Ho'oponopono: The Practice You Gave Up On Because You Didn’t Understand

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Shift with Fernando
Many people give up on Ho’oponopono, thinking it doesn't work, but the truth is they simply don’t un...
Video Transcript:
hey what's up you guys I'm Fernando and welcome to my channel now my intuition is telling me that you probably learned about hoponopono you probably learned about the phrases you probably applied it in your life but you were like I don't get it and and then you dropped it and now you're just missing out on it I mean that's no fun so guys let's have some fun today I literally drew the necessary stuff here for you to understand the basics of ponopono so that you can use it consciously understanding and knowing why for the four
phrases and what it's doing for you and for the collective so if that's interesting to you or if you already know about hopon Pono pretty well and want to just reinforce the knowledge then stick until the end of the video because we are going to have some fun okay so let's get to it whole ponop Pono is an ancient Hawaiian practice it's a metap physical it's a mystical practice really right it deals with the invisible it deals with metaphysical principles of the world is you pushed out like Neville Godard used to say that that everything's
is a mind projection that there is no out there out there like Einstein used to say right so this is what H Pono Pono is about and it's about cleaning the junk so to speak so that your experience improves so that your manifestations come more easily for you and for the collective okay so let's get right into it now Dr huan is the guy that became famous for popularizing the modernized version of hooponopono in a nutshell a woman named Morna modernized the ancient uh philosophy and it goes like this in the past people would have
to get to together for like ceremonies where they would clean stuff on one another and then this woman MAA she was like you know what it's all mental we don't we don't need to get together it's all like on each one of us so it's an individual practice you do it for yourself and you doing it for the collective so this is the version of the modernized hoponopono in a nutshell and then she taught Dr huan in the 80s and then he started popularizing the practice and then Joe Vitali one of the guys from the
teachers from the secret co-wrote a book with Dr huan and they talked all about it the book is called zero limit so if you want to go deeper into this subject then definitely listen to the audiobook because it's very powerful uh you can listen to both Dr huan and Joe Vitali in that audiobook very powerful okay so here's the thing the cleaning tools the four phrases of hoponopono I'm sorry please forgive me thank you I love you so you probably have seen this before but you don't really understand the purpose for them let me clarify
imagine that these little squares here are the programs that are in the atmosphere so to speak they're everywhere they're like viruses they're floating around and then we as people we are catching those programs literally like viruses and as we catch them they get stored and lodged in our subconscious Minds so for example this is a person here and these are the viruses the programs that this person has caught so now it's in this person's subconscious mind and the world is is a mind projection there is no out there out there so this is this guy's
mind projection and this is the world he sees the world he sees the world he experiences the world he is projecting from inside of his mind very metaphysical I love it okay so these are the programs he's carrying in his subconscious mind and these are the programs being manifested so he's seeing those things and they could be anything anything that's negative anything that that's unpleasant right so I have some generic examples here for example violence you see something that's violent crime you see something in uh about Injustice it's not fair an unhealthy relationship you keep
unhealthy relationships you keep having over and over so you're seeing that in your experience in your 3D projection right someone who cheats right so these are programs that we cat and then they're they're lodged in our subconscious mind and so therefore we keep seeing them we keep experiencing them in what we call the external world right so this is the main idea here these are other people as you can see here they also have programs that they've caught the viruses so to speak and these are the projections they keep seeing now hoponopono is a cleaning
technique whole ponop Pono is about taking full responsibility for everything you see in your video game for everything you see in your external world now our conditioning always tells us to actually point a finger to actually blame to actually condemn but when we when we're doing that we're basically not remembering that the world is you pushed out basically and so we're pointing a finger we're not solving the problem we're just amplifying amplifying things and not fun right so hoponopono is first and foremost about taking full responsibility for your 3D so you see something in in
your external world something someone is doing something someone else is saying and because we experience separation in this plane I mean we are all one there's no separation but we experience separation and so we're like that's wrong that's not good we're we're judging but we're not remembering that it's our responsibility because everything that we see and experience is our projection so that's why it's about taking full responsibility for everything you see here and the like so Dr Hulan said once have you ever noticed that every time you experience a problem you were there now that's
a deep one think about it have you ever noticed that every time you experience you hear of a problem you see a problem you were literally there so that's key here because it's it's your projection so it's a program that's inside of yourself very metaphysical I know bear with me and and you're seeing it because it's being projected from inside of your mind and so that's why it's your responsibility now taking responsibility is about empowerment not shame let's think about this for a moment taking full responsibility for everything that you see in your experience is
about empowerment not shame not guilt not self lame okay so this is very important to be clear here because if you if you have this backwards then it's not going to be very efficient it's about empowerment because it's like it's my projection so if I'm seeing it if I'm experiencing it it's up for me to clean and when I clean on these things I am clearing this junk out of my subconscious mind but I'm also clearing it for other people for the collective how beautiful is that so instead of judging blaming pointing a finger it's
like clean clean clean you're helping yourself and you're helping the collective so beautiful so beautiful now cleaning tools how do we clean that's where the four phrases come in so we have I'm sorry please forgive me thank you I love you so you experience anything that's unpleasant negative whatever instead of being triggered instead of reacting it's like it's my responsibility not blame not shame it's about empowerment I got this it's my responsibility so because I'm seeing it it's part if I can see it it's part of me it's my problem problem okay it's my projection
so it's up for cleaning so what do I do I'm sorry please forgive me thank you I love you I know you know these phrases now let's go over them so you can clearly understand what they're all about I'm sorry some people have a hard time saying I'm sorry because you know we're very mindful about saying I am and what comes afterwards right you don't you don't want to say negative things after I am the work of affirmations will tell you this I am abundant I am amazing I am good I am healthy right so
some people might have a hard time here let me explain when you're saying I'm sorry it's not about guilt it's not about shame same thing it's not about that at all it's it's not about saying oh please punish me I made a mistake no it's about I'm sorry I wasn't conscious of these limiting programs that are or were in my subconscious mind I'm sorry I wasn't aware please for forgive me repentance right thank you that's like high Vibe on its own right thank you sheer gratitude very high frequency I love you pure love which is
what you are which is what I am ultimate Consciousness love right I'm sorry I wasn't conscious about the programs please forgive me thank you I love you so if you're able to do this as you're seeing negative stuff around you you are cleaning you are cleaning you are cleaning now you don't really have to know any of the theory for you to use hoponopono Dr huan was very straightforward when it came to this he was like clean clean clean if you can spend all day saying I love you I love love you I love you
even if you don't understand it it's good but when we don't understand it's it's easy for us to give up because we don't know what's happening so that's why I'm drawing it all for you guys today so cleaning cleaning cleaning cleaning tools there are many cleaning tools if you think about it you don't have to say the four phrases you can simply say thank you so if you're in gratitude all day you're literally cleaning again gratitude a great tool for for transforming your life right it's about H poro porno you're cleaning when you're saying thank
you thank you thank you when I'm walking my dogs when I'm walking on the streets more often than not as I'm taking steps I'm like thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you raises a vibration you're cleaning you're not giving your thought energy to things that are unwanted right so if you can say thank you all day you're using hoponopono you're raising your vibration you're cleaning the unconscious programs it's beautiful if you say I love you all day the same thing you can say the phrases in whatever order you want you can say
more thank you and I love you you can say more the the two first it doesn't matter because they all do the same thing when I do hooponopono I do the four I just keep repeating the four but I also do a lot of gratitude so always like thank you thankk you thank you I'm also always like I love you I love you I love you as I'm blessing people that I see when I'm out you know it's also a very good practice now Dr hen also mentioned the blue solar water which means having a
glass a blue glass bottle that you fill with tap water you um you put a cork in it and place it in the sun for an hour and then you drink it he says it's a cleaning tool I drink drink blue solar water almost every day uh you can create your own cleaning tools anything that's high vibe that you can use on a daily basis you can come up with your own and keep focusing on that on Pure Love on pure light that's also a cleaning tool so it's not only the four phrases but the
four phrases are the phrases right now some interesting facts that you might know already I don't know Dr H Len became famous for healing an entire ward of psychiatric patients very like dangerous patients you know mentally ill not by talking to them not by giving them medicine not by having Psychotherapy sessions with them he never saw the patients he would literally look at their files and he would clean on them he would repeat the four phrases as he would see their files what they had done what had happened because if he's seeing those it's now
part of his experience and it's up for him to clean wow when you are on the spiritual path you learn that paying attention to the news is not good so don't watch the news it's it's made for you to feel fear to feel insecure it's very low vibration so don't pay attention to the news but um Joe vital told a story uh where Dr Huen would watch the news on the hotel and and Joe Vitalia was like what you're watching the news like you and he was like yeah I watched the news and everything that
triggers me I clean on it it's so beautiful now this is much easier said than done right we have a conditioning that has us operate in the opposite direction so it might take a little time because when something triggers us and the emotions come up the tendency is for for us to forget all about it so take your time practicing this okay everything that's negative everything that triggers you it's up for cleaning it's up for you to clean so if you want to ascend if you want to vibrate much higher if you want to help
yourself and help the collective at the same time do this if you're feeling triggered I'm sorry please forgive me thank you I love you I use this religiously every time I feel triggered the moment I see that my vibration is getting off I'm like I'm so sorry please forgive me thank you I love you and so if I'm doing hoponopono and I'm clearing my programs and helping to clear the programs of the collective can you imagine what would happen if everybody on planet Earth began doing hoono Pono wholeheartedly maybe the game would be over over
the video game will be like okay over right so yes it's very powerful guys so think about it be kind with yourself keep this in mind and now know that when you're doing this it's not about shame it's about clearing the program the viruses that we pick up from the atmosphere so to speak and by the way these programs are like Wi-Fi like Wi-Fi signals they're invisible we cannot see them we can only see them when Wi-Fi is interacting with devices and we're like yeah internet access we can only see these when we experience the
problems in the external world so when you see something negative when you see a problem remember that that's literally the reproduction of these invisible viruses okay so clean clean clean I love you very much I hope this helps you thank you for watching and I'll see you guys next time
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