remember this your life is not about you rather your life is about the lives of everyone you touch when you make your life about the lives of everyone you've touched you will never wake up dealing anxiety or worry or stress again so I often don't know what I'm going to talk about until the day before I actually get on stage how many of you here I've done speaking inspire you with Lisa Nichols okay so Lisa is gonna be coming on after me right and Lisa is really one of the people who showed me how to
speak on stage so firstly I want to acknowledge that so you don't judge me compared to Lisa I'm a student of hers but one of the things that Lisa has helped me learn to do through her programs like speak and inspire is how to - listen listen - I think we all acknowledge that there's an energy in everything in companies in countries in groups of people that come together how to listen to this energy and try to give the right information that the energy needs to be provided so I try to look for science as
I've gone deeper in my spiritual growth what I've started to notice is that the whole way that we have been trained to see how the world works it's not necessarily true and that there are two emergent qualities and human beings that when we can tap into these two qualities we can function in the world in a far more magnified when we can do better in the world in a more magnified way uplift other people without the pressure the pain that all the hard work that affects so many other people now these two emergent qualities I
believe are the first is a sense of connectedness and intuition to be able to listen to the still voices around you and then to be able to act on these voices and the second is once you listen to these voices to be able to understand the you and the universe are connected in a deep way beyond what just hard work can produce and then to create synchronicities coincidences movement towards the outcome that the universe wants to express in itself so I made it a habit to listen as much as I could and because I have
many great mentors I would understand from them that the way they build their lives they build their careers also came from this listening so I started listening and what I started to find is that very often the messages don't just come from an intuitive impulse or an insight it comes from a random person whom we meet on the street or it comes from a random conversation here in this room or it comes from a book that we pick up in the morning literally some of the ideas I'm gonna share from stage today came from these
random encounters over the last 24 hours I'm gonna share an idea that came from a book today like a really thick book that a friend gave me last night I asked the universe is there a message in this book that I should share with the audience I opened a page and boom there it was and the basis for this talk came from a mysterious phone call that came to me yesterday morning so yesterday morning I was brushing my teeth and I was asking myself what do I talk about 24 hours from now onstage and I
didn't want to just tap into my logical brain and look at my file of like some 50 different regular presentations I thought maybe I'll just go take the elevator down randomly roam the lobby and wait for one of you guys to approach me and ask me a question carry out a conversation and see what happens because that's how the universe sometimes speaks to you right the universe doesn't have whatsapp so it basically like manipulates people to come into your life now as I got out of the as I put my toothbrush down I noticed that
my my phone on my bed was vibrating now that's unusual because I don't do phone calls I literally will not take phone calls I don't do phone calls no one in my family calls me everybody simply whatsapp's me or leaves me a voicemail so by phone call it means there's an emergency like my six-year-old daughter Eve tossed the cat in the aquarium or something right like a severe emergency so I dive on the bed and I notice it's an unrecognized number so I pick it up and it's this woman from Algeria and she goes my
name is maja I need to talk to vision lucky Ani so when I get these random calls I always pretend like I'm my own assistant so I'm like um vision lucky Ani is not available right now and she goes that's a real pity can you pass him a message so now I'm curious so I'm like okay I will try to pass him a message and then she goes you know it's really funny you sound like missioning did he hire you because you have a similar voice and I and I and I tell Sneha at this
point I burned my eye tells me huh okay fine this is vision but you realize it's 7:00 a.m. here in LA and she goes I'm so sorry I just really need it to speak to you and so we started talking now I don't normally take random phone calls I don't want this to mean that any of you can just call me but since since I was just asking for the universe to make someone from our community feed me a question I thought maybe it's from this girl in Algeria so I want to play a three-minute
voicemail of our conversation okay and you will see where the rest of this talk is going to come from okay so a huh could do it so firstly tell us where are you from okay and your name is Sneha right and you call me at 7:00 a.m. in the morning I don't know how about my my phone number how did you find my phone number okay so that's really funny so so I told you so I asked you for help I said I was literally just brushing my teeth when you called I just woken up
and I was thinking about what to talk about tomorrow on stage and rather than randomly come up with a speech I like to believe that the universe will guide me in terms of what I'm going to talk about and the universe guides me sometimes in funny ways and I wonder if you are part of that guidance because I've never received a phone call this bizarre from a random stranger before and and who is so you know so I also wanted to ask you for a favor what would you like me to talk about tomorrow onstage
in front of you tell me that response you gave me earlier that question okay why is that question important to use makeup it's important to me because I have a problem I always have my goals [Music] [Music] [Music] okay thank you smell so that's really really really cool I'm gonna use what you just asked to formulate my talk for tomorrow so firstly your call is going to help contribute to ideas that will now touch 800 people tomorrow in the audience actually 950 people tomorrow in the audience so first we know that you are part of
magic and in turn know that the universe is acting through you which means that there's something unique about you and and know that when you tap into this your holes are going to come to you really really easily and I'm going to give you my program become extraordinary be extraordinary it's my newest program I'm gonna give that to you and also because you want to be able to inspire other people I'm going to give you speak and inspire by Lisa Nichols okay so what I need to do is to just respond to this whatsapp with
your mind valley email address and Martha from mighty she's based in Ukraine she's going to send you a whatsapp message and welcome you on board mind ally all access and actually no what I'm just gonna give you everything mine daddy all access holding programs okay so this is the most probably the highest value education any human today okay so that that if you like this talk Thanks may ha if you hate this talk just find her on Instagram and let her know so would its may huh asked for she said look I have so many
goals what's the fastest way to get there so I want to make this talk about that because so many of us have multiple goals I'm gonna snow I got into this idea very early studying the work of Jose Silva who was one of the pioneers of mine science in America like that photo was taken probably in the 1950s or 60s I'm gonna come to that picture in a moment but first notice mayhaw listed three things three goals that she wants to to see emerge in her life be a better speaker and so on I want
you to close your eyes and I want you to think of three goals just three things you would like to have emerge in your life do it really quickly I'm gonna give you a minute and then you're gonna share it with the person next to you great I want you to keep those three goals so ideas in your mind as we go to this presentation because you're gonna use these as a reference point so smae house question was how do I move towards my goals I have so many of them but all of us face
this these barriers these these blocks now I want to share with you what I've learned now this doesn't mean it's scientifically accurate or that it is the best way I want to share with you what I learned layer by layer over the last 25 years from different teachers because my job in the world is to be the aggregator my job is to aggregate all of personal growth through all of these multiple incredible individuals and wisdom teachers and present them to a MindValley community with no bias for just my own work so I want to start
with the first teacher now this is Jose Silva how many of you have heard of Jose Silva amazing that that's that's really great Jose was born in Laredo Texas he was a Mexican American psychologists worked for the US Army and created what back then in the 60s was known as the Silva method the Silva method was one of the first great personal growth programs I studied I studied it when I was 14 years old now the first clue in terms of how do we move towards our goals was an important idea from the Selma method
and that idea was to visualize your goals and to make positive statements about your goals when you are able to go into what is called the Alpha level of mine now the Alpha level of mine is a rested brain frequency if regular brains are beating at 14 to 21 cycles per second digit 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 alphas slower it's 7 to 14 cycles per second Jose Silva started to show here in America that this vague concept that we often call meditation is not just for resting your body but
it is a altered state that you can use to Spock coincidences synchronicities and all manner of movement towards your goals so this is the first clue accessing altered states so the first question is do you have a practice that allows you to access an altered state meditation of course is the number one form of altered states that we're in your when you're in that altered state you are reflecting on the outcomes that you want ok ask yourself this question are you doing this yes or no because this is the first step now to in today's
world altered states have become a trillion dollar industry Steven Kotler the mind Ally author wrote a book about this called stealing fire everyone from Silicon Valley CEOs to to Marines are using altered states right now for everything from bio hacking to intuition and so on it's a trillion dollar industry jose silva was simply one of the first people who turned it into a methodology for visualizing and moving towards your goals he never used words such as the law of attraction he rarely used words such as meditation it was about the scientific concept of lowering brainwave
brainwave frequency to the alpha level but that is essentially what you're doing when you have a meditation practice that was clue number one now clue number two came to me in 1998 when I stumbled upon a book called conversations with God by this man Neil Donna Walsh anyone recognized that work so Neil across is is a mine valley author Jose Selva by the way is also mine Valley is going to be bringing his new newest work to the world he passed away in 1999 but some of his best work was created in 1996 the new
Silva method is coming to the world true mind valley so that's gonna be happening this year Neil Donna Walsh is currently a mind valley author his program is called awaken the species now I learned something really interesting from Neil the universe wants allies and the universe is fundamentally good the universe the universe is a big freakin deal so we were in a seminar in Barcelona this was part of mine Valley University and Neil was teaching a three-day seminar at mine Valley University in Barcelona based on his newest work awakened the species and there was a
woman in the audience I was sitting at the back near the AV and there was a woman in the audience who stood up and said Neil all of this stuff you speak about about how we are particles of God and so on is great but I still wake up every morning sometimes feeling depressed and sad and worried and I just feel bad what do I do in those scenarios and Neil said it's really simple remember this your life is not about you rather your life is about the lives of everyone you touch when you make
your life about the lives of everyone you touch you will never wake up feeling anxiety or worry or stress again he went on to say you must adopt this philosophy so powerfully that when you walk into a room your intention should be to heal the room this is the second clue you should pretend as if you are chosen by the universe to fix the world to heal the world to enhance the world when you walk into this room even though there are nine hundred and fifty other incredible individuals here your job your intention should not
be what will I learn what will I get from other people but how am I going to serve I want you to make that intention now when you walk into the room your intention should be to heal the room ask yourself a question about serving close your eyes right now a question could be how will I light up someone's day today an intention might be I'd love to make three friends today because friendship is a form of serving - okay so back to the stage clue number two to get to your goals first one is
altered states think about reflect your volts when you're in an altered state practice such as meditation number two operate from life with an aim of serving I call this Nields law operate from life with an aim of serving not I want to create a company so I can exit at a million dollars that I want to create a company because this company has the potential to serve the world in this following way that's rule number two now the third one comes from this woman does anyone know her she'll be taking the stage shortly she might
even be in the room so Lisa Nichols was one of the most prominent teachers in a movie called the secret it emerged in like 2003 or 2005 there were multiple versions of it but in the final version Lisa was so powerful as a teacher that Oprah put her on stage and her storytelling ability her ability to inspire was was incredible now what I learned from Lisa in terms of moving towards goals was something that Jose Silva didn't really speak about in his work but is truly important and that is the goal or the outcome that
you are aiming for must be something that fills you with positive emotion in other words emotion is a force multiplier so the problem many people have is that their goal lists are goals or visions or ideas that come from the outside world it's not coming from within them it's coming from what media or television or your parents or your your family tells you you need to do you need to be driving that sports car you need that beautiful apartment with a pool you need this you need that but true goals true intention comes from within
and when it comes from within you tend to have more emotion towards it because you're not blindly following someone else's path so that's clue number three now there's a clue number four and it came from this teacher Marie diamond who you will be seeing on stage tomorrow she's she might be here Marie operates in mysterious ways but yes Marie diamond is gonna be here tomorrow on Sunday by the way Marie diamond is here in LA because she's about to be knighted so starting tomorrow she's being knighted today starting tomorrow I have to call her I
believe it's grand dame Marie diamond something like that but she's incredible now Marie is one of the most powerful healers and energy workers in the world and she has a very interesting rule so I asked her once why is it that sometimes my goals come to me with supreme ease sometimes they don't and she said what you gotta understand about the world is that it's not just about intention Marie says it's about one-third of what you create in your life is your intention one-third is your destiny it's what your soul has decided you need to
experience and sometimes that might be painful one third she said is Feng Shui or the energy of the spaces around you now I don't fully understand that concept yet so we're gonna bring Marie on stage on Sunday tomorrow and we're gonna have a talk about that okay because I want to understand this with you but this was Marie's advice now I'm still figuring out the Fung Shui part I honestly don't know if I fully buy it but I do understand that one-third or not all of my life is generated through pure intention there's a large
portion of it Marie says one-third that is your soul's intention for you in other words it is people that you are meant to meet and it's predetermined it's situations you're meant to go through and you're meant to experience these situations and sometimes it's pain and failure that you're meant to go through so your soul can learn and you want to surrender into this so we'll explore more of this tomorrow now and but what this means is accept uncertainty if you have three goals one may just not be in your souls path that's okay two out
of three is still pretty damn good but you accept that uncertainty and you embrace it because you know that that failure is gonna teach you something okay now clue number five comes from this man in anyone recognize him so I met Michael Beckwith in Portugal recently we were having our a fest event there Michael was one of the key speakers and we were sitting down for breakfast and we just started talking Michael is the spiritual teacher at the agape spiritual centre how many of you here go to agape it's amazing if you haven't been Oh
agape go check out our copy it's it's a spiritual church here in LA and Michael is mesmerizing on stage so Michael told me over breakfast so many people in the world today I'll obsessed with this idea called the law of attraction and Michael said look I was in the secret but I can tell you the law of attraction is is wrong the universe doesn't give you what you want the universe gives you who you are and so Michael said don't think law of attraction think law of resonance in other words you have to be that
which you want and then the universe responds okay fifth clue so as I started layering on these teachings from these different spiritual teachers what I started noticing is that my life started accelerating in really mysterious ways thoughts become reality incredibly fast I decide that I want to give a talk and I don't want to get attached to what I'm gonna talk about or sweat about it and I get a mysterious phone call from Algeria but I'm not special all of us have that ability so these are the five things I want you to embody in
your practice okay the first is access altered states you must have a meditation practice the most successful people in the world today have a meditation practice number two intend to serve make your life about more than just you make your life about giving some benefit to humanity and it is okay if you don't know exactly what that is yet setting the intention will make the answer come third build exhilaration build emotion into that which you are trying to bring thought into the world fourth accept uncertainty you are going to fail that's okay Society put so
much of a stigma on failure but if you understand that failure is okay Bruce Lee said for example the point of a goal is not to hit the goal the point of a goal is to move towards it and learn that's what we are talking about and the final thing is the law of resonance you have to be that which you want to experience in the world now we're gonna put all of this together into a simple technique that I want to teach you okay all most of you meditate most of you already are people
who intend to serve most of you understand the power of emotions attached to your desires most of you accept uncertainty not all of you this is one of the hardest one of the hardest learnings right because we still judge yourself so much when we fail or when a relationship ends or when a business doesn't succeed and we blame ourselves but what if that was simply the universe's way of propelling you on to your next learning so number four we still a lot of us are still growing into number five is the key idea I want
to focus on today so I want to teach you a way to really really embrace this fifth point the law of resonance I want to teach you a way to rapidly change your identity so you become the person that you seek to be and the universe responds when I was so I found that picture my son looks really traumatized so so that picture was taken in 2008 I just become a father right and I was trying to figure out like how do I juggle being a dad and also run a business that's literally me working
on the business while Hayden is on my lap and I'm like moving my leg to like rock him so he sleeps I wish I could figure out what is going through his head because if you look at that baby he's definitely confused or disappointed he's like wait God you brought me into the world for this so I was trying to figure this out like all of us are right but I believe that then that hard work hard work was the path to success I believe that hard work was the path to success so when I
became a father I cut down on my working hours I literally 2007 to 2008 cut down on my working hours and what I found is that because the belief that hard work was necessary for success was so embedded in me I started believing and feeling that because I was not working hard enough because I had to make a choice I had to spend allocate you know an hour or two every day to being a dad I had to make that choice now I was no longer working hard therefore success would elude me and what started
to happen is that my business back then which was an early version of mine Bali started to collapse we started losing money and losing money and losing money until we were at a point where we were gonna have to lay off our employees and I later realized that it was a wiring in my head I began to realize that it was a belief that was creating my reality it was the law of resonance at play I believed my identity was my success comes from hard work I'm a hard-working Indian immigrant kid right and that's why
I was gonna succeed that was my so that was my reality when I had to reduce my working hours business started failing now this is when Murray's rule kicked in I went through so much pain and anxiety and depression knowing that a business that built up for five years was about to disappear that I decided that I needed to go on a spiritual journey I attended workshops by Esther Hicks by half-acre I read all the books I could buy Neale Donald Walsch and somewhere in there I got an answer and that answer was this whole
hard work thing is this idea that you have to choose between being a dad and being an entrepreneur is we can have it all but we got to change a frame of reference now long story short I changed that frame of reference and in eight months mine dally grew 400% in revenue in eight months it had never grown that fast before but it happened because my frame of reference changed I decided to believe that it wasn't hard work that was gonna create success it was joy in work that simple frame and reference joy in work
meant I was working less that things started exploding this was the law of residence in action and today my life is very different that picture was taken at mine Valley University I get to bring together so many of our authors you'll notice Murray diamond in that photo you'll notice Rico Morrow you'll notice Nicole Gibson who is running our tribe workshops over here with many of my close friends some of them are in this front row right now and this is work for me I'm running a university but I'm having so much freakin fun joy is
the path to success so that became my new reality now I want to share this with you because I want you to understand that your rules about the world will be true for you but none of those rules are actually set in stone you can decide you can literally decide that you will be successful if you wear blue every day and you will be successful I may or may not have that rule whatever rule you create will become true for you this is why so many pro athletes and I train a lot of American pro
athletes they have their lucky habits it might be a lucky stone that they touch in their pocket before they take the field it may be a blessing or a prayer this is why all the religions count because what whether you believe in Jesus or Allah or whatever religious book if you believe in that it becomes true for you it's all a freakin matrix people and you can figure this stuff out now let's show you how to hack the matrix you hack the matrix by upgrading your identity really fast and I want to teach you how
to do that okay so now we come to the next spot there are seven identities that I think are really empowering that you want to bring in now these seven identities came from conversations I had with multiple spiritual teachers including one spiritual teacher who is going to be a surprise guest tomorrow I won't reveal who he is but he's one of the most powerful shapeshifters in the universe he will be here tomorrow okay now these are the seven identities I want you to take this down the first is bliss Oakland you find great joy in
what you do work and play becomes one that means you are a person who believes that joy and work are intellect I call it bliss Oakland it is the discipline of bliss it is the discipline that says that the most important thing in my life is to be blissful every day in the absence of fear in the absence of uncertainty in the absence of failure you can choose bliss that is what we mean by bliss SAP Lin okay you got that everyone took that down okay second thing immunity to overwhelm I see this so often
in people I hire so many things going on I'm so overwhelmed I'm so stressed out I'm sewing I'm facing anxiety all of this is real I'm not denying that they're experiencing that but what I learn from the spiritual teacher that I'm gonna put on stage tomorrow is that this is another illusion look at men like Elon Musk they run two companies simultaneously and both are thriving Steve Jobs did the same look at the multitude of projects that Oprah has look at Beyonce and what she's able to do they are able to do a lot of
this stuff because the rules seem to not apply to them this idea of overwhelm stress and anxiety is an illusion in fact there's a famous TED talk that shows that if you believe stress it's going to be bad for your health it will be bad for your health but if you believe stress is good for you it will be good for you again all the rules of the world are made up so why not choose the rule that you want to live by so I decided to take this rule that I'm gonna be immune to
overwhelm that I can handle multiple projects multiple businesses multiple companies and still get healthier every month and still have deep connections with the people in my life rule number two you're no longer burdened by the thoughts of overwhelmed multitasking becomes easy rule number three that you want to take on win-win relationships you're able to create a positive vibe and generate great energy with everyone in your life this means all relationships are win-win all interactions are infused with positivity and care this is why when Christina and I ended our marriage our relationship after 19 years it
simply shifted from a romantic relationship to a friend relationship it was win-win I don't believe in breakups I don't believe in heartbreak you simply shift the definition of the relationship but it is still win-win both parties benefit if I part ways with a business partner or an author we don't bring in lawyers to haggle about assets I asked them what is it that you want that is gonna serve you they're like okay I love these pieces great you take them all my business relationships are based on one thing contract or no contract revenue or not
this person who is doing business with me if they walk away from the interaction with MindValley and they feel that we were not less than loving and conscious we've already failed so I rarely work with lawyers anymore I'm not saying we don't need lawyers my CFO still make sure that we have legal contracts but I tell every author who comes into my life look my commitment is you love our relationship as businesses as me as founder of mine Valley and you as the author everything in my life has to be win-win and this is possible
too that the world tells you it's not number for inspiration on demand all of us have access to this as soon as you believe that you can tap into inspiration on demand it starts speaking to you but it may not be the usual ways you think it may not be dreams it may not be intuition it may be that random phone call from a girl in Algeria who found your number on the Internet and to this day I don't know how my number got on the internet but inspiration on the man the universe can talk
to you in any way it wants there's a beautiful book called big magic how many of you have read big magic ok great book right bye bye bye and now in big magic Elizabeth Gilbert in big magic Elizabeth Gilbert has a beautiful line she says the universe doesn't play favorites the universe will whisper to you and the universe can choose anybody it wants to whisper it's next grand plan to your job is to act on that and if you don't act on that the universe basically will go look it's not a new it's no big
deal I'll just go to the next person the universe is whispering to all of you all the time but you got to give it a signal that you're willing to listen now that signal by the way is why Neale Donald Walsch said live in life with the intention to serve if you decide that you want to serve the planet the ecology or you want to serve you want to serve kids in need that is a clue you're raising your hand for the universe to whisper to you so what I found is a very benefit then
as a beneficial model of living is to decide what areas of this planet we want to serve and to wait for those whispers but again you don't even need to wait if you believe you need to wait you will wait I simply meditate and I stop talking and I trust the downloads that I'm getting this is inspiration on demand now I've started experimenting with other ways to get inspiration on demand peyote ceremonies ayahuasca neuro training and I found that all of these things from plant medicine to neuro training mind-blowing stuff I recently did an ayahuasca
trip and for five hours straight the universe downloaded for me exactly what I needed to do to get to one billion lives right one it was five hours of downloads and all of us have access to this you just have to ask the right question my friend Jack Canfield who takes people on ayahuasca trips to Costa Rica says there are three big questions that are very useful to ask so you guys might want to take this down the first question is show me who what become or show me who I need to become now you
don't have to do i or wanna go to Costa Rica it's one of many different ways you can do this with neuro training there are many devices that put you into altered states you can do this with meditation you can do this with chanting you can do this in a sound bath there are many different modalities in the world today especially if you live in California that allow you to get two acts out at States so that was the first question second question is show me how to get United with my soul at all cost
now you want to be careful with this question because if you want to truly be united with your soul at all cost you're giving the universe permission to disrupt your business your relationship your way of life the city you live in so you must be prepared for change this is why Marie diamonds law is so important expect uncertainty and embrace that know that there is a greater plan okay so that's the second question the third question that people sometimes ask in plant medicine ceremonies is a question along the lines of heal my heart or show
me what I need to do to heal my heart this is a way for you to heal charges or issues that you may have with an ex-partner and ex-lover maybe your parents maybe someone who did something to you in childhood these three questions our way of bringing an inspiration in demand okay we want to identity number five abundance whether its financial or hell while love and life experiences you start to see abundance emerging in all areas of your life so you want to live life as if abundance just naturally flows to you this wants to
be this needs to be your stated default mode of being one of the newest authors that we're bringing to mind Valley is Ken Honda so I'm really excited about bringing Ken because ken has written 53 books plus plus in Japan he's the biggest personal growth teacher in Japan and I think it's really important to learn personal growth not just from the teachers that we see in the United States but we teach us all around the world right and and ken defines abundance this way he said the truly rich people the richest people in the world
do not define wealth as a certain money leveled it's not a million dollars in the bank or ten million dollars in the bank he said they see wealth as the availability of money like air this is abundance he was he was interviewing a guy called wha-hey Takeda who's like the Warren Buffett of Japan and he asked what hey what does it mean to be rich and why hit Ikeda said to be rich means to see money as air I know that whatever money I need for me to accomplish my dreams my goals my intention will
flow to me and if you live the life like that you are truly rich so this is what we mean by abundance it isn't a number in fact if you attach it to a number you will never truly feel abundant because there's always a higher number but if you believe that love that wealth and money that life experiences that connections are like air and you can breathe it in as and when you need it that is the identity of abundance now the sixth identity is flow and ease it's believing that life flows almost as if
it's blessed by luck and synchronicity it almost feels as if you are held by a benevolent universe now that word the novel and universe comes from the mine valley teacher sreekumar oh he is a famous MD a professor who brings in Eastern philosophy into MBA programs in Colombia London Business School and so on and Rao said one of the most powerful models of reality we can have is the idea that the universe is benevolent and that the universe embraces us and has our back as soon as you start believing this it starts to become real
and you start seeing life moving as if by magic now the seven identity is bending reality this is the one I absolutely love and I talk about a lot your true wants seems to come to you with ease life seems easier as you're supported by benevolent universe this is where you believe that you can literally shift the fabric of time and space to make that which you want happen and then the more you practice this the more powerful it starts to get tomorrow when I bring on some special guests on stage Marie diamond and our
special guest spiritual teacher you will start learning more and more nuances on how to get to this this this phase of bending reality now the funny thing is disguise all of these seven identities you already can adopt them you can literally decide and believe to adopt any of these identities today and your life will start to shift but there is a simple technique you can apply today itself in five minutes to start adopting these identities now if you think of adopting these identities on a scale of one to a hundred it doesn't mean you go
all the way to a hundred but you might go from zero to like a ten today itself and by the end of the week go from a 10 to like a 73 it's that easy but it has to do with rewiring your brain now let me go a little bit more into that so we have talking a lot about spirituality let's talk about science James clear wrote a remarkable book called Tomek habits that book is blowing up all over the world and James Clare says this when we want to change our lives we often do
it the wrong way you want to get fit and lose weight we decide that we are going to go to the gym three times a week but this isn't actually the way we shift so most people focus on shifting true outcome so outcome means they decide gonna go to the gym and lose 5 kilograms oh sorry I realize this is an American audience 11.4 pounds this year you guys really got to get with the metric system that's it since okay so that is outcome-based changed the second change is process you decide I'm gonna go to
the gym every Monday Wednesday and Friday I'm gonna set my alarm to wake me up at 7:15 a.m. now what James observed is that in the vast majority of people neither outcome oriented change or process oriented change actually works these were scientific studies if you decide that you're gonna change by adopting a process what is inevitably going to happen is that the vast majority of people at 7:15 are gonna hit the snooze button they're gonna go gosh you know I work so hard last night I really I really need to like give myself some love
so I'm gonna lie in bed and sleep and just let myself love myself rather than go to the gym this always happens you know you've done this this is why gym membership saw in January and then they collapse now what James Claire said is if you really want to create that shift you go directly for identity identity is the deepest the deepest way to create change you take on an identity along the lines of I have the fit body of an athlete now if you believe that you have to fit energetic body of an athlete
you will need to go to the gym because otherwise you're not living your identity the gym is part of you just like having breakfast is part of you just like taking a shower is part of you but it's literally an identity shift that is the most effective way to change in your life okay now I tried this technique in 2016 I first started applying this particular technique this identity shifting technique to my help my hair started growing I was I would have had a ball ball patch my hair started growing back my eyesight improved my
body lost weight my musculature changed this was what my two year transformation looks if you google pictures of me before 2016 I look older in 2016 that I do now you can literally change the physiology of your body you can change your income you can change your style of speaking every year when you see me on stage at mine Valley live I will look different I will have upgraded myself this is because I'm I am upgrading myself I'm literally taking on new identities every single month okay now how do you ship your identity you have
to implant a trick question in your brain now this trick question first came to me from this mind valley teacher Christy Marie Sheldon she's one of the original MindValley teachers brilliant lady she calls it lofty questions I adapted it a bit and I called it identity shift statements but because I want to honor my teachers we gonna use Christy's word lofty questions so what you're gonna do is you're gonna create an identity statement in the form of a question that you're gonna repeat to yourself once just once during your meditation so if we look at
that first identity of bliss this is what the question looks like why am i surrounded by bliss and happiness no matter what why am i surrounded by bliss and happiness no matter what so here's what's going on firstly a lot of people believe in affirmations how many of you here do affirmations awesome phenomenal except that Jose Silva in the 1980s after studying about a million people who did the Silva method declared that affirmations are often useless now why they useless they are it's not that the affirmation is useless it is the energy or the intent
behind the affirmation too many people might say I am so happy no matter what but in their mind there's a voice going are you were a real grumpy last night [Laughter] so they don't truly believe it they're trying to force it now what's going on here is that you are tricking your brain you're not making a declaration you are asking a question you are combining a declaration which is in tension with a question which opens you up to inspiration so what did I say were the two most emergent human qualities that schools need to teach
us intuition and intention the power of our mind to influence our reality what you're doing with the lofty question is you're combining both you are giving forth an intention but you're opening your subconscious to the inspiration on how to get there by phrasing it as a question do you guys see what I'm doing here okay so you don't say why am i so blissful and happy no matter what sorry you don't say I'm little and happy no matter what you say why am i surrounded by bliss and happiness no matter what when this happens that
nagging voice in your head cannot counter it because you're not stating a declaration you are asking a question and everyone has a right to ask a question now if you're thinking what nagging works I don't have a nagging voice that's the voice okay so first identity statement bliss this is the question I formulated and you can feel free to take this adapt this rewrite it the word no matter what comes from Lisa Nichols book no matter what okay number two immunity to overwhelm why am I able to do so much in so little time so
I asked myself this question every morning and when I go through my day I have no overwhelm why am i able to do so much in so little time one of the members of my team Agatha tells me we are convinced mission that you secretly have a time machine how are you able to like get things done so fast it's because of this simple lofty question I asked myself in the morning the third one win-win relationships why am I always surrounded by love and amazing people whom am deeply connected to why am I always surrounded
by love and amazing people whom I'm deeply connected to this is why I have so many friends in my life I asked myself this question every single morning why am I always surrounded by love and amazing people whom I'm deeply connected to for inspiration on demand why am I so brilliant so genius and so able to tap into source for instant inspiration ask yourself this you can take on these identities easily guys we're all made of the same stuff I was watching a movie called the current Wars and it was about Edison and Nikola Tesla
and in that movie does this brilliant scene where Tesla invents the AC moto in his head the entire model invented in his head and George Westinghouse goes to him to buy the rights to this model and George Westinghouse says can you demo it to me and Tesla goes of course not and George Westinghouse ghost how do I know it works Tesla goes I designed it I built it I tested it all in my head of course it works and the AC motor did work it's it's why it's why Elon named this car after Tesla now
all of us have access to that so inspiration on demand you simply have to adopt this identity and you can like you can jump into it with this question now the next one is abundance why am I so good at making keeping and multiplying money this is a great question to ask yourself I used to be very irresponsible with money I know no method no formula I started asking myself this question I became super organized with money why am I so good at making keeping and multiplying money next flow and ease why does the universe
always have my back I love the simplicity of this question why does the universe always have my back so I always believed that the universe always has my back it's a really fun way of living because no matter what goes wrong you know you have someone who has your back and it's a really powerful someone who doesn't judge you next bending reality why do my dreams and goals come to me with such ease and speed okay now you can invent your own question these were just some examples right you can literally invent your own question
I want to get some examples from the audience pick a category a quality that you want to bring into your life it doesn't have to be d7 it could be anything else it could be something on parenting it could be something on romance it could be something on building your business and entrepreneurship it could be something as a writer I want you to create a question right now and then we're going to share it with the audience and remember there is no monopoly or trademark on questions so if you hear someone else say a question
and you decide that's good you can write it down too so I'm gonna ask Mike runners to go through the room I'm gonna give you 30 minutes because I want to show you how easy this is to write down your question and if you're in I want to volunteer sorry 13 or 30 minutes 30 seconds 30 seconds right my bad like I said I don't find these features in it moms have no idea what the heck I'm talking about okay I want to volunteer great stand up please could we get her a mic runner so
she's gonna share a question and if you like it you take it down and tell us your name and where you're from I'm Willow Brandner from Denver Colorado why am I so easily booked and paid to speak Wow I love that question I want that next might run us you choose because the lights are blinding I can't see what's who I'm talking to why I have so clear vision of what I want beautiful why do I have such a clear vision of what I want I love that what is your name Carmen I am from
Spain thank you thank you so much a vision stand up please and tell us your name and where you're from Richard Kroll from Miami and my thing is why did universe chose me to change the world beautiful love that Jeffrey Jeffrey let's hear your question guys this is Jeffrey he started a little company called Zumba stand up Jeffrey Perlman [Music] my question that I asked myself why is the universe trying to turn my life into a masterpiece I love that I left that by the way I want to acknowledge Jeffrey when I spoke about listening
to downloads from the universe a lot of that was inspired by Jeffrey because that's how Sumba became the huge company and became inc magazine company of the year Jeffrey and his brother and their family listened to downloads and synchronicities led them to creating this this fitness dance revolution based on fluorescent clothing so Thank You Jeffrey that's what it was telling us are you gonna dance with the rest of the Zumba instructors later Thank You moe okay Moe magic mometrix stand-up so guys this is more magic he's a brilliant magician from South Africa and I'm just
gonna see it this year but but if you guys want to have your minds blown okay hover around him because he will certainly pull up a spoon and then make it levitate or something more what is your question well this one is on a personal level and the question is why does the universe want me to give a partner all my love beautiful okay right over here Mike and sorry New Zealand my question is why universe ask me you see everyone is perfect I say yes oh how I changed the way universe see us now
why why I was the one who come to perfection in humanity I love that Mike thank you I'm gonna okay so renina Kiera stand up okay guys this is Renee Kira you may recognize them because we just launched we just launched a parenting company with them this week and MindValley a company called little humans so Renee Kira are the host of a new parenting division teaching people incredible parenting what is your question why does the universe send us the world's most inspiring ideas to tell and share with the world why does the universe want me
to look so damn good as I age I love that by the way so Renee's question is why does the universe want me to look so damn good I saw a as I age if you watch the video where I explain I released the video on Instagram three days ago where I explained why I chose Renee nakkeera one of the reasons I chose to Renee's because Renee had a brain tumor surgery that went wrong causing paralysis of her face for the longest time she couldn't close her eyes she couldn't talk properly half her face was
paralyzed doctors told her there was no cure she healed it herself right so this is actually physical physical change happening in the body based on the mind so your story is inspiring Jason Vova do you understand that do you so Jason Goldberg is one of the top teachers of up on ever coach mine Valley's coaching division Jason Watts York he's also the number 22 highest ranked Jewish - rapper in the world Jason I I want to hear your question but I want you to rap it rap my question yeah can I do my question and
rap separate sure all right so my question why does the universe make it so easy for me to be such an amazing transformational entertainer awesome now you really want me to rap sure can I come onstage with you though I'm pullin y'all make some noise all right check it out how y'all feelin first of all make some noise permission all right check it out first of all give it up for me a suit first of all I just got to do that all right check it out I'm gonna make this fast yo what if there
was no such thing as villains nobody to teach a lesson to nobody to backlash at because they mess with you what if instead of wasted energy and effort to make yourself right in them wrong you just accepted you cuz would you let him get to you it's extra fuel to upset you and disconnect you from the truth you're exceptional what if you could love anything someone says to you and treat their critiques is simply a self-expression tool to teach you something you may have actually needed to hear listen with openness instead of retreated with fear
I'll take these judgments because now it's exceedingly clear when I expand my awareness I'm increasingly here I don't mean you shouldn't speak your mind to research yourself but when it comes from your ego you might just hurt yourself search yourself and you can love anybody you talk to for all they've gone through and what they believe will serve them well don't take it personal no need to have your patience shook because everything you're presented with for your great is good I got no enemies not a single enemy and each and every one that was sent
to me it was meant to be to help me go from a Senate peace who immensely free that freedom comes from in me when I just let it be thank you Jason okay Jason has officially now ascended to be the 14th best Jewish rapper awesome thank you you were 22 man but that was amazing that's on the vision scale so as we wrap up I hope you guys understand how powerful this idea can be now when I do the six phase meditation I had phase four rather than apply creative visualization I now apply lofty questions
because I found it to be a far more advanced and powerful technique then creative visualization I want to suggest that you apply that to in the training of the six face that you see free on the internet we talk about visualization because that's easy it's hard to teach something more nuanced than this it requires more awareness and more and more experience and personal growth but if you are here and if you do the six phase insert this in phase four make phase four about your lofty questions if you don't do the six face you can
inject lofty questions into any style of meditation I have 27 lofty questions that I do every single morning one of the questions is why one of the questions is why am I always surrounded by love why do I have such a great relationship with Hayden and Eve my children why do I have such an incredible team at mine Valley and so on you can create any type of question you want but I started I started finding this technique so powerful for me it ended up being like 27 questions but every month I may remove a
question I may add a question and you grow in terms of your identity after you say a question enough it just becomes part of you and then you don't have to keep repeating it it just becomes a new identity okay so I hope you enjoyed this talk but we're not done yet remember smait 1/2 from Algeria if you like what you learned today she was the sauce inspiration so I want us all to just give her a thank you and I'm gonna send this to her okay so hi Sneha so no big deal this suspicion
and I'm here on stage and your random phone call cause you stalked me and found my phone number online please don't ever reveal that to anyone resulted in me giving a training here to 950 people so we I want you all to say we love you Sneha one two three [Applause] that's awesome so I will send this to her and the reason I wanted to bring smait her into this equation is because I want you to understand that the universe operates through all of us Sneha called me because she was going through some pain and
she felt she just desperately needed to reach out she didn't understand that whatever pain she experienced sparked this and there's an important lesson here for all of us pain can spark something great there is no such thing as pain and that's another identity that you can choose to take on suffering pain don't exist in your life only learning and only things that help you evolve as a soul so you see it's all an illusion it's all a game you can choose to shift anything instantly you can walk out of this room right now today and
be a different person and that is my greatest wish for you guys so thank you and enjoy mine Valerie fly [Music]