one of the biggest opportunities for everyone in here today is selling things on social media and live shopping we sold $40,000 worth of t-shirts in my office last week in 2 hours I'm talking a lot about it and 90% of the people don't know it and in 3 years I will get a lot of credit but there are multiple people right now making millions of dollars a month literally going live and selling product it is going to be humongous some of you are shy on camera good news you do not need to be on camera
for this to work for you I need everybody to hear this you do not need to be on camera for this to work there are many people who are winning in social media just by writing only writing nobody knows who they look like they don't even use their real name you do not need to be on camera number two you're like me not a good writer but you're unlike me you're scared of the camera there's a third option it's called voice you can do an entire Channel where your point I could make content by pointing
at you and talking about it and you never see me there are three ways to win on social media written audio or video you must figure yourself out and be okay with what you're comfortable with it's okay to not love video it's okay to not be a good writer it's not okay to lie to yourself understood social media is free it's [ __ ] free when I landed here and I saw a billboard of this Expo which is a good job marketing I don't think they got it for free you pay for a billboard you
pay for newspaper you pay for Direct Mail you pay for Google AdWords you pay for television you pay for PR social media is free you can run ads but you can post something right now and 10,000 people could see it I how many people here know who I am raise your hand thank you actually how many people here this won't hurt my feelings so don't lie how many people here don't know who I am okay [ __ ] you kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding listen listen for 15 years I have worked every day to make
videos and pictures and written words on the seven to 10 platforms that have mattered to allow me to have the incredibly humbling feeling of having so many people here in Mexico City raise their hand and know who I am that has allowed me to amass a lot of followers and three years ago if I had 10 million followers like I do today on Instagram or 15 million followers on Tik Tok like I do today and you had zero when I posted I got a lot of views and you got none that changed 3 years ago
I need everybody here to pay very close attention to what I'm talking about right now because it is the single most important part of my talk besides fear three years ago the entire world changed it changed because Tik Tock had become successful enough to start pressuring Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube and every other social media platform I grew up in social media for the last 15 years and it was more similar to email marketing how many people here by show of hands have done email marketing in their careers please raise your hands raise it actually stand
up I want to see it let me just see this is phenomenal first of all that's super cool I love email marketing so thank you thank you you can sit down so for the half of you that just stood up in this room you're going to understand what I'm about to say for the first 15 years of social media it was email marketing get as many people to follow you and a percentage of those people would see your post every day three years ago social media became not social media anymore social media today should actually
be called interest media how many people here are on Tik Tok raise your hands all of people that just raises their first of all how many people here are not on Tik Tok raise your hands not on Tik Tok I don't know what your points of view on it is China tracking I don't know what it is but you could put that on the side you know like the kids on it let me just say one thing that I believe in more than anything when it comes to business business just business you're a opinions of
like what makes you feel good to yourself are your vulnerability to what the consumer is actually doing so that's for all the people that raise their hand nonetheless Tik Tock everybody who raised their hand on Tik Tok and now it's happening on Instagram and Facebook and Twitter so whatever platform you're on you know what I'm about to say you no longer have to follow people the content you want comes to you the fact that I'm standing here in this talk and I know that I'm saying very compelling stuff which I genuinely believe will inspire let
me look some people up there I know that 10 people in here are going to listen to me and do something the fact that one of those 10 people has never posted on social media and their third or fourth or fifth post next week is going to start the beginning of them changing their lives is single reason that I continue to do what I do period it is so rewarding thank you it is I I I wish this on all of you on the flight here I caught up with my work and so it gave
me time to read my direct messages and my emails that are not business oriented there's not a day in my life that I lived that people do not email me and say thank you for the details that I'm sharing with you right now because one social media post one can actually change your life that is insane to me I know when I say it out loud that people here that maybe are not as knowledgeable about what I'm talking about may not believe what's that brother you're welcome you need to listen to me on this there
is no logical reason that a person or a business whether you're an accountant whether you sell t-shirts whether you own a restaurant there is no logical reason for a human or a business to not be posting on this era of social media as much content as they possibly can produce every single day I'm going to make a prediction right now so I can use this video hey Dustin I'm going to make a prediction right now so I can use this video in 15 years so I'm going to be selfish right now but I want you
to listen to what I'm about to say all of you are going to regret when we go away from this and we go into glasses and social media will be different all of you here will regret this one era in the last 100 years where the world's attention was on a platform that was free all of you some of you that have been following me for a long time regret not jumping on Tik Tok 7 years ago when I was begging you to did it I get it and the ones that did felt the effects
my friends this is a very special time in the world it's also a dangerous time the rules are getting Rewritten you all know this because the television is no longer in charge do you understand the television is not in charge and this is a remarkably important fact and so now let's talk about this part of the conversation if this is true what happens next what happens next is self-awareness okay let's say you're listening to me and even if you are making content you realize I'm making 50 pieces of content a day I have 30 full-time
employees that work just on my content I'm pot committed so some of the people in here that are like yeah I'm doing it you're not [ __ ] doing it so if you think you're doing it quadruple it and if you're not doing it start because for the people here that are like yes I want to be talking about health and wellness or gut health or travel or football your football not mine or whatever the [ __ ] you are passionate about you can't quit your job and just start it but you can do what
I'm talking about every evening and one post can start your career for you to no longer be a lawyer when you want to be an influencer about football or wine or travel that's real life our grandparents did not have this we are the lucky generation the problem is most of you are not fully taking advantage of it so for me there is no excuse I understand responsibility I've had it my whole life but I do not understand not changing your life if you're interested in being happier why not and I cannot believe that we have
this and I cannot believe how many people continue not to use it if you're B2B LinkedIn is crazy LinkedIn is crazy the amount of opportunity LinkedIn every day if you make a video is staggering if you're an employee and you don't love your job or your company your one LinkedIn post talking about the industry you're in away from somebody recruiting you to a competitor and you making 10 or 20% higher than you made yesterday the single greatest opportunity in the world for people to change the outcome of how they live or how their business is
doing is called organic social media social media posts without spending media I do not understand I continue to fly around the world begging people to hear me it's free it's free and the fact the first 10 years I understood it took time to build up to a level and most of you do not have patience I understood but that's not even what it is anymore there are people literally in here who've never posted on social and are going to post on Tik Tok and the sixth video is going to get more views than I get
and I've been doing it every day for almost 20 years there is a level of Merit to the individual piece of content that we have never seen that level of Merit is the great opportunity of your life I'm telling you what it is but that doesn't mean you're going to be good at it I'm telling you what it is but a lot of you have already tried and it hasn't clicked cuz you haven't brought enough value to your audience my friends this is a staggering reality and I'll be honest with you for the ones in
here who've seen me speak before or have consumed my content the level of urgency that I'm speaking on this stage on is grounded in reason it's called I don't think it's going to be here in 10 years not this way I really do believe that glasses are coming and I think when the phone goes away there'll be a reset and in that reset will be a lot of lost opportunity and I really really really want you all to grab it cuz you will regret it and I'm telling you I'm talking now philosophically but I'm going
to go right back to the dirt the answer to the quiz the answer to your question the unlock to the door is social media it's free you could have Nega $713 in your bank account right now and you can make content for free who here does not have a phone does not have a phone raise your hand that's what I thought everybody [ __ ] has it this computer that I have in my hand right now this computer is more powerful than the computer that Ronald Reagan had in the white house we have unlimited opportunity
fear and being full of [ __ ] are your two vulnerabilities there are many of you that are literally not jumping into your destiny because of your parents it's just the way it is it's how the game is played a lot of you are not doing certain things because you love your parents and you don't want to make them scared or disappoint them I want to talk to that crew actually that's a good question and this might be a little bit difficult but I ask you to be honest for the rest of the audience how
many people here are not actually changing careers or starting a business or doing something in their personal life potentially because they don't want to disappoint their parents raise your hands I want to see it raise your hands high please great good I want to talk to the 50 people that just raised their hand because I know it's 150 people cuz some of you might be sitting with your [ __ ] parents and you're like [ __ ] that [ __ ] this is my favorite one because it's the easiest one to explain I study people
for a living and have my whole life I've come to realize the people that don't do things because they love their parents so much they don't want to disappoint them eventually as they get older actually end up having worse relationships with their parents because what you'll do is you'll start to resent them and not be accountable that you're in control and so instead of right now having a little bit of discomfort and maybe some negativity for a short period you're going to have it forever and then they're going to die and you're really going to
regret it because hopefully they die when you're 60 or 70 and then you're going to feel like it's too late and you gave up the last 40 Years of your life my friends let me promise one thing about your parents obviously there are some parents unfortunately whether it's psychological or drug abuse obviously there's some parents that are very challenged but I promise you for the people in here who have the most conservative parents or traditional parents your parents love you they want you to be happy they will be hurt by you doing something that they're
scared of yeah marrying the wrong person taking the wrong job needing them to pay for you cuz you took a risk and you have no money they will be scared but I promise you I can't think of a single thing on earth that is more vulnerable and riskier than living your life based on what you think your parents want it is always 100% of the time a losing formula yeah you must stop it understood the partner you choose in life there's a lot of you that are not doing things because of your partner that's bad
and it's hard this is you could see you could feel the room change when I just said that it's a big one and any partner in your life that doesn't support you is a selfish partner doesn't mean they're bad means often believe it or not I'm going to make this very simple it means they're scared in fact a lot of times it's because they love you so much they're scared if you go do this thing you'll become slightly different and you may not want to be with them anymore and they can't bear to think of
that because they actually love you so much a partner that does not support a part a partner that does not support a partner is living with insecurity not hate or anger insecurity my friends is the most dangerous energy in our society insecurity is the seed that leads to Darkness it's like Darth Vader in Star Wars that's why that movie is the [ __ ] best they [ __ ] nailed it insecurity and by the way just like Star Wars insecurity and confidence is a very thin line that's why sometimes they confuse you ego my friends
you must build up the courage yourself to have a real conversation with your partner that does not support you you must come from empathy because if you come from anger and negative energy it will be met with anger and negative energy I believe the greatest strength in the world is the ability to be the bigger person even when someone is doing something wrong to you I believe in fact the reason the world is struggling right now is that we've lost stability because most people don't have the confidence to be the bigger person in the face
of someone's action not being good we go down instead of up and so I ask all of you I come here for impact I come here for impact I'm also been doing this a long time I'm aware that 9 % of this room will not fix their fear and will not act on the tactics of social media I know it I wish it I wish I wish I could always reference [ __ ] Mexico City as the one crowd that [ __ ] did it you guys are full of [ __ ] I promise you
cheer here cuz it's easy in the seat no but then you leave here and real life starts to squeak back in um uh-huh that's why that clapping is happening whoever's clapping there knows you get the high of this but then it seeps away as you go away it takes Incredible strength to address the two things that I'm asking it's Mexico I love [ __ ] Mexico but it's but it's [ __ ] human and whether it's Mexico or Africa or Amsterdam or New York or Tokyo I have had the blessing of being all around the
world and with all the love and respect to Mexico this is not my [ __ ] First Time in Mexico and I've watched crowds tell me what they're going to do and I'm a funny [ __ ] guy I start to follow and pay attention cuz I want to learn cuz I watch people people love to talk people love to talk people are scared as [ __ ] to do my friends make 2025 year year how many more [ __ ] years do you want to live knowing you're not living the full thing that you
know you can do how many more zero zero that is what I hope on all of you you will learn very quickly the number one thing you should not do which is allow fear to dictate how you live your life the number one thing that people in their 80s and 90s talk about is what they wish they did always always promise and so when I thought about what I wanted to talk about here it was really only two main things one how do I eliminate your excuse because when you're scared you spend all your time
building up your excuses how do we hang out together today on this day and how do I figure out different things to say or when I do the Q&A to get someone here to say today this talk this moment is the moment I'm really really ready to not be scared again that if I jump no matter how hard I fall that's better than not jumping which is 100% true and then number two how do I address the only other thing that could be happening which is actually very practical fear is fake my friends fear is
fake what is not fake is responsibility some of you are not ready to jump because you're the person in your family that pays the rent and if you don't pay the rent you don't have a house you're the person that puts food on the table you have responsibilities responsibilities is not fake this is why I'm obsessed with this this a lot of people don't like right now because they think we spend too much time in it that's fine you're allowed this is also literally the key to your ability to address your practicality issue this is
the only weapon that can solve your problem when you have responsibility and you have to do a job or something to pay the bills this is the only weapon that is practical that can change your life and so that's what I want to talk about I want to talk about this because talking about fear and how it's holding you back that might take years of therapy that that might not be today maybe today's the first seed and maybe in three years this seed blossoms and you're ready to jump everybody here whether it's kissing a boy
or girl whether it's swimming whether it's jumping out of a plane whether it is riding a bike everybody here has felt fear and everybody here at some point in their life 100% has gotten over the hump and then most of all realizes what the [ __ ] was I scared of so that that I can't control that I can encourage that I can give you all my energy that just came from New York City I want to give it to you I hope somebody takes it and uses it to jump but that I'm not as
much in control of of what I really want to talk to you about which is this weapon because there's some people in here who literally are just letting fear be what's stopping them and they're just worried about the Judgment of their parents of their siblings of their spouse were the worst strangers on social media but I also know that the majority of people here it's not just fear it's responsibility and so that's why I'm going to focus on this social media social media is free I just need everybody to follow along with me right now
let's talk about being full of [ __ ] a lot of you deal with the fact that you know that you're not living your life the way you want to by tricking the people around you you talk good game you come up with excuses that are clever you talk I want to tell you about tricking the people around you the only people you're tricking are losing players every person in here if they're lucky enough to have a friend a partner a family member who is emotionally intelligent they know that you're full of [ __ ]
you know who listens to your excuses other people that have excuses too cuz you listen to their [ __ ] and your mom or dad CU they just love you so much and they're [ __ ] creating entitlement that's who listens to excuses I don't listen to excuses from anyone except my inner family it's what you do my friends you can [ __ ] yourself and the way you're doing that is by bullshitting others but I promise you whoever you think you're convincing is not the people you want to be convincing this is the greatest
opportunity in the history of the world literally Tik Tok Snapchat not to just send messages it's called snap I see some of you taking notes one of the biggest opportunities in Mexico is Snapchat Spotlight it's their Tik Tok there's a lot of people on it but there's very few people that make for it whoever here goes hardest at it we'll see results YouTube shorts LinkedIn Twitter X is about to announce their video tab meta never ever bet against Mark Zuckerberg meta is doing its thing and Facebook and Instagram are huge opportunities we are in an
unprecedented time of opportunity there are seven significant platforms that have hundreds of millions of people on it that allow you to reach those people for free I need you to start posting and I don't even give a [ __ ] what you post just [ __ ] post please please obviously there's look there's obviously so much underneath what you should post good news uh oh very good news I actually have a URL for you I wrote a book recently called day trading attention that broke down the whole thing but I'm so tired of excuses that
some people told me they don't have $13 to buy the book so I made a 50 plus page deck for free so you can get the gist of it I'm going to give you the URL right now if you want to get it it's free it's Gary ve and by the way it's real free when you go to it it's not like fake free where you have to like go and then like I trick you and you give me $10 I don't give a [ __ ] it's [ __ ] free it's Gary
attention right Gary Gary attention if you're inspired but you have no idea what to do good news I made a 50 60 page deck in detail thank you you're welcome for the for the marketing who's a marketing executive here raise your hand marketing exec for the marketing execs here I'm just going to talk to you for five minutes before I go into Q&A can you please stop wasting money on dumb [ __ ] it is insane to me we have a V media now has an office in Mexico City we're very excited about
it it is insane to me how much people hold on to yesterday they love a billboard they love newspaper they love television ads and they [ __ ] on social media creative I don't mind the old things I mind that they're too expensive in 2024 and meanwhile the place where brand and sales is actually happening is very underpriced that is is going to be the premise of the deck if you go to Gary atttention marketing friends you must challenge your organizations you were spending money based on fake reports you are spending money on fake
reports fake Impressions fake reach grps [ __ ] Awards headlines the marketing industry is in crisis it is in crisis that is why so many brands are taking work in house it's why so many holding companies are laying off people right now at scale we must accept that it is 2024 I too wish it was 1945 it was such so simple [ __ ] I wish it was 1830 I'd ride a horse eat a carrot and sleep it'd be amazing but we're live now and this is what it is now and by the way in
50 years all of you will remember this as the simple time because technology is undefeated we're not going backwards I promise just cuz some people are going off social media for a month the robots are coming the world will look very different in 60 years this is the simple time now you're worried about your kids being on the iPad and the iPhone wait till you see what your kids are worried that their kids are doing they're going to be [ __ ] robots so my friends we are in crisis we must change the way we
spend media dollars and creative the world is moving how many people here do a lot of advertising or do advertising on Google AdWords raise your hands raise your hands high please if your business relies on Google AdWords in the next decade you've got a problem AI is coming Google AdWords is going to look like Yellow Pages there's only one thing I promise that nothing stay still I wish it did I've been winning the last 10 years I wish I could chill I hate that I have to go so hard cuz it's moving so fast but
you can't hope in business you can't use your opinions in business you must only do one thing in business be obsessed with the actual customer what does she and he actually do that is my religion and that is what I focus on I focus on two things the clouds and the dirt in the clouds i' focus on the first part of this talk insecurity empathy kindness to yourself how can you be kind if you're not kind to yourself patience hard work actual perseverance you know why so many people are struggling parents made the kids too
soft adversity is good losing is good getting hurt is good it builds up resilience resilience matters clouds emotions and then dirt tactics I care about what the mentality needs to be successful and then I care about the tactics today that need to be successful I play in the clouds and dirt my observation is most people play in the middle and the middle my friends is dangerous so get your [ __ ] head right and get the [ __ ] doing and then whyever the [ __ ] you came to today because you came today right
you're [ __ ] here all of you I assume you came to get something out of it do not think coming here is the doing I've seen that my whole life you think coming here means you did it no no doing something when you leave here is doing fall in love with doing and you'll smile for the rest of your [ __ ] life thank you thank you okay so here's the idea we have five questions and we want to invite the audience to answer some ask some of the questions if it's okay with you
I would love to you speak a lot about speed speed and then slowing down then speed again yep could you could you tell us a little bit to all these people that is here why is so important to speed up and then like make some process in order to create a plan we're all human beings I don't think this is going to be confusing to any of you there's certain times in your life that you're very high energy and you're excited and you want to do then there's certain times when you're tired and you need
rest I am shocked by people's inability to not judge themselves I'm going to say that again nice and slow I am shocked in the inability of humans to not judge themselves when I'm going hard I don't think I'm burning out I don't think I'm hustle porn I don't think I'm a workaholic I think I'm being practical in what I feel in that moment when I am resting when I take a weekend a month there's been years in my career where I've been slower than I was because of things happening in my personal life I don't
think think I'm a loser I don't think I lost it I don't think I'm complacent I think I'm a [ __ ] human being stop beating yourself up I think that's a great question you want second question like I was telling you backstage I have a podcast I started almost 3 years ago and I seen it podcasting inry bur so much where I do think it's going now cuz I mean people were on Instagram before and then it was Tik Tok and now it's the podcasting world so words think kind of hand I was doing
podcasts in 2010 when you were a thought in his mind 11 so the I'm going to give you a really good answer that's going to help a lot of you this is actually I'm really thank you for asking that question because it's going to allow me to say what I'm about to say this may be the single thing that helps a lot the most people in here I'm passionate about this one I think everybody thinks in or and I only think in and and so I think podcasting will keep going and I think social media
will keep going until there's a huge shift in distribution it's why I talked about glasses but with glasses I don't know how many of you have used the meta glasses but the audio is incredible most of my friends that are now wearing the Rayban meta glasses no longer have airpods that's how good the audio is so when I think about that I look at all the people in the audience with glasses in the future when I'm speaking I'm going to be thinking are these guys listening to a podcast while they're watching me because it's that
seamless I'm not kidding when I say we're going to be robots it's one step at a time this this is the beginning do you know what I want all of you to stay for a second and remember the last time you either lost broke or really really really [ __ ] up your phone how you reacted you see step one step one you literally like if I literally came now and said bad news everyone I have to take your phone and you can never have another one you would be [ __ ] up step one
so I think podcasting will stay I think because podcasting is radio this is just you understand social media will stay because social media is television and magazines everything changes and nothing changes you understand and so that's the game you're welcome change on the distribution I focus on distribution and once I understand what's happening in distribution I only focus on the creative that can work on that distribution that is how it works so when cable was invented that changed the world just like when television I mean my friends you know if you're lucky enough to have
somebody in your family who's 100 years old talk to them they didn't have a television phone so you know people are bad at history I was a very bad student but only one subject I was very good at history and I never understood and now I understand it's how I think I think in pattern recognition I'm good at the future yes because I'm very strong at the past you understand yes the history yep thank you there so we have one question in the audience already guy over there hi Gary it's a pleasure having you here
what's your name my friend my name is Juan Juan pleasure so I I really admire your perseverance in content creation and you I feel that you really do it from your heart yes and like I feel like if you do it I inspires me that I can do it myself too so can thank you for that thank you and my question would be what would you recommend me to would be a key thing to build authenticity When developing my personal brand and to connect with others by never saying anything you don't believe in and I'll
I'll expand on that for all of you in 2009 10 11 12 when I was starting to off there was other people because we all kind of predicted Twitter and Facebook but then I watched all of them guessing cuz they wanted the feeling of predicting something right they were just guessing the reason most of the things that I say come true is because I wait till it became true let me give you an example one of the biggest opportunities for everyone in here today is selling things on social media in live shopping one of the
biggest things that can change someone's life in this room is live social shopping Tik Tock shop literally going live and selling product it is going to be humongous and I'm talking a lot about it and 90% of the people don't know it and in three years I will get a lot of credit but there are multiple people right now making millions of dollars a month Selling Stuff the other thing I'm very good at is I also do so once I realized it was happening I don't know how many of you follow my vriends my Pokemon
Marvel thing but I'm selling we sold $40,000 worth of t-shirts in my office last week in two hours as me as the host as me as the strategist so when you want to talk about doing I never ever talk about anything you want authenticity I don't talk about anything I haven't tasted wow and that's that and that is why we call this community the doers we are doers that's what we pursuing with I love it this thank you Gary thank you for coming I think this is that de because some weeks ago I was dreaming
that I was in this place asking you this question amazing what's what's your name my friend Alex Alex nice to meet you do you have any advice for us to to get our on purpose because sometimes we're just chasing money and we're not sure if we're we want to do this for the rest of our lives yeah don't chase money maybe today this is a thing that don't feel my my soul or maybe but it makes you money for now yes but that's okay this goes back to what I said earlier Alex if right now
look money like I talk a and a lot of you know this I talk a lot about like don't do it for the money but money is a thing in our lives it's okay don't demonize money I'm an entrepreneur I like making money but I don't like making money to fill my soul I like making money to give me optionality to fill my soul and you don't need that much money long ago not seven figures not eight figures not nine figures six figures gave me plenty of optionality because there's another thing I didn't do when
I started making a 100,000 a year I didn't start buying things to impress other people there's a real interesting thing about money that nobody wants to actually talk about most people want money to buy things to hide their insecurity the [ __ ] do you think these watches and Lambos are so there's nothing wrong with you seeing something or doing something right now that is helping you make money that's good for you and your family you're also a young man the first 12 years of my entire career from 22 to 34 I worked 100 hours
a week building a business for my father I didn't start my career until I was 34 years old I was definitely not making money CU my dad didn't pay me [ __ ] and I was building a business for him but that's what was in my My Soul at that time and then when it wasn't and I wanted to build something for myself I went and did that so you shouldn't beat yourself up because you haven't found your purpose yet you should actually be happy that you realize that you haven't found your purpose yet oh
you like that right that was some [ __ ] that was some [ __ ] oh that was a good one Dustin you better clip that that better be on [ __ ] Instagram next week so bro that's it you're good you know you're good at this The Improv is so much more my natural place so that's it bro you're welcome so we have another one here with hi hi um I spoke today about AI but I want to understand how your compan is about Services creative services so how you are facing this digital transformation
of AI in your own company and your services too to me ideas are still going to be the punchline I know how to use AI a lot of people are going to know how to use AI to your point anybody who makes content will be affected by AI if I can make a video or a picture in 3 seconds for no money and instead it would take three people $50,000 to make it that's disruptive I don't think we get paid for the doing I think we get paid for the thinking and so the word prompt
engineer is going to be something everyone eventually is going to know so to me I'm happy for the thinkers because it's the thinkers the people with the ideas the creatives that are actually getting the leverage from AI the creatives are not getting put out of business they're The Architects the Masons are getting put out of business the people who just hear your idea and then make but don't have an idea of their own that is what AI is going to do in our world it's going to do a lot of things in a lot of
Worlds but today I feel that people are still confused because it's early but by the way let's say the AI gets so remarkable that it's doing the thinking I'm never scared about technology putting me out of business I take it on as responsibility that if I see it I have to change my business if my marketing company has to start selling mangoes and hot dogs or hats then that's what I will do I am not romantic I am not ideological those are things that get you out of business fast um first of all thank you
so much to Fred for uh make this every this experience possible for all of us thank you thank you really much clap it up what the [ __ ] thank you welcome since last Tuesday I didn't know who you are okay and it's pretty [ __ ] amazing and crazy because the Tuesday I asked to chat GPT who are the best marketers in the world and you were in that place and I started following you by LinkedIn and that night I connect to Fernando an sures and I won this wonderful um pass but what I
want to know please is who or who are your mentors and how did you found did you find sorry your passion and how you don't quick in this passion thank you you're welcome mental mentally passionately emotionally my mentor are my parents that's it professionally marketing you're you're my mentor and he's my mentor the reason I became who I became in marketing is I've never read a marketing book in my life in my life I've written a lot of them I have only since I was 6 years old been mentored by you all of you I
have been 100% for the last 43 years of my life making every marketing decision by watching human beings the humans are my mentors they're my boss they show me and when social media came along I accelerated because I didn't have to just watch them in real life anymore I could consume them at scale on social media there hasn't been an election that has surprised me not just in America anywhere there's not been a fashion trend that has surprised me there has not been a decline or an emergence of popular culture I talk a lot for
a lot of people cuz I put out a lot of content but 99% of what I do for a living is is listen I'm watching and so my mentor is the world hello hello there you go hello there you go thank you Gary I'm Lucas Lucas hello Lucas and I just want to share a little story please last year I saw you for the very first time in K in K Festival yes sir and you inspired me a lot thank you and I cannot believe that today I shared this stage with you because I just
opened the event today amazing and I just want to tell you that if I did it you also can do it okay so cheers for yourself and thank you very much you're so inspiring let's clap it up for our opener today question I have question for you you can't predict Trends I don't I don't I don't predict Trends I'm very fast at observing Trends then jumping I don't have any fear of wasting my time many of you you like that many of you don't jump on things cuz you think it might be a fad and
you're like well if I give Tik Tok all my energy and it disappears like Vine or like Peach well that was a waste of time you're wrong the reason I was so good at Snapchat and Tik Tok was all the hours I spent on Vine and social Cam and photo booth apps that you don't even remember I learned the craft of short form video on other platforms and then one stuck you value your time when your time is not that valuable yeah that one [ __ ] hurt you notice you notice there's a lot of
people with ego and they're like I don't have time you have [ __ ] time I have 3,000 employees I produce 50 pieces of content a day I have three full-time admins just to check my email and I have time the [ __ ] are you talking about and what is Gary speak going where where are you going me I mean if I was born in America I'd be going to the White House but I wasn't so you know what honestly I know uh that's a little bit of a joke I I already I'm not
going anywhere I've been where I'm going I am a person that deeply loves his family I'm a person who deeply loves positivity over negativity and I'm a person that feels guilt with how fortunate my circumstances were I was born in the Soviet Union one of the worst places in the world to be born and I got lucky enough to get out and come to America where entrepreneurship was championed instead of demonized I was also born to the single greatest mother that the world has ever produced and the way that she played me I got the
luck of the DNA but then she also molded me I have guilt and gratitude of how it worked out for me and now I'm incredibly passionate to use those gifts that I was given in the way that I communicate and the timing in the world that I live in where I can reach everyone to try to do for all of you what my mom did for me yeah that's so where am I going I'm going to be in the same place for the rest of my life I promise you I'm going to build businesses I'm
going to spend time with my family and I'm going to continue to put out information that I think could help people with no expectation in return I am comfortable to sell things when I'm excited to sell them but I don't see much changing for me because this is who I've always been long before any of you knew who I was amazing amazing one last advice oh you have one yes last question yeah hi Gary my name is Veronica hi Veronica I'm a holistic therapist yes a holistic consultant amazing we are facing a shift of Paradigm
yes an Epoch is ending and a new EPO is coming in previous time the Cs were were left in St now the Cs are Lefty in digital so every content we are doing is Plas the huge matx and the internet not not the internet the blockchain what you're talking about this is why I'm obsessed with the blockchain the blockchain the internet is owned by corporations and countries the blockchain the blockchain is owned by no one the real artifacts of our society will live on the blockchain not the internet what's your position about this new human
with new Consciousness and with a new white fight that is are raising the May called them the sixth race yes I'm a I'm a very big buyer of what you're talking about and you probably know that because you could probably see what I'm talking about you know I didn't today I'm talking about right now I watched you watch me of course of course so I knew yeah look I think we have spent the last 100 years overly logical the last 100 years we have put the brain on the pedestal the next 100 years we will
put the gut on the pedestal I literally look you see yeah I wish you could see my Goosebumps my friends the last 100 years more the last 3 400 years we have put the brain on the pedestal the next pedestal will be your intuition will be your gut health yes it will change the world in a very positive way the faster the better in my opinion I'm so thankful for your question CU I get to say this as I'm leaving thank you the number one mistake you can make is to not listen to your intuition
the number one I will tell you why if you go with your intuition you will be stunned how much better it is than your brain yes but more importantly when your intuition doesn't work out because there's a lot of variables in life you might have made the right decision but something weird happened you'll still feel good most of you are Ang anxious and not light because you're fighting your intuition yes the result won't matter the process of following it will I hope you hear that love love you hear it thank you very much thank you
thank you very much thank you for being with us thank you for being here in Mexico City thank you