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Лекторий Dостоевский
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Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is the main literary symbol of Russia and the most difficult Russian writer to understand. His work can be compared to classical music - only few can really enjoy it at first. You need to grow up, gain insight and understand how the writer himself lived, because everything that Dostoevsky called for, he felt on himself.
Dostoevsky visited the very edge of the abyss and looked into the eyes of death, and then returned from there to write books that became a revelation for many readers. This was his fate. On December 22, 1849, in St.
Petersburg, on the Semenovsky parade ground, in front of three thousand people, the execution of those convicted in the case of the socialist circle of Mikhail Petrashevsky took place. Among them was the 28-year-old writer, author of the acclaimed novel "Poor People" Fyodor Dostoevsky. He was sentenced to death.
"There they read the death warrant to all of us . . .
I was sixth, they were summoned in three . . .
and I had no more than a minute to live. " Three Petrashevites in caps pulled over their eyes were tied to the posts. The rifles of a platoon of soldiers were pointed at their chests.
Dostoevsky saw all this while standing on the scaffold. But the shots did not fire. At the last minute, the death penalty was replaced by hard labor.
One of the condemned, Nikolai Grigoriev, went crazy. Dostoevsky survived his own death. Upon the return of the Semenovsky parade ground to the Peter and Paul Fortress, the writer was shackled and sent to the Siberian prison.
What helped him to survive in hard labor? Dostoevsky himself believed that was the Gospel, presented by the wife of one of the Decembrist, Natalia Fonvizina, , when they met in Tobolsk. "The book was always under my pillow in prison.
I read and read to others. I one convict lo learn reading with this book. .
. ". Together with the writer, the Gospel wandered around Siberia for 10 years from the Tobolsk prison castle to the Omsk prison, then went to Semipalatinsk, Kuznetsk.
Now it is kept in the Russian State Library in Moscow. Scientists have found hundreds of notes made by the writer in it. What worried Dostoevsky the most when he read this New Testament?
How four years spent among murderers and thieves turned his life upside down, and why in his works the heroes violate the biblical commandments: "do not make yourself an idol", "honor your father and mother", "do not bear false witness", "do not commit adultery", "do not steal", "do not kill". The Gospel of Dostoevsky. Do not make yourself an idol.
"Here is my idol! You are the leader, you are the sun, I am your worm . .
. ". No other writer in the world has had such a rapid literary debut as Dostoevsky's.
Imagine, a graduate of an engineering school Fyodor Dostoevsky, after a year of hateful service, throws everything to write a novel. In the midst of the white nights of 1845, through a former classmate of Dmitry Grigorovich, he hands over the manuscript to the publisher of the "Peterbugsky Sbornik" Nikolai Nekrasov. Nekrasov is 23, as is Dostoevsky.
At that time he had not yet written any of his famous poems and was preparing the publishing project "Petersburgsky Sbornik", where Herzen, Turgenev, Prince Odoevsky, Belinsky and Dostoevsky's novel "The Poor People" would be published. At 4 in the morning, shouting "This is above sleep! " Nekrasov and Grigorovich run into small Dostovsky`s apartment on Vladimirsky Prospekt and throw themselves on his neck (hugs-hugs).
The very next day with the words "New Gogol has appeared! " Nekrasov presents the manuscript of "ThePoor People" to Belinsky. He skeptically wrinkles his nose: "Your Gogols are growing like mushrooms!
" The most authoritative and stingy critic at first did not believe that the unknown engineer went further than Gogol, penetrated so deeply into the psychology of little people, and when he read the novel "Poor People" himself, he could not hold back his delight either. "Appreciate your gift and remain faithful, and you will be a great writer . .
. You have touched the very essence, you have pointed out the most important thing at once. " After the publication of the novel, the "new Gogol's" head was too excited.
Fyodor boasts in letters to his brother Mikhail, who also dreamed of becoming a writer: "Gogol is not as deep as I am. These gentlemen do not even know how to love me, they are in love with me to one and all. " Inspired by Dostoevsky, he writes new stories one after another: "The Double", "The Mistress".
Tries to write stories. The effect is not the same. Belinsky calls "The Mistress" a terrible nonsense and shares with friends: "We sulked with Dostoevsky's genius.
" And Nekrasov and Turgenev are composing a mocking poem: "Knight of a woeful figure, Dostoevsky, dear pimple, on the nose of literature you rejoice like a new pimple. " Dostoevsky is on the verge of despair. And only brother Mikhail, the closest and most understanding person in the world, supports the writer and saves him from depression.
Honor your father and mother. "Who does not want the death of the father? .
. . Everyone wants the death of the father.
" On the father's side, the Dostoevsky family began in 1506. Then the prince Pinsky of Rurikovich, Fyodor Ivanovich Yaroslavich, granted Danila Irtishevich, who distinguished himself in battle, an estate of 2 courtyards in the village of Dostoyevo. Researchers put forward different versions of what nationality Fyodor Mikhailovich is - Lithuanian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Tatar, Russian.
The family nest for him was the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor on Bozhedomka Street . My father served there as a head physician, a specialist in women's diseases and lived with his family in a government apartment in the hospital wing. Here on November 11, 1821, the future writer was born.
Fedor was the second of 7 children in a family among brothers and sisters. He was the most emotional and always tried to prevail. A strict father fenced off his children from any acquaintances.
They were forbidden to play rounders, as a dangerous and indecent game, and were not given pocket money. The writer's mother, Maria Feodorovna from the merchant family of the Nechaevs, is, unlike her gloomy husband, good-natured and cheerful in nature. Dostoevsky inherited a literary gift from his mother .
Her letters are distinguished by good style, attention to detail, and poetic images. The house also had its own large library - about 200 volumes. A short list of literature young genius was reading: Pushkin, Derzhavin, Karamzin, Zhukovsky, Schiller, Walter Scott, Anna Radcliffe.
Books were for Fedya a magic window into a wonderful world full of impressions and adventures. But everything changed when the mother fell ill and died of tuberculosis. Fyodor was 16.
His father retired and went with his younger children to the small estate Darovoe near Tula, tried to manage the household, grieved, and drank. In the summer of 1839, Dostoevsky receives news of his father's death. According to the official version, he died of an apoplectic stroke, according to the unofficial version, he was killed by local peasants.
There were several reasons: cruel treatment of serfs, drunkenness. Left without the total control of his father, Dostoevsky becomes his own master. He begins to realize his dreams of a literary career, and one of the important themes of his work will be the relationship between fathers and children.
This is a cross-cutting theme in "Humiliated and Insulted", "Idiot", "Demons", in the novel "Teenager". The deepest and most complex novel "The Brothers Karamazov" is devoted to the theme of parricide. Do not bear witness.
"To make the truth more believable, it is imperative to mix it with lies. " Members of the circle of Mikhail Petrashevsky, one of the authors of the dictionary of foreign words, did not go out to the square and did not start terror. They gathered at Petrashevsky's on Fridays and discussed burning topics - freedom of the press, the need for judicial and peasant reforms, the fashionable socialist ideas of Fourier and Saint-Simon.
Since the spring of 1847, they were joined by Dostoevsky, who quarreled with Belinsky's circle, who was sincerely fascinated by new social ideas. The residents of Petrashev did not know that among them there was an agent provocateur who was scribbling denunciations to the police . At the meeting on April 15, Dostoevsky read the correspondence between Gogol and Belinsky, where Belinsky says that the Russian people have no religious feeling.
On April 23, at 5:00 am, arrests and interrogations began. In total, about 50 people would be arrested . Omsk prison, in which the writer spent four years, is not a place for weaklings.
He has not seen so much hatred and anger in his entire life. But having got to know the murderers and thieves better, he begins to feel sorry for them and love them. 21 people from Petrashevsky group were sentenced to death, including Dostoevsky.
Allegedly for overthrowing the state system. It was a lie, but the truth was that Nicholas I, who sent five Decembrists to the gallows in 1826, was terrified of conspiracies. The writer will return to St.
Petersburg only after 10 years and create another literary bomb - "Notes from a dead house", will show the hell of life of prisoners in hard labor. Turgenev will compare "Notes from the House of the Dead" with Dante's hell, Herzen - with Michelangelo's fresco "The Last Judgment", and Leo Tolstoy will say that he does not know better books from all new literature, including Pushkin. Do not commit adultery.
". . .
I even like secret, dark debauchery, stranger and more original . . .
". The sins of Dostoevsky's youth are still legendary. If it had not been for a letter to his brother in 1845, we would never have learned about the writer's premarital adventures.
"Minushki, Klavushki, Mariannas, etc. have become extremely prettier, but they cost terrible money. The other day, Turgenev and Belinsky broke me to dust for a disorderly life.
" 32-year-old Dostoevsky met his first wife Maria Isaeva in Semipalatinsk. After the death of her husband, they got married in Kuznetsk, but after 9 days Fyodor Mikhailovich had an epileptic seizure. Attacks came suddenly and tormented the writer from his youth.
Maria was terribly frightened. First, the couple went to different rooms, then to cities. According to rumors, the daughter of the former serf Apollinarius Suslov herself confessed her love to the writer, having read his novel "Notes from the House of the Dead.
" Dostoevsky was carried away by a young girl. It was a difficult relationship in which the writer suffered and burned out with love. "These were some two enemies in love with each other .
. . ".
Suslova was destined to remain in history as the prototype of femme fatale in Dostoevsky's novels - Polina in The Gambler, Nastasya Filippovna in The Idiot, Katerina Ivanovna in The Brothers Karamazov, the mistress of Prince Volkonsky in The Humiliated and Insulted. "My lady was voluptuous to the point that the Marquis de Sade himself could learn from her. " Failing to get the writer to divorce his wife, Suslova abandons Dostoevsky, although it was her whim - a divorce in Russia in the mid-19th century was almost impossible.
Soon, the writer 's wife Maria dies, and six months later, a completely unbearable loss - his support, companion, advisor, beloved heart - brother Mikhail, is leaving his life . Dostoevsky suffers from loneliness. Over the next two years, he makes 4 marriage proposals, refusal everywhere.
A former convict with epilepsy, not young, over 40, also poor, is mired in debt. And then everything changed. Anna Snitkina, 20, a graduate of the Mariinsky Gymnasium, worked as a stenographer.
She was hired by Dostoevsky. He soon realizes how much he is attached to her. The 45-year-old writer does not know how to tell about his feelings, and he invents a story about an old artist and a young girl, to whom he is afraid to confess his love.
Anna understands everything at once. "I looked at the worried face of Fyodor Mikhailovich, so dear to me, and said - I would answer you that I love you and will love you all my life. " Anna Grigorievna will become an ideal wife for the writer .
She will make Fyodor Mikhailovich happy, she will give birth to four children. Dostoevsky will write his best novels with her, and after her death she will remain faithful to his memory. "And whom can you marry after Dostoevsky?
Tolstoy? But he is married already. " Don't steal.
"A thief steals, but he knows to himself that he is a scoundrel. " The great writer lived his life practically as a beggar, he did not know how to earn money at all. In this he was like his heroes, unable to exist on a salary, boarding school, or at least reasonably save money.
Often money in Dostoevsky's novels becomes the main driver of the plot. Dostoevsky lived by writing, and his fees for publications in magazines were very modest. Large debts began to accumulate from the beginning of the sixties - then the brothers Fyodor and Mikhail Dostoevsky began to publish the magazines "Time" and "Epoch", spending a substantial amount on this.
In 1863, "Epoch" was closed because of Nikolai Strakhov's unreliable article "The Fatal Question", and the number of debts increased significantly. After the death of Mikhail, Fedor took over his brother's gigantic debts - about 13 thousand rubles in promissory notes and many debts on parole. And there were also their own.
The need forced the publisher Fyodor Stellovsky to agree to the onerous conditions , who undertook to publish a three-volume edition of the writer's works. “If I don’t deliver it by November 1, 1866 (this is the last time), then he, Stellovsky, is free to publish for nothing for 9 years, and as he pleases, whatever I write without any remuneration . .
. ”. But Dostoevsky published the novel on time.
The future spouse helped - in 26 days, under dictation, Anna stenographed the novel "The Gambler", deciphers it at night. In February 1867 Dostoevsky and Snitkina get married and leave for their honeymoon to Europe. Instead of three months, it stretches for more than four years.
Dostoevsky is trying to improve his financial situation by playing roulette in Homburg, Baden-Baden, Saxon-les-Bains, Wiesbaden, but he is catastrophically unlucky. "He went to lay our wedding rings because we have nothing to eat today. " The writer pawned and redeemed his wedding ring more than ten times.
"Anya, my dear, my priceless, I lost everything, everything, everything! Oh, my angel, do not grieve and do not worry! Be sure that now the time will finally come when I will be worthy of you and will no longer rob you like a bad one , a vile thief.
Now a novel, one novel will save us. " The passion for the game will haunt Dostoevsky for another three years and disappear overnight. In April 1871 , he wrote to his wife: "A great deed has been accomplished for me, the vile fantasy that tormented me for almost 10 years has disappeared .
10 years . . .
I dreamed of winning everything. Now it's all over. " After that he really didn't play.
The last year of his life Dostoevsky paid off his debts in full, but this took 13 years. Dont kill. 5 of Dostoevsky's later novels, called the "Great Pentateuch," touch on the topic of murder.
In the most famous, "Crime and Punishment", even a double murder is described - Raskolnikov kills two women with an ax. Rogozhin in the novel "The Idiot" stabs Nastasya Filippovna with a knife with a deer shank, Pyotr Verkhovensky in "Demons" shoots Shatov at close range, Smerdyakov in "The Brothers Karamazov" kills Fyodor Karamazov. Dostoevsky took great risks.
There were people who attributed the crimes of his heroes to the author . The anarchist Kropotkin once remarked: "Behind the image of Raskolnikov, I feel Dostoevsky himself. " But a great writer did not have to kill an old woman or a father in order to reliably describe the feelings of criminals.
For four years in Siberian prison, he had seen enough and heard enough stories that would be enough for a whole criminal library. Dostoevsky also finds plots in criminal chronicles. For example, the writer used some details of the case of the Moscow schismatic Gerasim Chistov in the novel Crime and Punishment.
"He instantly hit Mikhailova in the head with an ax, and she fell to the floor. " But the detective story in which the author is looking for a criminal is too boring for Dostoevsky. Although, it is worth noting that it was he who laid the foundation for the genre of the detective novel in Russian literature.
But the writer is primarily interested in the detective story in which the hero is looking for God. The psychological intrigue of his novels is not who killed, but why not kill if you really want to. "Am I a trembling creature or have I the right?
" The murder crushed the killer in every sense. Reckoning occurs at the level of physical illness, "the blood is sintered by the liver. " "I didn't kill the old woman, I killed myself!
" Love God. "If there is no God, then everything is allowed. " In the Holy Scriptures, perhaps, there is not a single commandment that the heroes of Dostoevsky would not violate, including the main one "love God.
" The path to God, according to Dostoevsky, begins at the point of ultimate distance from God. Such a point for the writer was the time of communication with the atheist Belinsky and members of his circle, when the writer was looking for answers to questions that everyone poses before themselves. " There is suffering , there are no guilty ones.
How so? " The main theomachist Ivan Karamazov in The Brothers Karamazov says that he is returning his ticket to the kingdom of God. "I completely refuse the highest harmony.
It is not worth the tears of at least one tortured child. " Dostoevsky describes a whole family of unbelievers - the father of Karamazov and two older sons, who doubt the existence of God. The result is the murder of the father, because if there is no god, everything is allowed, even that.
Due to excessive religiosity and desire, as the hero of Bunin's story Adam Sokolovich put it, to poke Christ into his tabloid novels, Dostoevsky often became the object of ridicule. It was both offensive and unfair. Dostoevsky was not a fanatic.
"My belif in Chrst is not childish, but through the great furnace of doubts, my hosanna came. " Many of Dostoevsky's heroes break the commandments and come to know Christ through crime, fall and temptation. For them, the truth is revealed at the bottom of the abyss, and happiness is bought by suffering.
His heroes are looking for a way to Christ, so the evil won`t escape. Dostoevsky himself was looking for this road all his life. Maybe that`s why some people call the writer a prophet and his works - The Gospel of Dostoevsky.
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