welcome dear soul to this sacred morning prayer a Divine moment to align your spirit body and mind with the Boundless Energy of creation as you begin this day know that you are deeply loved infinitely supported and divinely guided sit in a comfortable position or remain lying down if that feels right close your eyes gently and take a deep breath in through through your nose hold it for a moment and as you exhale imagine releasing all tension and worry let your body relax your heart soften and your spirit [Music] awaken Begin by acknowledging the presence of
the Divine whether whether you see this presence as God the universe Source or infinite intelligence know that it surrounds you and flows within you whisper quietly or affirm in your mind dear Divine Creator I open my heart to you this morning I invite your love your wisdom and your energy into my life today I am here ready to receive feel a warm light gently descending upon you as if the heavens are opening [Music] this light surrounds you filling every cell of your being with peace love and [Music] gratitude take a moment to express deep gratitude
for all that you have and all that is coming with each breath allow your gratitude to expand say softly or in your heart heart thank you for this beautiful day thank you for the air I breathe the love I feel and the opportunities that await me thank you for the lessons of the past and the possibilities of the future I am grateful for the gift of Life feel the energy of gratitude radiating from from your heart like ripples on a calm [Music] lake this vibration attracts more blessings into your life now visualize yourself in perfect
alignment with the Divine flow of the universe imagine standing under a waterfall of Golden Light cascading over you cleansing your energy and Awakening your soul [Music] see yourself moving through your day with Grace and ease picture your goals your dreams and your desires unfolding effort lessly [Music] trust that this Divine Alignment will guide you to the right places people and opportunities affirm I am aligned with the Divine energy of the Universe I trust that everything I need is Flowing to me I am a vessel of light love and abundance place your hand over your heart
and take a moment to set your intentions for the day speak them with Clarity and Faith as if they have already come to [Music] pass today I choose Joy I choose peace I choose love I choose to see the beauty in every moment and to create with purpose I trust that everything is working out for my highest [Music] good feel your intentions rooted deeply in the fertile soil of possibility now extend this energy Beyond yourself visualize The Light Within you spreading out to bless the people places and events you will encounter [Music] whisper may this
day be filled with Miracles and blessings May every step I take be guided by wisdom and love may I be a source of light to everyone I meet I trust in the divine plan unfolding [Music] perfectly finally allow yourself to Simply receive feel the unconditional love of the universe pouring into you healing any doubts or fears and filling you with Boundless Energy Rest In This Feeling for a moment affirm to yourself I am loved I am guided I am enough I am ready to step into this day with courage Grace and joy as you gently
return to the present moment take one final deep breath in feeling completely renewed and empowered wiggle your fingers and toes and when you're ready open your eyes carry this Divine connection with you throughout your day remember that you are never alone the universe walks with you and you are a co-creator of your reality may your day be filled with light love and boundless blessing things