32% more sales is what we were able to achieve for a client of ours by changing just one simple setting within their Facebook ad account it takes literally seconds to make this change but it resulted in a significant Improvement in their Facebook ads return on ad spend and in this video I'm going to show you what this change was and explain why you should do it as well okay so to show you the changes that were made inside um this client's ad account to get them that 32% um increase in sales I'm in an example
ad account now I'm going to walk through the same process that we went through and show you exactly how to do this doesn't take very long at all and it's very easy to do and before I do that I just want to give a little bit of context about around this business CU I think that that will help you understand uh where it was and why we made these changes so this is a business that before we started working with them they had run lots of different types of campaigns for lots of different types of
products and services uh it's a business that operates in many different Industries had has lots of different legs to it um like they'll sell products but they also sell services that like attached to the to the products and that kind of go with them um so it had quite a varied history anyway this client had done before they started working with us done a lot of testing and they really sort of narrowed it down to one product range that they wanted to promote going forward and that's why they brought us on board because they wanted
us to help promote that and then scale um campaigns for for that particular product range so we had a look at their red account and we had a look at the history and we were looking at all the various different things that had been advertised and you're thinking well okay yes some of this is is related but in in many cases quite Loosely um this is quite tough for meta to be able to optimize now before before we started working with them they were running primarily Advantage Plus shopping campaigns at least for the the product
based campaigns they've been running like I said they had uh they're sort of tech based products so they had like services around those um that kind of fit um and and we felt like that was a good strategy the Advantage Plus shopping campaign so we're quite happy to continue that now that we're focusing down on on these products but when we got into the ad account we had a look at the history it became quite clear to us that meta is having a hard time optimizing here and that's not surprising because meta doesn't really know
what is a conversion look like who should I putting these ads in front of like I said these are tech-based products that they're advertising well older demographics are going to want all the extra services around installation and and explanation and training and getting people to understand how they're used younger Generations aren't going to do that so when you're running the more service-based campaigns that go around with these Tech products they're going to be targeted more older demographics whereas when you're just actually selling the products themselves maybe they get targeted at younger demographics and there's other
as I said there's lots of different types of campaigns that were run for a range of of products and that I felt that meant that meta was a bit confused we now focusing on this one product range with an Advantage Plus shopping campaign that really relies on meta's automatic targeting their AI to work out who to put ads in front of how to optimize the campaigns and yet because of this varied history just felt like meta was a bit confused and wasn't getting um the best results possible so there are a few different options when
you come into that sort of scenario and I know people watching this video and I've certainly had it in the past they have tested a whole bunch of things and end up with a a bit of a mess of an ad account given the uh the history and we know how important it is that meta understands what to do what a conversion is who to put your hands in front of if you want the best possible results because the machine learning process is so powerful so when you have an account like that as like I
said there's a couple of different options the first one is just to go you know what let's leave this metad account let's create a new one and start fresh and that was definitely something that we considered it wouldn't normally be my first option though particularly in an ad account like this one where they still did have a lot of conversions for the product range that we wanted to advertise going forward so it's not like we were just had a complete mess of an ad account the data in that is old and not valuable and we
can just start a freshing it be fine if we say goodbye to the old ad account yes we're not confusing meta with campaigns and information that may be getting in the way but we'd also be missing out on really good conversion data for that particular product range so before we did that we thought look why don't we just try by giving meta a bit more information around what this business is now and what it wants to advertise going forward and see if that helps um improve performances like I said given that there was so much
had been gone on previously and the conversion history meant that meta was a bit confused so here's what we did so we came into uh the ad account this is an example ad account this isn't the client's ad account but I can demonstrate on this and we're in ads manager and what we did is we came and clicked on these three little lines here and then we selected advertising settings it would probably be um one of the options here if not you can just go into all tools and and find it in there and then
in advertising settings we've got this option here the first option which is called industry so if we go ahead and click on this and you can see the information that that met is asking us about this it says your industry helps us understand your ad account and ensure you have access to the right features guidance and support they don't expressly say it here but I think it impacts optimization um of the campaigns which makes complete sense right if meta better understands oh you guys are advertising this well we have tons of data from other types
of businesses that are also advertising something similar that's going to help us optimize your campaigns and I mean they kind of allude to at the beginning saying your industry helps us understand your R account and we know that that understanding leads to better campaign optimization which leads to better performance so we just go ahead and add industry and you've got two options here you can just add the one or you can add in two here so we went in and we selected e-commerce which I think that was really powerful for this ad account cuz like
I said they were advertising tech-based products but also quite a few services around those products they had wide ranges some things install yourself some things get installed home there's all sorts of various services around it like I can't be too specific but just to try and give you some some context so I think telling that this was an e-commerce business I think was really valuable for this ad account in terms of meta understanding it and then fortunately not all businesses will be able to do this because there are relatively limited number of options we were
able to add in a second one of technology which actually really accurately describes what this business is now looking to do going forward it's e-commerce that selling the the Standalone products and um it's Technology based so fantastic not all business will be able to go with options that are as accurate as that um you might have to be more broad but if you do feel like meta is just not really optimizing your campaigns properly potentially a bit confused especially if you've got quite varied history within that account a lot of advertisers do I think this
is a bit of a no-brainer so go ahead and click save and that is it we've now given metod that information and they can now optimize our campaigns accordingly now something I forgot to mention just before I close down that window so I'm just going to click on update industry to come back in here um is this line at the end of this sort of you know couple of sentences at the top here that says changes you make here won't affect active campaigns so you might think that you've come in here you've set up your
industry why wouldn't you just takes a few clicks like absolutely go ahead and get this done you click save and you think okay job done meta is now going to optimize my campaigns differently well it's not going to affect already active campaigns but it will affect new campaigns um so if you do this you then and you want this to have an impact on your campaign performance you then need to create new campaigns or duplicate your existing campaigns and and run those in order to to actually have that impact and also this just further confirms
what I was talking about a minute ago when I was saying that meta doesn't expressly say that what you change here um affects your campaign optimization but the fact that they have a line in here saying that change you make here won't affect active campaigns but implying it will affect other campaigns to leads me to believe that this is impacting campaign optimization which I think makes sense because why wouldn't better um use that information like we discussed previously so if you come in here and you come and do that just watch out for that point
click save and then what you need to do is go back into ads manager and then the easiest way is just to duplicate existing campaigns and run those um and hopefully they will be impacted in a positive way by providing mattera with industry information and you'll get an improvement in performance now I need to provide a bit more detail around the 32% Improvement that this client got in results but before I do that I've got a quick question for you how much better do you think your Facebook ad results would be if I mentored you
directly now not many people that watch my videos know that I do actually have a mentorship program where my myself and my team Mentor people daily and we've had some mentees completely transform their business inside of my mentorship program and here's a stat that I'm really proud of 82% of people that join my mentorship program see a notable Improvement in their Facebook ads return on ads spand within just 30 days so if you want better Facebook ad results go ahead and book a free call with us to find out more about my mentorship program the
link to do so is in the video description so we made this change for this client and it got a 32% Improvement in results 3 2% more sales specifically with the same ad spend now we know that the change itself had an impact selecting the industries telling meta that this is now e-commerce Technology based that's what we're advertising Optimizer campaigns accordingly please I think definitely had an impact but it should also be noted that in order to have those changes come into effect we duplicated the campaigns turned off the old ones and ran new ones
sometimes just doing that can lead to a significant change in results not normally as much as 32% but that shouldn't be discounted because I imagine there be some people watching the video saying well you did duplicate the campaign sometimes that can lead to Improvement results sometimes it does the opposite by the way and it can um worsen results but I I just wanted to mention that because that may well be a factor in the Improvement in results either way I'm happy with where it is now the campaign seem to be optimizing much better and we
know that the longer we run this and the more clarity and stability that we provide within this ad account to meta um the better the results are likely to be the more conversions happen for this product range in particular we're likely to see this perform better and better so i' strongly recommend you take a few seconds to just go ahead and get this set up and make it as accurate as possible not all business are going to be able to find industries that are very descriptive of what they offer but I do think met is
probably going to improve this feature over time and build out the various industry options um and also it's likely to have more of an impact on campaign optimization and therefore the results that we see as more and more advertisers do this and as meta has a better understanding of okay any business within this category we're seeing the better results in general by advertising it this way or this time of the day or having this many average Impressions or targeting these people and it's different for this industry and as that process gets more sophisticated just like
matters AI machine learning processes have gotten more sophisticated in in terms of being able to dictate who gets targeted how often time of date all that sort of stuff um I think this is going to be more powerful as as time goes on so like I said well worth doing I by the way have you seen my video that shows how I increased the business sales by $7.2 million with a new Facebook ad creative strategy if not you can check it out here in that video I show you the exact Facebook ad creative strategy that
I used and I explain why it works so well you almost certainly want to try and do something similar go ahead and check it out