The Most Alarming Prophecy Is Beginning! AFTER Euphrates River Dries Up You'll See Strange Things

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the most alarming Prophecy in the Bible is not the Rapture it's not the appearance of the Antichrist or even the mysterious appearance of the two witnesses who come to the Earth to preach the gospel the most alarming Prophecy in the Bible is the emergence of some of the most fierce and wicked beings the Earth has ever seen they are the demonic angels from the Euphrates River but before we get to that just take a moment to read what Revelation 16:12 says the sixth Angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates and its water
was dried up to prepare the way for the Kings from the East now in recent times the media have reported The Following over the past decades the flow in the Euphrates Tigress river system has decreased to almost half of the annual average flow during dry years the water levels in the Euphrates are currently at one of their lowest points in recorded history when will the Euphrates dry up levels are dangerously low and the concern is that the river will dry up completely by 2040 while the Euphrates River drying up will have a terrible impact on
the civilizations of today it does tell us the story of many of the civilizations of years past so what happens when the Euphrates River dries up well for context there are seven trumpet judgments that will take place during the tribulation period the first trumpet according to the Bible hail and fire mixed with blood are thrown down to the Earth causing destruction of vegetation and trees for the second trumpet a great burning mountain is thrown into the sea the third trumpet will see a great star falling from the sky and it poisons a third of rivers
and springs causing many to die for the fourth trumpet the Earth will see a third of the sun moon and stars are struck resulting in a third of the day and night being darkened for the fifth trumpet a bottomless pit is open releasing demonic locusts that torment people and then the sixth trumpet this is where we should pay attention the sixth trumpet will be the introduction of four devilish mercenaries four angels are released to kill a third of mankind with an army of 200 million Horsemen resulting in great Devastation and death this all begins when
a voice commands release the four Angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates these four Angels most likely fallen angels that are now demons who were cast from Heaven along with Satan the reality is that right now God is keeping them imprisoned until their appointed time and when they are released a third of humans on this Earth are killed the Bible gives us more clarity about this event in Revelation 9:1 17-19 which says and in my vision I saw the horses and the Riders sitting on them the Riders wore armor that was fiery red
and dark blue and yellow the horses had heads like lions and fire and smoke and burning sulfur billowed from their mouths onethird of all the people on Earth were killed by these three plagues by the fire and smoke and burning sulfur that came from the mouths of the horses their power was in their mouths and in their tails for their tails had heads like snakes with the power to in your people a few noteworthy points God has kept these four Fallen Angels Bound for a very specific time period in history they are to be released
only for a specific mission of Destruction but why are these four so unique in the sense that there is only one other creature who was bound at the bottomless pit for a thousand years and this is the devil but this happens later on in Revelation 20 but it highlights the severity of these Fallen Angels the third point is that these four angels in the Euphrates are in a separate category to other Fallen Angels because here is what the Bible tells us about the location of other Fallen Angels second Peter 2:4 says for if God did
not spare the Angels who sinned but cast them down to Hell and delivered them into chains of Darkness to be reserved for judgment so the other Fallen Angels who rebelled in heaven were cast down to Hell and right now they are in Chains awaiting judgment but what is it about the Four Angels Bound in Euphrates why are they kept only for the tribulation and other Fallen Angels aren't well some have suggested that these angels are the actual representation of what the devil came on this Earth to do to kill steal and destroy hence why they
will only be released at the very end of time now for a moment let's take a look at five other not events where extraordinary things strange things have either happened or have been prophesied to happen in the future to begin with at number five we have the destroying angel or rather the angel of death for this event we have to go back to the Old Testament after Pharaoh refused to listen to Moses regarding the freedom of the children of Israel God sent 10 plagues to Egypt these 10 plagues included the River Nile turning to blood
frogs covering the land in infestations animals dying the Egyptians getting skin diseases complete darkness for 3 days and the most frightening of those plagues was to do with the angel of death Moses told God's people to put the blood of a lamb on the doorpost of their home his instruction was that when the Lord passes through the land to strike down the Egyptians when he sees the blood on the top and sides of the door frame the Lord will pass over your home he will not permit his death angel to enter your house and strike
you down so the people of Israel did just as the Lord had instructed them and that night at midnight the Lord struck down all the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt from the firstborn son of pharaoh who sat on his throne to the firstborn son of the prisoner in the dungeon even the firstborn of their livestock were killed pharaoh and all his officials and all the people of Egypt woke up during the night and loud wailing Was Heard throughout the land of Egypt at number four we have a glimpse into the depths of the
earth a man named Kora led a rebellion against Moses and Aaron while they were leading the children of Israel Kora conspired against Moses and demanded that they all be allowed to serve as high priests even though there was no instruction from God regarding this the Bible tells us that Kora stirred up the entire Community against Moses and Aaron and so what happened well imagine this scene Moses receives a warning from God the judgment will come to Kora and so Moses tells the people to stay away from Kora and his followers then the Bible tells us
in numbers 16:31 and 33 that the ground suddenly split open beneath them the Earth opened its mouth and swallowed the men along with their households and all their followers who were standing with them and everything they owned so they went down down alive into the grave along with all their belongings the Earth closed over them and they all vanished from among the people of Israel at number three we have an event that has been prophesied to happen the appearance of the two witnesses two men who never died but these two servants of God are unique
in the sense that God will give them Supernatural power to do amazing things these two men who many believe to be Enoch and Elijah will appear when the world is under the de demc rule of the Antichrist they will be dressed in sackcloth a coarsely woven fabric usually made of goat's hair and these two men stand out in the world because they have god-given power to prophesy for 1,260 days these men will be hated by the masses because they will preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a world that is largely under a demonic and
evil influence some will listen and some will not take heed of their message others will be angered and will attack them but the Bible is clear that if anyone tries to harm them fire flashes from their mouths and consumes their enemies this will be an extraordinary sight to witness because make no mistake about it the Antichrist will be the one world ruler and he will not want anyone to worship the one true Living God of the Bible so he will attack these two witnesses furthermore these two men of God will have been given the power
to shut the sky so that no rain will fall for as long as they prophesy and they have the power to turn the rivers and oceans into blood and to strike the Earth with every kind of plague as often as they wish so for a certain period of time these two prophets will preach with authority and power to the world God's power will be so strong upon them that they will literally be Untouchable that is until you get to Revelation 11:7 where the Bible reads when they finish their testimony the Beast that ascends out of
the bottomless pit will make war against them overcome them and kill them and their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where also our Lord was crucified so after having been practically Invincible for 3 and 1/2 years a supernatural Angelic Spirit out of the Abyss will use the human Antichrist to literally make war against the two witnesses and then eventually overcome them at number two we have Armageddon the battle of Armageddon will be the final showdown on this Earth between good and evil the whole
world will see this battle unfold here is what the Bible says about this event Revelation 16: 14-16 gives us Clarity by saying they are demonic spirits who work miracles and go out to all all the rulers of the world to gather them for battle against the Lord on that great Judgment Day of God the almighty look I will come as unexpectedly as a thief blessed are all who are watching for me who keep their clothing ready so they will not have to walk around naked and ashamed and the demonic spirits gathered all the rulers and
their armies to a place with the Hebrew name Armageddon under the evil influence of the Antichrist the world those who have Tak the mark of the beast will join together to battle against God when John saw this event unfolding in the future the Bible records him saying in Revelation 19: 11-16 then I saw heaven opened and a white horse was standing there its rider was named faithful and true for he judges fairly and wages a righteous War his eyes were like flames of fire and on his head were many crowns a name was written on
him that no no one understood except himself he wore a robe dipped in Blood and his title was the word of God the armies of Heaven dressed in the finest of pure white linen followed him on white horses from his mouth came a sharp sword to strike down the Nations he will rule them with an iron Rod he will release the fierce wrath of God the almighty like juice flowing from a wine press on his robe at his thigh was written this title king of all kings and Lord of all Lords at number one is
the great disappearance this is the rapture now there is a debate as to when the Rapture will happen will it be before the tribulation period or during or after despite many Christians disagreeing about when the Rapture will take place they do agree that it will most definitely take place the Amplified translation for 1 Thessalonians 4:1 17 says then we who are alive and remain on the earth will simultaneously be caught up raptured together with them the resurrected ones in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so we will always be with the
Lord Jesus in Matthew 24: 40 and 41 told us that two men will be in the field one will be taken and the other left two women will be grinding with a hand Mill one will be taken and the other left the Rapture will happen in a moment in the twinkling of an eye this is an event that will shake the world and affect everyone those who are in Christ will be full of joy and finally in the presence of their lord and savior but those who are left behind will have to face the Grim
reality of the last days all of these events are almost impossible to imagine however the word of God does not not lie and it has no error in conclusion I encourage you to put Jesus Christ first in your life because there is a promise of Deliverance Luke 21:28 says now when these things begin to happen look up and lift up your heads because your Redemption draws near as Christians we must be diligent in studying the word of God so that we can recognize the signs of the times and be prepared for what is to come
we must remain Vigilant and watchful testing everything against the truth of God's word may you always be ready waiting watching and anticipating the Return of the King of Kings and the Lord of lords Jesus Christ there are three biblical warnings that we should take seriously warning number one in Matthew 11:4 Jesus delivers a solemn caution but I tell you that it will be more tolerable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom than for you this statement comes after Jesus rebukes the cities where he performed Miracles but they did not repent this warning
should Pierce our hearts reminding us of the Grave consequence of rejecting the truth and failing to repent it emphasizes the accountability we Bear for the knowledge and opportunities we've been given the day of judgment will hold us accountable not only for our actions but also for our responses to God's grace and Revelation warning number two in Matthew 7 verse 21 Jesus issues a striking and thought-provoking warning not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven this
caution highlights the importance of genuine faith and obedience rather than mere lip service or outward appearances this passage challenges us to examine the authenticity of our relationship with God it's not enough to profess his lordship Our Lives must align with his will it urges us to evaluate the sincerity of our faith by our actions as genuine Faith manifests itself through obedience and a transformed life warning number three Revelation 20:12 unveils a vivid picture of the final judgment and I saw the dead Great and Small standing Before the Throne and books were opened another book was
opened which is The Book of Life the dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books this warning reveals the reality of the final judgment where every soul will be held accountable before God this imagery underscores the ultimate accountability of humanity it empathizes the recording of our lives and deeds signifying that each person will be judged according to their actions The Book of Life containing the names of those who belong to Christ stands as the ultimate Testament to Salvation through faith in him so you see These Warnings serve as poignant
reminders of our responsib ility and accountability before God they compel us to examine the sincerity of our faith the authenticity of our repentance and the alignment of our lives with God's will let us Heed These Warnings with earnestness seeking a life of true devotion genuine obedience and an unwavering faith in our Lord Jesus Christ May These Warnings stir within us a desire for a deeper more authentic relationship with God as we journey toward the Eternal Kingdom the devil is committed to preventing people from knowing god and trusting him with their lives the enemy's tactics do
differ depending on whether someone is already a Christian or not but his ultimate purpose is always to keep people from experiencing the love of God now let me clarify this for everyone listening spiritual warfare is not something to be feared because the battle Belongs to the Lord this war is not one that we fight on our own but we allow God to fight for us because it's only when we do this that we will be able to wage Victorious spiritual warfare this war affects every area of your life there is no way you can avoid
the conflict a lot of Christians don't even know they're at War but others can see the results of the battle in their lives because they have become casualties of spiritual warfare they're discouraged depressed downtrodden and defeated others are marital and family casualties divorce conflict and abuse are some of the Battle Scars these Believers bear let me give you some insight on the enemy's strategy when it comes to spiritual warfare there are four things the enemy sets out to achieve when he attacks Believers these four things are to discourage to distract to stir discontent and to
bring Discord allow me to elaborate the enemy seeks to discourage you from your faith the enemy seeks to distract you from your calling with worldly pleasure and all manner of Temptation the enemy seeks to stir discontent in your physical life and finally the enemy seeks to bring Discord between you and other believers to stop the unity of the Gospel so here's how you gain Victory the Bible tells us that Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed it's important to take regular time alone with God preferably as free from distractions as possible Jesus wanted to
give God his full attention and spend time with his heavenly father if even Jesus needed to withdraw from crowds and his friends to be alone with God and Jesus Is God how much more do his followers need to do the same prayer is a powerful weapon for spiritual warfare prayer is you giving your battles to God you're calling on him to engage in the battle for you have you ever heard someone say life happens or it's just life when speaking of a situation or circumstance that they have recently experienced there are certainly many situations that
occur which we can attribute to normal life when they happen for example it's probably safe to say that when a baby is crying because he or she is hungry or when a teenager fails a test because they did not study that is just life we might also say life happens or something equivalent when someone loses a job or when they don't get the job but have you ever thought that maybe some things we accredit as being just life might actually be something very different because it is not just about life at all there are many
instances or occurrences that happen in our natural life that are more of a spiritual issue than a natural one unfortunately many people do not have the ability to understand the difference simply because they've never accepted the spiritual truth about God and his son Jesus Christ in his letter to the church at Corinth the Apostle Paul said 1 Corinthians 2:14 the natural person does not accept the things of the spirit of God for they are Folly to him and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned according to Paul when we are
living according to the desires and purposes of our carnal nature we cannot accept the things of God so the question is how do we discern how do we know when we are more directed to satisfy the things of the flesh instead of the things that pertain to God and further more how do we know when the circumstances we go through are just life happening instead of a spiritual battle that we need to be Waring against in the heavenlies first of all as a Christian in order to discern whether we are more driven by the flesh
we must be willing to honestly answer some basic questions about ourselves do we SP spend more time thinking about what we want or how we want things to be more than we spend time thinking about what God desires based on what he has said in his word Jesus said but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you meaning seek the Lord first put God first place him above everything else in your life and place him before anything else in your life life carnal-minded people tend to
only call on God when they are in need spiritually minded people keep God in the Forefront of everything they do and they do not do anything without him another question to ask ourselves is Are we more concerned about our own personal needs more than we are concerned about the needs of other people in his letter to the Philippians the Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 2: 3-4 do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit but in humility count others more significant than yourselves Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the
interests of others carnally minded people seem to always be more troubled about the issues they have rather than the problems or circumstances of other people spiritually minded people understand that when they help the people around them through their difficulties God will always make a way to get through the complications that arise in their own personal lives there are many other questions that can be addressed to help us understand whether we are living in a carnal state or a spiritual one do we love God and people more than we love ourselves do we seek pleasure more
than we seek God are we content with where we are and with what we have or do we always want more are we always willing to forgive other people when they do things that hurt us do we spend time with God in prayer for others even those we believe to be our enemies the truth is that we must first make sure we are living a life of spiritual maturity denying our carnal nature in order to address the second question that we asked previously which is how do we know when the circumstances we go through are
just life happening or a spiritual battle as we learned earlier we cannot receive the things of God without spiritual discernment and we cannot have spiritual discernment if we are living as a natural man giving into the desires of our carnal flesh the writers of Hebrews in chapter 5:14 eloquently stated but solid food belongs to the those who are of full age that is those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil in other words it takes a lot of practice to become mature but it takes maturity to be
able to discern good from Evil there's no doubt that we live in a time in which it's very difficult to know whether what we face in day-to-day circumstances is just life happening or if it's something Beyond this world that we need to address as spiritual warfare without the discernment of God working in our lives we have absolutely no hope of recognizing the difference between just life and the spiritual attack of the enemy of our soul the Bible teaches us that the Devil comes to steal to kill to destroy but Jesus came to give us an
Abundant Life the word also tells us to be sober minded Be watchful your adversary the devil prows around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour but James 47 said submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you in every area of Our Lives that the enemy may try and attack us spiritually God has has made a way of Escape but it does take discernment to know the difference between just life and spiritual battles the carnal man has no hope of knowing the difference but the person who walks with God
will be given what he needs to both see the battle and win the battle because he is victorious in Jesus Christ
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