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A Word of Wisdom
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you might be surprised by what I'm about to share but it's crucial to stay silent and focused about what's coming your way you're watching another video exclusively for the chosen ones if you are not a believer of Christ it is likely that you will not watch this video to the end feel free to turn it off as the message may not resonate or vibrate with your soul or Spirit however if you are a True Believer of Christ you will fully understand everything I'm about to explain I stand before you today not as a stranger not
as a distant voice but as someone who has been touched by the hand of God I stand before you today to ignite a fire in your soul to set Ablaze the very core of your being with a truth so powerful that it can shake the foundations of your life today is the day that the chains of guilt and shame will fall today is the day that every lie you've believed about yourself will be exposed and consumed by the unrelenting love of God today is the day you realize that no matter how far you've wandered no
matter how dark the road has been you are never too far from Grace the fire of God's love is burning and it's calling out to you by name today I want you to open your heart your mind and your spirit to the truth that God has never stopped pursuing you you are chosen you are loved you are his and today you are about to discover just how deep how wide and how Unstoppable the love of God truly is listen closely this message is for you not someone else not the person next to you you because
you are not too far gone you are not too broken you are not disqualified in fact you are chosen and today you're going to come face to face with the r that has been chasing after you all your life there is a story in the Bible that Jesus himself told it's a story you've probably heard before the story of The Prodigal Son but today I don't want you to hear it as just another Parable today this story is about you it's about your journey it's about your heart and it's about the God who never stopped
loving you no matter how far you've strayed in the Book of Luke 15 Jesus tells a story of a father and his two sons the younger son full of Pride and selfish ambition demanded his inheritance early he didn't want to wait for his father to die he wanted his share now think about that for a moment he wanted the blessings without the relationship he wanted the riches without the responsibility isn't that us sometimes we chase after the things of this world we think we know know better than God we want the blessings but we're not
willing to stay in the father's house we take what we think is ours and we run the prodigal son took his inheritance and ran far away he went to a distant land where he squandered it all in Reckless living he spent everything he hit rock bottom and when a severe famine came he found himself with nothing feeding pigs just to survive I want you to hear me clearly some of you are in that very place right now you've hit rock bottom maybe not physically but emotionally mentally or spiritually you are empty you've chased after the
things of this world money success relationships pleasure and now you're left feeling drained broken and far from God but here's the beauty of the story when the sun was at his lowest point he came to his senses in the midst of his despair he had a revelation he realized that even his father's hired servants had more than enough to eat while he was starving so he made a decision I will arise and go to my father and I will say to him father I have sinned against heaven and before you I am no longer worthy
to be called your son treat me as one of your hired servants Luke 15: 18-19 right now some of you are in that same place you feel like you've failed too much you've made too many mistakes you've Fallen too far and you think that maybe just maybe if you crawl back to God and beg for forgiveness he might take you back as a servant but never as his child again but hear me today God's grace is greater than your guilt his love is bigger than your shame and no matter what you've done he is ready
to welcome you back not as a servant but as a son as a daughter as his beloved child now listen closely because this is where the story takes a radical turn the son starts his journey home filled with shame guilt and regret he's rehearsing his apology in his mind preparing to beg his father just to take him back as a servant but before he even reaches the house something amazing happens the father saw him from a distance before the son could even speak before he could apologize before he could explain himself the father ran to
him do you hear that the father ran he didn't wait for the son to come groeling back he didn't stand there with his arms crossed waiting to hear the son's excuse no he ran he ran toward his son With Arms Wide Open filled with compassion Grace and love and this is the Heart Of God toward you before you can even begin to explain yourself before you can list off all your mistakes God is already running toward you his arms are open wide ready to embrace you ready to restore you ready to welcome you back as
his child this is Grace this is Mercy this is the Relentless love of God God's love for you is not based on your performance it's not based on how good you've been it's not based on how many times you've failed or how far you've Fallen his love is unconditional his grace is boundless and his arms are open wide ready to receive you right now let me speak to your soul for a moment you are chosen and if you've ever doubted that truth let this message ignite a fire in your heart that cannot be quenched in
Ephesians 1:4 the Bible says for he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight do you understand what that means before the world was even created God chose you before you were born before you made your first mistake before you ever knew who he was God chose you this means that your mistakes don't disqualify you your past doesn't disqualify you the things you've done the places you've been the choices you've made they don't change the fact fact that God has chosen you you are not an
accident you are not a mistake you are chosen by God himself let that truth sink in you are chosen chosen for a purpose chosen for a destiny chosen to walk in the fullness of God's love and grace but here's the thing the enemy doesn't want you to believe this the enemy has been whispering lies into your ear telling you that you're not good enough that you failed too many times that God could never love someone like you but today those lies are being consumed by the fire of God's truth you are chosen you are loved
you are called by name and there is nothing absolutely nothing that can separate you from the love of God now let me ask you a question are you ready to come back home some of you have been running for a long time you've been running from God trying to fill the void in your heart with the things of this world but nothing has satisfied you nothing has filled the emptiness and deep down you know that the only thing that can truly satisfy your soul is the love of your father but maybe you're afraid maybe you're
afraid that you've gone too far that you've messed up too many times that God could never love you the same way again but let me tell you something powerful God's love for you has never changed in Isaiah 30:18 the Bible says yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you therefore he will rise up to show you compassion for the Lord is a God of Justice blessed are all who wait for him God longs to be gracious to you he is not standing far off waiting for you to get your act together he is waiting
with open arms he is eager to pour out his love upon you he is ready to restore you to redeem you to make you whole again like the father in the story of The Prodigal Son God is not holding your past against you he's not keeping a record of your failures he's holding out his arms ready to embrace you and welcome you home he is waiting for you longing to show you his grace his mercy and his love now hear me loud and clear you are never too far From Grace there is nothing absolutely nothing
that can separate you from the love of God not your past not your present not your future not your mistakes not your failures nothing can separate you from his love Romans 8: 38-39 says for I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our lord nothing not your darkest sin not your deepest regret nothing can separate you from the love of God and right now the love of God
is pursuing you right now his grace is chasing after you right now his Mercy is reaching out to you will you receive it when the Prodigal Son returned something miraculous happened the father didn't just forgive him He restored him he gave him a robe a ring and sandals these weren't just random gifts they were symbols of Honor Authority and sunship the robe represented honor the father was saying you are not a servant you are my son and I honor you the ring represented Authority the father was giving his son the authority of the family name
the power to act on behalf of the Father the sandals represented sunship in those days servants didn't wear shoes the father was making it clear that his son was not coming back as a servant but as a beloved child and this is what God wants to do for you he doesn't just want to forgive you he wants to restore you he wants to give you back your honor your Authority your identity as his child when you return to God you're not coming coming back as a servant you're coming back as a son you're coming back
as a daughter you're coming back as a beloved child of the most high God so what will you do the invitation is clear come back home God is waiting for you with open arms his love is burning like a fire ready to consume every lie every doubt every fear that has held you back he is not waiting to judge you he is not waiting to condemn you he is waiting to restore you to redeem you to embrace you as his child you are chosen you are loved you are his and no matter how far you've
strayed you are never too far from Grace the fire of God's love is burning right now will you come home will you let him embrace you will you let his grace transform your life let's pray this prayer of faith together as one family heavenly father I come before you you today standing in awe of your unrelenting love the love that knows no bounds the love that reaches into the deepest pits that shatters the hardest chains and that calls us by name no matter how far we've strayed I come boldly before your throne Lord calling on
the god of Mercy the god of redemption the God of endless Grace you are the God who leaves the 99 to find the one you are the God who never stops pursuing us who never gives up on us who Waits With Arms Wide Open ready to welcome us home right now in this moment I ask for your spirit of fire to fall upon every heart listening to this message Lord your word says that you are a consuming fire that you burn away the dross that you refine and purify let your fire fall right now father
burn away every lie the enemy has spoken over your people burn away every Whisper of Shame every accusation of guilt Every Chain of regret consume it with your Holy Fire Lord in the name of Jesus Let the Flames of Your Love consume every barrier every stronghold every wall that has kept your children from returning to you father I lift up those who feel lost I pray for those who are carrying the weight of their mistakes their failures their past some have wandered far from your presence some are carrying burdens too heavy for them to Bear
some have been running for so long that they no longer believe they can come back but right now father I ask you to speak to their hearts whisper to their spirits that it's time to come home just as you called to The Prodigal Son in his darkest moment call to your people today let them hear your voice Lord calling them by name calling them with love calling them with Grace break through the noise of Shame break through the lies of the enemy and let your voice be heard father I pray for those who are at
Rock Bottom those who like the prodigal son have hit a place of Despair emptiness and hopelessness they've tried everything the world has to offer and it has left them broken but Lord you are the god of restoration you are The God Who takes what is broken and makes it whole again you are The God Who turns ashes into Beauty mourning into dancing despair into Joy so right now in the mighty name of Jesus I declare restoration over every broken heart I declare healing over every wounded soul I declare hope over every hopeless situation father restore
what the enemy has stolen restore the years that have been wasted restore the joy that has been lost in your hands nothing is too broken to be redeemed Lord just as the father in the story of the prodigal son ran to embrace his child I ask you to run toward your children today run to them with your arms open wide before they can even utter a word before they can even apologize let them feel the warmth of your Embrace let them know that your love has never wavered that your Grace has never r run dry
that you have been waiting for this moment embrace them with your love Lord cover them with your mercy pour out your grace upon them in ways they never thought possible Holy Spirit I ask you to move powerfully in this moment set Hearts on Fire for you Lord ignite a passion in the hearts of your people a passion to return to you a passion to walk in their true identity as sons and daughters daers of the most high God let this be a moment of transformation a moment of Awakening A Moment Of renewal stir up the
Embers that have grown cold Breathe new life into weary Souls fan the Flames of faith in the hearts of those who have doubted Let Your Fire Fall Lord and ignite a Revival in the hearts of your chosen ones father I pray for every person who will share this message I ask for your anointed to rest upon them as they share this message let it be like a seed planted in the hearts of others a seed that will grow into a mighty Harvest of souls returning to you let this message spread like wildfire touching lives Breaking
Chains and setting captives free anoint their words their actions their obedience so that everywhere this message goes your spirit goes before it breaking down walls open opening hearts and bringing people back to your loving arms and Lord for every person who subscribes likes or comments amen to this message I speak a supernatural blessing over their lives you see their faith you see their hearts you see their desire to stand with you and your word honor their Faith Lord pour out your blessings upon them in abundance open the windows of Heaven and let your favor rain
down on them provide for every need they have whether it's physical emotional Financial or spiritual I pray for breakthrough in their lives breakthrough in their families breakthrough in their health breakthrough in their finances breakthrough in their relationships breakthrough in every area where they need your hand to move father I pray that as they engage with this message you would do something Supernatural in their Liv lives let them encounter your presence in ways they've never experienced before let them feel the tangible weight of your glory the overwhelming peace of your spirit the Deep unshakable joy that
comes from knowing they are loved Chosen and called by you and Lord I pray that as they share like and comment on this message they would be part of spreading the fire of your love to others let their actions be like ripples in a pond spreading outward and touching countless lives for your kingdom use them as vessels for your glory Lord use their lives their words their faith to impact the world around them let their boldness Inspire others to step into the light of Your Love let their obedience lead others to experience the power of
your grace Heavenly Father your word says that your love is stronger than death that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ not height nor depth not angels nor demons not the present nor the future right now Lord I declare that love over every person listening to this prayer let them know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are loved that they are chosen and that they are yours no mistake is too great no failure is too final no distance is too far Your Love reaches them right where they are let this truth
sink deep into their hearts Lord let it burn in their souls like a fire that cannot be extinguished let them walk in the fullness of your grace the power of your love and the truth of their identity as your children and let this fire spread Lord spread through every share every like every comment every heart that hears this message Father I thank you for what you are doing right now I thank you for the lives being touched for the hearts being healed for the chains being broken I thank you for the Revival you are igniting
in the hearts of your people let your fire burn Lord let it burn in us through us and around us until the whole world knows the depth of your love and the power of your grace in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ I pray amen and amen if this message has touched your heart and you'd like to support our mission of spreading God's word there's a link pinned in the comments below no gift is too small your generosity even just a penny can bring hope and joy to someone's life thank you for partnering
with God in this important work
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