at times there are women who may lose interest in the men who once captivated them many relationships wear down over time whether because the woman loses interest in the man becomes bored with him feels attraction for someone else or faces any other everyday issues that arise women unconsciously emit signals and behaviors that reveal their disinterest or lack of Attraction towards a man with whom they are in a relationship however many of these gentlemen do not notice these situations and remain with a girl who no longer wants them some men fail to pick up on the
signals simply due to ignorance While others whether due to infatuation or need do not want to accept that the girl is no longer as interested in them as before these situations can occur in today's relationships so let's explain 10 clear attitudes a girl exhibits when she is no longer that interested in a man one she always wants to be in control in a relationship both parties should have the ability to give and receive both men and women must respect and support each other if you feel that a girl is constantly giving you orders in an
exaggerated Manner and always wants things done her way pay attention to what's happening in the relationship it's essential to discuss this with her to reach a balance and agreement two she makes you feel guilty if every time there's a problem or misunderstanding she implies that you're the only one at fault this is a sign you should step back a person who makes a mistake should be honest and acknowledge it the goal is for both of you to solve problems together but if she consistently tries to make you feel guilty it might be time to reconsider
your relationship third infidelity a man should immediately distance himself from a woman if she has been unfaithful just as a high value man should be loyal respectful and honest with his partner the woman should do the same if for any reason she makes the mistake of being unfaithful he should leave gracefully a girl who has cheated once is likely to do it again there's usually something fundamentally wrong in that relationship that is difficult to fix four she is self-centered some women do not listen to men or care about what happens to them there are times
when a man wants to express himself whether to share his daily experiences or just vent and seeks out a girl for conversation however if she only talks about herself and never asks about your life or dismisses your attempts to share about yourself it's a clear indication that she isn't interested and you should move on Five she frequently criticizes you generally when a girl likes a man she tends to respect him admire him and show her interest through compliments and attention conversely if she highlights your flaws and shortcomings and criticizes you without speaking positively about you
it's a strong sign that she is losing respect for you and is no longer attracted in this case it's best for the man to distance himself and seek out women who value him six she talks about her exes when a girl frequently mentions her ex-boyfriends or past lovers she is unconsciously indicating that she hasn't moved on from those relationships if you notice that she is still tied to her past it's wise to step back and focus on someone who is present and engaged in the current relationship seven she has little time for you if every
time you suggest going out she tells you she can't because she's too busy it shows that she is not as available as she was at the beginning of the relationship while it's normal for someone to be busy occasionally if this happens too often it indicates that she may not want or care about spending time with you eight she is dramatic jealousy and drama can be part of relationships however if you notice that she gets upset all the time and questions all your decisions excessively it might be time to distance yourself from her some women create
drama over everything though not all women are like this some men exhibit similar negative attitudes as well if you feel that the girl you like is overly problematic consider separating yourself from her to avoid long-term toxic relationships nine she Compares you with others a woman who talks about other men and occasionally Compares you with them whether they are exes or friends is unconsciously indicating that you are not her priority if she genuinely likes you and is interested in you she will likely speak well of you with respect 10 she doesn't respond quickly to your messages
when you text her or call her and she doesn't respond quickly or doesn't respond at all it could be that she genuinely doesn't have time at that moment however if this happens frequently it clearly indicates disinterest in summary if you notice any of these attitudes from the woman you're dating it's advisable to reassess the situation and consider distancing yourself from her to avoid problems while f focusing on your personal growth and development I hope you've enjoyed this content and above all it helps if so support us by subscribing to our Channel give us a like
and leave us any experiences in the comments see you in the next video