going to do a cool Deep dive together on a topic that I could you know hold near dear to my heart which is closing there are different styles of sales there are some of you guys who kind of lean on your own story a lot when you sell it's like I got in shape and I know how you feel um I think a little bit of that is lazy selling when I first started with some of my newer trainers they would lean on their story as the reason that they could close but that meant that
they could only close people who related to their story and so it's like they could do really well with 25 year old girls but if you had a 50 year old guy come in they were [ __ ] and so in the beginning sometimes we lean on the few things that we're good at but over time you want to become a generalist in terms of just understanding the psychology behind persuasion now the big difference and it's my big caveat here and I'll probably include in the presentation is that from a sales ethics perspective the difference
between help and manipulation is intention at the end of the day either way you're going to change someone's Behavior or your intention is to change someone's Behavior now if you want to help the person it's a good thing if you want to manipulate them and hurt them ultimately it's a bad thing and if you think about sales as an education process overall which is how I see it if the prospect knew everything that you knew they should make the decision to buy now if you're being really honest with yourself if the prospect knew everything that
you knew and then they would choose not to buy then you are deceiving them which is no bueno and that which is what makes you feel shitty it's also what happens when anyone here ever had a salesperson come in start crushing it and then go down anyone so what happens is they learned more about your product and then they don't want to hurt people and so they stop selling like they don't do it consciously but they just don't want to like right when it gets to the point where they really have to lean in to
like get this person across the line they won't do it because deep down they don't believe and so barring all the stuff that I'll cover today which is a lot of the I'm I would consider myself more of a logical closer because I like presenting like let's play both of these scenarios out let's see what it looks like if it makes sense for you awesome and I believe that logical closing has the best long-term outcomes for people like I can get everyone really raw Rod get someone over the line and then they regret it the
next day and then they call you back or they don't really buy into the concept because the thing is is that today they're excited tomorrow they're excited but two weeks from now when they haven't had as many carbs and their cheeks are all flush and they feel like [ __ ] all of a sudden the emotions are gone and so if the emotions is what they needed in order to make the decision I want the logic to still be there so they can remember oh yeah that is this still makes sense right so I tend
to lean towards being a little bit more of a logical salesman if you want to call it that um and I think it served me well so I want to give you some Frameworks that I use really to help yourself make decisions but also help your clients make decisions and fundamentally that's what I think sales is is helping people make decisions to help themselves cool all right rock and roll so great decision making and selling with logic to make lots of money fantastic so this presidential be the best presentation on sales you've ever heard the
worst presentation on sales you've ever heard or somewhere in between that is a promise all right thank you I was seeing who was awake um so Charlie Munger big hero of mine he said we have a high moral responsibility to be rational and I think that's how I kind of approached selling and persuading and trying to get people to do the thing that would help them all right and so what is being rational or logical have to do with selling right sometimes you've got logical buyers sometimes you've got emotional buyers there are different types of
people who buy in different styles just like their different selling Styles different buying Styles right like maybe you and your spouse or you and your partner whatever uh you know one of you is like let's go do this thing and one's like hey let's get all the information right uh different styles and so most people sit on this continuum Quick Test who identifies here is more of an emotional buyer I don't see that as a Bad Thing by the way okay who here identifies more as a logical buyer cool interesting one of the things that
I've noticed just as an observation is that the higher up in the business world you get the more logical buyers you have the fewer emotional buyers you have um so I want you to put both hats on while you're thinking through this because many of you are clients will be emotional buyers and you may be more of a logical buyer and that just changes over time the more exposure to sales in general and marketing in general you get the more um I don't say jaded but the more accustomed to it you become kind of like
Banner blindness and so you kind of shift on this Continuum over time who's in between you identify as in between all right never mind okay so great uh you'll love this so sales for all people so before we get started a few beliefs about selling that have served me well one is that people want to believe you they want to buy you just have to help their logical brains justify the decision like most people are like hey I can make you a lot more money they want to believe you you just have to help them
justify hey I can help you get into your high school jeans I can make you look the way you did 20 years ago you try to help them just they just want they want to believe you you've got to help them selling happens before you ask closing happens after all right so everything that happens until you say here's the money here's the amount that I need for this thing all of that is sales for me I Define closing as the moment you present the offer everything after that is closing and to be clear that is
what I'm going to be talking about today is just the red zone three it's easier to handle obstacles than objections obstacles are what you handled before objections which you haven't handle after that being said expect and plan for no it's not failure it's expected so stop being surprised it's one of the biggest things I see with new sales people who are just getting into sales is they freak out when someone says no thank you I need to think about it I'm not sure I got to talk to my spouse I'm not sure if it's a
fit for me I don't make fast decisions I don't have to say I don't have the card I want to use on me right they say these things and it's like it's like this is what you train for because if they were just gonna buy then you wouldn't be needed if they already knew that they needed this thing then they wouldn't be struggling with it to begin with like the sale is the first part of the coaching relationship in my opinion and this one's also a really good one to train sales people with is that
if you didn't get a gasp from the price tag they didn't go high enough and so I like this a lot because then It prepares us and we shoot for what we used to be afraid of like if you didn't get a gas but they're like it's a lot you're like I know [Laughter] you're like it's a lot um hey let's keep PG okay so selling properly is the first step to become a coach your first impression the expectations you set to dictate the relationship all right how you handle this first conversation like every have
many of you seen research on First Impressions right it's a lot harder to change a first impression well the first impression of your business is the sale and so a lot of things happen here like oftentimes you can change ltv's churn simply by changing the expectations you set in the sale one conversation dictates how months of service are taken in selling is helping prospects make decision to help themselves I said that earlier keep the prospect not the sale as the priority because it's not about you and I don't know if I have this on here
but the person who cares the most about the prospect ultimately wins think about that for a second so if you care more about them then they care about them you will win because you'll have the Leverage because you really want to help them and then you will be kind not nice you'll ask the hard questions if someone objects CQ understand not to argue or be right this is something that took me more time to understand it's like if someone objects to buying if you keep a curious hat on you can keep in that frame for
as long as you want you just keep staying curious like huh that's so weird I wouldn't have thought that way why do you think that right as soon as you get into like your fists up of like well let me prove you wrong it's kind of like Dale Carnegie's like no one wins an argument like you don't win the sale by being right getting them to want to buy is the ultimate objective right because if they feel like they made the decision then you'll also get buy-in later and so you can't be combative it's much
more of a dance which I think is one of these other ones so maintain childlike curiosity at all times closing is a dance not a fight it is seduction not rape all right that's the one that wakes everyone up in the morning all right the idea is like it's a dance it's fluid you're moving right it's not coercion it's not forced and this is a big one this is what I was hitting on earlier is that selling is a transference of belief over a bridge of trust all right so you have to have belief in
order to transfer it sometimes your new sales people have belief they gain trust and they transfer it and then they learn more about your company and then they have less trust and even sorry they have left less belief and even though they have trust with the prospect because they have trust they don't transfer the belief because they don't have it anymore they used to they thought you were all that and now they don't and so they can't transfer because there's nothing there and so anyone ever met somebody who became like like a born-again Christian I
don't want to put a term on it anyone change religious beliefs that you know anyone like in your life okay so one of the really interesting things at least that I've observed is that like if someone comes to me and doesn't even have to be religious thing it's just an easy one to to observe is that they're so convicted in their new belief that you start to question your you're like maybe they are right right and the thing is is that like the best sales tool is belief and I keep repeating this because if I'm
gonna if I'm gonna turn a wholesale scene around all the stuff I'm going to show you is is the hand-to-hand stuff you got to memorize the stuff you got to know this stuff but this is like the sets and Reps right of sales but if the team doesn't believe it just doesn't matter I got flown in to turn the sales team around years ago years years ago um and it was a mortgage sales company and they were selling mortgage leads and first the morning I rewrote the script repositioned it blah blah in the afternoon they
wanted me to train the guys so I got on the sales floor they you know gathered everybody around they wanted me to do like a Glengarry Glenn Ross if you've seen that scene like always be closing and so you want me like Row the troops up and so I sat down and I was like who's the guy if you're having issues with you're like John I was like John how good are the leads that's what they were selling it's like how good are the leads he's like well there and I was like I'm good thanks
man and uh I was like it was a simple question I was like if you believed you would have been like dude these leads are so good right now I'm studying for my real estate exam so I can start taking these leads I got my aunt to quit her job so that she can start taking these my uncle is a realtor so I'm selling him leads right now and honestly I hope that in 12 weeks I'll be out of this role so I can start doing these too I was like that's what it sounds like
when you believe you don't believe so of course you don't sell I was like it doesn't matter and then I ripped up the script to be all dramatic I was like doesn't matter what's the words on here I was like if you guys don't believe it's not like none of this will matter and then they went and closed a bunch right but it was like it's about the belief more than anything and so if you need to fix that fix that first with you or your team and if the things that you know you should
do to fix the product to make a better onboarding experience Etc do that because the thing is is that when you do that you will approach the sale differently because you'll be so confident what you're what you're what you're delivering you can only build trust if you generally want to help and humans are exceptionally good at sniffing out intention like we've got thousands of years of adaptation and evolution to help us see who is lying to us and so it's like commission breath I like that term a lot if you have commission breath people can
smell it and so I think one of the big frame shifts that I like to do when I approach a sale is like it's about them I just want to help this person and like I just have to reset myself every time I get into the room right before I sit down with somebody's keeping that intention at top of mind which is human first it's like I want to prioritize this human not the sale but if you do that they'll have a positive experience with you either way and you'll also close more deals this is
a big one so I've talked about beliefs I've talked about Bridge of trust they are continuums not binaries so you have to treat them that way it's not do you have belief in your product do you not have belief in your product do you have trust with the prospect or do they trust you or do they not trust you it's how much do they trust you how deep is your belief right because if they trust the [ __ ] out of you and your belief is miles deep in terms of how much you believe how
hard do you think will be to sell not right and so a lot of us are like did you build rapport it's not did you build reports how much report did you build does that make sense okay if you can start changing your language this way then it also gives you an ability to continue to get better it's not like oh yeah I built Rapport I have trust they believe me right it doesn't work that way it's how much it's to what extent oops wrong way there we go closers ask hard questions because they genuinely
care right these are the hard conversations it's funny because a lot of you guys are really good at having hard conversations with prospects but really bad at having hard conversations with your team if you can have a hard conversation with your team it'll be easy with prospects the person who cares the most about the prospect wins the deal this is just a side note record all your sales always one of my biggest regrets in life is that I have 4 000 undocumented sales like boy wouldn't that be nice today I could use all this so
please for the love of God document all these things best Champions watch game footage the goal of closing is to get someone to decide not to buy and the thing is is that you actually have to believe this if you're training your sales team and you're like this is what I want you to do I want you to help these people decide I don't want you to help get them to buy I want you to help them to decide and if their decision is to buy that's awesome but that means that you reward them when
they get someone to decide either way this is different than many of you probably do this and this took me time so I'm just I'm giving you the stuff that I've learned all right because if you do that then you reward the activities rather than the outcome because they can only control like the sales team yourself included can only control what you do you can't control what they do but what you can do is actually try and get them to confront the decision that they've been putting off for a long time and finally power is
the ability to direct or influence people if you want to be powerful you must learn this skill because fundamentally if you can move mountains you can move rooms you can get people to do stuff you have power you have the ability to direct or influence other people and so sales is power and if that makes you feel queasy then I think you should check yourself and think like why do I not want to be powerful right you can build hospitals you can build bombs right power and so I think for me I've you know sales
has been always near and dear to my heart because it's the thing if you like you want to make an impact it's like well what is an impact it means like influencing lots of people how do you influence lots of people you have to persuade them so that's what we're doing cool okay so when does selling happen when you engage the lead when you qualify the lead when you solicit the sale when you close the sale the entire time now what are we going to talk about today closing the sale everything you have to do
after asking for the sale to get someone to buy that's all we're going to talk about just the last five yards okay and so here's an insane sat for you and this is something that you know kale and I were talking about yesterday which is if a gym owner knows how to close we're just not that worried about them because they can afford the most expensive leads they can sell for higher prices because they know how to close there are very few people in the fitness world that do not succeed if they know how to
close it's just hard to fail and I found this sat and I thought it was really interesting is that the top five Red Zone offices made the playoffs ninety percent of the time of all stats in football top five offenses in the Red Zone when the game's on the line when they need to close the deal made the playoffs 90 it's not doesn't wasn't about special teams wasn't about defense wasn't about just in the red zone people who can score when the game's online go to the playoffs 90 I was like that's a good stat
so if you want to be a top 10 gym might be something worth having so here's how I have observed the breakdown of prospects when it comes to closing ten percent of people are never going to buy which means you can't get upset about the fact that someone doesn't buy that's what we have to focus on getting them to decide not necessarily to buy because otherwise you're always going to be upset on the other hand 10 of people were going to buy if you were not there if you were a scarecrow that just said please
buy question mark got credit card question mark right now eighty percent of people need help deciding and this is why we train and I think presenting this to your team is also really helpful just so that they understand it's like this is what we train for it's for the 80 of people that need help that's why they're here if they knew how to make the decision on their own they wouldn't need our help they would do it already and so if after this presentation you just have one more bullet in your chamber one more plane
Your Arsenal will close one more deal per month my goal is that that pace for this whole weekend for you cool okay awesome there you go I even have put a little thing there okay one of my favorite sayings is that you're only one decision away from changing your life forever and I love thinking about this when I think about talking to a prospect it's like this decision could change their life forever and that's a lot of power right but instead of changing lives this is what's interesting for me we blame think give power to
sources outside of our control and this is exactly what the people walk in your gym and we do it ourselves every day and so even though I said originally that this is a talk on logical closing what it really is is a talk on power and so the problem is that most people cast their power they become victims of their own lives because they point to other things to cast their power to this is us and our prospects and this is why so many people are Weak and Powerless and so I believe that if you
can talk to somebody who is powerful and you can help them realize that they are powerful then you talk to an empowered individual which believe it or not often buy [ __ ] to help themselves okay so we're going to do a fun activity today one help you make a decision to help yourself with whatever decisions you are facing in life some of you guys have some hard decisions I was talking about two days ago some conversations that need to happen right I don't know why this is another one but number one there you go
use these Frameworks to help prospects help themselves and then finally just become more powerful yourself okay this is what we're going to do so but I've been keeping these hypothetical I want you to visualize the decision that you need to make all right so this is one of my favorite things from Confucius I hear and I forget I've seen I remember I do and I understand right you might have read 100 books about sales but your first hundred actual conversations probably taught you more than all of them put together right when you do it you
start to understand it starts to make sense all right so think through a decision if you want write it down doesn't matter to me as long as it's in your head walk through these decision making Frameworks for yourself because that way you can transfer them to other people okay so who is presented with a decision last 24 hours anyone okay Sandra skip Sandra was the good one Sarah right okay who thinks getting rid of Sarah or doing anything else could better improve your life yes yeah two people fantastic everyone else [ __ ] so my
goal is that I want to show you as though you were probably how to think through a decision all right I can help others using this what I want what I don't want cool let me skip this real quick sales ethics I think I covered this earlier because I want to get to the so helping someone make a decision to help themselves does not mean buying from you it just means keeping them in their goals at the center of the decision okay I keep repeating this because it's so important and you should be happy if
someone makes a decision for themselves independent of whether they choose to work with you or not if you can get to that point you'll be untouchable because they have no leverage over you like that's how you sell from your back foot is that if you were genuinely happy that if they make a decision an empowered decision that's informed not to work with you you're like what a great day I help this person out if you can get there you become Untouchable because you don't need anything and so most importantly how to make high stakes decisions
and help your prospects do the same cool so here's a fun delineation obstacles versus objections who here has heard these terms good thank you like thank God okay who knows the difference ah so obstacles are a thing that blocks one's way or prevents our hinders progress when you disagree with something they say so you disagree with them that is an obstacle here's an example hey why'd you hop on the call today them I just want to find out more about the program that's an obstacle they're giving you [ __ ] that's not why they hopped
on they find out more about the program the hot dogs are fat right that's why they're there I was like you don't spend all day hopping on information to find out about programs right no well then why are you doing that because I'm overweight I don't like how I look I don't like how I feel blah blah ah so you have a problem you want to solve yes fantastic right if you don't address that it blows up on you in the close right obstacles happen before you present the offer objections happen after objections are an
expression or feeling of disapproval or opposition a reason for disagreeing when they disagree with you so obstacles we're in the offensive we get to go attack them and their limiting beliefs you're in the driver's seat before you make the offer so you want to destroy as many of these obstacles as we possibly can the things that will hinder them from making a decision before we get to the close that being said once we get to the close we need to know know how to handle objections then I don't want to buy right now you totally
reasonable what are the main criteria you're thinking through they're like oh [ __ ] he's still here I thought this was going to end this and you're like I've had this more conversation more times than you all right so learning how to talk through those high-stakes decisions with yourself or others the purpose presentation all right and the result is that everyone here is more powerful and can transfer that power to other people so before I dive into those arguments this is a big point is that the person has to really want the goal and believe
that one the product will get to them to their goal the way they want to get there two that you and others will support them and three that it will work for them not just everyone else super important if they don't believe these things you could understand all the stuff I'm going to show you and they're not going to buy all right you have to provide proof that it would be more unreasonable for them not to believe you said Pride proof that it'd be more reasonable for them to believe than to not believe all right
the reason that Jim launch has a gazillion testimonials is because like we just want to be like obviously this [ __ ] Works we've done it a hundred thousand [ __ ] times we know how the model works right and just like you you're talking to your prospect you're like I promise calorie deficits work I promise you don't have a stubborn metabolism you know what I mean you don't go to Uganda they don't have stubborn they don't have stubborn body fat there tough right real talk otherwise if they're unsure there's things they will object to
something else in the close okay which is why you should expect no at first because they could make the decision they wouldn't need your help they would just send you money wouldn't that be nice great that's the appetizer now to the main course so here's my request see a lot of cameras for now for the rest of it just put them down and I want you to just be present with me because I'm sure there's recordings or whatever and you can watch these things later but what I would like you to do is just be
present because the only thing only time we can do this IRL all right so this is Richard Feynman big fan of his he's dead now he was one of the guys who worked on the atom bomb uh understand don't memorize learn principles not formulas if you can understand the Frameworks I'm going to show you then you'll be equipped to have these conversations with your prospects for the rest of your life if you can just understand them rather than memorizing because let's be real you're not going to memorize them in the next 45 minutes you're not
going to but if you understand them you can approach them with forever okay there you go so there are three sources that we cast our power to that'll break down this is Albert Ellis he was uh probably haven't heard of him anyone heard of cognitive behavioral therapy CBT he invented it or is one of the fathers of it if you would stop really stop dimming yourself others in unkind conditions that you would find it almost impossible to upset yourself emotionally about anything yes anything and so when he was with 30 or 40 Years of therapy
he tried to break down all the things that people were bothered about in the beginning he had 11 and then he had nine and then he had seven and then finally at the end of his career he said there's only three things that people get upset about and they also are the same three things that people cast their power to and these are his causes of emotional disturbance circumstances I must get what I want when I want it I must not get what I don't want and if I get what if I don't get what
I want I can't stand it that is the belief two other people must treat me fairly and kindly and if they don't they are no good and they deserve to be condemned and punished and three self I must do else I must do well or else I am no good this is what causes emotional disturbance and people this is also why people don't buy these are all powerless statements so this is basically the victim handbook this is how you become a victim of your own life or how our prospects become victims of their own lives
so I call this the onion and blame so there's the big straight votes you've got circumstances other people and then finally self and this is important because as we're going to be going through this when a prospect presents with a circumstance issue then you are at the outermost layer of their onion which means you still might have two or three more layers you got to dig through before you get to somebody who's empowered to make a decision and so if you hear a circumstance just be ready you're like I might have two or three more
layers I got to get through if you talk to somebody and they're like I gotta talk to my spouse then you're like okay I gotta get through that one and then they're like oh I can make a decision I need to think about it so you have to be able to Wade through all of these layers and be prepared for that rather than thinking that like oh I'll just overcome this one thing and they'll buy people got a lot of [ __ ] on their heads which is why they can't make decisions which is why
they're asking for your help so even though these are the things that distort other people's realities they manifest in five different ways so I want to equip you how to deal with these so these are the five so you got circumstances other people's self but this is what they look like you've got time obstacles people say I don't have time for it you got value obstacles which I don't have the money for it you got fit obstacles which is this isn't for me for XYZ special snowflake reason you got Authority which is I got to
talk to my friends spouse mom dog grandmother employees business partner whatever my online Discord group for my Gaming Community um and then self which is it looks like avoidance they avoid the decision they just try not to make it for fear of making a mistake and the interesting thing is that you think that when you overcome a money thing you're actually getting to the root of it it's often not true that's a surface level thing anyway it's easy to say time I don't have time I don't have money right it's easy to say that stuff
when they're like I'm really afraid of failing that's when you have like a much more real conversation right so you have to be equipped to show someone the logical fallacies around the things that are keeping them in a state of emotional disturbance in a state of victimhood in a state of powerlessness cool so time now's not a good time value I can't afford it fit not sure it's for me Authority I have to talk to my spouse partner avoidance I need to think about it in general I don't make fast decisions those are the principles
Quick Test are you physically in the room today raise your hand awesome all right because this is gonna be a little bit more interactive on this side all right so raise your hand if you've ever thought or had a prospect say time I'm busy now's not a good time maybe in the future all right so time now's not a good time here's I have pages and pages and pages and pages of obstacle overcomes and I look through all of these to make this presentation I was like what are the three that I use the most
that I can simplify into a framework that you guys can use okay so I break this down in my head as macro micro seasonal sorry macro micro when then macro is the this is a busy time in my life all right micro truck get to in a second is I don't have the time in the day slightly present slightly differently I'll show you how to overcome both of them all right so if someone says Hey now's not a good time I'm too busy this is why I didn't want you to memorize because there's no there's
no script here all right is that you have to believe that there's a false statement implied there I was gonna say does anyone know who it is but there's no mic so I'll just tell you if they feel like they don't have time now then they assume that in order for them to be successful they can't be busy which means that okay let's play it your way you're busy now so when you're not busy again in the future you'll do it right yep okay so do you think that means that you'll never be busy for
the rest of your life because it assumes that in if you are busy that you will stop do you want to be fit for the rest of your life yes do you think you'll be busy at some point in the rest of your life yes well that it means that you should probably learn how to do it when you're busy that's probably the time you need the most support which is what I'm here for so let's get you started does that make sense logical right oh thanks thanks yes had the sale before but I I
this is why I want like you guys like if this helps you close one more deal this month every single month and pay for the weekend okay that was number one we've got like 16 more okay okay but this is how I think about it's like my each of these that little statement there is my quick cue if someone says I'm really busy right now I'm like busy is the best time busy is the best time they're like oh [ __ ] that was going to be my obstacle [ __ ] they're like that's amazing
business the best time because that's when you need the most support because if you learn how to do it when it's hard every the rest of your life it'll be easy and they're like [ __ ] that's a really good argument he's right damn you can have my credit card right okay now let's go micro hour by hour so if someone's like no I literally don't have the time in the day because I have all these other things now we know that's a priorities issue but if you want you can show it to them and
this is how I do it so I say you know what totally understand I used to say the same thing to my wife now you make yourself the person who they're going to step into their identities you're not calling them silly pants you're calling yourself a silly pants you're like listen I was a silly pants too I used to say this to my wife all the time and I bet your moan about how I didn't have time to do the things to make more money didn't have the time to do more things to get in
shape et cetera et cetera and one day she got so sick and tired of me complaining about this that she grabbed my phone out of my hands as I was scrolling social media looked at the amount of hours per day and she was like you spend three and a half hours on social media every day I guess I found you some time [Music] anyone here have some time right and then as a secondary Point here it's like do you think there's anyone else on Earth who said less time than you who's been able to make
this happen they're like yeah like okay do you really think that's the issue do you think it's a priorities thing because the end of the day everyone's the same 24 hours and I used to say this when I was closed closing needles because it was back when Obama was President I was like President Obama gets up every day to run I was like he's running the [ __ ] world I was like you don't have time to come to the gym right and they're like yeah you're right and the thing is is like right now
you feel like you don't have the time but everyone has the same amount of time right and so the thing is is that right now you're not spending the time that you are given well and so the first thing we're going to do is cut the 90 of the [ __ ] that you are doing that's not working so you're going to gain all that time back so it's gonna be a net positive because have you seen anyone else who's been able to be successful do the things you want to do and stay in shape
they're going to say yes you're like right which means if it's a possible with them it's possible for you you just have to have the right tools that's what I'm here for right and to be fair this works for anything right if you're thinking about your gym stuff you're like you're working all the time it's like I don't have time to do it's like well this [ __ ] your shit's not working obviously you're spending all your hours doing it and you're not making any more money spending time with the wrong stuff cool so that's
the micro hour by hour good Oh thanks thank you for that one [Applause] yeah we'd have we'll have a lot of those if if we uh anyways I'm Gonna Keep moving we'll just do that one okay so third one is the win then fallacy this is one of my favorites all right which is like I'll start working out I'll start saving money when right it's a win then fallacy and you'll recognize it pretty easy and again you're gonna say I totally understand where you're coming from this kept me stuck for years right I was a
silly pants too it's just fun to say silly pants and so and until I found out one day that that line of reason is called the when then fallacy and so it's like saying like when I am healed I'll go to the hospital right once I save money then I'll start investing right it's like it doesn't work that way like you have to get the order correct it's like you have to go to the hospital in order to get healed you have to go to the gym in order to get in shape right it's not
that you come to the gym once you are in shape that doesn't make any sense right when I have more time I'll do it it's a win then fallacy does that make sense everybody it's an easy one but it's just when they give you this thing when I have more time I'll do it it's like no we have to make the time and then we'll have the thing Boop everyone feel like they can overcome time issues yes cool [Applause] as a total tactical one which I'm sure Jim Lodge team has already told you like you
should also just ask them what times they're planning on working out to begin with before you do the sale have them Circle The Times very easy and then you can hopefully knock that okay fantastic so now they're like I can't afford it you're like okay roll up your sleeves you're like sure you can't sure step into my trap okay so raise your hand if you've ever had a prospect say or do one of these things yes yes everyone like one person's like I've never had that happen not not to me all right so here's four
these there's a zillion of these I was talking to my team earlier and they're like well what if someone says this and I started doing him and I was like oh [ __ ] none of these are on the presentation but you know what we'll see so there's four reasons that I like using a lot these are probably the most common ones I use to overcome this because at the end of the day everybody here has to understand that whenever someone says they can't afford it it's because it's not valuable enough so I'll give you
a simple example think about whatever amount of money all right let me put it this way if I said hey these are the keys to my Ferrari and you're not competing against each other or you're not even competing like whatever imagine a very poor person whatever I will give it to you for five thousand dollars if you can give me five thousand dollars the next 24 hours what does that person start thinking I'm gonna find a way to get five thousand dollars to get this Ferrari because it's worth a lot more than five thousand dollars
right it's very clear and so the problem is when we present our thing they don't see it that way and so they don't think oh I have to find a way to get this to work and so that means that we didn't communicate enough value if you communicate enough value the resources are never an issue your team has to believe that otherwise it's never going to stick like they have to really believe that because they're like oh the guy was broke it's like they should and one of the things that I always prided myself on
was I was an equal opportunity salesman and I don't mean that in a woke political way I mean that it's like if every person who walks in the door is like their money spends the same and I had people who really looked rough walking in my door sometimes pretty sure I had a few people that lived in their cars that I tried to sell um but the thing is it's like I was like if this person wants to get a job getting in shape and getting some sort of routine in their life is probably really
important and so I sold hard and I wanted to give an equal opportunity some people many people in this room you start getting lazy you start deciding whether you're going to actually try to sell the person before you open your mouth based on what you judge them by and that makes you a worse salesperson and it doesn't help them so my favorite sales were single moms that had four kids that drove Uber on the weekend to make it work and they were like it's important for me they changed their life around got a better job
found a guy whatever like I was very proud of those hard closes they're like how am I going to make this work I was like let's set a game plan together because if you're on the same side of the table and they actually believe you that you are trying to help them you can have that conversation of like all right well let's let's let's look at it do you get your nails done do you get your hair done do you like do you got on the weekends you got to eat you're like you can go
through all the things and all of a sudden they're like okay we found that we found that we're good but unless you have that Rapport and they trust that you really do want to help them you can't have those conversations so let's go through the first one which is someone says that's a lot of money I can't afford it and so you just say so this is a lot of money for you and they're going to be like yeah this is called taking the bait and you're like yeah well that's amazing because I'm actually more
concerned when someone says that it's not a lot of money for them because I don't think they're going to Care much about it all my best testimonials my best case studies from people where this is a lot of money for them because if it's a lot of money for you does that mean you're going to try really hard they're like yeah I'm like right then you should be the last person who's worried about getting the results because this means a ton to you right does that make sense so then you can transition it's like hey
well before we even before I even close you on that one would you even believe me if I said it was one tenth of the price that it was going to do all the things I promised and be like well no you're like right so you knew you're going to do this either way right and if you were selling a B2B thing which you are but if you were it's like how long do you want I can't afford it to be on your list of problems in life right so why the fact that it's expensive
for them is a good thing that's point one next one is why it's not actually a lot so this is where you start expanding on value which is like okay well fundamentally if you got to your high school weight would it be worth it like yeah it would be worth it I was like okay so the issue isn't whether it's expensive whether or not the issue is that you don't believe that it can happen for you let's just make sure we're clear here right and so what happens you can pull apart the price from the
belief and the belief you can then attack on its own right because again for many people like if you just say enough if all this did was they're like yeah it would do that it's like great so then it's not about it being expensive it's about you extrapolating your past experiences that didn't work for you under this present scenario which makes sense but it may let me see if I can get [ __ ] it I'll just tell you I'll skip ahead we'll get i'll skip a slide later you don't let a bad decision burn
you twice has anyone heard this this one it's probably one of my one of my most used obstacle overcomes which was I get it you had something that happened in the past it didn't work maybe multiple things that didn't work the only thing worse than having that thing not work is letting that bad experience burn you twice once when it didn't happen the second time would prevented you from doing the right the right move right like did you ever have somebody you dated in high school anyone date anyone in Middle School anyone remember this one
six inches right imagine that heartbreak that you had when you were in seventh grade [ __ ] Caroline caputi imagine that heartbreak right in seventh grade or sit whatever it was um where you you get your heart broken and then you say no people ever again shall I ever date right you would have let that bad scenario burn you twice and prevent all the good things that have happened from all the people you've dated since then or hopefully that you're married to right if somebody who's married in front of you it's a lot easier it's
like was the person that you're married to the first one you ever dated they'll say no you're like right imagine if you'd stop dating after that first breakup you ever had that would have been bad right what's kind of like what you're doing right now with this bad thing do you think it's impossible for you to get in shape no okay well then do you think it's possible that there's somebody who's a good fit for you a good program for you the husband program for you if we did it yes does that make sense okay
and so then at this point when you are attacking a belief I like to have the big wall of testimonials so if you guys don't have this like please for the love of God have floor-to-ceiling testimonials of your before and afters and your five-star reviews it takes an afternoon to do it just do it because then all you have to do is point around you and say would it be more unreasonable for you to not believe them to believe how many how many before and after pictures would you need to see in order for you
to believe that this could happen for you because it becomes unreasonable right that's why Jim launch has 5 000 [ __ ] actually I think we counted like two years ago we had 1 600 testimonials it's a lot right cool so that's why it's actually not a lot so the first one was why the fact that it's a lot for you is a good thing the second one is why it's actually not a lot when you think about it right it's about the value not about the price third one is what's money good for anyways
right because the big thing is is that money is going to get spent either way right you guys are going to spend your money your prospects are going to spend their money in the next 12 months no matter what and the question is is it gonna be something that's going to make you better it's gonna be [ __ ] that you don't need if you look at your last 12 months is there a bunch of [ __ ] you spent money on that you didn't need probably do you want to do that again the next
12 months no would it be nice to have something that paid some dividends yeah because here's the real real is that you're going to be buying the lessons from this program either way that is the line you're going to be buying this program either way the question is whether you want to spend time we're going to spend money you're buying them either way and said you want to spend 15 years trying to figure this out on your own trying to get in shape trying to grow your gym or do you want to spend the money
because the thing is is we always spend the thing that we value least so if you've value your time over your money you spend the money to keep your time if you value your money more than your time then you spend your time and save your money do I need to tell you which one rich people do right and at the end of the day like what's money good for anyways it's to get you the stuff you want right do you want this thing yeah well what else are you going to buy with the same
money because when you're saying that you don't want to spend it you have something else in mind that you want to spend it on why is that thing more valuable than this thing good questions the person's like well [ __ ] you're like right it's okay it's normal this isn't my first conversation here right and so one of my favorite closes here at the end here is best case worst hit close which is like listen at the end of the day both of these options are risk-free right you can walk out the door you can
sign up get a guarantee but only one of them will get you closer to your goal so if you have no risk with no upside or no risk with potential of upside which one you want to do I have closed a lot of weight loss sales with that close it's probably if I had top three that's of the top three best case worthless let's play it out best case you change your life you get into amazing shape would that be a great outcome yes worst case you do this and you don't have that happen I
give your money back and you just got free six weeks of trading fair enough because the only other option you have that's also risk-free is that you walk out the door but that one is guaranteed to not get what you want this one's at least got a shot and you boil it down like that a lot of people are like okay I'll step in that direction cool why you don't need money this is a big one and I love this one if there's one thing that you can remember it's the top line on here is
that you know what self-made Millionaires and you guys have in common both started at zero so let me tell you the story of uh shoe dog Phil nice story anyone read that book great book there's this moment where he's maxed out his credit cards maxed out his loans can't get anyone to give him money and he's got to make payroll and buy inventory and he goes to everyone and he's like I don't know what to do because they're making so many sales he can't he get the cash get a cash flow constraint and so he
goes to his vendors imagine going to your landlord or imagine going to what vendors you go to click funnels whatever right so somebody like some software and you're like hey I need you to pay my payroll for me otherwise I won't be able to keep paying you in the future because I'm gonna go out of business that's what he did he went to his manufacturing partners and said I need you to pay my payroll for me and they're like what he's like otherwise I won't be able to buy shoes from you and they did and
then Nike kept going and so it wasn't the fact that Phil didn't have the resources there's the fact that he was resourceful and so it was just like the five thousand dollar Ferrari or if you have the hospital bill that comes up tomorrow you become resourceful when it's for something that you truly value quick question who here has had a tax bill come up unexpectedly about that time of year right okay follow-up question who here has magically siphoned cash out of their [ __ ] and found a way to pay Uncle Sam right of course
or an unexpectedly High payroll bill whatever it is and here's what's [ __ ] up is that everyone who just raised their hand you're willing to flex that muscle when it's for someone else but not when it's for your bank account when it's for your landlord when it's for the IRS when it's for payroll it's for other people all of a sudden you get resourceful but it means that you don't hold yourself to that standard all the time interesting right so the big thing here is that you need someone to be resourceful not have resources
and that goes for all of us right like if you have a big decision you need to make it if you really want it then it just comes down to being resourceful not having the resources to begin with because every self-made millionaire starts at zero so what separates them from everyone else nothing they were just resourceful feel good about that time now we're into value good we're moving this is all right okay cool you feel like you can use this stuff to close more sales okay cool also close yourself unless head [ __ ] okay
fit not sure it's for me the special snowflake scenario genuinely I don't think I've lost a sale on this one in a very long time um obviously been a very long time but but I didn't lose many to this I feel very confident about this which is someone says I don't like something very specific about the program I only like Zumba I don't want to eat broccoli I think you should have a vegan version of this plant whatever right and so here are the three ways that overcame this no identity priorities pain of change and
hypothetical all right so let's start with the first one so we vote with our dollars about the things we care about this was always my that like just like uh uh the busy one I was saying earlier busy is the best time we vote with our dollars for the things we care about like that was always my as soon as someone say I want to change the thing I was like let me tell you a quick story I was at Sephora which is a makeup store um with Layla and I was standing there awkwardly like
this watching them paint faces and there's these two little girls come in they were so excited yay ish hi um old and they were they were new to Womanhood it was clear right and these girls came up and the girl with the Smock goes over to them and she's like hey girls now that you guys are women you're gonna have to start budgeting for this stuff every month because you're gonna need to buy this because you're you know becoming a woman you're gonna have to put this makeup on and they were like so excited they
grabbed the things they go rush to check out and I was like that's so interesting it's like they their identity changed from being girls to being women and so with that new identity came new priorities and I was like that was like that moment that I got to witness I was like this is a perfect analogy for what people do when they're trying to lose weight when they're trying to become better business owners is that when you have a new identity you have new priorities and so if you're explaining this to a prospect it's like
let me tell you a quick story you tell that story or your version of that story you say listen you want to be this person so right now you're not stepping in a woman you're already a woman right or whatever it is right you're already a man the question is whether you want to be a fit woman for Life the question is whether you want to be a successful gym owner somebody's wealthy and with new identity incomes new priorities we vote with our dollars for the things we care about you say you care about these
things but if I look at your bank account I can see what you vote with your dollars for does that make sense right and you can close it next one is pain of change right and this one's a big one which is like ah I'm where these girls like do you think you could change the breakfast to this and this because that's what I already and I was like girl I know that's what you already I can see that that breakfast got you that body right that morning routine got you that bank account yeah right
gotta change the change and so the thing is I'd always have that conversation say hey the pain of change pain is staying the same this is Tony Robbins quote that's not mine but when the pain of change is greater than pain of staying the same you will change and sometimes I look at a girl just be like hey maybe you got to gain 50 more pounds and come back I was like you're not enough pain you're comfortable they're like well I don't want that I'm like well that's what you're saying with your actions you're not
enough pain like let's just play it out how much you gain the last five years 50. cool come back in five years what are you weighing now 250 it'll be 300. just come back we need 300. real talk and they're like well I don't want that I'm like you're acting like you do and they're like well [ __ ] I'm like yeah damn but it's like all of us have these things that we hold on to when in reality like are you in enough pain maybe you need to be broker maybe you have no money
in your bank account you need to be in debt it's like come back when you're 50 Grand in debt come back when you lose money for another two years come back then then you'll be ready that'll be the right moment that'll be the right time for you the thing is is everyone's thermostat I'm side questing here for a second but everyone's thermostat is different right like I feel actually pretty fat and out of shape right now because on my thermostat I'm fat and out of shape for some people I'm hashtag life goals everyone's different and
what's interesting is that even people are 250 300 pounds whatever there's a moment where for them that's their thermostat and they're like no no I can't go above here and what's crazy is that all you have to do is just reset the thermostat it's the same effort you just reset the thermostat right now your thermostat may be ten thousand dollars your bank account maybe it's a hundred thousand dollars makeup but maybe a million dollars from bank account maybe fifty thousand dollars a month in income it might whatever it is it's like all you have to
do is just reset what that thermostat is and I think if you can communicate that to a prospect that it's just made up in their head the thing is if you can have that little that little moment that you some of you guys just had if you have that with a prospect like you can change their life and I think that's really cool so pain pain to change you got to change in order to change I really did say that the the breakfast thing girl I know uh I was like why don't we try my
breakfast so we can get the body you actually want all right so here's a here's a good I've been trying to come up because when my sales book comes out I'm going to do this hypothetical thing but I'm trying to figure out something like a three-step process to closing like most obstacles that I can teach but one that I use a lot is anything that this is why this one I basically never lost sales on fit stuff was okay well if this program had everything that you needed would you do it hey if this program
were perfect would you do it if the program didn't have this thing that you just said isolate the issue would you do it and then you get agreement and they're like cool we don't have to worry about that one thing what car do you want to use I don't want to do broccoli fantastic not going to do broccoli if we didn't have that would you do it great and so it's just one of those really easy things that you can always use on the flip side it's also just a good close overall which is uh
what is it missing and then they're like oh I've never been asked this question before and you're like right because it doesn't sound like there's anything wrong with the program it sounds like you're afraid of something happening let's talk about that right and then you actually get to the real stuff peeling back the layers so I'm not sure it's a fit for me we covered that with new identity and priorities pain have changed you got to change the change and hypothetical so isolate hypothesize a world where it wouldn't have that issue and then overcome see
how we're peeling down peeling down the layers all right awesome two more you're still hanging in there okay I know this is more tactical I know this is more Tactical I know this is tactical but I just want you guys to have stuff that like when you leave here like I will make more sales okay raise your hand if you've ever thought or had a prospect say I have to talk to my business partner spouse friend kids employees pets yes right this is big when someone says this what they say is that person controls me
wherever they point so if some of you guys are like I got to talk to my spouse totally get it that person controls you say hey I gotta talk to my employees guess who owns you I gotta talk to my pet it's kind of weird but hey some people do it and so I have really only found one way to overcome this that has been smooth all right so the rest of the other obstacles there's a zillion ways to overcome it lack of authority is one of the hardest ones to overcome because you say I
don't have control of my own life I can't make decisions for myself I am powerless I am a victim it's what it says and so this one is a process so first off you know like in many in many selling situations you don't have the advantage that you like hear like some of you guys could call people yesterday talk to people whatever right or you have more time in weight loss sales we all know we're all waiting for Lisa to come back right she said she'd call you back it's been five years she's not calling
back right and so you want to get the person to bring their spouse you want to get the person to bring the decision maker whenever possible it's also worth it worth to get to the second sale why not right but if you can't then this is the only thing that I have found that has worked consistently so it's three steps let me go back one there you go isolate and collapse the foil the realization they've already given you permission and the realization that you never needed permission to begin with all right so I'll walk through
so you say hey assuming you already asked right transactional versus long term you say hey what part do you think they wouldn't approve of of this thing that I talked about the reason this is what this is the isolated collapse the foil all right the reason you ask them why do you think your husband why do you think your partner why do you think your employees would not want you to do this now mind you the employees and the partner and the husband are not here so they have no idea so they're just going to
answer it with the reason that they actually don't want to do it and then you have isolated and collapsed the foil and then you can attack the reason that they say it's like what do you think your husband will be opposed to well I've done a couple things in the past and they didn't work okay then let's talk about the thing that you're afraid of which is that this is not going to work too so it sounds like it's a belief issue so let's talk about that right now it's not about the husband anymore it's
about the fact that she doesn't believe does that make sense so we just we pull now she's back in the driver's seat and she can make a decision to help herself or he can make a decision to help himself okay that's step one sometimes you just close it off that which is wonderful two and three go together and so if they if you've already asked hey what do you think they wouldn't approve of right then you say well do they approve of your current struggle and they'll be like well no it's like well then why
would they be against something they already don't approve of like huh I think about that well what if the roles were reversed and your husband was struggling or your partner was struggling with making money getting in shape whatever it is I was like and they found something that was going to help them I was like would you be against it no I would want that right so why would it be different for them because I think the thing is is that you're looking for permission not for support because let's play this out three years you're
still bankrupt you're still out of shape whatever it is three years from now or you're not making the money you want whatever it is three years from now and all the while you blamed now see how we're changing the language you blame them because they never let you do it is that fair to them is that fair to you no so I think what you've been looking for this whole time is you've been asking for permission when you really need support do you think your husband will support you and solving this problem you already said
he doesn't approve of yes so the whole the whole idea here is that we're relying on past agreements to extrapolate into the present and then we're future forecasting a negative situation which realistically like hopefully for everyone here I know that if I wanted something Layla's not going to be like how dare you right like right look I wanted it does that I mean like it's not even a discussion right and so it's really a question of power and at the end of the day I think even if the person doesn't buy from you if you
can help them make a decision that is empowered you have served them and for me that's my big thing with sales is like if I can actually get in this person's mind peel back the [ __ ] get them to make decisions one way or the other I feel like I serve this person today and that I feel like I'm very convicted about and so at the end of the day it's your decision if they say no no resentment and so then I say hey let's just get you going we have a three-day no sweat
guarantee which is you you sign up today you get back home your husband says sweetheart I want you to live 10 years less long I want you to be out of shape I want you to get that diabetes needle right I want you to put those sweatpants on reach the head on this bag of Cheetos just you know and sit down and get comfortable and pass down generational unhealth to our kids so we can make future Generations people who don't understand hell he says that to you one have him give me a call two I
was like I'll happily tear this up all right and then of course they're cracking up and you're like right of course he's not going to say that he wants you to live longer he wants you to pass on these good habits to your kids he wants to be hot and sexy feel good about yourself right of course he does it what you're afraid of is that's not going to work that we can help you with right it makes sense all right [Applause] cool so we're peeling back the onion we covered time we covered value covered
fit we covered people casting their power to Authority all these different things they cast their power to here's the best part when you finally have learned and you know how to de-bull [ __ ] yourself and be [ __ ] their brains to get them down to this final thing you're actually talking to a person who's in power they can't blame her they can't give the authority to other people they can't blame the circumstances because it's about being resourceful overall finding the time making it work getting out of pain all you have now is just
somebody says I get all that I actually think about it and when someone says anything you think about it I want you to translate that into is I need to avoid this decision for fear of making a mistake that's what that means because what it really means is just I just want the universe to make the decision for me what a [ __ ] move like I'm not man or woman enough I don't have the gonads which are both sexes by the way I don't have the Nads to make this call so I'm just going
to let the universe do it so then I can blame the universe if it doesn't go right it's just fear so big important note we have exhausted all reasons outside of themselves now we're talking to someone who's at least in power all right so raise your hand if you've ever thought or had a prospect say I have to think about it not sure I need today this guy still he's like not me everyone decides okay as a fun side note um anyone know like the root of decide so it comes from Latin dicadera which means
to kill off and so a good one is to even ask someone that question it's like we just need to decide do you know what the root of it is which means to kill off so the question is which future are we killing off today we're killing off the future of more of the same are we killing off the future of everything that you said you wanted which feature cool all right avoidance anything about it so this is the frame I think about past present future and this is an easy one for you so when
someone says I need to think about it you translate that into I'm going to avoid this decision for fear of making a mistake and you're like cool well let's talk about your past things this is not a fast decision right you've been deciding this for years how long have you want to be in shape my whole life so this doesn't seem fast at all you've been deciding this forever now we're just taking action on it you decided a long time ago today we're taking the first step huh didn't think about like that and there's another
one come this far six inches from gold it's like listen and this is one where I like to stack all the [ __ ] they've done to get to this point we're like listen you saw an ad you clicked it you bought a ticket you reserved it you blocked the time you flew out here you got a hotel you showed up at the crack of dawn you had all these notes you walked in here of course you want to [ __ ] grow your gym of course you're trying to lose weight you block the time
you got in your car you got all the way over here this isn't a fast decision you've indicated with your actions up to this point this is important to you and do you think that maybe the reason you've struggled in the past is because you haven't been able to pull the trigger do you think needing to think about is the reason you're here right now rather than where you want to be because you always need to think about it which means you don't and so the question is just do you want to have another year
of almost love this one do you enter the year of almost being in the shape you want almost making the amount of money you want almost being the spouse you want to be but not quite and so the question is how much does not deciding cost you up to this point how are the last five years for you is that a cost you didn't decide to do this five years ago right so would you say all that pain that you went through is that a big cost so when you think about like that I don't
think it's that expensive right that's past since getting them and what we're doing here is we're ad shading and reminding them of why they are here to increase their action threshold rather decrease their action threshold to get them to step over and make a decision does that make sense what we're doing conceptually here we're looking at their past decisions I'm gonna go through all of them showing them how far they've come explaining them that maybe the reason that they're in the [ __ ] seat today is because they have struggled pulling the trigger in the
past they've thought about doing things like this before but they haven't been able to they haven't nutted up and today they need to otherwise they're going to have another year of almost and then we ask them if all the pain they've been through has been enough pain for them to make a decision and that was the one I actually had this uh is it last year this lady was like this is like she was referencing a call that was like five years earlier very beginning of gym launch she's like it's crazy think I had a
sales call with you six years ago and I'm kicking myself in the butt for not jumping in your program wall so funny so funny I was like yeah you let a bad decision bring you twice once when you made a poor investment the second time you let that bad investment making a good one I remember the conversation right here she is six years later same position same exact [ __ ] but she couldn't because he had one bad boyfriend she's like no men for me that's it just me and my cats so two's present all
right so we talked about the past all the things you've done to get here all the pain you've been through do you think not being able to pull the trigger is the reason you're sitting in the seat today right so now let's talk about present so I love this one I use the rocking chair clothes a lot as far as I'm concerned I made it up so here's here's how the rocky chair clothes works I'm like when you say you need to think about it I was like you don't really think we're going to think
about it right because like what's what's going to happen you're not going to like drive out of here go home sit on sit in a rocking chair on your porch and be like hmm am I going to join this program or not right of course not what are you going to do I was like you can get in your car you're gonna check your phone you're gonna see six mixed text messages and you're gonna be like oh [ __ ] I could pick up the laundry I gotta do the dry cleaner I gotta pick up
Timmy from school I gotta get food I gotta order pizza whatever it is right all this [ __ ] and then five days from now you're gonna put on one of your skirts you're gonna check your bank account and it's gonna be like oh this is tight and in that minute you're like I should have done that thing that's when you made the decision right then then you keep living your life and you do another five years until it gets painful enough so you don't need and you've heard this one from me before you don't
need time to make a decision you need information and I'm your source of information so what are the main things you're thinking about how are you making the decision so we're bringing it to the present right we're not letting them kick it off we're saying let's confront this what are your main criteria now they're going to say I have no [ __ ] idea because I don't know how to make decisions because I'm a victim and you're like oh you know what I've talked to victims before let me tell you how I teach them how
to make decisions cool great so here's how to make a decision product us you access to money all right so do you believe the product could work yes do you trust us do you trust me do you like me do you think I have bad breath no I think I like you guys okay do you think it'll work for you the way you want it to go yes cool do you have access to the amount of money to start this thing or know someone who does yes right which made the decision let's do it a
lot of times people need to be walked through how to make a decision people actually don't make that many decisions it's kind of crazy we make lots of micro decisions they don't make big ones so you have to teach them how to make decisions many of you guys suck at making big decisions you have to learn having a framework that's why all these investors talk about having a lattice work of decision making Frameworks that's why I do a lot of framework stuff it's gonna have to make a lot of big stake decisions all the time
big strategic directions big checks like you have to make big decisions you have to have a framework of being able to do it and remove your emotions if it checks the boxes you do the deal this one's really good if you ever have the opportunity to do free trial stuff it's just or free trial and or money back guarantee stuff the third one is [ __ ] fire which is listen can we both agree that you just need to make an informed decision they're going to say yes that's what I need an informed decision absolutely
they're gonna that's taking the bait that's what that is all right you're like okay you need to make informed decision well how can you make informed decision without doing it huh got me there like so why don't we do this let's get you started and if 30 days in you hate it let me know oops Boop Boop there we go and if you're 30 days in you hate it let me know don't give your money back no big deal but that way at least you'll have made an informed decision rather than one that's made up
in your mind about what I say or what you think it is it'll Bridge our communication gap because you've got an idea what it is in your head I know what it is in my head and I'm using words to try and communicate that to you that's going to fail versus you actually doing it can we agree that that's a way more informed decision yes well then let's do an informed decision let's get you going right that makes anything you close some sales with that yeah Flags okay decision definition I already went that one over
that one so again when we're in the present we have to tell them which future we're cutting off right did you know it's from nine decadiri means to kill off which feature we killing off the good one or the bad one cool future so you guys getting this pass we stacked all the past pain bring them to this point present it's all about rocking chair time not information helping them make the decision in the moment and future is future casting what I prefer to see positive and negative so five years in the future what does
it look like if you keep doing what you're doing Are You Broker are you in a worse marriage are you know worst body a lot of times literally just saying like what did you what did you gain the last five years cool let's tack that on what do you weigh now 230 okay 270. how's that feel you can see them visually react to this you're like oh [ __ ] you're negative ten thousand dollars let's go negative 50. let's try that on maybe that'll jog your memory right and they're like [ __ ] I don't
want that right and what we're doing is we're trying to decrease the action threshold so they walk across the line make the decision the next one let's consider the options this is the risk-free close I mentioned it earlier I just love this because again we're future pacing the scenario right both these options are risk-free only one of them will get you closer where you want to go so what are we what are we talking about here they're both risk-free if someone still doesn't want to do it then you have to confront what they're afraid of
because at that point it makes no logical sense which means there's an emotional need I love this one well you're not going to struggle forever right they're like well no I'm not going to struggle forever you're like right well if you're gonna start getting in shape eventually you might as well do it now why would you not want to be in shape longer in your life would you rather only be in shape for like three years or for like 30. I promise you it's way cooler to do it for longer right you're right and so
this last one is probably one of the strongest decision frames that I can give you guys all right I'm emphasizing this on purpose and this comes with all decisions so like if if if I'm ever allowed it in the future praised in the future for making good decisions this is probably the single framework that I use the most which is not will this get me what I want but will this get me closer or further to what I want because the thing is Willis get me what I want needs a high amount of predictive value
like to really say this will get me that really tough and you'll be wrong a lot and that can be very discouraging but simply saying okay I've got two paths this one will get me closer will this be everything I need to get there probably not but will get me closer yeah I think so and when it comes to education in my opinion the more educated you are the closer you'll get to where you're going because you'll have context to see the path more clearly and so the problem is a lot of sandies right are
sitting there and they're like well you say it's this and that guy said Bacon's bad for me and this guy says keto is good and I don't know what the [ __ ] you know right the thing is she doesn't have the perspective from which to make a judgment it's all gobbledygook and the thing is is that we are all in Sandy seat in different verticals of Our Lives we don't have the perspective in which to make a judgment and so trying to say will the first fitness program that Cindy buys be the one that
gets her to the promised land likelihood probably not some of you guys know many of your trainers who left you who have some weird things that they do and they teach people right you're like if they if Sandy starts with her or him is she gonna get the perfect body probably not will she be better than she was before she was doing something probably and so if you can regress the decision-making framework to Simply like Sandy if you walk out of here do you think you're gonna get close to getting in shape or further if
you stay and sign up do you think you get closer or further closer I think that's all we got to do today and if we do that one step closer enough weeks in a row I think we'll get to where you want to go it takes the pressure off of making a perfect decision does that make sense that decreases the action threshold and gets people to actually take a step and be like Jim Lewis doesn't have to be perfect XYZ doesn't have to be perfect it's just we'll get you closer does that make sense okay
that single framework has made me more money than anything in my life thanks appreciate it and real talk I've had I bought a lot of things in the past that didn't get me the thing but got me a thing that I used later that got me closer to where I wanted to go and so the question is was it a good investment well only based on my expectations would it be a bad investment and so if I change my expectations of Education in general which is what I'm trying to encourage you to do with your
prospects and yourselves then you can shift what you expect to get out of something and you ultimately get more out of it future okay no reasons left it's just you it's just your prospect right sitting there Barren naked in the field forced to make a decision right Sandy's looking at herself she's like I haven't seen my toes in so long um the idea is you want to get them to be empowered right and so the thing is is like Truth Hurts sometimes but sometimes the sting is what it takes to get someone take it for
a step and so like my big thing is like I don't want to be nice I want to be kind and sometimes kindness hurts like maybe you need to come back 50 pounds heavier maybe you need to go be poor or maybe you need to struggle more maybe that's what you need at the end of the day it is their decision and they have to have that power here's bonus number six so in my like blanket closes uh this one I separated out purposely because I've used it a lot of times it's kind of like
the best case worst case like I've used it a ton of times which is whatever reason the prospect is telling themselves you just repeat it right back to them is the reason they should do it watch this I don't have the time to get in shape you're like that's the perfect reason you do this program so I'm going to show you exactly how to have the time so you can do it give a different one I don't have the money it's the exact reason you need to do this is you don't have the money because
you need to get it right let's see another one come up with one say something spouse my husband doesn't support me that's the perfect reason you should be getting in shape do you wanna have us right you want a husband who doesn't support you and then not be in shape I don't know right I'm like right my wife doesn't support me it's a perfect reason to do this and so whatever reason they present with you literally can just say that's the reason and people think about it a little bit deeper and they're like [ __
] you're right and I think if you if you like it's because like as a salesperson you always have to have a couple of fast bullets like if you're like I need to catch like take a breath like whatever they say you're like that's the reason you're like what did I just say and you're like okay I don't have time to get to the gym that's the perfect reason to do it right I hate broccoli perfect reason to do it doesn't matter because whatever the reason here's the thing is is that whatever reason they give
you is usually the perfect reason they should do it right because it's actually the thing they're presenting with is the thing they're most afraid of and so hopefully this helps you realize that you and your clients are always in complete power all right so rather than casting their power to circumstances where they say it's the time it's the money it's the fit you transition to saying I don't need to have resources I need to be resourceful instead of casting their time their their power to other people their spouses their Partners their kids their employees whatever
it is they then say I'm the one who gets to decide I do not need permission I'm asking for support and notice it didn't say I need support saying I'm asking for it and then finally when you're talking to the person themselves they're just trying to avoid the decision because they do not want to make a mistake so whenever someone says like I want you to translate this in your brains whenever someone says I need to think about it just say I need to avoid this decision in order to avoid a mistake that's what they're
saying need to avoid this decision in order to avoid making a stick all right so it's not about time it's about information and then you need to make sure that they have the information they need to decide and at that point hopefully you've given the person or the prospect enough power and you've debunked a lot of their [ __ ] you've peeled the onion of blame back so that they are the ones in power and then at that point they can finally just make a decision and maybe it's the first issues they made in five
[ __ ] years and you got to help them do that which I think is there's there's very few things that are more noble that in my opinion and so like I promised at the beginning My Hope Is that you become more powerful by making a decision rather than letting your life make it for you being a victim of universe somehow you think that Randomness is going to make a better decision than you because you don't want to be responsible for making a bad one well how are you going to learn if you never take
responsibility for the decisions you make so a few final thoughts fortunes are created by taking lots of risk with a little money forges are maintained by taking little risk with lots of money of everything that I've ever made in my life the result of investing my own education has gotten me higher returns in the stock market real estate or crypto or anything else and all Investments myself for skills beliefs and traits have gotten me closer keep pointing closer to where I wanted to go even if that brick wasn't the last brick and so what I
mean here is that if you imagine yourself I'm gonna go over here so imagine I'm here and I want to get over there and there's this big thing of lava underneath of me and I have to build this bridge and there's a hundred bricks between where I am to where I want to go just because something that I learned didn't get me all hundred bricks if it gets me 28 bricks I am closer to where I want to go and what's interesting is that I've observed this in the education space overall is that people will
attribute their success to the thing that gives them the last brick but if you had 99 bricks and then the last one it's like who or what was the thing that really got you there it's like people making fun of their Elementary School teacher who taught them arithmetic when they learned calculus they're like this is the [ __ ] it's like dude you didn't want to [ __ ] ad before right like did you know how to act can't do calculus right like if you didn't know how to do Fitness and training you wouldn't be
able to have a gym right if you didn't know how to sell be tough to Market if you don't know so I'll be tough to manage because you got to persuade people right and so each of these things are just a little bricks and then we attribute our success to the last brick and this is something again for me I wouldn't think about like what are the biases I have psychologically that filter the information that I make decisions off of and so for me I'm telling you this biggest and best frame I have is will
this get me closer or further from where I'm trying to go and I think if you can relate that frame to your prospects who are walking in the door it will help them make a lower Stakes decision it's like it's going to get me closer and if I make enough of these it will get me closer decisions I'll get to where I want to go because what happens is the perfect decision maker makes none the directional decision maker makes many and then course corrects much faster thanks I have more uh I have five minutes and
40 seconds more um you guys good with that is that all right all right cool okay so um it's why I dedicate my life to education that's acquisition.com our mission is to make real business education available to everyone um because when you realize that you are source everyone here say I am source right you are a source everything comes from you you realize that Superman is not coming Jim won't change coming Alex ain't coming nobody's coming just you like you have to save you right can't ask for a savior it's just you and so every
decision is a vote towards or against the person we want to become and so the question is are the decisions you're making voting towards the person you want to become or just more of the same many votes every day and so people asked me all the time how do you move so quickly and I think the answer is I know how to buy time and so the question is how do you buy time by buying the time other people took to make mistakes that taught them the lessons because again I said this I think on
the first day which is strategy prioritizing doing the right thing I don't do this really fast it's just you get more for every step right and so when you buy time you don't have to spend eight years figuring out the right way to have the lobby set up right when your prospect walks in it's like I it took me and I'm sure it took some of you guys like six years to Wade through the [ __ ] of like intermittent fasting and then it's like no it's cardio oh no it's it's body weight and kettlebells
that's functional and you're like oh [ __ ] you know I mean mind you some of your life that's what I do now that's not what I mean point is that you go through your own iteration until finally you feel you figure out I'll just say your truth I'm just gonna leave it at that so no one gets upset all right and so finally figure out like the thing right but wouldn't it be cool if you just started there because you got to buy everyone else's time like I would say if there's a skill that
I've had it's by it's that because I'm just willing to buy other people's time and not it's an egotistical thing I think to say I can figure it out on my own because the answer is of course you can the question is whether you want to spend time or you want to spend money you spend the one you value least right you're going to learn the lessons either way it's just how you want to pay and sometimes that time might be 30 years Steve price tag not one I would want to pay so ignorance is
the most expensive debt that we all pay every day and this is my favorite my favorite thing I heard this was a close that I heard from [ __ ] I can't remember his name anyways he wrote this thing on the board and I'll just do it live okay uh how much you make right now per year income just personally awesome 185 000. so imagine I wrote a million dollars on here minus 185 000. so right now it costs you eight hundred and fifteen thousand dollars a year not knowing how to make a million dollars
a year in income every year just paying the universe you're like here's 815 000 and guess what costs you 9.8 million dollars per year not knowing how to make 10 million dollars a year every year and so like we think about taxes we think about all these other expenses the one that eats me alive is the debt of not knowing of all not knowing all the [ __ ] that I should know to make what I want to make and that's the debt that really we all pay the most of every day there you go
and so for me I think you should be willing to invest money to increase your capacity for income because once you have it it pays you forever one-time investment pays you forever you don't get taxed on education government can't steal it from you can't lose it in divorce if you think about it from an asset perspective it makes every other asset you have more valuable it appreciates with time it's one it's if you actually thought about it as an actual asset your investment it actually checks all the boxes it's amazing it increases your asset value
increases your income it's great and so this one uh that I like thinking and so for me 10 years ago I had my little Do or Die decision I went for my swinking consulting job to sleeping on the floor and I think a lot of times we have the decisions and I think we need to present these to our prospects we say like you have to do or die decision where's your action threshold maybe you need to wait another five years maybe you need to gain another 50 pounds and so here's my two cents make
the decisions to help yourself Implement like crazy take ownership realize that there are no silver bullets but some things can move you closer to your goals and when those rare acceleration opportunities come in life take them because either win or you learn and both of those get you closer to wherever it is you want to go thank you [Music] [Applause]