and there's the subconscious mind now the conscious mind we have hooked up to it all our sensory factors you can see here smell taste touch and they're like little anteni sitting there plugged into our conscious mind that is where almost almost all the information comes from our outside world we look at newspapers we
watch television we listen to people as they uh as they talk to us and it's coming into our mind and since our mind is usually wide open going right to our subconscious we've got to stop and begin to think let's understand this the conscious mind is also your intellectual mind and all those Powers you've got locked up here perception the will imagination memory intuition and reason but we learn nothing about them school doesn't teach us anything about these and so what happens here they are sitting there the most valuable tools you've got sitting right there
in your Consciousness and we never learn how to use them never learn how to use them I was having pater my designer make me a couple of signs for a friend of mine intuition is most important okay in your intuition is your intuition is God talking to you that's right that's Spirit talking to you comes in the form of a vibration now your conscious mind has the ability to pick up vibration and translate them in your mind you can do that it's so good do you know I can walk by a person in a hotel
and I can tell you exactly what they're like I can walk into a boardroom where we're sitting down to maybe sell a company or services and I know what everybody at the table's like I know whether they operate from the left hemisphere of their brain and I should ask them uh you know what they think of what I'm talking about about when I see somebody else sitting there and they know they operate from the right hemisphere of their brain and I ask them how do you feel about this Harry what do you think about this
John Maybel how you feel about it you see there is this a distinct difference some people operate more from the emotional side other people are very analytical and they operate from the other side well let's understand how all this works because we got all this power locked up in our Consciousness and we've got to understand that when a person tells us they're going to change something odds are pretty good they're not going to change it because their Paradigm is controlling them now look here it's with these higher faculties that would tell the Paradigm to get
out of town and then we can take and build a new paradigm now that's a beautiful thing to know look it your emotional mind is where the Paradigm is but you have the ability with these higher faculties they give you control over yourself with these higher faculties you can tell the Paradigm get out of town then you can go ahead and you can build a brand new paradigm so you know what you're doing you're building a program in your subconscious mind that's going to have you doing things to produce results all the time that's the
beautiful thing about studying this material you see it's um it was through listening to these recordings that I changed my Paradigm do you know it took me n and a half years to find out what I had actually done I'd gone from being flat broke millions of dollars how do you do that well this is how you do it my life changed so much I I really couldn't understand it and it was because I was listening to these things all the time see it's the rep it's not the information it's the repetition of the information
the repetition of the information throw that screen up there again Dad or Tom whoever's running I don't know who's doing it all right now look here for a moment when you take an idea and you keep hitting it and you turn it into a desire hair remember what I said I pointed out when you planted it there you're opening your mind to something pretty powerful now when you plant it you um you are hooking up to everything that you're in harmony with okay all these parts here and they start to move toward you now one
of the secrets is to focus you want to focus on that idea and you want to stay emotionally involved so you continually give energy see there's a power flowing into your Consciousness we'll take that one and put it out of the way okay and now look there's power flowing into your Consciousness always it never stops flowing into your Consciousness okay and you make ideas well you the repetition of you planting that idea over and over and over gives the idea more power the more times the more often you focus on that idea the more power
you give to it more power you give to it the stronger the the attraction becomes the stronger the attraction becomes focus is really the key let's suppose there's a sign on that wall way over there it's about 20 ft away and I want to read that sign but I can't read it because the room's dark so I get a candle and I light the candle I may be able to see there's a sign there but I couldn't read what's on it because there's not enough candle power let's suppose they turn the candle power into a
flashlight that candle power then is focused it's dedicated and is discipline then I can read everything on the sign so do you see it's important that you keep listening in the repetition okay
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