9 Things That Don't Make Sense After 61!

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Living with Wisdom
9 Things That Don't Make Sense After 61!
Video Transcript:
living past the age of 61 can be a real gift it's a time of life when with a little wisdom and reflection we can get rid of so many things that are no longer necessary often we spend a good part of our Lives accumulating worries obligations and even objects that in the end don't bring us the happiness we'd hoped for it's as if we're carrying around too much baggage and now more than ever it's time to let go of that baggage take that weight off our shoulders and live more lightly because life is too short
to keep worrying about what doesn't matter the truth is that we don't need so much to be happy over time we realize that true happiness lies in the simple things those that don't always require a lot of effort or sacrifice we no longer need to follow the expectations that others have for us or try to be who we are not we can finally allow ourselves to be ourselves just the way we are without masks without obligations and that is liberating this is a phase of life that invites us to stop looking outwards and start looking
inwards what really matters it's with these questions that we can begin to let go of everything that no longer serves us and by doing so we can live with more Serenity more joy more fullness because life doesn't have to be complicated it doesn't have to be full of Demands and pressures it is possible to live more lightly more simply without so many strings attached and that's exactly what we're going to talk about today we're going to explore those things that you no longer need to carry around after the age of 61 there are nine aspects
that can be left behind so that you can move on more lightly and happily so let's go on this journey of Liberation and reconnecting with what really matters the first thing is excessive preoccupation with other people's opinions there comes a time when we realize that living worrying about what others think is too heavy a burden to carry we spend so much of our lives trying to please trying to live up to the expectations of everyone around us when we're younger perhaps this is part of the search for acceptance for belonging but after the age of
61 we already know who we are and what we want the opinions of others lose their importance because life teaches us that everyone sees the world through their own lens and there's no point in trying to change who we are to please everyone this only distances us from our own and prevents us from being fully happy at this point in our lives true Freedom comes from within it's when we let go of worrying about other people's judgment and allow ourselves to be authentic to live according to what we believe and feel after all who better
than ourselves to know what makes us feel good no more molding yourself to other people's expectations let them think what they want the most important thing is to be at peace with your own choices to feel that you are living according to your values and principles that's the real Victory which doesn't depend on anyone's approval from the moment we free ourselves from this worry life becomes lighter the opinions of others may continue to exist but they no longer have the power to affect us we let go of the fear of being misunderstood of being criticized
because we understand that the only person we owe satisfaction to is ourselves and this freedom to be without fear or guilt is one of the most precious gifts we can give ourselves at this stage of Life the second thing is the accumulation of objects and material Goods as the years go by we realize that accumulating material Goods is not synonymous with happiness how many times have we found ourselves keeping things that we no longer use but which continue to take up space in our home and in our minds it's as if each object carries a
little piece of our past and some times it seems difficult to let go but the truth is that when we let go of what no longer serves us we make room for the new for what really matters we don't need so many things to live well sometimes less is more and this less brings with it a piece that is difficult to explain but which is deeply felt starting to get rid of what no longer makes sense is an act of courage and self-love it means looking at everything we have accumulated and asking does this still
make me happy does it still have a purpose in my life if the answer is no perhaps it's time to let go and in doing so we notice that our home our mind and our heart become lighter fewer things to take care of fewer things to tidy up fewer things to worry about the focus stops being on the material and starts being on what really has value the experiences the moments shared with those we love the memories that remain by letting go of what is unnecessary we learn to Value what is essential it's not about
what we have but about what we are and in Simplicity we find a way of living that brings more Tranquility more contentment after all life is not measured by what we accumulate but by how much we manage to enjoy and live each moment fully and consciously letting go of material possessions is in fact act and exercise in Freedom in lightness in leaving behind the weight of excess and walking more freely more happily the third thing is unnecessary social obligations for much of our Lives we feel pressured to accept invitations attend events and participate in situations
that don't actually bring us joy we do this out of politeness habit or simply because we think it's the right thing to do how many times have we found ourselves going to a social event unwillingly just because it would be rude to refuse or accepting invitations out of sheer formality even though we knew we didn't feel comfortable there but after the age of 61 it's time to reconsider what's really worthwhile it's time to realize that we no longer need to participate in anything out of mere obligation life is too short to waste it on something
that doesn't do us any good it's time to give yourself permission to say no to say no to what sucks our energy to what we do only out of obligation we no longer need to be present everywhere we don't need to justify our absences we don't need to sacrifice ourselves to please others we should choose to be where our heart feels good where our presence is truly valued and this freedom of choice is a privilege an achievement that we should enjoy without guilt by saying no to what is not good for us we are saying
yes to ourselves to our peace and well-being this doesn't mean isolating ourselves or stopping socializing it means choosing wisely where and with whom we want to be prioritizing moments that really make sense that bring joy that add something positive to our lives and by doing this every meeting every event every moment becomes more special because we are there Body and Soul truly present without the weight of obligation this is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves the freedom to choose how and with whom we spend our time and this makes all the difference
to the quality of Our Lives the fourth thing is an exaggerated preoccupation with physical appearance throughout our lives we are constantly bombarded with standards of beauty and youth that make us believe we always need to be Flawless fighting against time against wrinkles against the natural signs of aging this often becomes a source of worry and insecurity but there comes a time when we realize that true beauty is not an appearance but in the story that each Mark each wrinkle each feature of our fath carries after the age of 61 we've lived through so much experienced
so much that it would be unfair to try to hide or erase the marks that tell us who we are we no longer need to worry so much about our physical appearance of course it's important to take care of our health keep active and feel good about ourselves but that's different from worrying about standards that no longer make sense the most important thing is to feel comfortable in our own skin to accept and love the body we have with all its changes because these changes are part of life they are part of us each wrinkle
tells a story each line on the face reflects a smile an expression a moment lived intensely true beauty lies in authenticity in the ability to accept and love ourselves as we are it lies in the lightness of no longer needing to prove anything to anyone of feeling good exactly as you are we no longer need to waste energy trying to fit into standards that don't represent us yes we can take care of ourselves but with love with affection with respect for who we are today acceptance is liberating it allows us to live more peacefully more
happily more fully and that is true beauty the beauty of being exactly who we are without fear without shame without guilt activities that don't bring satisfaction are the fifth thing how many times have we found ourselves doing something just out of habit or because we thought it has to be done even though we knew it didn't bring us any joy for many years we end up stuck in a routine that sometimes no longer makes sense it's as if we're on autopilot repeating actions and habits that don't add anything positive to our lives after the age
of 61 we have the opportunity to look at these activities with fresh eyes and ask ourselves does this still make me happy does it still fulfill me if the answer is no then perhaps it's time to rethink these choices and leave behind what no longer brings satisfaction life is too short to spend our time on things that don't bring a smile that don't warm the heart there's no longer any need to insist on activities that only Tire us out that only bore us or that we only do because we've become accustomed to them this is
the time to ReDiscover pleasure in the little things to seek out new passions to explore hobbies and interests that we may have put aside over the years it's time to let go of the idea that that's just the way it is and look for what really brings us happiness and fulfillment this can mean a lot of things giving up habits that no longer make sense stopping going to places we don't like or even learning something new rediscovering old talents or simply spending more time with people we love the important thing is to live in such
a way that each day brings meaning purpose even if it's in the little things because true satisfaction comes from living each moment with intention with Will with pleasure and there's no better time for that than now there's no reason to waste time on what's not good what really matters is finding what makes us get out of bed with joy with the will to enjoy each day to live with intensity sixthly negative toxic relationships sometimes we get so used to certain relationships that we don't even realize how much they hurt us we spend years maintaining contacts
living with people who instead of adding to us only take away our peace and energy it could be a friend who always brings negativity a family member who is always criticizing or anyone who makes us feel bad or undervalued maintaining these ties however long they may have lasted is not an obligation it's a weight we no longer need to carry after the age of 61 it's time to Choose Wisely the the companies we want to keep in our lives walking away from toxic relationships isn't selfish it's an act of self-care at this stage of Life
what matters most is being surrounded by people who support us who do us good who value who we are there's no more room for those who only criticize for those who only bring problems for those who don't respect or understand us we don't have the obligation to please everyone to maintain relationships only by convention or for fear of disappointing someone the most important thing is to maintain our own peace our own balance and when we allow ourselves to let go of those relationships that no longer make sense we make room for new people to come
into our lives people who really care who share our values who bring lightness joy and accept us exactly as we are because life is too short to waste time with people who don't do us any good surrounding ourselves with good company with those who really add up with those who walk by our side with affection and respect makes all the difference and that's what deserves our time and attention the rest we can leave behind without guilt without regret with the certainty that we are taking care of ourselves the seventh thing is comparisons with other people's
lives one of the most common pitfalls throughout life is falling into the temptation to compare our trajectory with that of others from a young age we are exposed to expectations and standards of success that often make us question our own choices and achievements we look around and it seems that there is always someone who has done more who has more who lives in a way that we think is better than ours But as time goes by we realize that these comparisons are just a waste of energy everyone has their own path their own battles their
own Joys and sorrows and after 61 we've lived long enough to know that there's no single right way to live constantly comparing ourselves to the lives of others only distances us from our own value our own achievements and makes us forget everything we've already overcome everything we've already achieved the unique and special moments that are ours alone because success and happiness don't have a ready-made formula what's good for one person may not be for another each of us is unique with our own needs desires and limits and it's this uniqueness that we should celebrate not
try to fit into a pattern that doesn't belong to us everyone's life is made up of choices and each choice takes us to a different place comparing ourselves is forgetting that each choice has its value that each path has its beauty this is the moment to leave behind the habit of measuring Yourself by others to stop looking away and start looking inwards with more affection with more respect for everything we have already lived and built because each of us has our own story our own journey and it's just as valid and just as as beautiful
as any other we don't need to compare ourselves anymore what we need is to recognize and value our own trajectory our own way of living with all its imperfections with all its challenges with all its achievements when we stop comparing ourselves we begin to see the true richness of our life of our unique way of being the eighth thing is unattainable or irrelevant goals over the years we've learned to set goals and objectives to chase dreams and desires that often weren't even really ours perhaps they were expectations from society from family or even from ourselves
at a time when we were still trying to figure out what we really wanted but as time went by we realized that not all of these goals were essential some actually became a burden something we continued to pursue out of sheer stubbornness even though they no longer made sense and now after 61 years it's time to look at those goals and decide what's really worthwhile there's no longer any reason to continue pursuing something that doesn't bring fulfillment that doesn't arouse passion if there are goals that seem unattainable that no longer have the same meaning as
before there's no problem in letting go this isn't giving up it's choosing wisely where we want to put our energy our time and our hearts often insisting on goals that no longer make sense only brings us frustration makes us feel as if we have failed but in fact wisdom lies in recognizing the moment to change to adapt our expectations to the reality of who we are and what we want today what matters now is setting goals that really bring us happiness and satisfaction goals that make our hearts beat faster that are in line with our
values our current desires it could be something simple like spending more time with the family learning something new or just taking more care of ourselves the important thing is that these goals are meaningful that they have a real purpose in our lives because at the end of the day it's not about what we achieve but about how we live how we enjoy each moment and living in peace in harmony with our choices is the greatest goal we can have the number nine is to blame for prioritizing your own happiness how many times have we put
the needs of others before our own throughout life we learn to take care of to support to be available for those we love and that's beautiful it's a gesture of Love of generosity but we often end up forgetting ourselves in the process putting aside our own dreams and Desires in order to meet the expectations of others and so we accumulate a kind of guilt every time we think about doing something for ourselves as if we didn't have the right but after the age of 61 it's time to leave this guilt behind and finally allow ourselves
to prioritize our own happiness prioritizing your own happiness happiness isn't selfish it's an act of self-care of respect for everything you've done and everything you are we've already dedicated so much of our time and energy to others we've been so many things to so many people now is the time to look inwards and ask what makes me happy what do I really want for myself without fear of appearing selfish without fear of disappointing because we can't give others what we don't have to take good care of those we love we need to be well we
need to be happy and fulfilled and that only happens when we have the courage to put ourselves first from time to time leaving guilt behind is allowing ourselves to live more lightly it's realizing that there's nothing wrong with wanting to be happy with wanting to do what's good for us because life is ours no one can live for us no one can feel for us and if we don't take care of our own happiness who will we do need to think about ourselves without guilt without fear and this doesn't mean stopping caring about others but
finding a healthy balance between caring for those we love and caring for ourselves is an act of self-love of respect for our own history for our own dreams so if there's something you've always wanted to do but never had the courage now is the time if there's a desire a plan an idea that's been lying dormant it's time time to bring it to the surface without guilt without fear because being truly happy is the best gift we can give ourselves and when we feel good it reflects on everything around us so let's leave the guilt
behind and live more lightly with more joy with more truth because this is the life we deserve now more than ever life after 61 offers us a unique opportunity to live more authentically to leave behind everything that no longer serves us and focus on what really matters we no longer have to worry excessively about the opinions of others accumulate meaningless material possessions or take part in unnecessary social obligations nor do we need to worry so much about our physical appearance insist on activities that don't bring satisfaction or maintain toxic relationships comparing Our Lives to those
of others is a waste of energy and pursuing unattainable or irrelevant goals only takes us further away from happiness and above all we don't need to feel guilty about prioritizing our own happiness by leaving these things behind we can live more lightly more consciously more fully it's a moment of liberation of rediscovery of reuniting with what really makes sense to us because that's what life is all about choosing what's good for us choosing to be happy choosing to live more truthfully and that's exactly what we deserve now and always [Music]
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