okay everybody so in today's video this is going to be one of the number one things that actually gets women attached that you're talking to this is one of the things that gets them to almost view you as a story book that they want to literally uncover Page by Page and I'm going to show you how to put this into real life practice and real life application in your own dating life so that way you can have success this is something that you can even apply if she starts to pull away from you this is
even something that you can apply if she does not reply to you or does not reply to your text messages this is a very powerful step-by-step process that I've created so stick with me until the end of this video because all of these keys are very important now here's how I know that this works and here's how I know that this is actually possible one of the guys in our community goes I've got four girls phone numbers tonight and then right below that he goes literally got two women waiting for me to get off so
they can hang out LOL he says this works almost too good exclamation mark and then he says can't believe I am capable of this that is the part that makes me most happy is when a guy says I can't believe I am capable of this and to see him actually have more self-belief that is what actually brings me the happiness to keep doing this every single day for you guys and to make this video even cooler we just crossed over 600 members inside of our community which is why this is the best spot for guys
to actually get real life dating success okay after doing this for a lot of years now here's the biggest conclusion that I have came to majority of men lose the women in relationships that they're dating or they lose their dating interactions and the women that they're talking to purely because they are often times manipulated through the cell phone they don't necessarily know how to respond to text messages and often times what happens is they are overc communicating interest in certain areas without even realizing it and a lot of this comes down to the cell phone
if you can actually master that and understand how to respond and how to reply to women the right way you're going to be miles ahead of majority of men that don't know what they're doing because this right here is why most men lose their dating interactions and on top of that if you can do this the right way you're going to stand out from the majority of all other guys even if they have good looks or money or status because you actually understand the right psychological frames of value that a woman is looking for so
here's what I can tell you stop thinking that a girl is done talking to you after not replying for a day or two I don't care if the girl doesn't reply for 3 Days 4 days 5 days 10 days even I don't care stop not thinking that she's done talking to you because of that because the only thing that is going to make her actually stop talking to you for good is if you overc communicate your interest by you constantly overp pursuing her in different ways when in reality if you have a little bit more
patience and realize that life is probably a lot longer than you think you can definitely make sure that these interactions go somewhere so here's what you have to know about dating in general if you have a cell phone in your hand with you and a woman the phone is nothing more than a buffer between you and real life this is what you have to understand it's not real none of it is real life so I don't care how many hearts okay that you maybe get when she's heting your messages or anything like that I don't
care how many messages she Hearts I don't care how many text messages she either sends you or she doesn't send you I don't care or I don't give a how many emojis you get it is all fake it's fake and it's not real life despite how it makes you feel so this is what you have to realize phones are free attention for her to exercise hypergamy and probability of better options through sheer volume of men to talk to and that's it so say this with me one more time phones the cell phone in general what
this is is phones are free attention for her to exercise hypergamy and the probability of better options through sheer volume okay through just having more options of guys to talk to of men to talk to and that's it so what the cell phone is is the cell phone is her ability to exercise hypergamy to only get the highest value fit well how do you become the guy who's the highest value fit you do this by not necessarily wanting or needing to talk to her you do this by not necessarily caring if a week goes by
and you guys don't have any communication because those of you who actually want to maintain relationships for months or even years with a specific woman you are going to have to understand that the preliminary stages of dating requires one word that most men don't have and that would be patience okay you need some patience so her phone replies are guided based on three things and three things only when she replies to you whether she does or whether she doesn't it is guided based on these three things number one how the text message that you sent
made her feel in that exact moment okay because keep in mind her feelings could change and then in a day or two she might not care if that wasn't the best text and then all of a sudden she replies to you number two how her mood is at that exact moment maybe there's other life circumstances and factors going on that dictates her mood and dictates the priority level of if she cares to reply to that text message or not and number three how other men are currently making her feel so to give you a real
life story of how much a woman's emotions dictates what she does and the decisions that she makes okay there was a guy who I know who was dating a girl okay they were literally in a relationship and then here's what happened she ended up leaving him to pursue this other guy well then after a couple weeks when her and this other guy were going through some drama and the new guy didn't want to see her that night okay keep this in mind the other guy that she was talking to the new guy he didn't want
her anymore or he started talking to a new girl so then because right there in that moment because her emotions were in a state of confusion and because she was upset what she did that night was she called her ex-boyfriend and went and slept with her ex-boyfriend just so she had somebody to sleep with just to feel validated and just to feel like somebody wants her right then and there in that moment so that ex-boyfriend who got left ended up sleeping with his past girlfriend due to the fact that a different guy left so since
the other guy left now she wanted to sleep with somebody in that exact moment just to feel validated just to feel like she's very attractive right there in that moment so this is how deep this goes her emotions will constantly change so keep this in mind that's a real life story that I have so the phone is a buffer between you and real life that's the first step you have to understand now moving into this column if a woman stops texting you it does not mean that she does not like you anymore you have to
understand this it doesn't mean that she doesn't like you it doesn't mean that at all she might still like you what she's probably doing if she wants to test your interest level if you're going to get needy if you're going to want a reply all of that she's testing to see if you have other things going on in your life and if this one text message really means a whole hell of a lot to you this is the word Everyone likes to use Game well what's game game as a man is seeing if you can
attract the girl game as a woman is often times retaining that relationship with that guy so in the beginning she is testing your interest level to see if you have the skills to actually attract her a lot of times in the beginning they will make you do 100% of The Upfront pursuing a lot of times women will make it where they don't reach out they don't set any dates they let the men kind of filter and select and go after and pursue the women that they want to go out on a date with that's just
how it is most girls don't necessarily try a lot of times to get that date with that guy they wait for the man to come to her well okay so why most men fail longterm okay is they try to save or retain or build a relationship say this with me one more time they try to save they try to retain pain or they try to build a relationship say this with me it is not your job to build it is not your job to build anything it is not a good use of your time to
try to put effort into a relationship a relationship and trying to build something that has to do with you and a companion is nothing more than words you are going to really take time out of your day as a man to sit and try to build some words that doesn't get you anywhere in life and that doesn't do anything for you so because of that most men fail longterm because they are trying to save or retain or build a relationship well what does that mean that means that guy has entered into his feminine energy because
like I told you here game as a woman is often times retaining the relationship so it's not necessarily your job to do that what it is your job to do is to attract her and make sure that you don't overp pursue to prove that you have the patience to hopefully appear pre-selected like you have other options because that's what she wants deep down is to know that you're a winner with other options thank you very much for for listening to all that now let's go to the next point this is a skill you can't get
good at because the second you try to build a relationship or retain her attention or retain her attraction she leaves you and she can't help it see this is the other thing that guys have to understand and guys have to realize she can't help that she left you she can't help that she pulled away from you that is called Mother Nature that is called just how they were born so when guys start to demonstrate things that are unattractive they will naturally pull away and it's not like she's making the conscious decision to do that that's
how Mother Nature Made it is that way when her attraction senses something's off she just leaves completely so listen to me and hear me out this is a skill that you can't get good at because the second you try to build a relationship or retain her attraction and retain her attention she leaves you so this is the mindset the mindset is this I don't care what happens she could leave at any time and stop seeing me and it's out of my control this is what I tell myself if I'm talking to any date this is
what I tell myself if I'm talking to any woman because the truth is you don't know if you're going to ever see somebody again or not so the mindset that I have 24/7 is I don't care what happens during this interaction at all I don't give a she could leave at any time and she could stop seeing me at any time and it's out of my control so because of that I'm not even going to try because the more time that I put into this it starts to look like I have nothing to do and
nothing else going on so keep that in mind so back to my point okay the point that I made up top is stop thinking a girl is done talking to you after not replying for a day or two here's what I can tell you you will never be able to fully retain a woman's attention or attraction because her emotions dictate how she feels about certain things and circumstances in that given day or during that given day or whatever the case may be these things are out of your control so I would say that that would
be true with 90% of the women that I've been with now moving your attention to this piece okay she is is waiting to reply to you often times she is waiting to test you to see what you will do so this is what you have to understand is when a woman doesn't reply to you this is called an interest test she is testing your interest level to see if this is going to raise your anxiety to see if you're going to double text her and sometimes that's okay if you need to reactivate the conversation within
you know a week or two or something or maybe you change the mood with a new text message or something that you send her that's witty okay and on top of that she's testing to see if you are the best option for her so she is waiting to test you and to see what you will do now when she stops replying these are mostly interest tests like I just told you so why why would she need to test your interest level why is this an interest test well you see women know that men often times
want to get laid she knows this she knows that you want to get laid men know that women want that man's time time care attention and potential resources for the future okay this is like an inverse Dynamic going on so with that said what does she do well she pulls back to get you more emotionally invested because she wants to try to get you to love her so think about that for a second she wants to try to get you to love her so what she's doing is she has to say okay I know that
most guys want to get laid because I know that most guys want to get laid what are the things that I need so that way there's the level of security and resources to where if we had potential kids together one day there is definitely some resources here for me okay so what does she want she needs your love she needs your care she needs your time she needs your attention she needs your emotional investment and she needs to see that she holds more weight in your emotional availability than all of the other women out there
so that makes her want to actually be with you so keep this in mind men often times trade attention for hopes of future sex access so she wants him to Value her so it feels like it's more than just that this is why what she's doing is she is often times not replying or she is going to be testing your interest level to see what you're going to do because often times one of the things that makes her feel more secure is knowing that you will potentially have other options but despite you having those other
options which signals pre-selection she sees that you and her have something that's different so this is what she's doing now if a guy gets get needy right here and starts texting her a lot and calling her a lot and figuring out why she's not replying or what's going on this is going to Signal lower value and then she's going to exit so hypergamy is like a dual Edge kind of thing going on she wants to make sure you're attractive and has options and you can potentially exercise those options if you wanted to but on top
of that she's wanting to make sure that if she decides to invest in you with what you're wanting you know how to reciprocate and give her what she's wanting so it's a very fine line that's going on the entire time now as a man you will have to do 70% plus of the work up front to try to talk to her and try to set a date like I have told you in the beginning they are going to make you often times do 100% often times even of setting things up and making sure that this
date can happen but let's use this just for a rough number okay just for a rough estimate let's say a man will have to do 70% plus okay of the work upfront to try to talk to her and try to set a date now why is she doing that why is she almost getting you to preload a lot of attention towards her because like I said she knows that men often times want to get laid so in order for you to get often times what you want a lot of times which is intimacy an emotional
connection right potentially like being with her on that level romantically she needs to make sure that she gets what she wants out of it which would be resources time attention and potential love so she wants you to Value her so it doesn't feel like she's just an option so what comes down to this or what goes into this is the word patience you need to have patience because everything and I mean everything operates on that woman's time Horizon you do not get to choose when her emotions work in your favor if you're going to understand
how love works okay and the type of man that she starts to invest into you are going to have to be patient and you let things unfold day by day at a time you can't micromanage every little detail and every little text message sometimes you're going to hear from her and sometimes you won't and that's just how it is because emotions change so it comes down to a word that I call patience now allow 4 to 10 days to pass maybe even sometimes 2 to 3 weeks if you need to before you will now send
that second text message like I told you down here back to the point I would say 90% of the women that I've slept with I have had to double text at some point but I didn't do it at a point where I was doing it out of being needy or signaling that I don't have any other options it's like okay 2 3 weeks went by this is a specific life event or something that occurred in my life it makes sense to texture this or to see what she's up to it makes sense to send this
and if her emotions are going to work in my favor at that time you have a lot higher chance because you've demonstrated that you have patience you demonstrate that you have other things going on but at the same time she's enough of a priority where you still were willing to reach out you still were willing to send that second text message so you have to play the long game with this and that's why often times with men what you need to realize is you need options you need to be talking to 10 maybe 15 girls
on text message at a time you need to see who's into you and who isn't because out of these 15 girls I would say probably half of them are going to be showing the interest level that you're needing to actually make them a potential option that's real and then out of that you know half of them so out of that seven or eight I would say maybe only three or four of them once you meet in real life are going to have authentic chemistry so this is about laying your cards right and demonstrating that you
have options and this is the type of guy that she starts to fall in love with this is the type of guy that she gets very attached to because he shows that he has patience he's calm enough to just sit in the moment and let things play out so here's what I can tell you if a woman doesn't reply to you and you let this you know 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 plus days play out you can reactivate a conversation with a lot of different things in the past I've done a picture that
I send her of me eating food okay I've done voice memos or voice messages something simple something that just creates a Vibe something that creates a smiley face of Feelgood energy this is all you have to do you don't have to do anything heavy you don't have to do anything that's harsh topics that require a lot of thought right you purely just have to reactivate the conversation with an emotion and a Vibe and if you can do that you're going to win so she may even reach out to you too this is the part that
I'm trying to get across there was a time where I was talking to a girl and I told myself okay on day 10 I'm going to send that second text message and then it got to day nine and she was the one who now finally reached back out to me why because I showed patience very important so here's what I can tell you always do two things with women when you are talking to them the first thing that you're doing is you are satisfying hypergamy and what that means is that shows that you are the
guy who is strong enough emotionally to weather any kind of storm you are the highest value fit that she can find number two you are showing a discrepancy in smv sexual market value so she's attracted to you that's what attraction to a woman is attraction to a woman is a discrepancy in smv so a lot of times women will be attracted to you and they will want things to play out with you but she has to pull back she has to stop replying she has to not text message you a lot or she has to
wait 12 to 24 sometimes 48 hours before she texts you back because she wants to see what you will do so a man with options number one will not get needy number two a man with options will not feel the need to respond as soon as possible and number three a man with options will talk when it's convenient for him a lot of times what I would recommend you guys doing is condensing your text message times with women to just like you know from maybe like like 7:30 p.m. to before you go to bed right
so that little 2 to 3 hour window that's probably the best time because at least she sees your day is over and at least it shows like you have other things going on throughout the day so my biggest shift over the past three to 12 months was this let me explain what you have to do and I know that this is hard you have to remove the masculine doer or do it or fixer or the fix it guy mentality you see as men we like to handle things and when I say handle things you like
to handle problems in your life or you like to get stuff done that's part of just oftentimes being a man is you see that there's a task and you finish it to get it done with so here's what I can tell you you get a text message right we've all been there and you see that little blue dot pop up on your text message histories and on your text message history the ones that you have not opened yet it comes up as a blue dot and it shows that you have to open it majority of
men if you watch their behaviors and if you watch their patterns what they want to do is when they get a message like that they want to open it right away and they want to handle it because to them it's almost like business it's like now it's something on my to-do list I have to respond to this I have to take care of this and then wait for her to reply women do not operate that way because if you see their cell phones they will have tons of blue text messages that they have not opened
yet and they don't care because they're operating on their own time frame and often times their cell phone doesn't necessarily control their day-to-day habits they just operate when they want to do stuff so this is the biggest mindset shift I've had over the past 3 to 12 months is removing the masculine fixer or get it done guy mentality of getting stuff done because it doesn't work that way when it comes to dating so what I can tell you is this if you are typically in the mindset where you see that blue dot pop up on
your phone and you're like okay I got to open this and I have to make sure that I get this done the answer is no no you don't you sit there and you let it wait you you let it sit maybe she's going to reach out to you in a couple hours and even double text message you so if you do this if you operate this way and you don't let the cell phone control your emotional state when talking to women this is the type of guy she gets attached to this is the type of
guy she wants to invest in and this is the type of guy she wants to date so stop thinking that a girl is done talking to you after just not replying for a day or two if you like this video I want you to hit the like button comment and subscribe and we'll see you in the next one e