Why did God choose a prostitute to be the wife of the prophet Hosea?

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have you ever imagined a prophet married to a prostitute in this video we will reveal the controversial story of Hosea a man of unbreakable Faith who lived the unthinkable defying all logic he showed the world a lesson in love and Redemption that challenges our understanding discover how this ancient biblical drama can transform your views on forgiveness and loyalty you won't believe what Hosea did for his Unfaithful wife and what it reveals about the power of true love stay with us and unravel the Mysteries hidden in this fascinating story why did God command Hosea to marry
a prostitute hosea's Story the prophet of God in the Bible is as astounding today as it was back then as described in Hosea 1:2 in the Amplified Bible God spoke to Hosea son of Bei during the Reigns of Uzziah jotham ahaz and Hezekiah Kings of Judah and during the time of jeroboam son of joash king of Israel it was at that time that God speaking through Hosea gave him an extraordinary command go and marry a promiscuous woman and have children with her for the land has committed great prostitution by turning away from the Lord to
better understand this narrative it's crucial to know that the social context of that historical period was marked by peace and prosperity Hosea was not just any prophet he is the first of the 12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament his preaching occurred in an era of a divided Kingdom after the times of David and Solomon when God's people were split into two Nations following a civil war Hosea prophesied for a long time especially during the reign of jeroboam II when Israel experienced an unprecedented level of Independence and wealth thanks to success in various battles however
as prosperity morality increased Israeli Society began to deteriorate a culture of corruption and moral degradation emerged Israel began to attribute achievements that were acts of God to ba and to worship pagan gods this story leads us to ask how wealth and success can influence the moral values of a society Hosea with his unusual Mission brings deep Reflections on loyalty faith and the consequences of distancing ourselves from Divine teachings the Israelites broke the Covenant with God and ceased to obey his laws as it says in Hosea chapter 8:1 put the trumpet to your lips an eagle
is over the house of the Lord because they have transgressed my Covenant and rebelled against my law they abandoned faith in God and sought alliances with other nations the idolatry and infidelity of Israel were seen by the Lord as a form of spiritual adultery the people were only concerned with their own pleasure forgetting Concepts like justice and righteousness opting for lawlessness and Anarchy financial fraud bribery corruption and even Justice was contaminated there was no justice in the courts unless the judges were bribed although these events occurred 2,700 years ago the similarities with Western society today
are indeed remarkable bethl and Samaria had relation ship with prostitutes and promiscuous women mistakenly believing this would convince God to bless their crops they also built a golden calf in bethl in clear violation of the Divine commandment against carved images God would have every right to start over with a new people but he was bound to the people of Israel he was determined to keep the Covenant he had made with them however he could not ignore their behavior and pretend nothing was happening the first thing God said to Hosea had a direct impact on his
life and this is how God often acted perhaps you would prefer that God gave you a message about someone else however before the prophet could speak to the nation he first had to hear from God the word that God had for Hosea it wasn't easy he was instructed to take a prostitute as his wife why did God give this command to Hosea because the people of the nation had committed a grave Act Act of adultery by turning their backs on the Lord through the command given to Hosea God presents a recurring image in the Old
Testament in this image the Lord is the husband of Israel and their chronic passionate attraction to Idols was comparable to an adulterer desire his people were as Unfaithful as a prostitute this clear illustration helps us understand how our idolatry and contempt for the Lord make God feel when we place anything above him it hurts him in the same way that infidelity wounds the innocent spouse in an adulterous relationship by ordering Hosea to marry a prostitute God placed Hosea in the position to feel what he feels and symbolically and poignantly represented Israel's adultery with Yahweh Hosea
married g a prostitute hosea's wife was chronically Unfaithful became pregnant and God instructed Hosea to give prophetic names to their children that spoke of the Lord's judgment on Israel Hosea obeyed God and married G and soon they had a son God told Hosea to name the child Jezreel in the Bible names have meanings in the original Hebrew such a demanding guideline was striking G did not abandon her profession as a prostitute after marrying Hosea as will become clearly evident it wasn't a case of Hosea finding a fallen woman and through love and kindness restoring her
virtue he married a prostitute perhaps with the vain hope that she would repent of her immorality and dedicate herself exclusively to him it's very likely that she gave every indication that she was committed to Hosea but after some time and with the hard life she returned to prostitution she may have been simply bored perhaps out of a feeling of neglect or a sense of need unfortunately we share the same unjustifiable reasons for our idolatry when we prefer another God to the Lord God historically prostitution is often cited as the oldest profession it has always been
a common means of earning money even in biblical times according to the Bible prostitution is a sin Proverbs 23: 27-28 says for a prostitute is a deep pit and a wayward wife is a narrow well like a band it she lies in weight and multiplies the Unfaithful among men how could these two worlds merge and become one well it would be a lesson that would teach many for centuries in addition to God's warnings two disasters occurred in the area it was as if God wanted to get their attention in a more obvious way like a
natural disaster this was more than a minor earthquake imagine what hosea's neighbors thought of this action a young prophet marries a prostitute and says the Lord commanded me to do this I guess his friend said that's what he says I wonder what the real story is but in fact God had told Hosea to marry this woman of the night as a result hoseah was the last prophet sent to Israel warning them of what God would be forced to do if they did not repent and return to him in Hosea 1:6 G conceived again and gave
birth to a daughter and the the Lord said to Hosea call her loru no mercy for I will no longer show Mercy to the house of Israel to forgive them but I will have mercy on the house of Judah and save them by the Lord their God and not by war horses nor by Bow and sword or Warriors now when GMA weaned lorama she conceived and gave birth to a son and the Lord said call him Lo Ami not my people for you are not my people and I am not your God the name Army
means not my people every time they called this unfortunately named son Hosea and everyone around were reminded that the people of Israel had alienated the Lord God and should no longer be considered his people as Gomer did not abandon her prostitution there might have been a cruel irony in the name and perhaps the boy in question was not actually hosea's son but someone else's the message God had for Israel through Hosea was already challenging but God also made hosea's life quite difficult through the prophet Hosea God asserted that Israel had abandoned him to pursue the
prostitution of wine and new wine and made it clear that both men and women were engaged in adultery with ritual prostitutes in the worship of false gods GMA was a fitting symbol because of the nature of the idolatry the people were practicing her spiritual adultery resulted in actual physical adultery Isaiah says that God will remove the names of the bals from the mouths of Israel and marry them forever in righteousness steadfast love and mercy in various parts of the Bible the concepts of adultery and prostitution are used as metaphors to characterize people who are unfaithful
to the Lord many of the prophets depicted the people as spiritually disloyal to the Lord to whom they belonged in the New Testament similar language is used in Revelation 17: 2 with her the kings of the earth committed acts of immorality and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her immorality despite God promising judgment the days of judgment will not last indefinitely after the day of judgment there will be a day full of blessings prosperity and greater abundance in Hosea 1:10 it says yet the number of the children of Israel shall
be like the sand of the sea which cannot be measured or numbered and in the place where it was said to them you are not my people it shall be said to them you are the sons of the Living God then the sons of Judah and the sons of Israel shall be gathered together and appoint one leader for themselves and they shall rise from the earth for great will be the day of jesrael beloved children of God this marital tragedy in the life of the prophet Hosea is used as a backdrop for God to teach
a tremendous lesson about his love for his people God loves us with an infinite love Hosea lived a life of deep sorrow with sunless days and sleepless nights because his wife G was unfaithful and planned to return to her old life many times people have the misconception that straying from the Lord is not a major concern but G's story after she left hosea's house reveals that life is more challenging than she could have imagined to help his mother Hosea made a direct call to his children let's observe G's painful departure in Hosea 2:5 for their
mother has played the she who conceived them has acted shamefully for she said I will go after my lovers who give me my bread and my water my wool and my flax my oil and my drink almost like in a movie I can imagine Hosea on the day GMA left with with her suitcase packed she didn't even say goodbye to her children most of the time people stray from the Lord because they crave the satisfaction of their basic needs and the desires of their hearts and mistakenly believe they can find that satisfaction in the world
the enemy is cunning and can convince people that if they follow him and Venture into the world they will be happy but the harsh reality is that lasting Joy is not found when turning one's back on the Lord the world offers no real Joy G's fall marks the beginning of her troubles when she returned to a life of prostitution everything seemed to be going very well for her at first however we will find out that she was on the wrong path hoseah fought for Goomer at every step God also fights for his wayward children at
every step as the situation in her life continued to deteriorate G decided to return to her first husband she said said I will go back to Hosea for when I lived with him things were much better for me G's despair the celebration had come to an end anxiety began to surface worries intensified and then feelings of remorse settled in in Hosea chapter 3 the Lord told Hosea go again love a woman who is loved by her husband and yet is an adulteress just as the lord loves the children of Israel even though they turn to
other gods and love raisin C eges so Hosea bought GMA for 15 shekels of silver and a homer and a half of barley and said to her you must dwell with me for many days you shall not play the or belong to another man and so will I also be to you the children of Israel will live many days without king or Prince without sacrifice or memorial stone without ephod or household Gods then the children of Israel will return and seek the Lord their God and David their King and they shall come trembling to the
Lord and to his goodness in the latter days this incident mirrors The Stance of Jesus Christ when he forgives restores and offers a new life of freedom to the woman caught in adultery this event reflects the attitude that Jesus Christ takes towards the woman caught in the act of adultery he forgives restores and offers a new life of freedom to women Hosea also prefigures Jesus Christ Christ who would one day redeem a sinful World by paying the price with his own death on the cross the prophetic book reveals to us God's love for us an
infinite and unchanging love yahweh's love is Everlasting his enduring faithfulness is not like human love which can solemnly vow to do something and then go back on its word Even in our unfaithfulness God never stops loving and valuing us and always finds a way to reconcile us to himself it is no surprise that Yahweh saves or salvation in Hebrew is the same name as Joshua both Hosea and Joshua are related to the name Yeshua which means to save and in English is Jesus that God chose to teach a lesson to the entire nation through the
life of Hosea and his wife G allowed Hosea to tell his people you have become prostitutes of all kinds of pagan gods just as G became a prostitute with other men yet God still loves you and has forgiven you just as I forgave G and am now married to her according to one commentator's observation hosea's affection for GMA was a beautiful balance between loving tenderness and severe judgment it's hard to imagine a more dramatic approach to convey the depth of God's love for us and how he redeems us from our infidelity if a husband forgives
an adulterous wife and brings her back home that is not an easy Act what does the Bible say about adultery the word adultery is etymologically related to the word adulterate which means to make something of inferior quality by adding another substance to adulterate a marriage is to add a third person an adulterous relationship is one that is voluntarily pursued by a married person with someone other than their spouse deviating from their commitment to God the Bible itself begins with a great m marriage Genesis 2:4 says therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and
hold fast to his wife and they shall become one flesh Hosea could have judged his wife very harshly under the law of the old Covenant given to Israel under the theocracy where the penalty for adultery was death Leviticus 20:10 says if a man commits adultery with another man's wife even with the wife of his neighbor both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death it is important to note that the penalty was the same for both involved there was no double standard allowing deviations of a man he was punished along with the
woman sometimes people forget their first love and by doing so become like the adulteress of Proverbs Proverbs 7:22 in the Amplified Bible says suddenly he follows her as an ox goes to the slaughter or as one inets to the discipline of a fool until an arrow pierces through his liver as a bird hastens to the snare not knowing that it is for his life ultimately the writer of Proverbs reaches a terribly somber conclusion about adultery many are the victims she has brought down her slain are a mighty host her house is the way to Shel
going down to the chambers of death reading the warnings in Proverbs should in still fear in anyone's heart while the punishment of the Old Testament law for adultery may seem harsh the spiritual consequences are even more severe the story of Hosea and G is an unforgettable image of God's strong and infinite love for his Covenant people God's inexhaustible love is a constant theme that permeates the entire Bible offering countless opportunities to Express gratitude and appreciation for the Lord's steadfast love in the Book of Psalms Psalm 36:5 says your loving kindness and Grace O Lord extend
to the heavens your faithfulness reaches to the clouds in Psalm 13:5 in the Amplified Bible it says but I have trusted leaned on and been confident in your mercy and loving kindness my heart shall rejoice and Delight in your salvation one of the most striking examples of love in the Bible is found in the book of hose OA no matter how terrible his wife's Acts were Hosea forgave her Romans 8: 38-39 reminds us for I am convinced and continue to be convinced Beyond any doubt that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor things
present and threatening nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the unlimited love of God that is in Christ Jesus our lord Lord he is the faithful companion Our Redeemer the prophet who rescues his lost bride he is the father who patiently waits for the lost son it is he who brings the son home lavishing joy since the beginning of time recipients of his continually renewed grace mercy and eternal love have been Sinners who do not deserve it and are prone to
stray from the right path and commit evils we read something that should also fill us with hope in Hosea 2: 19 and 20 in the Amplified Bible and I will betro you Israel to me forever yes I will betro you to me in righteousness and Justice in steadfast love and mercy I will betro you to me in faithfulness and you shall know recognize appreciate the Lord and respond with Fidelity God's loving words to ancient Israel should fill us with hope today although it is very difficult we must see ourselves in GMA while it is wrong
to engage in prostitution God is still able to forgive those who participate in this immorality the Bible records how he used a prostitute named Rahab to advance the Fulfillment of his plan because she obeyed she and her family were able to receive rewards and blessings as a result in the New Testament a woman with a reputation for being immoral and sinful found an opportunity to assist Jesus while he was staying at the house of a Pharisee the woman recognized Christ for who he is and then presented herself with a jar of expensive perfume as a
gift the woman sobbed as she expressed her repentance and sorrow before Jesus then poured perfume on his feet and wiped them with her hair when the Pharisees criticized Jesus for accepting this act of love from the immoral woman he rebuked them and accepted the woman's worship for her faith Christ forgave all her sins and she was welcomed into his kingdom for Hosea to understand the emotions that God feels God made him undergo a truly unique experience God often prepares a prophet through their relationships or the lack of them God told Jeremiah not to marry because
he would have to tell Judah that God was also single being single Jeremiah experienced the emptiness that God felt when Israel was absent from his life Ezekiel was informed that his wife would die but that he should not mourn for her to show Judah that God had also suffered the loss of his wife in a similar manner God taught Hosea how he felt by having him follow some peculiar instructions in his marital situation Hosea found G took her home courted her and began to take her as his wife again note the next sentence she had
no idea what I said to her I provided grain new wine and oil G assumed all this came from her lovers her blessings however indeed came from God channeled through Hosea it's interesting to note that God's last words in Hosea are a very tender and emotional call of Hope for Israel to repent and allow God to postpone the Judgment that was to be executed we must first acknowledge that Hosea did not succeed in reconciling Israel with God his messages were ignored and God was forced to judge the people as he had promised Assyria defeated and
exiled them in 721 BC never to return and so we conclude The Incredible Journey of Hosea and g a story of love betrayal and Redemption that defies time but wait this is just one of many fascinating Stories We explore here if you were impressed with what you discovered today imagine what more you can learn and feel with our other videos don't miss the chance to to dive into more incredible and Powerful narratives and insights if you like this video leave your like comment your thoughts or questions and share with friends and family let's spread these
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