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Vai na Bíblia
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How do we know if what we believe in, is indeed the truth? Greetings to all! One more video of the channel "Vai na Bíblia", and today we are going to talk about the truth.
The main humanity questionings are regarding our origin, identity, purpose, morality and destiny, in other words where we came from, who we are, why we are here, how we should live and especially, what happens after death. Is it possible to know the truth about these matters? And if it is possible, where is the answer?
In science or religion? Some people will say that truth doesn't even exist. However those who make this kind of affirmation are trying to defend one truth, that there is no truth.
What doesn't make sense. If the truth did not exist there would be no reason to learn anything about any matter in life. Besides that, we demand the truth basically in all areas, especially those that affect our money, our relationships, our health and our safety.
We will hardly find someone who likes to listen to lies and be deceived. The reality is only one: we need the truth! But after all, What is the truth?
Truth is an affirmation that conforms to facts or reality. All truth is absolute, immutable, cross-cultural, complete and exclusive. The truth does not depend on our feelings or preferences.
If something is true, it is true for all people, at all times and in all places. Who claims that truth is relative, for example, is affirming something true or relative? Who affirms that there is no absolute truth, is absolutely sure of that?
Whoever claims that his/her truth is different from ours, is affirming something true just for himself/herself or for us as well? Such affirmations are false in themselves! The fact that a colorblind man, for example, sees an object in a different color, does not change the truth about the original color of that object, just as it does not cease to be a truth that he sees that object in a different color.
The truth is absolute in both directions. Taste, opinion or perspective does not change reality about things. The truth simply exists, it cannot be invented, it needs to be discovered!
The point is: how does this happen? How do we discover the truth about things? One of the main methods for finding the truth, is the evidence.
Through observation of the world around us, we might come to reasonable conclusions on just about every matter. We know, for example, that objects fall because of the law of gravity, even without testing all objects. We know that every human being is mortal, even without observing the death of all people.
However, it is not always possible to have this same kind of certainty in other matters. The reason for that is we are finite beings and we will not always know all the particulars involving a certain matter. Even science uses some kind of faith to fill the gaps in knowledge.
Another important method for discovering the truth, is the self-evident principles of logic. The first principle is the law of non-contradiction, it teaches that contradictory information can not be true at the same time. If something is true, its opposite is false.
An example of this is the very existence of God, while some claim that God exists, others claim that He does not exist. The two can not be right at the same time. If one is right, the other is wrong!
The second principle is the law of middle-term exclusion. it means that, either something is true or it is not, there is no third option. Even when someone claims that it is not possible to know the truth about a certain matter, this truth continues to exists, independent of the existing knowledge about it.
Lastly, the most effective method for knowing a truth about any matter, is the combination of science and logic. When we formulate an argument from true premises, the conclusion will always be true. Example: Every animal is mortal.
The dogs are animals. Therefore, all dogs are mortal. While science identifies that the two premises are true, "every animal is mortal" and "the dogs are animals"; the logic give us the true conclusion that "all dogs are mortal," in other words, Truths lead us to other truths.
But what about religion? Does science alone deal with facts, while religion remains merely in the field of faith? Indeed, many of the beliefs that people hold are not supported by evidence or based on proof, but only in preference and in what they find attractive.
Many people have beliefs based on the religion of their parents, friends or on the culture in which they live. Other people formulate beliefs based on wills and feelings. And even though feelings are sincere, wanting something to be true does not make it true.
The main issue is: any teaching, religious or not, is only trustworthy if pointing to the truth, otherwise, it should be completely rejected. But is it possible to find out if there is truth in religion? After all, although religions have some similarities, they disagree almost in all major matters, such as the nature of God, the nature of the man, creation, sin, salvation, heaven and hell!
Religions have more contradictory rather than complementary beliefs. And since truths exclude their opposites, it means that it is not possible that all religious beliefs are true. Is God a personal being as Christians claim, or an impersonal force as New Age claims?
If one is right, the other is wrong. Jesus died and rose from the dead as the Bible affirms, or this did not happen, as the Quran affirms. Once more, if one is right, the other is wrong.
With so many religions in the world, how to know which one tells the truth? If any of them really tell the truth. The great news is that, in addition to scientific and logical investigation, many of the statements made by religions, can also be evaluated by historical investigation, after all, no serious religious belief, can ignore history.
When this kind of investigation is made, some beliefs are perfectly acceptable, while others are clearly unlikely. The first and most important step in the process of the search for truth in religion, is to investigate the main statement made by it: the existence of God. Obviously, as limited human beings, we do not possess the kind of knowledge that will give us absolute proof of God's existence, However, as everything that came into existence has a cause, we can observe if the effects point or not to the existence of a superior being.
However, before investigation the truth about God and about religious matters, it is necessary to point out something very important: Is our resistance to believe in something, only intellectual, or is it also volitional and emotional? What would be the implications if the truth about God is that He actually exists? What would be the implications if what the Bible teatches in fact, is the truth?
would we be willing to review our attitudes and our beliefs? The major problem is that when it comes to religious matters, involving morality, many do not want the truth. After all, moral truths embarrass our conscience.
For this reason, many try to adjust the truth to fit their own convictions, rather than adjusting their convictions so that they may be according to the truth. If we want the truth about everything, including in morality and religion, we must be willing to bear the consequences of this truth. If God does not exist, also there is no right or wrong way to live.
It does not matter what we do or believe in, for the fate of all is the dust. On the other hand, if God exists, then it is very likely that there is also a meaning and a purpose for life. And that the choices we make today will not only affect us here but also in eternity.
If we have satisfactory answers about God and the Bible would we be willing to revise our concepts and, if necessary, abandon our current beliefs? If the honest answer is no, maybe our search is not for the truth. And the truth is that there are much more evidence pointing to the existence of God than the opposite.
In the next video we will see how it is possible to have a high level of certainty in this matter. However, we already know that not even the most obvious evidence can convince those who are not willing to believe. "Vai na Bíblia" stops here, if you liked the video, give us your like leave your comment, share the video on your social networks, and subscribe to be notified when the next video is published.
Stay in peace, see you soon.
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