Build anything with these new AI tools (No Code)

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Rory Ridgers
In this video I test out some of the recent AI coding assistants that have emerged in the last coupl...
Video Transcript:
I'm sure you guys have seen recently in the AI space there been an explosion of these tools that are making it easier and easier to create web apps it sort of started with Claude 3.5 Sonic and now there's things like cursor the repli agent VZ and all of these things are just making it easier and easier and easier for anyone to be able to create their own web apps so today in this video I want to go through and test out some of these different tools and just show you how easy it is to make
things like simple tools that you can sell to businesses or even just use them as free gifts to get a foot in the door with these businesses or more complex sort of mini softwares that you can also sell to businesses but obviously for a little bit more money if you haven't seen me before my name is Rory rides and I'm an AI Enthusiast and I'm passionate about helping business owners integrate AI into their businesses so if that's something you might be interested in then do consider subscribing and sticking around for the video okay so to
start off we're going to be in chat GPT I'm going to go over to the 01 preview which is the new model and what I want to do is just ask it to give me a list of different web apps and tools that I can make for different Industries ranging from the easiest to the hardest so the most simple things are going to be like little calculators and things like that for businesses and it's going to range into more complex things and what I also wanted to do is create a prompt for me for each
of these tools that I can send to the agent that we're going to be using to create some of these web apps okay so I've just said to it I want to create 10 web tools for different Industries I want you to list the 10 different Industries and then give me a web tool that I can make for them then I also want you to list the the features of the web tool and write me a detailed prompt that's going to help me to make these web tools and I've said for the more simpler web
tools write me a prompt for vzer Dev and then for the more complex ones give me a prompt that I can use for the repli agent and I've said rank them in order from most simple to most complex so let's see what it comes out with okay so this is what it's come out with for the first one we've got a unit converter for construction materials and a BMI calculator and a simple invoice generator educational quiz maker an appointment scheduler an inventory tracker a basic CRM tool a Transportation Route Planner a financial portfolio analyzer and
then a manufacturing workflow management system and you can see for the first five it's giv me a prompt for vzer Dev and then for the other five it's giving me a prompt for the repli agent and if you don't know what vzero Dev is by the way what it is is kind of a chatboard similar to chat GPT but it's really good at making things like react components and it will allow you to visualize the code that you're making can then also deploy that code so really similar to Claude 3.5 Sonic we're also going to
be using that for this video but I just wanted to show you a variation of it as well okay so to begin with we're just going to try out this first one a unit converter for construction materials you can see the features convert between metric and Imperial material specific conversion points and user friendly interface with dropdown menu so all we're going to do copy that code come over to vzo here and then all we're going to do is literally just copy and paste that prompt in and we're going to see what it comes up with
okay so you can see it now creating the interface here and yeah it's finished so we're just going to try it out quickly select material you can see we got these nice drop down menus we're going to go Lumber measurement type is volume from me cubed to yards cubed let's just say into value we're going to put 20 and the result 26159 yards cubed so let's just try one more time with something completely different we're going to go still let's just make it easy and say length from feet to meters and let's say the value
is 1,500 and the result here you can see 457 M so really really simple obviously it's got it right first try there's no need for us to input anything else so what we can do now is we can just hit share go over to publish confirm and publish it will give you a URL here and then we can open that up in a browser and it should appear like this yeah here you go so material measurement type there we go so this here is something you could just offer to businesses for free just to say
hey look what I can do let me try and build you something else as well or you could just sell it really low ticket you know $50 something like that but really really simple I mean it literally took me like a minute and you can also make these things more complex you can add styling or more features but but for now this is absolutely perfect okay so I've just gone ahead and tried to make the same thing in Claude 3.5 Sonic I've given it the exact same pront and as you can see here it's more
or less done the same thing it has missed out some of the features that the other one included so Lumar length Okay now that I'm actually using it it's adding on the other inputs which is weird I don't know why it's done it like that but it has done it um cenm to inches let's say value 10 convert okay yeah so it's worked it's pretty much done the exact same thing as the other one so whichever one you choose is really up to you okay so now we're going to try one of the slightly more
complex ones this simple invoice generator you can see uh users can input fields for clients and service details automatic calculation of totals and taxes generate and download invoices in PDF format so we're going to copy that code we're going to come back over to the V Zer here let's start a new chat just copy in that code and hit enter and we'll see what it comes out with this one might need a bit more iterations than the other one just because it's slightly more complex but we'll see okay so it has generated some stuff but
it's telling me I need to start a nextjs project and for this we don't want to do that cuz that's getting into it a little bit more we're want to create it all inside of v0 so let's just ask it to simplify it a little bit so I've just said to it simplify the project so that I can use it inside of vzer make it all on one page cuz what I think it was doing was making it on separate Pages which just means that you can't use it through vzer so we're going to see
what it comes out with now okay so this is what it's come out with we're just going to hit share public with the link copy this link and then open up the link it should look like this you can see we've got some inputs here business name client information invoice details Ino items and then the tax information so I'm just going to fill this out with some example information and see what it does okay so I've just put in some random information I've said Dan Landscaping at1 123 Lane the client name Ben James at 456
Lane putting a random invoice number invoice date actually pops up with a calendar here which is quite nice and then the due date description I said I cut the grass once for £1 and then the tax rate which is going to say I don't know 10% hit generate invoice as you can see when we hit generate invoice it says that all of these fields haven't been filled in which is obviously wrong as you can see all of these have been filled in but saying they're required so obviously some type of problem there so we just
going to go and say to the agent I puts data in all so I've just said to the agent that won't let me generate the invoice because it said that the inputs were required even though i' already filled out the inputs so let's see what it comes up with now okay so we're going to try it out one more time I've opened it in a new window now because I've published it and so I filled in the exact same inputs going to hit generate invoice downloads it up here so it downloads it as you can
see put the names the address the rate that we charged everything like that and then it also generates the invoice down here so yeah super simple this is also something that you could just give for free just to show you what you can do get your foot in the door or you could sell it for low ticket if you improve it a little bit and make it downloaded to PDF and also make some other changes to it okay so now we're going to try some on a more complex one I think this one looks quite
good the inventory tracker the industry's retail and it's tool for managing and tracking inventory levels the features as you can see are add edit and remove product entries more to stock levels in real time generate alerts for low stock items so this is the prompt for the rep agent this time that it's given me so what we're going to do is we're going to copy that so now we're in replit and if you've never seen the repl agent before then do check out my last video because I make a mini sort of software web tool
with it but pretty much what it is it's just an agent inside repit that you can talk to just like chat GPT or something and you prompt it and it's going to give you a full web tool it's going to do everything like installing all the dependencies creating the databases the user Authentication everything like that all you have to do is just prompt it then first of all what it's going to do is it's going to give us some optional extras and it's just going to ask us to sort of tick which ones we want
in there usually comes up with about four so we're going to see what it comes up with okay so this is what it said to me I've created a plan for a webbased inventory tracking system using flask vanilla JS and also an SQL and then as you can see we've got the additional features here we've got Implement user authentication role based Access Control control add reporting and analytics feature integrate barcode scanning for faster product entry and updates Implement automated reordering system for low stock items and I think the only one we sort of want right
now is the ad reporting and analytics feature because the other ones are a little bit more advanced now if you're going to make this for an actual retail store then you probably would want to have all of these the barcode scanning would be really handy user authentication for the different roles in the company would also be really handy and reordering stock for low items that would save them a lot of times but for now this is just sort of an example demo one so we're just going to add the ad reporting analytics feature so what
it's going to do first is it's going to build the first initial prototype it's probably not going to be right first time probably going to have to test stuff out and change stuff and things like that so don't worry with the first prototype isn't right but yeah we're going to see what it comes out with first so one of the cool things about the rep agent is you can see its whole process here you see everything it's creating and installing quite good because it just gives you an idea of what's actually going into this web
tool so you're not completely clueless going in you don't really have to understand what all of them mean but yeah it kind of gives you an idea and lets you see what's going on he so this is the first prototype it's come at us with and it's just said is the flask application running and showing the inventory tracking system homepage as you can see yeah it's doing that we're just going to try and add a product name and its quantity just see what it does it might not work cuz at the moment all it's asking
us if is if we can see it but we're just going to test out anyway so we're just going to pretend that this is some sort of cloes store so we're just going to say t-shirts the quantity let's say 100 low stock threshold let's put that at 20 add product see what happens yeah as you can see it's appeared here so that's all good so we're just going to say yes I can see it and it let me add a product so yes I can see it and it let me add a product and right
up here you can see the agent's checklist so all it's got to do is build the initial prototype which is done and then now all that's left to do for it is add the reporting and analytics feature so when you have more features the CH the checklist will be longer and also if you ask it to add more features later on it'll add it to the checklist so you can see what's going on and what it's got to do next one of the cool things as well is when it builds the initial prototype there's a
rollback feature here but if it Strays too far from what you want or it messes up really bad you can just click roll back to here and it will take me back to this initial prototype here which is pretty cool okay so as you can see it's saying that it's now completed the plan and here you can see the analytics sales Trends and the inventory turnover so we're just going to do a little bit more testing with it and see sort of what else it does and if it picks up any more errors so we're
going to hit new tab so we can see a bit better and I like this bigger tab actually so it shows the analytics on the side rather than below it's got all the product list here so we're going to try to add some more product and see what it does okay so I just tried to add some hoodies and as you can see it's added down here but I just got an alert at the top which said failed to fetch data but it's disappeared for some reason so I'm going to try to add another product
and then I'm going to tell the repli agent the error that came up so I'm going to try to add some hats we hit add product and it says yeah fail to fetch analytics data please try again so we're just going to copy that come back over to the agent and say I added a new so I said when I added a new product it added it to the list but I got an alert that said fail to fetch analytics data please try again so we're going to see what it comes up with to fix
this issue okay so now it's saying it's debugged it so I'm just going to hit new tab again and try and do the same thing you can see down here we still got the product lists and in the inventory turnover it has actually added the other products which is good hoodies hats t-shirts I'm just going to try add a couple more products and see what happens 10 okay so now when we add a new product it doesn't say anything and it adds it to the inventory turnover graph which is good you can see here in
the sales Trend it's just added sort of random data obviously we could find a way to add some more functionality to this so that it knows when a product is sold and then it can update this chart and it'll be able to tell when the products reach their minimum threshold so you can see here the low stock threshold so when it gets below 20 50 10 then it can send alert to the user and say order some orities so yeah this is a really really simple software that you can build more on but as you
can see it's got its own database which is good you can easily add user authentication in it which is good and these things are a limitation of things like Claude 3.5 Sonic and the vzer dev cuz all they can really do is create react components which is just single page things like calculators or that invoice generator you kind add things like databases and user authentication so yeah that's really cool so another thing we can do to this just because we might want to is we can stylize it a bit more so make it look a
little bit different so was going to say to it okay so I've just been really really vague of it I've just said make it look more modern and add some different colors for each different product just so you can differentiate it a little bit and we'll see what it comes out with okay so it's just said can you confirm the product list show different background colors and products based on their stock levels low medium high also do the charts for sales Trends and inventory turnover look more visually appealing and to me the charts look exactly
the same and the product list also look exactly the same so maybe I prompted it wrong maybe I was a bit too vague with it so we're just going to give another prompt and see if it can do what I actually kind of want it to do right so what I've said is uh no it looks the same and for the colors can you make it so each product has a new different color for instance t-shirts in blue hoodies in purple Etc and make it so that users can select these colors from the product list
via a drop-down menu said certainly I'll update the interface and allow users to select different colors for each product using the drop-down menu okay so as you can see here now we have sort of color coordinated stock so we can change the color here we can go green for for instance and then hoodies will update as green and they'll update in this analytic sales Trend as well so we can just change these all so they're all different just helps us visualize it a little better okay so there you have it guys see that last web
tool could be improved a lot and it could have some extra functionality like the as I said the user authentication you can also have it so it can track what's sold which is obviously really important for something like that but all of those things can be implemented later I just wanted to show you how you can use all of these new AI coding assistants to be able to actually create your own web tools so that you can either use it for yourself or sell it on to other business owners so thank you for making it
to the end of the video and as always if you do want to work with me so I can help you to integrate AI into your business or build you something like these I've shown you in this video or something a little more complex than that you can always check out my website and fill out the form one there or drop me an email and we can talk about some ways that we can help you and your business and if you're just an individual watching this and you're looking to build these Solutions for yourself so
you can sell them on to other businesses then I hope you enjoyed this video and if you've got any suggestions for future videos that you want to see then do just drop them in the comments and I'll get around to them
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