thank you wow thank you very much wow thank you thank you all right thank you very much hey thank you wow save some for the end how many of you have never seen me before this is your first time wow everybody so I'm not so famous after all anyway nice to have all of you here it's a long journey here for me from uh the Farms of Southern Idaho where I grew up to uh you know next door to Disneyland with all the spotlights and cameras and all of you here it's just a bit much
unbelievable um I did my first four pay seminar in 1963 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills California called adventures and achievement so this now makes my year number 41 so lot of you and my uh big purpose now is to keep my journey going I just got back from uh Argentina uh last week and next week I go to Venezuela toward the end of the month back to Italy and Europe a little later in the year Asia South Africa and Australia and who knows where else so from my travels around the world I
just really drop by to say hello and share some ideas but I'm thankful for the opportunity to share these ideas one more time uh the ideas I want to share with you so dramatically changed my life I'm always excited about the opportunity to share them you know one more time uh I quit school at age 19 unfortunately my reasoning was I'm smart enough to get a job how much smarter do you need to be and with that bit of shallow thinking I quit school at age 19 a little while later you know I went to
work a little while later got married started this little family and I'm out there working hard doing the best I could falling a little bit behind every year finally the creditors once in a while are starting to call saying you told us the check was in the mail and I'm embarrassed by that and then I sure some of you if you've listened to my cassette tapes or the CDs or heard some of my material the Girl Scout story finally occurred age 25 I hear this knock on the door I go to the door and there's
this girl scout about this tall selling cookies for the Girl Scouts and she gave me one of the finest sales presentations I've ever heard special deal several flavors Girl Scouts best organization in the world only $2 and with a big smile she very politely asked me to buy no problem I wanted to buy big problem I didn't have $2 in my pocket I'm a grown man I live in America I'm married with a family I've been to college one year and um I've been working for six years from age 19 to 25 and I didn't
have the $2 in my pocket and I didn't want to tell her that that seemed too embarrassing so I did what I thought was next best I lied to her and I said look we've already bought lots of girls got cookies we've still got plenty in the house we haven't eaten she said oh that's wonderful thank you very much and she leaves when she leaves I say to myself I don't want to live like this anymore I mean how low can you get lying to a Girl Scout right I mean that's that's the ultimate so
I started my search that day and sure enough very shortly I met this extraordinary Man by the name of Mr rcho and my life was never the same after that uh Chris mentioned ideas and that's where this whole flow of unique ideas started for me age 25 I had the opportunity to go to work for this extraordinary man I worked for him for 5 years then unfortunately he died age 49 but the things he taught me during that 5 years transformed my economic life especially but my personal life my leadership chances all of that came
from that unique experience so maybe it's true when the student is ready when someone says I've had it you know this is it I don't want to live like this anymore and then you begin a new search so make this note now for the first of the notes we're going to share in my portion for today if you start the search the odds are excellent you will find good ideas if you search you will find finding is reserved for those that search ideas are not reserved for those that hope they're not reserved for those that
wish they're not reserved for those who complain you know good ideas are reserved for those that search so the first thing I want to do is congratulate all of you for being here continuing your search spending the money money and spending the time to come and spend a few days and see if you can't through the accumulation of hours and speakers that we have during this weekend uh go home with a a harvest of good ideas for your business for your life for your marriage for your friendships for your economic future and you know for
all of the rest we've all heard the expression nothing so powerful as an idea whose Time Has Come how very true the walls came tumbling down about 15 16 years ago in Germany and the time had come for capitalism to finally reach those uh unfortunate countries that have been dominated by communism for so long and that idea now is beginning to flourish I've been teaching capitalism now for the last 10 years in Russia I've made five trips to all the major cities it's incredible when an idea fin comes and the time is right um what
can happen so ideas when an idea and its time is ready it can be incredible but now here's the next part for your notes nothing so powerful as an idea that comes at the right time and hopefully today for you and the rest of this series of uh trainings this would be a good time for you you maybe you've got three numbers of the lock that needs four numbers and you've already got three already dialed in from you know the sermons you've heard and the lyrics of the songs you've listened to and personal conversations and
meetings and trainings and seminars and books you've read all of that right you got the three numbers and just maybe just maybe this weekend could well be that fourth number for you that you've been looking for and the lock will open and the door will open and there could be some real new accelerated opportunity for you over the next few years of your life so I hope that's true from what I have to say and and from Dennis and Brian and other speakers that are going to share with you um this could be a very
important weekend for you I hope it's one of those lifechanging weekends where you look back and say wow I was never the same and the chances are excellent if you keep going keep going to as many things as you can get to in terms of uh information ideas seminars lectures because if you go continuously and systematically some of them will be routine some of them may be ordinary and then just once in a while some may be extraordinary and you're never the same again and you look back on that experience and say that was one
of the days that turned my life around so I hope this weekend from what I have to share and the rest of the speakers this is one of those extraordinary weekends for you here's another note to make no one person has all the answers no one person has all the ideas we need to gather ideas from a variety of voices and from a variety of experience from social to personal to political to the management of time the conservation of resources um you know business entrepreneur career all of that uh being a good parent a good
mother being a good father uh being a good friend a business colleague you got to have a whole variety of ideas so this weekend we're going to have a chance for that you know multiple speakers and a chance for multiple ideas to come your way next is a little phrase that I'd i' like to have you memorize and if you memorize it I'm sure it'll follow you for the rest of your life and if you're ready say I'm ready here is the phrase you can write it down as we memorize it here it is from
testimonials and personal experience repeat that for me from testimonials and personal experience we have enough information to conclude I'll let you write it down we have enough information to conclude so repeat for me we have enough information to conclude if you were composing this I don't know what you would write after this we have enough information to conclude that it's possible jot that down that it's possible so repeat for me that is possible and the rest to design and live an extraordinary life make that note to design and live an extraordinary life so repeat that
for me to design and live an extraordinary life now let's repeat it from the beginning here we go from testimonials and personal experience we have enough information to conclude that it's possible to designed and Liv an extraordinary life I hope you will give that little phrase some consideration and here's what's next I hope you by the idea that from testimonials and personal experience we have enough information to conclude that it's possible to design and live an extraordinary life and what I want this week in to be for you is the Gathering of more ways and
means to design and live for you an extraordinary life I don't know how far you want to go here's the first essence of life and that is self-preservation to produce enough to take care of yourself the instructions given right to the to the couple that left the garden of Egan one was to multiply it's a lonely place with only two people but here were the next instructions to be fruitful how fruitful how productive should one be and here's number one to produce enough to survive to produce enough to take care of yourself and self-care is
important if you're flying on an airplane the flight attendant says if for some reason we run out of oxygen these oxygen mass will fall from the ceiling and if you have children with you quickly take care of them then take care of yourself no no no they say what put your mask on first put your mask on first see to your survival first then you'll be more capable of taking care of the survival of your children isn't that interesting my father had an interesting saying he said son right after me you come first I W
that's okay I was in business with Bob Cummings the old movie star we were in the health and nutrition business together back in the 60s 61 2 three Bob had an interesting saying here's what he said I'll take care of me for you will you please take care of you for me so the first challenge in life is to take care of yourself it is to survive so to produce enough to survive to take care of yourself but now what's next well all alone it's a lonely life so let's say the man now chooses a
partner now he must figure out how to produce enough for himself and his spouse his wife his partner someone says well why do that why not just take care of yourself and the answer is it's a very small life it's a very limited life we wouldn't call it flourishing we wouldn't call it abundant just taking care of yourself that is the first rule but that's only the beginning so the man gets married now he must produce enough for himself and for his wife and here's the key phrase to make a note of to live the
higher life a life of togetherness the Storyteller says it seems even God didn't want to be alone he created all of these angels so to join with someone now you must produce enough for yourself for your partner now is that it the answer is no how about children let us have children that's a unique experience so now if the man has a wife and now he has children here's the challenge to produce enough for himself and his family now someone says well why take on all of that why not just take care of yourself you
could yes but you couldn't live this more extraordinary life without taking on the responsibility of having a partner having some children and live that kind of extraordinary life so I think everybody would agree now is that the end of it no here's the next challenge to produce more than you need for yourself and for your family someone says well now why I start being ridiculous here yes produce enough for yourself well yes if you want to get married produce enough for yourself and for your spouse now with children produce enough for your family but why
do more than that and jot down the answer to live a more extraordinary life so now the man produces more than he needs for himself and for his children so that he can be a person of benevolence so that he can give and so that he can share that's the more abundant that's the more extraordinary life to produce more than you need for yourself and for your children is that it let's take it a couple of more steps how about producing much more than you need for yourself and for your family someone says well now
you're off the scale I mean why work that hard why go that far why produce that much some would say just take care of yourself some would say just you know get a partner and that's it and then children and that's it and be a bit benevolent and that's it but why not go this next step and produce much more than you need for yourself and for your children and when someone says why do that all of us know the answer right why no if you've got the talent and the skill and the opportunity why
not put all of that together and see if you couldn't produce much more than you need for yourself and for your family let's say you earned uh $10 million this year and you and your family only need three million which would probably cover most families right some families are more expensive than others as I discovered um but let's say 3 million would you know cover a big high percentage so now if you and your family only needed 3 million for the year now you have 7 million to give and someone says what why do that
and the obvious answer is what why not if you've got the talent and the skill and the time and the opportunity and the occasion and all this stuff comes together why not let's go one more how about producing far more than you need for yourself and for your family and live the far more life we've heard the story of Andrew Carnegie right Andrew Carnegie said this he built the big steel industry back in the 20s here in America here was Andrew Carnegie's goal I'm going to spend the first half of my life earning money I'm
going to spend the last half of my life giving it all away isn't that extraordinary wouldn't you call that an extraordinary life and the answer is yes he got so excited by that goal that the first half of his life he earned $400 million which back then was a lot of money I mean now right it doesn't seem to be that much but you know maybe back then it would total $40 billion like Bill Gates so $40 billion he earned the first half of his life guess what he did with the last half of his
life he gave it all away and the big question is why do that and the answer is why not if you've got the opportunity to live design and live an extraordinary life you know why not do that so here's what I want this weekend to be for you plenty of ideas to take home chew on digest you know throw some away refine some you know accept some do some whatever that's what this weekend is ready for to send you home with a whole new library of thoughts to ponder ideas to try disciplines to work out
uh some skills to learn and if we do that and do it well this weekend you will say hey it was certainly worth the time and the money uh to go to that weekend gym r seminar jrone and friends now make these notes what I hope you find here this weekend ideas Plus in Inspiration that's the mixture that really turns things on you know sends a entrepreneur program into high gear ideas plus inspiration we need ideas for the goals and plans and we need inspiration for the emotional vitality to put it to work to make
it grow make it multiply and here's what else I hope you'll find here guidelines for translating response into results you've responded to the call come search look listen take notes get it to take home with you and I'm sure you're going to respond well to the you know seasoned teaching and training that is going to be delivered here this weekend but here's the key guidelines for translating response into results because results is the name of the game there's no purpose in learning just for learning sake wisdom and Faith as powerful as those components are serve
no useful purpose unless they are deposited so make a note of the word deposited wisdom and faith deposited into activity wisdom and Faith put to work now produces a hotel produces a a Suk vaccine uh produces a city produces an institution of learning produces a career produces a relationship right ideas and faith believing that it's possible that ideas can work miracles now put to work so the big job here is getting it all and so now make the next note next is going home and translating it into high activity good health activity a better relationship
activity an entrepreneur program activity a new burst of speed in your sales career all of that that's what I'm really interested in because here's what's important to me is for my name once in a while to appear in someone's testimonial make that note it's one of life's greatest experiences is when your name appears in somebody's testimonial somebody says here's the person who found me here's the person who got me started uh here's the person who wouldn't let me quit gave me more reasons for staying than for leaving here's the person who believed in me until
I could believe in myself and then they mention your name see you can't buy that with money and you don't have to give lectures and seminars to do it you don't have to have an audience like this for the weekend in order to deliver value to someone's life what if you had breakfast with a friend at Denny's four years ago and uh you recommended this book that really meant a lot to you and you said to your friend you've got to read this book I think it'll make a major contribution to your life and your
friend accepted the idea went and got the book now four years later he's giving his testimonial his business has flourished his marriage is safe things are going extremely well and someone says where did this all begin for you and he will say four years ago at Denny's coffee shop I sat with my friend and he insisted that I read this book I went and got it and that book led to the next book that led to the next class that led to developing skills I never had before and that led to some more seminars and
lectures and now look at my business look at my life it's flourishing but it all began four years ago Denny's coffee shop when someone said you've got to read this book see that's a personto person seminar and those are just as valuable as person to a th person to 10,000 right it doesn't matter the number if you have a chance to deliver you know quote a poem recommend a book here's a phrase like I gave you this one to memorize I think you'll remember this one maybe for a long long time just something that's really
extra meaningful to someone whether it's at breakfast or wherever it is whether it's for a child or whether it's for an adult a friend a business associate if you'll keep up that process I promise you your name will continually appear in people's testimonial and now I've had this happy experience now for the last 40 45 years and so that's one of the reasons why I came here this weekend I don't need the money you know I've long ago made my fortune I take the money but I don't I don't need the money but here's what
I do need continuing testimonials that say Mr rone on a summer day in Anaheim California at the Marriott I was there that weekend and something clicked and the lights went on and I got the gift of some good ideas here's what's happened to me then they mention my name see that's what I want continuing testimonials that come back to me saying thanks for sharing ideas okay to get the most out of this weekend J notes down now number one be thankful for what you already have Thanksgiving sets up you know the situation where ideas can
flow here's what locks up the doors of opportunity for good ideas and that's cynicism all you have to be is a practic cynic cynical about the government and cynical about politics and cynical about the future and cynical about uh the economy cynicism locks all the doors but if you'll be thankful for what you have however modest or however much it is I think that's the beginning of receiving a flow of new ideas here's the next one be eager to learn there's already some extraordinary success stories in this room if we knew how successful we would
give you the podium I would be happy to take notes no matter how successful you are be willing to learn some more we in the millionaires Club invite a billionaire once in a while come talk to us and he says well you guys are doing okay but you know how about stepping up right how about multiplying by two by three by five by 10 come on you've just gotten started so no matter how well you're doing we could all use another idea a couple of other things that link together with what you already know could
give you a whole new burst of productivity and extraordinary lifestyle then to get the most out of this session this weekend you have to do what we call some tough listening and sometimes it's easy to gather it's difficult to gather up everyone's you know attention because our lives really seem to be going on outside this room you know a part of our life is going on here while we're here but you know some of us our kids are out there and our business is out there and our career is out there our job is out
there and everything is out there so sometimes it's difficult to bring yourself within the you know framework you know inside these four walls and just really concentrate and do your best to get it all because I know how meaningful ideas can be the name Earl CH you know still rings in my mind I'm 25 years old after the Girl Scout story experience I'm introduced to a man who I had a chance to go to work for and over the next five years the the ideas he shared with me not only made me Rich but gave
me the foundation for a longterm career of sharing ideas building business making profits uh hopefully wise Investments made an extraordinary contribution to my life this unique man he only went to the ninth grade in school so the things he shared with me over that 5year period were very simple very ABC but that's where got all of those simple phrases let me just review some of them for you very quickly for things to change for you you have to change I kept hoping the government would change and taxes would change and prices would come down and
things would get better and then he said for things to change for you Mr ran you have to change wow what a new revelation next he said' don't wish it was easier wish you were better all of this started me on this unique journey of what I now call personal development here's another one this is don't wish for Less Problems wish for more skills it's not less problems that makes you successful it's more skills that makes you successful I tried to convince him by showing him my paycheck that I wasn't doing well and I blamed
it on the company and I said this is all the company pays he said no that's all the company pays you I thought well that's a new way to look at it he says doesn't the company pay some people three four five times this amount and I said well yes he says well then this is not all the company pay this is all you get until you re-qualify accelerate your qualification for the bigger numbers see that was all great Revelation to me I tried to convince him that things cost too much he said know you
can't afford them all of these were new ways of looking at things unbelievable and so I started listening to all this stuff now some of the things that really accelerated my learning curve so that I could do better quickly was learning the success equations here's three of them the first one comes from the Bible the question was asked you know 2,000 years ago in the Bible according to the story teller what is the Key to Greatness what's the key to self-esteem what is the key to getting honors and trophies to put on the mantle above
the fireplace what is the key to receiving great respect what is the key to wealth and abundance what is the key to all of that an extraordinary life and here's the answer that was given capsule form according to the Storyteller the answer was find a way to serve many people find a way to serve find the ways and means start rendering service the more you serve the greater your fortune service to many leads to Greatness next John Kennedy speak speaking of politics today we're surrounded by political speeches here was one of the best John Kennedy
on his inaugural to be president of the United States all those years ago here's what he said don't ask wow don't we wish that was the current political philosophy where is John Kennedy where is he John said don't ah what the country can do for you ignore these promises of what everyone's saying what country can do for you he said don't ask what the country can do for you but ask what what could I do for my country see that's the whole turnaround in philosophical Thinking by asking you receive so little by serving you receive
so much so rather than settle for the pennies of what someone could do for you why why not turn it around and find some way to serve it's a pretty simple process here's what I taught the Russians Johnny mows Mrs Brown's lawn she pays $3 every time he mows her lawn he collects $3 thinking in terms of what could I do for my country surely Mrs Brown is one of the members of the country so he Ms her and collects $3 and starts what we call an income and a career now what's next and here's
what the Russians were excited about what if Johnny gets Pete to mow Mrs Brown's lawn she still pays the $3 but now Johnny gives Pete $2 for mowing the lawn and Keith's $1 because he's the one that got the work now we have the beginning of an entrepreneur now we have the beginning of Fortune here's a good note to make I started part-time on a little adventure learning skills and disciplines and here's what I began to say with my little part-time job I said I'm working full-time on my job and I'm working part-time on my
fortune and the reason is because I found the mechanics I found the philosophy I started working it serving other people one way to serve is to mow Mrs Brown's lawn and get the $3 the other way to serve is to get someone else to do it and you collect that extra money finding ways to serve that's the key to wealth and greatness then here's the next one and everybody knows this one I heard Zig say it over 40 years ago Zig Ziggler and when he said it I wrote it down and if you haven't ever
written it down write it down if you help enough people get what they want you can have everything you want if you help enough people get what they want you can have everything you want when I heard zigg say that I wrote it down and maybe you want to do this underline the word everything that's what was intriguing to me about this sentence so these are the success equations this is the wealth formula from the Bible from John Kennedy from Zig Ziggler now make these notes in the Journey of personal development one of the first
things to learn is the lesson of the seasons let me cover as much as this as I can before we take our first break for the day the lesson of the seasons for your nodes life in business is like the changing seasons one of the best ways to illustrate what's happening in your business what's happening in your life is this illustration of the changing seasons Frank the notra used to sing life is like the seasons now here's what's next you cannot change the seasons one of the things to you know come to grips with is
what you can change and what you cannot change you cannot change the seasons but here's the next phrase but you can change yourself therein lies the chance to live an extraordinary life learning to change yourself in an economic sense my mentor put it this way to climb the ladder of success as high as you wish to climb here's the key work harder on yourself than you do on your job work harder on yourself than you do on your job he said if you work hard on your job you can make a living which is fine
but if you work hard on yourself you could make of Fortune which is super fine then let's put it in philosophical language two things on economics philosophically here's the first one I learned your income is primarily determined by your philosophy you know I didn't learn that until I was 25 years old they never taught it in high school I went to college one year and never heard it your income is primarily determined by your philosophy not the economy then when I finally understood that I got excited about it because I knew I couldn't change the
economy but I was assured that I certainly could change my philosophy and I did that and here's the philosophy success is something you attract by becoming an attractive person success is not something you pursue it's something you attract so the key to the better economic future is to become an attractive person with an attractive personality an attractive list of skills your knowledge of the marketplace your ability to deal with a variety of personalities all of those things that anyone can learn with a bit of study practice repetition so the key is you cannot change the
seasons but you can change yourself so but let's talk about the seasons just in a brief outline here number one is the winter time I don't know where we've caught you this weekend maybe it's spring for you maybe it's summer you're toughing it out maybe it's harvest you're cashing it in if we knew the story we'd let you lecture but maybe for some of you it's one of those winter Times personal Winters social Winters economic Winters there's a variety so what about the winter make this note it always comes so you got to be prepared
hopefully you've done your homework you're ready and prepared for this winter more than you were some others that have come into your life where you were less prepared make this note of a Bible story it's very important because it's one of the great lessons of life I'm an amateur on the Bible but here's what the story Storyteller says there were two nice people so make the note now two nice people not one good and one evil but two nice people however and that is the drama of life however two nice people however one built his
house on the rock and the other built his house on the sand to nice people meaning it's possible for nice people to be casual it's possible for nice people to be careless and sometimes you can be careless and lose your life not evil just careless in Los Angeles now when the light turns green if you're in your car and you're there at the intersection and the light turns green you better not go for two or three seconds waiting for the Maniacs that are running the red light Crossing in front of you even though the light
is green that little extra bit of caution rather than being aggressive little bit of caution could very well save your life here's a father who loves his family he's an honorable citizen he makes good money he contributes to the community his church he's a good man but this morning he's in a hurry in Los Angeles late for an appointment and he's pushing it and pushing it with his automobile he comes to the intersection and the light turns red and a little voice in his said head says go ahead you're late you can make it and
now he's dead you don't have to go to Iraq to lose your life you don't have to be evil to lose your life all you have to be is a little careless at an unfortunate moment so the key is to be not over cautious but to be cautious don't build your house on the sand now add this note now we're all tempted when I was growing up there was a car tune of a little boy and it showed this little boy with a little devil on one shoulder and a little angel on the other shoulder
both whispering in his ears and the little devil said go ahead and do it it'll be okay and the little angent says no no no no no no it won't be okay yes go ahead and do it no no no how often does that a cur for all of us every day go through the red light it'll be okay we must beware okay not to be careless not to be casual and build your house on the sand the same is true with your health don't build on the sand the same is true with your career
don't build on the sand the same is true with being in business don't build on the sand build on the Rock because even nice people can make careless decisions casual decisions that accumulate over period of time and those could be the winter now here's a note to make some Winters are of your own making and some are not some are just the winter experiences maybe the whole country goes through it it was a long time of winter for the Russians who lived through the Communist system for about 80 years long winter of political despair lack
of freedom but what's the key to the winter here it is in simple language hang in there I mean you know Winters don't last forever some are difficult and some are easy but they never last forever the night always comes after the day but it doesn't last forever just a few more hours and if you hang in there say your prayers gather a little strength you can make it through the winter and the night so winter time here's the next season now the season of spring make this not my definition of spring opportunity spring is
not a guarantee that you're going to have a harvest but it's the opportunity to plant one it's not a guarantee that things are going to go well and you will accumulate what you need but it is an opportunity to do so Springtime is opportunity now it's usually a very short season especially where I was raised in farm country Idaho so here's what you must do with opportunity seize it quickly don't let it just come and go when the window of opportunity is open to borrow a little space language when they get ready to shoot the
Rockets or off into outer space there's a window they call it of opportunity to go not go when the weather's right and whatever but if if you wait a little too long the window closes and it takes a while for it to open back up so this is the key take advantage of the spring such a short season in some places they got those big tractors with the lights on them going around the clock in the short season of spring to make sure that the seeds are planted take advantage of opportunity take advantage of opportunity
to meet someone who could be a colleag for your future career take advantage of the day when it arrives because the day will soon finish take advantage of the year because it will soon close take advantage now here's the next season one of the greatest illustrations of life is in the third season called the season of Summer and here it is in simple capsule form in the summer you must do two major things here they are for your notes number one nourish and give life like a mother nourish and give life like a mother next
protect and defend like a father this is called the work of Summer give life like a mother take life like a father love like a mother hate like a father any father would say to whatever threatens his family take two more steps toward this family will cease to exist I'm father I protect that shill if necessary so you got to nourish your garden and then you've got to protect it by fighting the weeds and the bugs that are out to destroy it as soon as you've planted the busy bugs and the noxious weeds are out
to take it now put this line in your notes and they will take it unless you are extremely father-like and vigorous you have to develop a hatred for evil the old Prophet said love good and hate evil because those twin forces are at work always even in the beginning of the beginnings Lucifer according to the Storyteller tried to take over God's Throne didn't succeed and so began the story of the Creator and the spoiler and so exists for all of us this great drama of the ability to create but the Destroyer not too far away
in another seminar I give here's what I say and this is good philosophy it seems like opposites are in conflict and we are in the middle evil on one side good on the other side illness on one side good health on the other side Darkness on one side light on the other side and they're in Conflict if you walk into a room that's dark and turn on the light the darkness disappears and goes away how far away does It Go not very far waiting for a chance what come back in move in take over the
territory as light begins to lose its energy Darkness moves in there's a war on it's here's what it's called push sh as we sit here right good health plan is trying to defeat illness and drive it into a small Corner if you don't work on your good health plan illness will drive your heal into a small corner it's called push and shove in your bloodstream there are red cor pusles to nourish like a mother and white cor pusles to fight and kill like a father thank God for white cor pusles that think negative all day
white corpos will say just show me some infection I'll kill it because if I don't kill it was it kills you white c will say it's my job today to make sure you don't get killed so I'm here to fight have you got that now read to nourish quite the fight so here's the key now cooperate with the positive side of this war of health and illness what if in this struggle the body calls for a banana and you send it a cocacola and now the body has the right to say What whose side are
you on I'm working day and night to drive illness into a small corner and keep you healthy and you keep sending me the wrong stuff come on just a little cooperation here and we can win this game but see if you don't do your push-ups and what was that little voice in my hotel room this morning that said to me jimr you don't have to do your exercises this morning you're running a little late and this little creature on this shoulder almost talked me into it and the little angel says what no no no no
no no fall on the floor one more time do those push-ups a few crunches a little modified version yes because you are late but you got to keep up the pace see that's called what the work of Summer now turn this around because it's also possible to love like a father and hate like a mother just so you get the job done and if it's a single parent right you got to do both the work of father and mother it's extraordinary but mother is capable of hate and defense and protect because I think years ago
Papa was off providing mama was home protecting so she developed these instincts of danger in order to protect her family women are good women are unusual they have this antenna that picks up all the stuff especially danger in the middle of night the baby cries Mama's awake Papa sleeps mother sleep near the surface and the least little movement are found they're awake it's built in the female mother at Instinct she says to her husband go look go look something isn't right you know downstairs he says no everything's fine she says go look he says okay
he gets up in the middle of the night stumbles downstairs and the front door is open how did she know they just know I don't know how they know they've got the Instinct especially for danger interesting story in the Bible it says there are sheep and there are Shepherds and there are wolves fairly ordinary story Shepherds and wolves and sheep but that's not the end of the story to illustrate a point the Storyteller says there are also some wolves that have learned to dress up like sheep now you need a woman man says looks like
a sheep talks like a sheep woman says a't no sheep okay we got this now the work of Summer here's what it's called high drama nourishing and protecting nourishing with one hand and protect with the other hand even the battle of the Mind here's a good note to make on the battle of the mind don't become a victim of yourself in this battle of the Mind should I shouldn't I let it go no don't let it go run the red light no be a little more cautious think of your family see we we have to
continually do this Beware of the thief on the street that's after your purse but also Beware of the thief in your mind that's after your promise that little thief that says you're too short you're too tall you're too old you've never done it before what makes you think you can do it now nobody in your family has ever done it in fact if you start they'll all make fun of you it's called the thief in the mind that steals the dream and steals the promise makes you less effective than you should be here's what you
must do battle with the mind now what's the purpose of all of this opposites in conflict here's what I think it is to create high drama God wishing it to continue on Earth as it did in heaven I guess that's the best conclusion I've come to because here's the last of this now would it be possible to win if you couldn't lose and the answer is no it doesn't seem like it if you took a football today and put it under your arm and we went with you to the nearest football stadium and with that
football under your arm if you walked across the goal line would we call it a touchdown and the answer is no that's not a touchdown it's not a touchdown until you face the 350 Pounders that want to smash your face in the turf and if you can muscle by them and if you can dance past the secondary with the football under your arm cross the goal line now we call it a touchdown and maybe you won the game and maybe you won the championship so jot this down now high drama is the order of the
day I guess so ordered by God himself high drama but that's what makes life so unique so challenging so much opportunity a chance for fortune and a chance for failure and you got to defend yourself against one see if you can't maximize the other that's the game of life isn't this good stuff I mean these few simple ideas started changing my life age 25 I was never the same what if you picked up a book and the book first chapter said everything's fine uh chapter two uh everything's fine uh chapter three everything is just fine
uh chapter four everything is still just fine would you finish this book and the answer is no what kind of a book is this so the book on your life story it's not going to be this it's going to be filled with the full dramas of the highs and the lows and the winter and the spring and the summer and the Harvest so you got that now the third season do the work of Summer be both optimistic and Vigilant two great words of antiquity here they are number one is behold that's the word from Antiquity
the positive word is behold here's the other word beware one of the interesting bewares in the Bible is a little story that says Beware of the little foxes that are spoiling The Vines it doesn't look like it you know I come from you know Farm country Idaho where I make a little and grow a few crops and you can look at a Vineyard hey it looks okay but this old old story says just because the vineyard looks okay you got to look a little closer the little foxes may be eating the vine so whether it's
a personal relationship or a business opportunity or your future or your life or the management of your time or your health or whatever I'm asking you to behold the possibilities and Beware of the dangers that's the key and all of that we call personal development now here's the fourth season and I've got a lot more notes for you to cover how many you have one page of notes already okay one I want to send you home with a whole basket full from myself Brian this is going to be one of those extraordinary weekends Dennis is
here other speakers are here you're going to have a a full load to take home okay here's the next season now the season of harvest make this note now on harvest in due time and for those who qualify in due time and for those who have obeyed this extraordinary law that says life was not designed to give you what you need life was designed to give you what you deserve if you didn't plant in the spring then no Harvest comes your way if you planted little then you're not going to receive a lot and here's
the key now for the Harvest number one Whatever It Is offer no complaint and no apology if it's a fantastic har Harvest you offer no apology if it's not much you offer no complaint that's the highest of maturity no apology no complaint but here here's what you can do no matter what it is go back to work in the spring because write this down now spring always follows winter if the Harvest wasn't good and the winter was tough the promise is another opportunity will come your way now here's one more point now on the Harvest
and we'll talk a little bit more about it tomorrow here it is do wise things with your Harvest build your financial security for you and your family on the Rock and not on the sand we're going to talk about financial Independence before we finish this weekend there's so many things now you can do about Gathering resources and wisely investing them so that you and your family are secure here's one thing to strive to become early in your life and career financially independent so that nobody or nothing has a claim on your assets accomplish that as
quickly as you can then all of the other wise things we'll talk more about Sarah alaro in Mexico came to my seminars and lectures 10 years ago single mother four children no job no home no car no money and she only had one American dollar to invest now she makes about $40,000 a month and she's rich and now quite famous Sarah alire in Mexico here's what I taught Sarah back there 10 years ago don't buy the second car until you've bought the second house it's not cars that makes you rich it's houses that make you
rich if you bought a condo in Carmel just a few years ago for 250,000 it's now worth $800,000 [Music] I got a call the other day from Sarah thanking me one more time for my training and she said Mr R you'll be happy to know I just finished paying off my third home here in Mexico so today I'm going shopping for my third car good unbelievable remember how long ago was it when the idea finally dawned on somebody if you paid one extra payment a year on your 30-year loan you could pay it off in
15 years and save more than the price of the house wow just a little bit of information and then a little discipline to see it through and the change for your Harvest can be unbelievable we'll talk more about that later on in the program now jut these notes down personal development involves three parts first part is physical take care of yourself my mama studied and practiced health and nutrition when I was a boy growing up paid all extended my mother's life at least 20 years according to the doctor mama was a fanatic mama was a
help nut some of the stuff she mixed up for me and my father and for herself she would say if this stuff don't kill us I think I think it's going to help and we would gag this stuff down Mama read Mama searched Mama Tried back when you know vitamins and all that stuff was fairly new when I was a kid growing up mama did all that research my father lived to be 93 never had a major realness Mama extended her life 20 years my father never did retire when he died his paycheck was waiting
for him thanks to my mother and I've been in Splendid excellent good health all my life and come September I'll be celebrating birthday number 74 right thanks to [Applause] mama if there's one thing to be a fanatic about it's your health take care of yourself the Bible describes it this way treat your body like a temple that's a good word treat your body like a temple not a wood shed a temple something you'd take extremely good care of here's one of the reasons why the body and the mind work together the body is a is
a physical support system so that the mind can dream the dreams and the Heart can believe that it's possible and then go to work and make it happen and for that you need a good physical support system to manage all of that one old Prophet said sometimes you know the spirit is willing but the body body is weak see don't fall into that you wake up in the morning the mind says let's go get them the body says I can't even get out of bed see one of these days you got to say body this
is the last time you tell me you can't get out of bed I'll throw you on the floor and make you do push-ups until you're out of breath I'll make you read every book that's ever been written on good health I'll choke vitamins down until your face turns blue this is the last time you say you're not going to vigorously support me to make my dream come true you just got to take action now on this stuff here of the physical support system you need to pull off your dreams and your promise and your future
make this note some people don't do well just because they don't feel well it's not that they haven't got the skills it's not that they don't have all the rest they don't have the Vitality the Vigor Vitality I travel all around the world if you saw my travel schedule work schedule you would say impossible I'm probably the only one who can do it thanks to mama and my own study and practice of health and nutrition see that's the key I've got this unique physical support system and I'm it's going to serve me you know another
who knows 60 years now here's the next one first is physical second is spiritual and whatever you believe about spiritual I happen to believe human are a unique creation spiritual is part of it but jot this down now if you are a Believer jot down these three words study practice and teach your belief in spirituality don't leave your spiritual conclusions unresearched unstudied and don't leave it unpracticed and whatever you do don't leave it untaught study practice and teach if we all do that starting with our family we'll build the families necessary to build a strong
Nation to compete among the nations of the world in these years of the 21st century now here's the next one the physical the spiritual now the mental your mind exercises of the Mind build your library I say in one of my other Seminars the books that can see you through the books that can give you the ideas necessary to build a good career to build a strong Enterprise relationships good health and all the rest the book you don't read won't help now here's part of the exercise of the Mind a good debate right we're engaged
now in the great political debate with the election coming up in just a few months this is what we call Healthy we don't believe in the one party system communism said one party everybody do what we say we say no more than one party so we can discuss ideas is here's the way the way to make an idea powerful is to discuss it and refine it so that it fits your situation that's what I ask you to do when this seminar is finished debate all of these ideas discard some that don't make sense give considerations
to some that do make sense some on the shelf for later consideration and then put some of them into action that make sense jot this down make sure what you do is the product of your own conclusion do that thoughtful study one book on health and nutrition says do this you'll live forever the second book says if you do what that first book says you'll die [Music] young so what should you do which book should you follow and this is one of the important answers of the weekend neither one read both books and make up
your own mind you engage in the debate what makes sense what seems to be or not to be because as close as we can get to the truth is to say it seems like that's as close as all of us can get we can't say it is none of us can do that we can say it seems like opposites are in conflict and we're in the middle is what it seems like our experience proves and the Storyteller says it started early that's what it seems like God is interested in high drama that's about the best
we can conclude we can't actually State the truth except what it seems like but engage in thoughtful study and vigorous debate sometimes you can debate with others right share idea what did Jim Ron mean by this well I'm not sure that's important to our Liv someone else says no I think it is engage in this debate then here's the big one the debate in your own mind what's good what isn't good finally you must come to your own conclusions read the best you can study the best you can take the best notes you can and
then do this then you decide out of all of that which is valuable enough to try valuable enough to do and add to the dimensions of your life that are already underway that's the key for study exercising the Mind here's the last part don't be afraid of the debate communism taught some people say well don't tell people what communism taught why not that's part of the debate communism says Capital belongs to the state not the people we taught all these years no oh Capital belongs to the people not the state what a good debate how
about the example of capital in the hands of the state well read the history of the Communist Empire that dominated Russia for all those 75 85 years that's what you want that philosophy to get that result and we say no that's Parable that's Terror that's tyranny how about capitalism makes a country like America flourish gives an opportunity where everybody wants to come and try it engage in the great debate whether it's your health or relationships or your future don't be afraid of the debate the Bible serves as a good book giving you stories on both
sides of the Ledger here's the story of someone to admire here's the story of someone to defies you need both stories to help you with this debate okay now here's what's next develop these five abilities in your personal development quest to be the best you can be produce all you can f more than you need for yourself and for your family if that's your philosophy and if that's what you want to do something extraordinary it's possible to live an extraordinary life here's the challenge and it's going to be working here this weekend number one develop
the ability to absorb the ability to get everything I don't know what all you've planned here but you know you know be in every class you possibly can just stay as long as you can we're going to take enough breaks I think to make it easy for everybody we all recognize the mind can only absorb what the seat can endure I want you to know we are mindful of that but the key is not to be careless in the Gathering of knowledge not to be casual in the idea is that could double your health triple
your income accelerate your career secure your fortune amplify your Harvest so don't be careless in the Gathering of ideas absorb everyone you possibly can here's the next ability develop the ability to respond let Life Touch you let the stories touch you let the drama touch you 12 months ago I was in India I lectured in four major cities in India that was like my fourth visit to India once again I was touched by the drama of such extrems of poverty and wealth if I was given the assignment Mr R see what you can do with
India I would say what could I do what could I do where would you start let the drama of that affect you make you more sober in your Reflections about life and then say a prayer that what you couldn't do by yourself maybe a collection of people can do maybe the future will find some answers a prayer would help let life touch you but don't let it kill you let sad things make you sad let happy things make you happy don't shrug off always the you know know those times of bitterness that come and sadness
that comes and your heart is struck like a bullet hits it I'm not saying give into it I'm saying let it affect you because that's part of the drama the old Prophet said what there's a time to laugh and there's a time to cry and then it said be so sophisticated that you learn to laugh with those laugh and also learn to cry with those that cry allow yourself to be touched moved by the drama be touched by good ideas be touched by opportunity be touched by someone's unique little sentence that might cause you to
open your eyes to see things you never saw before here's the next ability develop the ability to reflect part of this is in the challenge when you go home not to just put these notes away but to get them out maybe fairly often over the next 30 days 60 days 90 days just to review the notes to drive the ideas a little deeper to come up with a little more refinement and if you go back over these notes I promise you there is something you will discover that you just didn't have the time to discover
while you were taking the notes because in taking the notes you're working as hard as I am right taking the notes trying to listen trying to decide what to write down how to compose it in a small sentence if I've you know said a long sentence how to edit it as you go that's why review is so important go back over it again go back over it again here's what I call it run the tapes again the tape in your mind and the tape from your notes and see if you can't capture something you might
have missed or to develop an extension of something you got now that by going back over it now you can see now I see here's what I could do with that that might multiply the value of my Life by 2 by 3 by five here's a good time to reflect when the day is over how did it go and who did you see and what did you say and what mistake did you make and what did you leave out that you could correct tomorrow reflect at the end of the months 30 days that's when you
usually do the accounting for your business and the company and the corporation do the accounting for your health if you needed to lose weight how many pound how many pounds have you lost just do a good reflective accounting I'm trying to do a little study now on the value of the seventh day here's another thought to consider on the value of the seventh day it says labor the 6th and the seventh is a special day rest relax spiritual church family friendships so jot this down for the seventh day multi-purpose 7th day after six days of
work multi-purpose and here's one of the purposes of the seventh day I think is to review the previous six days how did it go where did you stumble what did you miss what should you have thought of that you let pass who didn't you see just review the last six days what went right what went wrong what's there what's missing then here's what you do now plan the next six days with this information of the last six plan the next six I call it multi-purpose seventh day reflect go back over then design plan refine and
deposit the experience of the past 6 days into the adventure and activity of the next six days you will be absolutely surprised at the value and the productivity of your weeks if you'll start doing a little more of that now here's the last two develop now the ility to act activity now is the Catalyst and the Miracle piece of the process here's a little subject called how to turn nothing into something number one first imagine the possibilities imagination is the first step of the miracle of possibilities reality first starts with imagination now it's hard to
call imagin nothing but it's not something in terms of a Podium it's not tangible so it's hard to say how to turn nothing into something because nothing is there isn't anything that's nothing everything is something even if it's the imagination it's it's something Einstein one said there's nothing faster than the speed of light and Bill Bailey my one of my mentors current mentors and longtime friend said maybe here's something faster than the speed of light and that's thought it's possible that thought could be faster than the speed of light how fast can you think back
and think ahead I guess we can't say that the exact same instant but all we can say is it seems like the exact same instant you know if you don't know the truth you say that's true and if you're not a scientist you'd be you know little out of order to say yes this is true but here's what it seems like it's possible to think back and ahead at the same time I mean how fast is that to think back and think ahead but it's one of those marvelous capabilities that we all have and in
your personal development quest of getting stronger and more vital both physically and spiritually and mentally now use this exercise to think think back and gather more experiences think ahead how to apply it so that the experience now multiplies in value by 2 by 3 by 5 by 10 that's key now how to turn nothing into something number one imagine the possibilities today if we had a chance to hear everybody's testimonial of how you got where you are some of you went from nothing to something some of you went from pennies to Fortune and if we
had a chance to hear everybody's story here today took the time guess what those stories would conclude those stories would conclude the possibilities are absolutely endless and unlimited so number one imagine the possibilities read an inspiring book one more time how someone went from nothing to something the story of a Sarah Al Faro who started with the dollar now she's Rich wow the possibilities the possibilities they're unending now here's the next step imagine that some of the possibilities are possible for you we call this now Faith now we start with imagination now we generate Faith
what generates faith faith is generated sometimes when the testimonial closes like this if I can do it what you could do it I started behind I started under the basement not in the basement I started with debt not Surplus I didn't start with pennies I had no pennies debts up to here finally got it turned around now everything's flourishing that's what we want to hear and then someone in a testimonial like that says hey if I can do it you can do it here's what that does reassures our faith keep reading keep listening to the
testimonials one that excite the imagination as to the possibilities and number two helps Faith to occur that what's possible for one is possible for another now here's the third step of Faith or the third step in the miracle process to deposit your imagination and faith into high activity disciplined activity not just activity but skillful disciplined take the classes to learn the skills get around people that'll teach you the disciplines and then deposit your Imagining the possibilities and believing that it's possible for you deposit that now into what we call High activity make this note Now
activity finishes the miracle process of turning nothing into something activity finishes the miracle process I'm positive that's why the formula was given of six days of working miracles and one day of rest to ponder how it's going how is my Miracle working process working have I missed some devote six days to the working of Miracles the seventh day to rest and reflect and go back over and a bit of study yes spiritual yes Church yes synagogue yes families yes social yes friends but see if you can't now come up with a plan to increase your
activity or refine your activity sharpen it so that it produces major results here's the next one take joy in the work I couldn't wait to get here today to share my story one more time I'm already pondering the testimonials that may come out of a class like this next year a year from now 5 years from now if I happen to meet some of you and you say on that Summer Weekend in Anaheim I finally got it the lights went on for me something you said and something someone else said finally made sense and I
hooked it together and here's what's happened that's going to be extraordinary right that's why we're here to do this work I was excited this morning about being here couldn't wait to hear what I've got to say a lady asked me one time she said Mr over the last few years I've been to your seminars now several times every time I see you you're all excited things seem to be going right great for you how do you stay so excited all the time and I said I think it's because I attend all these seminars because let's
make this note now because it's very valuable if you struggle to make something clear for someone else it helps to make it more clear for you if one person listens and one person speaks there is the opportunity for transformation for both The Listener to be enlightened to see something he never saw before but the speaker to be better educated on how to present it by struggling with the language words are clumsy sometimes when you try to express what's going on in your head let alone your heart and spirit the more you struggle to make it
clear the clearer it gets for you so that both The Listener could be transformed by what he hears and the speaker could be transformed by the exercise of speaking trying to make it clear we're going to talk later about communication it's it's it's almost a Godlike quality communicating inspiring other people with your language now here's the last part and I'm finished and we're going to take then about a 10 12 minute break maybe 11 11 minutes here's the last one are you ready say I'm ready or the last one develop the ability to share not
just your money and your resources one of the biggest things to share of course is your time because you're limited on time you can't get any more time big decision for me to make to come spend this weekend with you instead of with my children and my grandchildren right I'm already wealthy I don't need you know don't need the money so why would I come because my children and my grandchildren know this is part of our collective experience they enjoy the testimonials that come later as much as I do the letters I get in the
phone calls and the respon that people say hey your grandfather came and made an extraordinary contribution see my children and my grandchildren thrive on that story so they were willing for me instead of being in Carmel uh sitting on the sand at the ocean where my grandchildren live uh I'm here in Anaheim California uh spending this time with you but I gladly do it here's why it's an investment time for me to share so that later comes the Harvest one the Harvest is by working hard to make it clear for you I'm getting as much
as you are but then later hearing the testimonials so I'm asking you to do the same in every format possible whether you're asked to do training whether you're asked to do teaching whether you're asked to make a speech always say yes to the best of your ability so that you'll have one more time to share one more time to help somebody lift themselves from poverty to success from doubt to Faith from illness to health from skepticism to belief one more chance person to person or class to class or a little Sunday morning class or a
little home meeting or a personal conversation at Denny's coffee sha tell somebody something good something valuable the payoff for you is in the attempt and the learning experience and then the payoff later is to get someone's testimonial that's got your name included so I want to thank you for spending all this time this morning let us now look at your watch and let's be back at 10:31 okay just do the necessary quickly and come right back got get [Music] hi my name's Jeff rerie I live down in Sarasota Florida and uh I've been in network
marketing now for 20 years I got introduced to uh Jim Ron back then he's one of my original mentors and uh some of the things he shared with me just changed my life forever uh you know and uh I've been a big student I've kept myself in that learning environment learning and growing with the books and the tapes and like this weekend being here at this live seminar you know and being able to spend two or three days with Jim and some of the other speakers is wonderful and uh it's changed my life I was
a broke waiter and in the last 20 years I've been able to earn excess of $50 million in the network marketing industry so thank you Jim and thank you so many others my name is Orin Hudson founder founder and president of B1 work oh it's like getting a blank a blank check on the future i' you know learned so much and some of the principles that I've learned the last 30 years that I known Jim Ron has really transformed my life I can remember when I was in the housing project I couldn't afford his book
so uh I went to the live area and they ordered from another live area that they didn't have and just 30 years ago I'm living my dream because of some of the concept that I learned from De R uh for my life to get better I had to get better that no one was coming to the rescue and when I learned this principle my whole life has changed and I started um doing the things I need to do to be successful when I when I realized that it was only me that could save myself I
recommend anyone uh in the world to really visit jimr I bought all of his product and to distribute them to my brothers and sisters I think what he's doing is the the best teachings on the planet my name is Cindy Goodwin and I live in New Hampshire and I educate others for a living and I'm constantly learning from Jim and his personal philosophy be about taking care of yourself for others so others can take care of themselves for you is something that we talk about in my house and with my students and it's great I'm
still learning every day that's why I'm here my name is Frederick ton I'm coming from Belgium uh the reason why I come here to watch the gym one because uh he's a great inspir uh we read many books of him we love him uh and I would like to in to to have his knowledge to help other people uh reaching the maximum in their life um and also want to follow them in steps into the future hello I'm suzan from Belgium uh the reason that I come here is because we had a couple of trainings
before of him he already inspired me a lot uh our personal life is also has changed a lot uh also the financial dreams are coming through now in our life we can we have more Financial Freedom we help also a lot other people also getting improv their life in health but also in Financial Freedom and it's really changing a lot of people and that's what why what we like about jimon and that's what we want to give that's the reason why we are here hello I'm J wels also from Belgium uh almost one year ago
I started with a oneyear plan from Jim R and the first 3 months already was incredible what happened just unbelievable 90 days so when we get the possibility just to attend the event for me St was quick made just I want to go to see everything live and see what happens off it's just incredible I was working one year hard work and nothing changed and then with 90 days oh already just first 90 days at Double from 90 days I got a huge organization lot of people who like to work with me I like to
work with the other people CU just incredible only the start already my name is Michael Benner from Phoenix Arizona and I'm in direct sales and I love Jim Rome when I first heard his tape about uh planting seeds I listen to it like 15 times and it seemed in person is awesome because he's one of those people that speaks right to the soul of people whether you're new in this business you've been in this business a while he's just an awesome guy he's like a mentor that that you can put in a in a CD
or a tape if you want to understand the cream of the crop and understand where it all comes down come see Jim Rome listen to Jim Rome because he's the guy that taught most of the other people that Inspire and motivate us hi my name is Charles Kelly I'm from London I've come here to see Jim ran the reason I wanted to come here and actually see him is to see if he was better live than he is on tape and I think so far he has been better live than on tape um this morning
I think I've got out of uh the situation this morning is he said he keeps saying why not why not go for it why not do something extraordinary with my life and that's what I'm going to do thank you very much my name is James Blakemore and I'm from Midland Texas about 8 years ago I had the incredible opportunity to hear a gentleman speak his name was James ran and the two-day seminar that I attend and changed my life completely I went from a person who was not even entitled to success to understanding why you
become what you you earn what you become and you become successful by what you become I continue to listen I I I consume everything that Jim ran puts out I attend every opportunity at every opportunity I attend every seminar meeting anytime I can get in front of the man I do my name is Jeff Weissberg from warart California I've been involved in my own business now for over 20 years had an opportunity many years ago to First hear from Jim Rowan and I think it's very important that all the different growth that a person gets
they need to have continuous education and Jim's amazing at his age now he's still running around the world helping and changing people's lives and I think that for people that haven't had an opportunity to experience when they need to and for people that haven't had an opportunity to learn and develop and grow from his teachings and people that he's taught and mentored it's definitely something you want to be part of hello everyone this is Jerry Clark of Club we're C here at the jimr leadership event in Anaheim California we have had a great time
learning from some of the Giants of the industry such as Jim Ron Brian Tracy and the individual I have with me today which is Dennis Whitley and many of you know of Dennis waitley because youve listened to several of his programs just like I did number of years ago as a matter of fact in 1986 is when I picked up some of his first training materials that I actually start learning from uh the psychology of winning alltime bestselling classic you have uh sees of greatness uh being the best uh empires of the mind I mean
I can go on and on with the programs that Dennis have come out with and Dennis he also for 12 years has been a Olympic coach like the mental toughness the mental training coach uh for the Olympic athletes and so we are fortunate to have him here today he's taking some time out to share some insights and so forth so Dennis we want to welcome you here with us thanks J it's great to be with you now the first question you're talking about mental toughness this is really important because a lot of people listening and
watching right now they want to know how do they develop a mental toughness in life in business life uh as far as people who are entrepreneurial minded they're out there doing things that are a little different than a regular population as far as you know they want to make things happen on their own how do they develop that mental toughness that it's really going to take in order to make it I think one of the first things is to always be prepared for a surprise and the surprise is likely to be a negative surprise every
day something's going to happen to in your day whether you're going to be late behind a train uh your car is going to have a flat tire something's going to happen to you and the ability to be able to to take mole Hills and continue to make them mole Hills instead of mountains to look at problems as being normal problems are a normal part of change so because we're changing so rapidly there going to be a lot of problems you face and to look at failure as an event that's the important thing failure is not
a person I'm not a failure I've had a failure I've had a temporary inconvenience I've had a stumbling block and the idea is to turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone and step on it rather than stumble over it so I always say look at failure as the fertilizer of success wow fertilizer stinks it smells you know I mean you put it on your grass and say wow that guy's just fertilized his lawn sure you fertilize your life with your mistakes m you don't wallow in them you don't lay in them you don't roll
in them you pick yourself up off your mistake and you learn from it and try not to repeat that same thing again but you look at it as a temporary inconvenience it's a detour it's a detour in life is a a failure so are these the same principles that the athletes the Olympic athletes use when they or maybe they're in practice or so forth and they do a routine and it doesn't work out the way they really felt it should have worked out or they're actually in the Olympic Games and they don't win that gold
medal uh typically they don't just give up and say I I forget it you know typically they come back four years later and they go at it again and they're doing years and years of practice just to get back to that point so are you saying it's the same type of uh mindset that it takes to be a champion in athletes and Athletics that it takes to be a champion in business absolutely there's there's two times when you use it before you perform and right after so it's called simulation and then replay and the replay
after a failure is as important as the replay after a success so the idea is when you miss you say that's not like me I'm better than that that's not like me come on get with it so you teach an athlete to slap his thigh and say come on that's not like you let's get with it let's get going now come on let's get back on it let's get back on the ball and so I'm learning myself in my life I say come on Dennis that's not like you you're a lot better than this you're
better than this so let's get back to where we belong here let's remember what we've learned let's slow down take a deep breath Focus relax concentrate and follow through next time we'll get it right the important thing is to look at a failure as an event a single performance that you must take and make lead back to the original goal the problem is most people say oh man I blew it what a oh gee and they and they rest on that and they reinforce that mistake instead of taking it and correcting it to the Target
so it's really important to do Target correction so basically what you're saying is that is just all these are mental strategies mental tools that we can use as kind of like reforming our selft talk um instead of saying the negative disempowering type things say the positive and empowering type things and so in order for a person to get to a point where they're used to doing that because initially it seems like they have to consciously think about you know making sure that they say uh an empowering word or empowering phrase so to get to that
point does it require you know your regular reading books going to seminars like the Jim Ron uh leadership event we're at right now uh listening to tapes and so forth does it require those type of things to even get to that point or can anyone who hasn't even done a lot of personal development just say hey I'm going to choose to have really good selft talk well it's pretty hard to go cold turkey on anything mainly because you don't really stop a habit you replace it habit and if if it's habitual a habitual way of
talking or feeling or explaining I call it the positive explanatory Style versus the negative explanatory style so I like got to explain the explanatory Styles yeah well I like to uh interview people and I ask them how it's going and I ask them uh you know if it's what kind of day is it for you and if the weather enters into the picture then I know that that it's not mental because the weather is an external Factor so if the externals in life are the things that determine whether you have a good day or not
uh you're being if you will you're a thermometer a thermometer is a passive device that lays there and tell you how how the world is doing on the outside a thermostat is what you set on the temperature that you want then it controls the air conditioning and the heating if you look at your body and brain as the hardware in your computer and you look at the software as the things you put in your mind you have a software program that drives the hardware so the software is what you need to program with the instructions
to have the computer follow directions and so you tell a computer what you want it to do and the software program determines the outcome of what the computer does most people don't know how to program their software to get the outcomes they want and the sad thing is that most people's software has already been programmed by someone else no question and so now they're operating that right every day yeah it's been programmed by the evening news is being programmed by sitcoms reality TV shows commercials they tell us what to eat they tell us what to
buy they tell us how to dress they tell us what to think they tell us who to vote for and we just listen and and we say wait a minute I'm too smart for that I'm not going to pay any attention to that too late wow observation imitation repetition right habit practice secondhand smoke secondhand violence secondhand it it goes in and sticks and even if we don't want to do it we do it anyway that's called the perception to buy uh the advertising manipulates perception so you buy what they want you and the same thing
is true with selft talk and controlled thinking makes you control your habits so that you do maybe what's good for you and the question is who's putting what into your mind is it junk food uh in your mind or you putting in some stuff that really makes your mind work well wow and so basically what you're talking about is that even if someone says you know I'm not really watching TV to watch the TV I just I have it on so you know they might be sleeping and they have the TV on but what you're
saying is if all that positive stuff going in it's like if you put something you got something in your throat and you have to C you got to get it out right okay and then if you got to get it out and if you keep it in then what's going to happen is you know it's just going to stay in it's still there so are you saying that no matter what it still comes in even if you just have it like secondhand TV so to speak well yeah it's true it does go in unless you're
asleep there there's been a a misnomer in other words uh you really don't learn while you sleep so sleep learning uh the Russians tried it and the important thing about sleep is you need to dream and you dream about every 30 to 40 minutes you go down into a deep sleep come back up and have a dream so you have so many dreams per night if you tried to learn stuff while you're asleep it would interrupt your dreams and you would be irritable and you would uh actually be a little bit paranoid so the best
time to get inputs when you're relaxed not paying attention to it and that's where television and commercials and radio and all these things have the biggest impact on teenagers because they're really not paying that much attention to it what they say is ah look the lyrics don't mean anything to me I like the beat right I like the beat but the lyrics I don't pay any attention the truth is that's worse they don't have to pay attention because it's going in and sticking anyway so in order to reprogram ourselves then it's going to take just
a constant um you know injecting oursel so to speak with you know like materials that you've come out with over the years sees a great in psychology of winning which is the like the one of the bestselling audio programs of night and go con Of All Times um going to events like this like the gyr event going to your different trainings that you do just constantly bombarding or saturating your mind kind of like a reverse brainwashing so to speak cuz everyone tells me you see Jerry you're just brainwashing people you know when they come to
my seminars you're brainwashing people and so forth and I say hey they've already been brainwashed no it's the opposite it's called it's called DEH hypnosis DEH hypnosis it's dehypnotization ize people by helping them take in stuff that's good for them rather than not recognize they taking in stuff that's bad for them so obviously you have to read a lot of books listen to a lot of programs listen to positive radio watch the Discovery Channel watch National Geographic listen to great music and go out to ethnic restaurants and watch people who are doing great things and
you know really get involved with people who are trying to make a difference in the world the next thing you know you say wow some stuff's rubbing off on me H now what do you say someone who's you know they're they're watching and they're listening right now and they're saying you know one of the things is that I listen to tapes and I read the books and so forth but when it comes to really taking action sometimes I might start to take an action and then I kind of like stop so they're not able to
be consistent with the action they know they should be taking and so they end up procrastinating what do you say to people like that I say that's a little voice inside you that tells you you can't do it it's the voice of fear we all have that little voice inside of ush so uh what you say to them is uh find someone MH who will keep you honest by making you accountable by having a buddy and the Buddy says wait a minute you and I said we were going to we said we were going to
meet at 6 o'clock in the morning and I showed and you didn't come on you said you're going to be there and when you announce to somebody else that you're going to do something you kind of make a commitment back and forth to a friend so it's really important maybe not to try to do it alone because by our El I'm includ you know I'm a great procrastinator I was going to go to the program but I put it off you know I went to the memory program but I forgot where I put the tape
now what what about happiness um that's one key thing that people ask me all the time they you know how do I become happy you know it's like a lot of people are chasing things in order to be happy they think they have to get something in order to be happy what's your take on happiness and where is what is happiness and where can people get it or find it for people that are chasing for it that's just it you can't drive it you can't wear it you can't live in it you can't drink it
smoke it snort it you can't travel to it happiness is uh the experience of the journey it's like brushing your teeth or driving your car it's a second nature kind of thing and it doesn't come as a result of anything because if you're waiting for results to make you happy they're going to be good results and bad results so you'll be happy sometimes and sad other times the experience of Happiness becomes uh a way of looking at everything and so I am happy because uh that's the way I am because that's the way I've been
thinking but it it isn't a result of anything that's happened to me I just decided to be a happy guy and so when I look at something I say uh can do no problem uh that's not going to make me unhappy they say come on you just came back from Africa there are 400,000 child refugees from AIDS over there don't tell me that doesn't make you sad I said it makes me compassionate it makes me want to do something it makes me grateful that I live where I live it makes me not want to waste
makes me want to help them but it can't make me unhappy because it makes me unhappy I wouldn't have the energy or the excitement to help them I wouldn't have the passion because passion in my case comes from being excited and being happy and that's powerful is that it's a choice and that's a really is a choice it really is a choice and people say come on how can how can I be happy you say well uh try it because for people thinking that it's going to take something else when they get that something else
then they start to realize well maybe this is not it maybe it's G to take something else so they're always looking for something else to make them happy and that's probably one of the reasons that actually causes some of the addictions and some of the things that that we have is because once they realize it's not that they start feeling depressed and oh my goodness what is it and then they start all this addictive beh well a lot of there's an answer to a riddle too and the riddle is do we sing because we're happy
or do we come happy because we sing but yes the answer is true so let's say you're not happy I believe that if you sing a happy song the lyrics and the tune will create more happiness in you so as simple as it sounds if you're singing a happy song the mind doesn't know the difference that you're unhappy or happy so when I sing you know it's like whistling when you're afraid right exactly yeah that's right you say why you whistle well I'm afraid and I'm trying to whistle myself out of being afraid well that
it it really happens that way and so I try to sing a happy song in life even if I'm not really happy at the moment and it gets me back into where I think I belong wow so as we're wrapping up here why do you feel it's important for people to come to events like the generaly leadership event that we're at right now and all the different trainings that you do and Brian Tracy and all the other trainers out there that have great and valuable information to share why do you think that's important for people
who are listening or watching right now to constantly engage himself in that type of activity because 90% of what you'll ever see in here is negative on a daily and nightly basis you have to do something to overcome that and I think zigg says it best you know he and I started speaking together about 1974 wow and he said that uh just because you take a bath that doesn't mean you don't need to take one tomorrow wow so one bath does not make you clean and therefore one seminar does not change your life Billy Graham
and I are really good friends and he said uh I don't change lives Dennis I give them information and I give them the maybe a little bit of input to cause them to think a little more but he said they'd have to come to hundreds and hundreds of meetings before they would decide to really make a change so I think we're just these meetings are catalysts they're constant reminders that uh we can do this stuff if we just keep that more in mind than the evening news that is excellent I know that uh people that
are listening and watching right now they can go to and find some of the materials that you have but you also have a website that have a lot more materials that they're not going to be able to find there um is it Dennis weight sure they can go to Dennis or just just W AIT tle okay and if they go to Dennis they spell it with one in yes yeah have to go to dentist way yeah I'm a one in dentist my mom lost an in but Dennis we appreciate your
time your energy and I thank you personally for over all the years of of coming out with the empowering information that actually empowered my life and actually allowed me to create millionaire status and be able to produce great results in my life and go out there and share with other people so on behalf of myself and all the other people at this gimr leadership event and all the other people that are watching and that are listening that don't happen to be at this event right now we want to thank you from the bottom of our
heart and say keep up the great work out there and keep empowering people like you do thank you very much and you've got the Baton for the Next Generation thank you gladly hand it to you I appreciate that thanks thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]