they are doing exactly what end time prophecy Revelation 6 tells us is the unrest we see around the world today just a series of coincidences or does it indicate something much deeper the Bible isn't just any history book it's Unique it begins with the creation of the earth and concludes with the end of the world no other book covers such a vast timeline because no one was there at the start to witness and record it therefore no one else can write about the beginning of our world with authority we are the only people who know
how everything will end this knowledge is special the Lord shared the future not to satisfy our curiosity but to prepare us so we wouldn't be caught off guard or misunderstand what's coming we should be thankful that Jesus shared this with such openness people often ask are we living in the end times but the Bible mentions the last days and we have been in these last days for 2,000 years the last days began at Pentecost with the Fulfillment of the first prophecy about these times every generation of Christians should live as if the Lord might return
at any moment the Bible is full of prophecies with 735 predictions about the future spread throughout its pages that means one out of every four chapters contains a prophecy from start to finish the Bible is essentially a book book of Prophecy although some books emphasize predictions more than others out of these 735 prophecies 596 have already happened just as predicted thus 81% of the Bible's prophecies have been fulfilled with many foretold centuries in advance it's not hard to believe that the remaining 19% will come to pass as well that's an impressive track record today we
Face many challenges War Wars natural disasters and significant political changes the Book of Revelation offers a vision of what the end of the world might look like Jesus instructed us to watch and pray what should we watch we shouldn't just stand around looking at the sky waiting for him to return that's not what he meant he meant for us to keep an eye on world events and recognize the signs he provided to help us prepare these signs are signals so let's turn to Matthew chapter 24 where the disciples asked Jesus what would be the signs
or signals of your return what should we do if we don't know when it will happen to this Jesus gave a clear and straightforward answer we can be grateful that he responded so clearly in the Book of Revelation he gives a more detailed than comprehensive response but here he outlines the signs that will precede his coming the disciples approach approached Jesus privately while he was sitting on the Mount of Olives Matthew 24: 3-30 and as he was sitting on the Mount of Olives the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when will these things
happen and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age and Jesus answered and said to them see to it that no one misleads you for many will come in my name saying I am the Christ and they will mislead many people and you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars see that you are not alarmed for those things must take place but that is not yet the end for nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places
but all these things are merely the beginning of birth pains then they will hand you over to tribulation and kill you and you'll be hated by All Nations because of my name and at that time many will fall away and they will betray one another and hate one another and many false prophets will rise up and mislead many people and because lawlessness is increased most people's love will become cold but the one who endures to the end is the one who will be saved this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world
as a testimony to all the nations and then the end will come therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the Prophet ET standing in the Holy place let the reader understand then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains whoever is on the housetop must not go down to get things out of his house and whoever is in the field must not turn back to get his cloak but woe to those women who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days moreover pray
that when you flee it will not be in the winter or on a Sabbath for then there will be a Great Tribulation some such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now nor ever will again and if those days had not been cut short no life would have been saved but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short that if anyone says to you behold here is the Christ or he is over here do not believe him for false christs and false prophets will arise and will provide
great signs and wonders so as to mislead if possible even the elect behold I have told you in advance so if they say to you behold he is in the wilderness do not go out or behold he is in the inner rooms do not believe them for just as the lightning comes from the East and flashes as far as the West so will the coming of the son of man be wherever the corpse is there the vultures will gather but immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened and the moon will
not give its light and the Stars will fall from the sky and the powers of the heavens will be shaken and then the sign of the son of man will appear in the sky and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great Glory now in that passage he pointed out four clear signs of his coming one of these signs is already visible while the other three are not yet apparent that's why I tell you we are
at the start of the end times so what are these four signs he mentioned the first sign involves disasters happening around the world like Wars famines and earthquakes these events are certainly occurring and they've been happening for more than 2,000 years they seem to be getting more severe Revelation 6-16 talk about Satan on Earth this part of the book is the heart of it all and can be tough to understand and follow sadly we've reached the tough part things will get a lot worse before they get any better however it's comforting to know that the
situations described in these chapters are as bad as they can get but that is still troubling enough the Seven Seals are God's judgments for the end of the world Revelation 6: 1-17 explains these seals the story picks up in chapter 5 of Revelation with the search for someone in in heaven and on Earth Someone worthy to break the seals and open the scroll the importance of the scroll is revealed as events unfold it contains the plan that will end the current ERA of Earthly history John writes I saw in the right hand of him who
sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with Seven Seals this scroll includes God's judgment no one was judged worthy of breaching the seals and locking the scroll which saddens John if the scroll could not be opened evil would not be judged and evil would continue to plague the Earth while John is sobbing over the unopened scroll and its seven intact seals he receives excellent news the lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David has triumphed he is able to open the scroll and its Seven Seals this is
a representation of Jesus Christ the slain lamb who is also the lion of judgment as Jesus Takes the scroll to open the seals and deliver judgment on the unbelieving world the beings in heaven glorify him with a new song Revelation 5:9 and they sang a new song of Glorious Redemption saying worthy and deserving are you to take the scroll and to break its seals for you were slain sacrificed and with your blood you purchased people for God from every every tribe and language and people and Nation you have made them to be a kingdom of
Royal subjects and Priests to our God and they will reign on the earth John 5: 22 for the father judges no one but has given all judgment that is the prerogative of judging to the son placing it entirely into his hands the lamb begins to open the seals in the midst of the worship due to him the scroll can be unrolled a little further with each seal opened exposing the judgments God has in store for the tribulation time little by bit the first four of the Seven Seals open releasing what are known as The Four
Horsemen of the Apocalypse because the judgments appear metaphorically As A Horse and Rider leaving destruction in their path the Seven Seals of Revelation the first seal I watched as the lamb opened the first of the Seven Seals then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder come I looked and there before me was a white horse its Rider held a bow and he was given a crown and he rode out as a conqueror bent on Conquest this Rider on the White Horse is usually seen as a symbol of taking
over lands or spreading religious teachings the bow and Crown show he has great power and control white is often associated with Purity and victory in biblical times a white horse was a symbol of of Triumph and defeat the white horse in the first seal can be seen as a powerful symbol of something or someone coming with significant impact the bow represents the ability to conquer from a distance suggesting a form of power that doesn't necessarily involve direct combat the crown implies Authority in kingship indicating that the riter has a form of ruling power together the
symbols portray a figure of great influence in Dominion as of the writer Some interpretation S View the writer as a symbol of defeat representing the spread of power or influence through military or other means another perspective sees the writer as a metaphor for the spread of the Gospel in this view the White Horse symbolizes the purity of the message and the bow represents the far-reaching impact of the word of God these are debates among Scholars whether this writer represents Christ as Christ is depicted as riding a white horse later in Revelation 9 19:1 or whether
it represents the Antichrist symbolizing deception and false peace the opening of the first seal is seen as the beginning of Endtime events marking the start of what is often referred to as the tribulation period it sets the stage for the unfolding of further events each represented by the subsequent seals the second seal the second seal depicted in Revelation 6: 3-4 introduces a red hor horse when the lamb opened the second seal another horse came out a fiery red one its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each
other to him was given a large sword this represents war and bloodshed a period where peace is Stripped Away leading to conflict and destruction the red horse and its Rider represent a time of great Wars and fighting among people the color red itself is also associated with danger and violence which fits the theme of this seal the riter is said to have a large sword meaning the upcoming battles will be in large scale and serious the picture it paints isn't about small fights or arguments in one place but about huge Wars that will affect many
people in countries the opening of the second seal and the arrival of the red horse symbolize a period where peace is shattered and Chaos Reigns through Warfare It's a warning of a time when Harmony and Order are disrupted leading to suffering and destruction on a global scale the third seal the black horse in Revelation 6 veres 5-6 the third seal reveals a black horse I looked there before me was a black horse its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand then I heard what sounded like a voice saying two pounds of wheat
for a day's wages and six PBS of barley for a day's wages and do not damage the oil and the wine this vision is usually understood to symbolize a time of famine and economic hardship the black color of the horse can represent sadness or tough times the riter holding scales is a symbol of measuring and rationing food which is something people might do when there isn't enough food to go around basic food will become very expensive it will take a full day's pay to buy just a little bit of wheat or barley this indicates a
time when food is scarce and people have to work really hard hard just to get enough to eat however the command not to damage the oil and the wine suggests that while Basic Foods will be scarce some luxury items might still be available this could mean that the economic hardship won't affect everyone equally some people might still have access to more expensive Goods overall the third seal points to a period were getting enough food is hard for many people and the difference between the rich and the poor becomes more noticeable the fourth seal the fourth
seal in the Book of Revelation is about a Pale Horse and its Rider is named death when the lamb opened the fourth seal I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say come I looked and there before me was a Pale Horse its rider was named death and Hades was following close behind him they were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword famine and plague and by the wild beasts of the earth re Revelation 6: 7-8 this symbolizes a lot of death and disease causing many people to die in
simple terms this part of Revelation talks about a time when a lot of people on Earth will die The Pale Horse is a symbol of death the fact that the horse is pale a color often associated with sickness and weakness highlights the Grim nature of the seal the rider named death represents the end of life following him is hate which in this context is like the grave or the place where the dead go the seal suggests that a large part of the world will experience great suffering and loss of life the ways people will die
are listed as by war sword not having enough food famine diseases plague and wild animals attacking wild beasts on the earth this imagery is meant to portray a very difficult and tragic time on Earth the fifth seal Revelation 6: 9-11 opens the fifth seal revealing The Souls of marters I saw under the altar The Souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained this seal shows how people who believe in their faith in God might suffer or even die for it it tells them to stay
patient and keep believing even when things get really tough the fifth seal of Revelation found in the New Testament is a particularly moving and solemn part of the vision given to John this seal represents a scene quite different from the first four seals this means he sees the spirits of people who were killed because they believed in God's word and stood firm in their faith even in the face of danger these souls are crying out asking God how long it will be before he judges the people of the Earth for the wrongs they have done
and avenges their deaths in response each of them is given a white robe the white robe is a symbol of Purity and righteousness it's like a reward for their faith and suffering they are then told to wait a little longer until the full number of their fellow servants and brothers and sisters were to be killed as they had been The Sixth Seal Cosmic disturbances The Sixth Seal in Revelation 6: 12-17 brings chaos to the Heavens there was a great earthquake the sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair the whole Moon turned blood red
this seal suggests great Cosmic and natural upheavals symbolizing Divine judgment and the shaking of Earthly Powers The Sixth Seal talks about huge changes and disasters in nature and the universe showing God's power and how it can change things on earth number one I watched as he opened the Sixth Seal the there was a great earthquake Revelation 6:12 this means there could be a huge and very damaging earthquake showing a time of a lot of chaos and big changes on Earth number one the sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair the whole Moon turned
blood red Revelation 6:12 this describes strange and frightening changes in the sky the sun becomes dark and the moon appears red which could symbolize significant disturbances in the natural world the stars in the sky fell to Earth Revelation 6:13 this part of the vision suggests a scene where it looks like stars are falling from the sky adding to the chaos and fear number one the heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up Revelation 6:14 this implies that the sky itself seems to be changing or disappearing a sign of significant alter Generations in the world as
people know it every mountain in Island was removed from its place Revelation 6 ver14 this indicates extreme changes in the earth's landscape with mountains and Islands shifting from their usual positions number one the kings of the Earth the princes the generals the rich the mighty and everyone else both slave and free hidden caves and among the rocks of the mountains Revelation 6:15 people from all walks of life regardless of their status are terrified and try to hide from these events the Sixth Seal describes a time of great and scary changes on Earth it talks about
a big earthquake weird changes in the sky and people being afraid it's a symbol of big shifts and disturbances happening in the world according to the vision and Revelation the seventh seal silence in heaven finally Revelation 8:1 describes the seventh seal when he opened the seventh seal there was silence in heaven for about half an hour the seventh seal introduces a brief solemn pause before the onset of the seven trumpets which further detail God's judgment the seventh seal is a significant part of the biblical prophecy about the end of the world the opening of the
seventh seal marks a very important moment in the story of Revelation it's like a dramatic pause a moment of complete silence in heaven that lasts for about 30 minutes this silence is significant because it comes after a series of dramatic loud and chaotic events the opening of the first six seals which bring Conquest War famine death and other disasters The Silence of the seventh seal can be seen as a moment of anticipation or preparation for what is coming next it's like the Calm before a storm in the story this silence leads to the next series
of events the sounding of seven trumpets by Angels each trumpet bringing its own set of events and judgments on the earth so the seventh seal is like a bridge in the story of Revelation it's a quiet moment that marks the transition from the opening of the seals to the sounding of the trumpets each part revealing more about the end times according to the Bible the Seven Seals in the Book of Revelation represent a series of prophetic Visions given to John each unveiling different aspects of the end times these seals serve as both warnings and Revelations
of what is to come encouraging Believers to remain faithful and steadfast in their faith the seven Trumpets the seven trumpets stand out as significant markers of God's judgment upon the Earth these trumpets bring about a series of cataclysmic events each in increasing in intensity the seven trumpets depict natural disasters the poisoning of water sources the darkening of the sky demonic invasions and other significant Cosmic events these judgments are designed to bring Humanity to repentance highlighting the seriousness of sin and the need for salvation through Jesus Christ the first trumpet hail and fire mixed with blood
the first trumpet introduces a devast ating combination of hail and fire mixed with blood which is hurled down to earth the first Angel sounded his trumpet and there was a storm of hail and fire mixed with blood and it was hurled to the Earth and a third of the Earth was burned up and a third of the trees were burned up and all the green grass was burned up Revelation 8:7 this judgment results in severe destruction of the Earth's vegetation third of the earth trees and all green grass are consumed by this fiery storm highlighting
the severity of God's Wrath against a sinful world the second trumpet a blazing Mountain thrown into the sea the second trumpet brings a great Mountain burning with fire thrown into the sea the second Angel sounded his trumpet and something like a great Mountain blazing with fire was hurled into the sea and a third of the sea became blood and a third of the living creatures that were in the sea died and a third of the ships were destroyed Revelation 8: 8-9 represents a massive volcanic eruption on a large object hitting the sea causing a third
of the sea to turn to blood killing a third of all marine life and destroying a third of the ships this is similar to the plagues of Egypt emphasizing the severity and scope of the Judgment the third trumpet the star wormwood the third trumpet sounds and a great star named wormwood Falls from from Heaven poisoning the Earth's water sources the third Angel sounded his trumpet and a great star fell from heaven burning like a torch and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the Springs of fresh waters the name of the star
is wormwood and a third of the waters became wormwood bitter and many people died from the waters because they had become bitter Revelation 8: 10-1 wormwood a bitter substance represents the contamination of water this judgment poisons a third of the freshwater sources leading to widespread death due to the bitterness and toxicity of the water the fourth trumpet the heavens struck the fourth trumpet affects the celestial bodies leading to Darkness and a loss of light the fourth Angel sounded his trumpet and the third of the sun and the third of the Moon and a third of
the stars were struck so that a third of them would be darkened and a third of the day would not shine in the night in the same way Revelation 8:12 the darkening of the sun moon and stars signifies a partial but significant loss of light this judgment creates a period of unnatural Darkness affecting both day and night and causing fear and confusion among people on Earth the fifth trumpet the locusts from the abyss the fifth trumpet also known as the first woe introduces a plague of demonic locusts then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet and
I saw a star Angelic being that had fallen from Heaven to the earth and the key of the bottomless pit Abyss was given to him the star Angel he opened the bottomless pit and smoked like the smoke of a great furnace flowed out of the pit and the Sun and the atmosphere were darkened by the smoke from the pit then out of the smoke came locusts upon the Earth and power to hurt was given to them like the power which the Earth's scorpions have Revelation 9: 1-3 these locusts emerging from the abyss are given the
power to torment people who do not have the Seal of God on their foreheads their sting is like that of a scorpion causing severe pain but not death this torment lasts for 5 months highlighting the Relentless nature of this judgment the sixth trumpet the angels from the Euphrates the sixth trumpet or the second woe unleashes Four Angels bound at the Euphrates River then the sixth Angel sounded his trumpet and I heard a solitary voice from the four horns of the golden altar which stands before God saying to the sixth Angel who had the trumpet release
the Four Angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates so the Four Angels who had been prepared for the appointed hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind Revelation 9: 13-15 these angels lead an army of 200 million and their mission is to kill a third of humanity this judgment results in massive loss of life showing the increasing intensity of God's Wrath against unrepentant sin the seventh trumpet the kingdom proclaimed the seventh trumpet signals the last disaster and the end of God's plan this trumpet signals the establishment
of God's kingdom then the seventh angel sounded his trumpet and there were loud voices in heaven saying the kingdom Dominion rule of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ and he will reign forever and ever Revelation chapter 11:1 15 this trumpet signifies the ultimate victory of God's kingdom over the world God's Reign is celebrated with Worship in heaven and the last judgments on Earth the seventh trumpet marks the transition from judgment to the Fulfillment of God's promise of a new Heaven and a new Earth the first four trumpets caused
disasters in nature and outer space hitting the land oceans rivers and stars these events cause widespread destruction and suffering emphasizing the power of God the fifth and sixth trumpets introduce demonic invasions with tormenting locusts and a massive Army bringing death to a third of humanity these judgments are particularly terrifying illustrating the spiritual warfare behind the Physical Realm the seventh trumpet represents the end of God's plan announces his kingdom and brings the last judgment it is a call to worship and a declaration of God's Eternal Reign bringing hope to Believers and a warning to the unrepentant
as we reflect on the seven trumpets we are reminded of the urgency of the Gospel message the judgments described in Revelation are a call to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ they reveal the consequences of sin and the ultimate victory of God's Kingdom for believers the seven trumpets are a source of Hope pointing to to the Fulfillment of God's promises and the establishment of his eternal Reign for the unrepentant they serve as a warning of the coming judgment and the need to turn to God in understanding the seven trumpets we gain a deeper appreciation of
God's holiness Justice and mercy we are encouraged to live Faithfully share the gospel and look forward to the day when God's kingdom will be fully realized the Book of Revelation though filled with complex and often frightening images ultimately points to the Triumph of good over evil the establishment of God's kingdom and the Fulfillment of his promises to those who trust in him the seven bowls among the most severe judgments described in Revelation are the seven bowls of God's Wrath found in Revelation 16: 1- 21 these bowls represent the final outpouring of God's judgment on a
rebellious World showing the peak of his anger towards sin each Bowl brings a specific and intense judgment designed to lead people to repentance and highlight the ultimate Authority and Holiness of God the first Bowl painful sores the first bold judgment brings painful and Grievous sores upon those who have the mark of the beast and who worship His Image then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the Wrath and indignation of God so the first Angel went and poured out
his bowl on the earth and loath and malignant sores came on the people who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped His Image Revelation 16: 1-2 these sores are a direct Affliction on those who have chosen to align themselves with the Antichrist highlighting the personal and physical nature of God's judgment on idolators and blasphemers the second pole the sea turns to blood the second bold judgment turns the sea into blood causing the death of every living thing in it the second Angel poured out his bowl into the sea and it turned into blood
like that of a corpse foul and disgusting and every living thing in the sea died Revelation 16:3 this disastrous event reflects the plague of blood in Egypt symbolizing total Destruction and the utter Corruption of creation due to sin the sea a source of life and commerce becomes a source of death and Decay the third Bowl the rivers and springs turn to blood the third bold judgment turns the rivers and springs of water into blood the third Angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and the Springs of water and they turned into blood and I
heard the angels of the water saying righteous and just are you who are and who were oh holy one because you judge these things for they have poured out the blood of the Saints and the prophets and you have given them blood to drink they deserve your judgment and I heard another from the altar saying yes oh Lord God the almighty true and righteous and just are your judgments your decisions and their consequences Revelation chapter 16: 4-7 this judgment affects all freshwater sources making them undrinkable and highlighting the retributive justice of God those who shed
the blood of God's people are now given blood to drink emphasizes the principle of divine retribution the fact that good or bad things happen to people because of their actions as decided by God the fourth Bowl intense heat the fourth Bowl judgment brings intense heat from the Sun scorching people with fire the fourth Angel poured out his bowl on the sun and it was given power to Scorch Humanity with Raging Fire people were severely burned by the great heat and they reviled the name of God who has power over these plagues but they did not
repent of their sin and glorify him Revelation 16: 8-9 this judgment emphasizes the power of God over creation despite the intensity of their suffering people still refuse to repent demonstrating the hardness of human hearts even in the face of divine wrath the fifth Bowl darkness and pain the fifth Bowl judgment puts the kingdom of the Beast Into Darkness causing intense pain then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the Beast and his kingdom was plunged Into Darkness and people nod their tongues because of the pain of their excruciating anguish and severe
torment and they blasphemed the god of Heaven because of their anguish and their sores and they did not repent of what they had done nor hate their wickedness Revelation 16: 10-11 this judgment brings an intense and heavy darkness and pain attacking directly where the antichrist's power is strongest yet even in extreme torment people blaspheme God instead of repenting highlighting the persistent Rebellion against him the sixth bow the Euphrates dried up the sixth bold judgment dries up the Euphrates River preparing the way for the kings of the East and setting the stage for the battle of
Armageddon the sixth Angel poured out his bowl on the Great River the Euphrates and its water was dried up so that the way would be prepared for the coming of the Kings from the East and I saw three loathsome Spirits like frogs leaping from the mouth of the dragon and from the mouth of the Beast and from the mouth of the false prophet for they are actually the spirits of demons performing miraculous signs and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited Earth to gather them together for the war of the great day
of God the almighty behold I am coming like a thief blessed is he who stays awake and who keeps his clothes that is stay spiritually ready for the Lord's return so that he will not be naked and have to walk naked and men will not see his shame and they demons gathered the Kings and armies of the world together at the place in which Hebrew is called harmagedon armag headden Revelation 16: 12-16 the drying of the Euphrates facilitates the Gathering of armies for the final confrontation between good and evil this judgment shows the inevitability of
the final battle and the Fulfillment of God's prophetic plans the seventh Bowl the final earthquake in hail the seventh and final bold judgment brings the most severe natural disasters including a massive earthquake and giant hailstones then the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air and a loud voice came out of the temple from the Throne of God saying it is done and there were flashes of lightning and Loud Rumblings and peels of thunder and there was a massive earthquake nothing like it has ever occurred since mankind originated on the earth so severe and
far-reaching was that earthquake the great city was split into three parts and the cities of the Nations fell and God kept in mind Babylon the great to give her the cup of the wine of his Fierce and Furious Wrath then every island fled and no mountains could be found and giant hailstones as heavy as a talent fell from the sky on the people and people reviled and spoke abusively of God for the plague of the hail because the plague was so very great Revelation chap 16: 17- 21 this final judgment causes unmatched destruction the earthquake
splits cities including Babylon representing the complete downfall of Earthly powers and the finality of God's judgment ment even though it's serious people still disrespect God showing How Deeply rebellious humans can be the seven bows of God's anger in the Book of Revelation show us the final punishment for a world filled with sin and Rebellion these punishments are harsh and disastrous showing God's fairness and his need for justice each Bowl increases in intensity starting with painful sores and ending with the most destructive natural disasters imaginable these judgments are alarming designed to convey the absolute seriousness of
rejecting God and following the ways of the world for believers the seven bowls are a reminder of the importance of faithfulness and the urgency of sharing the gospel they underscore and emphasize the reality of God's judgment and the need to be spiritually prepared for his return for those who do not believe these judgments serve as a warning of what is to come if they continue in their Rebellion against God the Book of Revelation while while complex and often challenging ultimately points to the Triumph of God's justice and the establishment of his eternal Kingdom it assures
us that God is in control that his judgments are just and that his promises will be fulfilled but are we headed towards the end are we heading towards the end as warned by the Bible the answer depends on one's perspective however a few points can help guide our understanding Jesus spoke of signs of the times in Matthew 24 indicating that certain events would signal his return these include Wars natural disasters and moral decline well these signs have been present throughout history their increasing frequency and intensity can be seen as aligning with Biblical warnings regardless of
the specific timing the Bible calls Believers to be ready for Christ's return the parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25 emphasizes The Importance of Being prepared be on the alert then for you do not know the day nor the hour when the son of man will come Matthew 25:13 though the predictions and Revelation may seem scary they also bring hope they assure us of God's ultimate victory over evil and the establishment of his eternal Kingdom the alignment of current Global events with Biblical prophecy is a topic of great interest and significance while interpretations vary
the key takeaway is the call to Readiness vigilance and faithfulness the events described in Revelation serve as both a a warning and a promise a warning of the consequences of sin and rebellion and a promise of God's ultimate Victory and the establishment of his kingdom the Bible's message is clear God is in control his plans will be fulfilled and his kingdom will come current events and biblical prophecy in today's world a lot of people are wondering if the events happening globally match up with the predictions in the Bible especially those in the Book of Revelation
this wonder often comes from wanting to know if the chaotic things happening around us mean that the world is getting closer to its end as warned in the Bible to dig into this topic we have to examine what the Bible tells us understand the meaning of these predictions and see how they connect to What's Happening Now understanding biblical prophecy The Book of Revelation is full of visions and strong pictures John who wrote it while he was sent away to the island of Patmos talks about various visions these Visions show future punishments big changes in the
world and in the end God's Victory the reason behind these prophecies is to warn people about what's coming to keep Believers strong in their faith and to show God's final plan for the world current Global events and their alignment with prophecy Wars and conflicts the Bible predicts Wars and conflicts as part of the end times in Revelation the second seal unleashes a rider on a red horse representing War looking back at the war mentioned in Revelation 6: 3-4 we notice that today Wars are happening in many places around the world wars have always happened throughout
history but their increasing number in severity make us wonder if they are part of a bigger plan that was predicted in the Bible especially in the Book of Revelation natural disasters The Book of Revelation talks about natural disasters like earthquakes famin and big changes in the sky when it gets to The Sixth Seal it mentions a huge earthquake and other massive disasters Revelation 6: 12-13 describes a moment when the Sixth Seal is broken leading to a massive earthquake the Sun darkens to the color of black cloth and the Moon Turns blood red stars appear to
fall from the sky to Earth similar to figs dropping from a fig tree shaken by a strong wind at Summer's end in recent times we've seen several natural disasters including severe earthquakes hurricanes wildfires and tsunamis the growing number and intensity of these events have made many people wonder about their connection to the prophecies found in the Bible Jesus warned his followers to be vigilant and not be deceived he listed many signs that would precede his return such as Wars famines earthquakes and the rise of false prophets these signs are meant to alert believers to The
Nearness of his coming and the need to remain faithful the man of lawlessness and the rebellion in 2 Thessalonians chap 2: 1-12 Paul addresses concerns about the timing of the Lord's return and the events that will preced it he explains the coming of the man of lawlessness and the Rebellion against God now in regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to meet him we ask you brothers and sisters not to be quickly unsettled or alarmed even th by a so-called prophetic revelation of a spirit or a message or a
letter alleged to be from us to the effect that the day of the Lord has already come let no one in any way deceive or entrap you for that day will not come unless the apostasy comes first that is the Great Rebellion the abandonment of the Faith by professed Christians and the man of lawlessness is revealed the son of Destruction the Antichrist the one who is destined to be destroyed who opposes and exalts himself so proudly and so insolently above every so-called God or object of worship so that he actually enters and takes his seat
in the temple of God publicly proclaiming that he himself is God do you not remember that when I was still with you I was telling you these things and you know what restrains him now from being revealed it is so that he will be revealed at his own appointed time for the mystery of lawlessness Rebellion against Divine Authority in the coming reign of lawlessness is already at work but it is rest restrained only until he who now restrains it is taken out of the way then the Lawless one the Antichrist will be revealed and the
Lord Jesus Will slay him with the breath of his mouth and bring him to an end by the appearance of his coming the coming of the Antichrist the Lawless one is through the activity of Satan attended with great power all kinds of counterfeit Miracles and deceptive signs and false wonders and by unlimited seduction to evil and with all the deception of wickedness for those who are perishing because they did not welcome the love of the truth of the Gospel so as to be saved they were spiritually blind and rejected the truth that would have saved
them because of this God will send upon them a misleading influence an activity of error and deception so they will believe the lie in order that all may be judged and condemned who do not believe the truth about their sin and the need for salvation through Christ but instead took pleasure in unrighteousness Paul cautions Believers not to be deceived explaining that the day of the Lord will not come until the Rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed this figure empowered by Satan will deceive many but he will ultimately be defeated by Jesus these
cross references provide a comprehensive understanding of the end times as depicted in the Bible Daniel's prophecy sets the stage for the timeline Jesus's discourse in Matthew details the signs and events Paul's letters to the Thessalonians offer hope through the promise of the rapture and a warning about the deception of the man of lawlessness together these passages encourage Believers to remain Vigilant faithful and hopeful trusting in God's ultimate plan for the world and his people the meanings of the Seven Seals seven trumpets and seven bowls and Revelation convey powerful messages about God's judgment sovereignty and the
ultimate Triumph of his kingdom each series of judgments highlights different aspects of God's plan and the response he seeks from Humanity while interpretation vary they all point to the core message of Revelation God's ultimate victory over evil and the establishment of his eternal Kingdom as Believers we are called to remain faithful to repent of our sins and to share the hope of Salvation through Jesus Christ understanding these Visions helps us understand the seriousness of God's warnings and the urgency of his call to Readiness and faithfulness in our walk with him let us pray Heavenly Father
we come before you acknowledge ing your Sovereign power and ultimate authority over all creation we are deeply grateful for your word which provides us with guidance warnings and the Assurance of your Eternal plan today we seek to understand the complete truth of the seals trumpets and bold judgments as revealed in the Book of Revelation we seek your wisdom and discernment as we read these troubling passages Lord we recognize that the seals trumpets and bowls represent the unfolding of Your Righteous judgment upon a world steeped in sin and Rebellion these judgments are a clear demonstration of
your Holiness and Justice and they serve as a reminder of the consequences of turning away from your truth we confess father that the imagery of these judgments can be overwhelming and difficult to comprehend we ask for your spirit to guide us into a deeper understanding not only of the events themselves but also of the messages they convey as we reflect on the breaking of the seals we are reminded of the various forms of suffering and trouble that have plagued Humanity throughout history the Riders on the white red black and pale horses symbolize Conquest War famine
and death these are harsh realities that many have experienced and they serve as warnings of the greater tribulations to come we pray Lord for the wisdom to recognize these signs in our world today and for the strength to remain faithful in the face of suffering the sounding of the trumpets brings further judgments including natural dis disasters Cosmic disturbances and demonic invasions these events are terrifying in their scope and impact yet they also reveal your ultimate control over all things as we witness the increasing frequency of natural disasters political upheaval and moral decay in our world
we cannot help but wonder if these are triggers to the Fulfillment of these prophecies father we ask for your guidance in interpreting these signs and for the courage to share your message of Hope and Redemption with those who are are lost the pouring out of the balls that represents the final and most severe outpouring of your wrath devastating affecting all aspects of life on Earth they are a sobering reminder of the reality of your judgment and the urgency of repentance we pray Lord that we would not take lightly the warnings contained in these passages help
us to live with a sense of urgency fully committed to sharing the gospel and living out our faith in meaningful ways Lord we acknowledge that the world is heading towards its and as your word has already warned we see the signs all around us the increasing violence the natural calamities the moral Decline and the spiritual apathy yet in the midst of these troubling times we hold fast to the hope that you have given us we trust in your promise that you will one day establish your kingdom in fullness and Glory where there will be no
more pain suffering or death father as we go through these challenging times we ask for your protection and provision strengthen our faith and heart that we might stand firm in the truth of your word help us to be a light in the darkness offering hope and encouragement to those who are fearful and lost grant us the wisdom to discern the times and the boldness to speak your truth with love and compassion we pray for the leaders of our world that they might seek your wisdom and guidance in their decisions we ask that you would raise
up Godly men and women who will stand for truth and righteousness even in the face of opposition and we pray for the church your bride that we would be unified in our mission and steadfast in our commitment to sharing the gospel Lord we surrender our fears and anxieties to you trusting in your perfect plan and Sovereign will we know that you are in control and that nothing happens outside of your knowledge and purpose help us to rest in the assurance that you are with us even in the midst of trials and tribulations thank you Father
for the hope we have in Jesus Christ Our Savior and Redeemer we eagerly awaited return in the Fulfillment of all your promises until then let's stay loyal follow your lead and never give up on our promise to you in the mighty name of Jesus we pray amen question for the day what's something you've not forgiven yourself for [Music]