let me guess lately it feels like stress is winning the battle doesn't it you're trying to control everything every detail every outcome but the harder you push the more it seems like everything falls apart am I right now let me ask you something what if instead of holding on tighter you learn to let go because my friend that's where the real power lies in this video I'm going to share something that could change everything how to manifest what you truly desire without burning yourself out in the process yes it's possible and no I'm not talking
about magic tricks or sitting around waiting for things to happen today you're going to discover powerful principles inspired by stoic philosophy that will teach you how to let go of stress take back control of your life and most importantly attract what you've always dreamed of I promise you it's not what you're EXP exp in but that's exactly why it works are you ready to unlock the power that's already within you before we go any further I want you to step into someone else's shoes for a moment let me tell you a story that might sound
familiar Javier was a top executive one of those people who seem to have everything under control a packed schedule big decisions to make every day and constant pressure to never fail but at what cost one day in the middle of an important presentation to his team something happened that he never saw coming his body said enough out of nowhere he couldn't move or speak a panic attack left him completely Frozen Javier the man who always had an answer for everything felt vulnerable for the first time in years in that moment something inside him screamed what
am I doing with my life on a friend's advice he did something he'd never imagined he disconnected he went to a cabin in the mountains no emails no phone calls just him and silence at first his mind wouldn't stop racing what's happening at the office what will people say but slowly something began to shift as he walked the trails and listened to the Wind Through the Trees he remembered a phrase from Marcus Aurelius except everything that happens even if it's different from what you expected and then as if a fog had lifted he understood Javier
realized he didn't have to control everything for things to work out when he returned to the city he stopped cramming every Gap in his schedule with meetings so what did he do with his free time he made space for things that mattered time to reflect to take care of himself and to enjoy his family and here's the most surprising part when he let go of the need to control everything things didn't fall apart in fact they got better the atmosphere at work improved results skyrocketed and for the first time in a long while he felt
at peace with himself now let me ask you how many times have you felt like Javier carrying a weight that seems impossible to let go of maybe today is the day to say enough and discover what happens when you let calm work its magic are you ready to give it a try let's get started one let go and relax imagine you're at the beach you grab a handful of of sand and squeeze it tightly at first it feels like you're in control but the harder you squeeze the faster it slips through your fingers sound familiar
doesn't it remind you of life when you try to control everything trust me the more you fight to dominate every detail the faster it all seems to fall apart and there you are stuck in a cycle that leaves you exhausted frustrated and further away from what you really want does that ring a bell let's be real clinging to constant control isn't getting you anywhere it's like trying to drive a car with a handbrake on what happens you don't move an inch all you do is burn out and stay stuck but what happens when you release
that Brak that's right you move forward with less effort and more ease and that's exactly what you need to do in life let go now don't get me wrong Letting Go doesn't mean giving up it means trusting the process and when you do when when you stop holding on so tightly something amazing happens things start to fall into place on their own picture this you're on a family trip you've planned every detail to Perfection the exact departure time where to eat even games to keep the kids entertained but of course nothing goes as planned there's
terrible traffic it starts pouring rain and your kids decide it's the perfect moment to throw a tantrum what do you do do you lose is it because the universe isn't following your plan or do you accept that some things are beyond your control because my friend that's life you can't control traffic the rain or Tantrums but you can choose how you react and this is where stoicism Works its magic Marcus Aurelius in his meditations left us a Timeless lesson accept the things to which fate binds you and love the people with whom fate brings you
together but do so with all your heart it's like he's telling you stop wasting energy flooring the gas pedal while the handbrake is still on release it and you'll move forward with less resistance because at the end of the day what matters more that everything goes perfectly or that you actually enjoy the journey I get it this idea of Letting Go sounds easier said than done but don't worry I'm here to help let me share three simple steps you can start practicing today not only will they help you let go but they'll also prepare you
to relax and attract the things you truly desire first write your worries down on a piece of paper don't overthink it just write something like look I'm trying to control this but I realize I can't then crumple that paper up and throw it away literally why because it's like telling your mind this doesn't weigh on me anymore Second Use the red light pause whenever something doesn't go as planned take a few seconds to breathe inhale to a count of four hold it and exhale to a count of six this is your daily reminder that sometimes
taking a pause is the only way to move forward third make space in your schedule for nothing yes nothing even if it's just 15 minutes what can you do listen to music gaze at the sky or simply enjoy the silence it's in those moments that your clearest ideas and deepest desires have room to surface when you stop trying to control every moment you begin to think clearly and manifest everything you desire and here's the surprising part when you learn to let go life doesn't fall apart like you feared on the contrary it starts to take
shape this isn't Magic it's Clarity when you stop wasting energy on things you can't change you free up mental and emotional space for what truly matters now think about it what if today you chose to let go just a little not everything just one small step stop clinging to the sand relax and let life flow trust me change Begins the moment you decide to let go two start your day strong have you ever wondered why some days flow effortlessly as if everything is working in your favor While others feel like an impossible uphill climb it's
not magic or luck do you know what it comes down to how you spend the first few hours of your morning this is when you set the tone for your day like tuning an instrument before a concert imagine stepping onto the stage without adjusting the strings it would be a disaster but if you take a moment to tune them everything Flows In Harmony right every note resonates every chord fits perfectly that's the key what you do when you wake up not only shapes how you feel but also how everything else will resonate throughout your day
doesn't that sound like something worth trying let me share a personal experience to show you what I mean one morning instead of jumping out of bed and straight onto my phone like I usually did I decided to switch things up I sat quietly for a few minutes took a deep breath and thought about how I wanted my day to go then instead of letting notifications dictate my mood I put on my favorite song one of those tracks that gets you moving no matter what as I made coffee I ended up dancing in the kitchen I
won't lie it felt a little silly at first but do you know what happened next that day went better than I could have hoped even the little frustrations that usually irritate me felt insignificant it was as if that initial burst of energy set the tone for everything do you know who also understood the power of MNS senica he said that every new day is a gift a blank check we should make the most of he started his mornings reflecting writing and aligning his mind with what truly mattered for him it wasn't about reacting to the
world but preparing to face it and you can do the same take those early hours and turn them into a space to focus your energy so how can you start your mornings differently let me give you a suggestion before you even touch your phone sit down for a moment and take a few deep breaths inhale to a count of four hold for a couple of seconds and then exhale slowly to a count of six do this three times you'll be amazed at the difference it makes it's like giving your body a moment to start with
calm and intention next find something that makes your morning special for me it's music why not give it a try put on a song that inspires you one that makes you want to move and yes even if it sounds a little crazy dance for a few minutes it doesn't matter if you're alone in the kitchen or getting ready in front of the mirror you might even laugh at yourself and that's the point no one has to see you but trust me that burst of energy can transform your entire mood here's another idea before leaving the
house take a moment to think about one thing you want to achieve that day it doesn't have to be anything big maybe it's as simple as enjoying your lunch without rushing or getting through the supermarket line quickly these small intentions not only bring Clarity but also become the first steps toward attracting what you truly desire so tell me how do you want your mornings to be from now on do you want to start in chaos letting the day drag you along or do you want to take control create your moment and set the tone for
a day that flows in the direction you want my friend you don't need a perfect routine or to wake up at the crack of dawn you just need to start strong with calm and intention remember every morning is a new opportunity and how you choose to live it can be the beginning of everything you've ever wanted before we continue if you're finding value in this content consider subscribing and becoming an exclusive member to access unique benefits and tell us in the comments what steps are you willing to take to relax and manifest what you truly
desire in your life we want to grow together with you three your mind your best ally think of your mind as a puzzle when all the pieces are scattered and out of place it's impossible to see the full picture Everything feels chaotic but what happens when you take a moment to sort them you group them by Colors by shapes and suddenly something magical happens the picture starts to come together my friend that's exactly how your mind works if it's cluttered with disorganized thoughts worries and stress what can you see clearly nothing but when you give
it calm and space ah what a relief that's when everything starts to fall into place a few years ago a pilot named Chesley sullenberger better known as Sully faced one of those moments most people would call a nightmare picture this you're in command of a commercial airplane with over 150 people on board everything's going smoothly until the unthinkable happens both engines fail after striking a flock of birds the plane loses power and all you see ahead is a crowded City and an icy River What would most of us have done Panic without a doubt but
Sully did something different he closed his eyes for a split second and took a deep breath in his mind there was no room for chaos he visualized what he needed to do land the plane on the Hudson River without causing a disaster was he certain it would work not at all but he trusted his experience his team and most importantly his ability to stay calm he manifested it and do you want to know what happened while alarms blared and passengers held their breath Sully spoke in a a firm clear voice brace for impact it wasn't
just a technical message it was a declaration of confidence he was manifesting what everyone needed at that moment hoped that things would turn out okay thanks to his calm focused mind he achieved something extraordinary he landed the plane on the river and saved everyone on board epicus was right when he said what disturbs us is not what happens but our thoughts about it Sully couldn't control the engines or undo what happened with the birds but he controlled his mind he turned a chaotic situation into an opportunity to act with Clarity and save lives and that's
what we can learn from his story when you choose to calm your mind you stop seeing problems and start seeing Solutions so how can you train your mind to be your best ally you need to learn to organize the pieces of your mental puzzle spend 5 minutes a day thinking about all the worries cluttering your mind like scattered puzzle pieces but here's the trick don't try to solve everything at once how can you do this without overwhelming yourself imagine you're stressed about three things at the same time a tight work deadline a recent argument with
a friend that's still bothering you and concerns about making ends meet this month now think of these worries as puzzle pieces take those 5 minutes to sort them for for example put the work project in one corner something you can start working on right away marked in yellow the argument with your friend that goes in another Corner maybe an orange you know it's something you can resolve later with a call or a message and your finances put that in red and set it aside in a pouch of future pieces to deal with when you sit
down to review your budget Suddenly by separating the pieces and giving them a place you begin to see things clearly not everything is jumbled together and not everything is fighting for your attention all at once you might not solve the whole puzzle right then but something better happens you no longer feel that overwhelming chaos just by doing this your mind starts to feel lighter like you're making progress on something that once seemed impossible to handle worth trying isn't it remember when your mind is calm not only do you feel better but you also open yourself
up to possibilities that once seemed unreachable because a clear mind has the power to manifest what you truly desire maybe it's time to stop trying to control everything and start trusting more in the strength you already have within you four do things with calm have you noticed rushing is like a hot pan with no oil it just burns everything faster and the worst part nothing turns out the way you wanted let me tell you the truth calmness isn't slowness it's strategy it's doing things at the pace they need to flow smoothly and come out right
picture this you're cooking for a special dinner you've invited friends and everything is planned but you get home late and start chopping ingredients in a rush the vegetables are uneven sauce spills everywhere and on top of that the pasta overcooks because you're distracted by the oven when you serve the dish it's nothing like what you envisioned sound familiar now think of the opposite you give yourself time you chop the ingredients carefully enjoying the process you taste the sauce as it Cooks adjusting the flavors the pasta turns out perfectly alente and the result not only is
it a delicious dish but you also enjoyed the experience do you think that's just a coincidence it's not rushing doesn't just ruin recipes it ruins opportunities and often we rush because we see others getting everything done as if life were a race but listen to me my friend everyone has their own Rhythm comparing yours to someone else's is like trying to make a plant grow faster just by staring at it Marcus Aurelius understood this well he said the mind is like water when it's calm it reflects the world clearly as an emperor he had enormous
responsibilities on his shoulders but he didn't tackle everything at once he reflected prioritized and acted with calm even in the middle of crises he kept his mind steady to make wise decisions it wasn't about doing things faster but doing them better I know slowing down isn't easy when everything seems to be moving at lightning speed but what if I told you that those small moments of calm are what open the door for things to start falling into place before starting any task stop for two minutes just two take a deep breath and ask yourself what's
the most important thing I can do right now mentally organize your steps as if you're tidying up your mind's desk this simple ritual won't just give you Clarity it'll help you act from a more relaxed State and when you're relaxed things flow better it's like everything starts aligning with you and stop wasting time on multitasking I know it seems like juggling several things at once is the key to success but here's the truth no one tells you you won't do any of those tasks well so what should you do pick one task just one and
give it your full attention it's like planting a seed if you give it the care and time it needs it will grow strong and once you finish that task move on to the next you won't just get more done you'll do it better with calmness you create the space for what you truly desire to manifest more clearly as the writer and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson said adopt the pace of nature her secret is patience and he couldn't be more right calmness doesn't just improve results it lets you enjoy the process imagine how your life would
change if instead of racing against the clock you chose to move forward calmly savoring each step no matter how much you have to do if you take the time to do it well everything starts to flow and the best part you'll feel more in control more at peace because when you do things calmly you create space for what you truly desire to start taking shape five be grateful for what you have picture this someone hands you a box and tells you that inside is everything you're missing in life everything that would change your world if
you had it excited you open it expecting to find something extraordinary but all you see is a mirror at first you're confused what does this mean and then it hits you you don't need more you just need to see what you already have through new eyes so often we're so focused on what's next what we're chasing that we forget to appreciate where we are now but here's the secret when you start being grateful for what you already have something shifts life feels lighter stress Fades and almost like magic you begin to attract more good things
and speaking of seeing what we already have differently let me tell you a story that perfectly illustrates this it's about a farmer who like many of us couldn't stop thinking about all he was missing until he learned an unexpected lesson every day he complained about how small and uncomfortable his house was there's no space I can't rest why does this have to be my life he was convinced his life would be better if only he had a bigger nicer house one day desperate he went to the Village wise man for advice the wise man listened
and then said do this bring your chickens inside the house the farmer was surprised but obeyed the next day he returned complaining this is worse I can't move with all these chickens the wise man smiled and said now bring the pig inside again the farmer did as he was told but by the third day he came back Furious this is a disaster I can't take it anymore the wise man then told him now take the chickens and the pig out when the farmer returned home he realized something incredible suddenly his small house felt spacious and
peaceful the size of the house hadn't changed but his perspective had for the first time he appreciated what he had do you see gratitude doesn't change your circumstances everything might stay the same but do you know what it does change the way you see them and when you shift your perspective you start noticing opportunities that were hidden before the magic of gratitude isn't just that it transforms your mood it's like it activates a spell in your life according to psychologist Robert Emmons being grateful for what you have works like a magic wand helping you see
opportunities where before you only saw problems this magic aligns you with what truly matters to you and the best part you don't need any special tricks to do it gratitude is the wand you've always had in your hands of course this idea isn't new senica once said nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart for the stoics gratitude was a daily practice they gave thanks for the small things like the bread they ate the sunrise or a meaningful conversation because when you train yourself to see the good you stop wasting energy on What's Missing and
by doing so you open the door to manifesting even more good things in your life so how can you practice gratitude don't worry this isn't the usual write down three things everyday advice let's try something different set aside a moment once a week to reflect find a quiet spot grab a piece of paper and write down three things you're truly grateful for but here's the trick don't stop at writing them down ask yourself how have these things contributed to what I want to achieve for example maybe a friend's support has kept you strong or a
recent challenge has shown you what really matters reflecting on this doesn't just help you relax it starts aligning your mind with your goals the more you focus on the good you already have the easier it becomes to attract what you want it's as if every small thing your Greatful for builds the path toward your goals step by step without you even realizing it my friend let me ask you what are you grateful for today share it with us in the comments this simple act could be your first step toward manifesting what you desire because when
you're grateful you're telling the universe I'm ready to receive more six disconnect from the noise have you ever tried listening to your favorite song in the middle of a Street full of honking cars sirens and shouting no matter how hard you try the noise drowns it out right that's exactly how we live today every notification every random conversation every news alert bombards you like that background noise making it impossible to focus on what really matters now let me ask you something how do you expect to discover what you truly want if your mind is trapped
in constant chaos if you don't silence that noise if you don't create space you'll never hear the music inside you look around you how much time do you spend watching what others are doing scrolling through social media reading headlines that seem urgent but let's be honest you'll forget by tomorrow all that noise doesn't just steal your time it fills your mind with things that don't bring you closer to what you truly desire think about it every notification every comparison is like adding another layer of dust to a window how can you see clearly when everything
is smudged but if you stop if you disconnect for a moment it's like wiping that window clean suddenly you can see what's on the other side you can see what truly matters your ideas your dreams the opportunities that have always been there but went unnoticed epicus said it centuries ago the free man is the the one who is not afraid to go to the end of his thoughts and what do you need to get there you need to turn off the external noise you can't reflect on your deepest desires when your mind is trapped in
a constant barrage of distractions silence is the place where your thoughts have the freedom to grow transform into actions and eventually into results let me ask you my friend how many times have you felt like your mind is so full that you can't even think straight be honest you're tired of it aren't you all that noise doesn't just exhaust you it pulls you further away from what really matters so are you ready to do something that few dare to try let's turn off that external noise but before we go further I'll admit it won't be
easy but trust me it'll be worth it so here's what I suggest try a no notification day don't worry I'm not asking you to turn off your phone all day what do I mean simply set specific times to check messages for example only check notifications at 9:00 in the morning and 6:00 in the evening the rest of the time ignore them believe me I tried it myself and I noticed the difference immediately suddenly I had time to focus on my projects stick to my rituals and most importantly be present another idea spend time in nature
it doesn't have to be an epic hike it could be a nearby park or your own backyard take 10 minutes to listen to The Sounds around you the wind the birds even the crunch of leaves underfoot but no cheating leave your headphones at home it's just you your mind and nature you'll notice something amazing it's as if nature reminds you of a slower more authentic Rhythm that's always been there for you when you turn off the noise it's like being a firefighter facing a blaze first you need to put out the Flames of chaos and
distraction only then can you see clearly What Lies Beneath and in that moment when everything is calm your mind becomes fertile ground where ideas and desires can bloom it's in this space of Stillness that you can truly focus on what you want and start manifesting it step by step without the Flames of noise pulling you off course seven get a good night's rest have you ever tried using your phone when it's down to 10% battery everything slows down apps stop responding and if you don't charge it soon it shuts off completely now think about this
how often do you live your life with your body and mind running at 10% imagine what would your days look like if you started every morning with your battery at 100% my friend you might be thinking I don't have time to rest or I need to use this time to get things done but what if I told you that mindset is doing more harm than good and pulling you further away from the life you want to create here's the truth no one tells you rest isn't wasting time it's the best investment you can make in
yourself it's the time when your mind and body prepare to shine the next day and believe it or not rest isn't just collapsing into bed after an exhausting day it's about creating a space where your body and mind can truly regenerate and recharge think of it like maintaining your car if you don't change the oil tune the engine or check the brakes it might keep running for a while but eventually it'll break down your body and mind are the same like a car they need a nightly checkup when you rest well you don't just feel
better you think better make better decisions and put yourself in a much clearer position to manifest what you truly desire and no this isn't just a metaphor science backs it up at night while you sleep your brain goes into deep cleaning mode did you know that while you rest a tiny cleaning crew works over time in your head it's true a study from the center for neuroscience at the University of Rochester found that during sleep your brain removes toxins built up during the day it's like sweeping away worries and stress leaving everything ready for a
fresh start when you sleep well you wake up as if you've hit the reset button clear-headed focused and ready to T what truly matters Marcus Aurelius as a great emperor understood this perfectly he said even the soul needs rest to be effective despite the immense responsibilities on his shoulders he knew he couldn't give his best without time to recover for him rest wasn't a luxury it was a strategy he reflected at the end of each day disconnecting from the worries of leadership if an emperor could find time to rest why can't you I get it
you're probably thinking resting well sounds great but with work worries and family how am I supposed to make it happen don't worry I've got a simple nighttime ritual you can start today to make rest a reality first turn off all screens at least 30 minutes before bed yes even your phone instead pick up a book something relaxing that won't overstimulate you like a light novel or something inspiring second write your intentions for the next day in a notebook for example tomorrow I'll dedicate an hour to that project I'm excited about or I'll truly listen in
every conversation this not only relaxes you but also aligns your mind with what you want to achieve finally spend 5 minutes breathing deeply as you settle into bed nothing complicated just inhale and exhale slowly so the next time time you think of sleep as just a basic necessity remember this even the brightest stars need the darkness to shine and you are no exception eight embrace your failures my friend let me tell you something you might not want to hear failure is inevitable think of your failures as the first Strokes on a blank canvas at first
they might look like meaningless smudges but with every additional stroke the picture starts to take shape and here's the good news it's not the end of the world it's just the beginning of something better did you know that many of the greatest inventions in history began as mistakes let me share a story about one you probably use almost every day in the 1970s a scientist named Spencer Silver was working on creating a super strong adhesive for his company 3M but instead he ended up with the exact opposite a weak adhesive that barely stuck to surfaces
what seemed like a failure was shell for years then one of his colleagues art fry had a brilliant idea he used that weak adhesive to create notes that could stick and peel off easily without leaving marks the result the Post-it Yes you heard that right the Post-it what seems indispensable today for organizing our lives was actually the result of a failure isn't that incredible do you see where I'm going with this it's not about avoiding failure it's about how you face it as epicus said it's not what happens to you but how you react to
it that matters your mistakes don't Define who you are but they can shape where you're going if you use them as tools every stumble can become a step towards something far greater listen failures might feel like enormous walls but they're actually doors waiting to be opened so how do you open them the first and most important thing is to ease up on yourself sometimes we demand Perfection and that leads to a distorted view of our own mistakes think about it how many opportunities have you avoided because you were afraid to fail when you allow yourself
to fail you also allow yourself to learn it's like a rehearsal it doesn't have to be perfect the first time because every attempt brings you closer to the result you're seeking Second Use what you learn from your mistakes as a staircase every failure is a step that takes you higher but only if you choose to climb it did you mess something up great ask yourself what can I take from this what will I do differently next time every lesson makes you stronger wiser and better prepared for what's ahead it's a process and every step counts
finally focus on the present too often we get stuck in our past mistakes as if they're chains We Can't Break Free from but here's the thing what you did before doesn't Define what you'll do now you have new tools new knowledge and a new opportunity in front of you ask yourself what can I do today to prove to myself that I've grown with every new attempt you're building something better do you see how everything starts to come together when you change how you view your failures it's not about erasing them it's about using them to
your advantage when you do this you'll notice something interesting you relax you no longer feel that constant pressure to be perfect and in that state of calm things start to flow naturally it's as if the path that once seemed full of obstacles begins to clear and the more relaxed you are the easier it becomes to attract what you truly desire because failures aren't the end they're the spark that ignites something new so what Masterpiece could you create if you stopped fearing those first Strokes embrace your failures because each one is a step toward the complete
picture of the life you truly want to create nine imagine it and make it real close your eyes for a moment picture yourself in a movie theater the lights dim the projector hums to life and something unexpected appears on the screen it's you you're the main character in the film but this isn't just any movie it's the story of your life exactly as you've always dreamed it everything is there your goals achieved the people who inspire you the moments that make your heart race you can see every detail clearly as if it's already happening now
my friend here's the big question what would this movie look like if you were the director believe me visualization isn't just a nice exercise it's a powerful tool it's like writing the script for that movie before the cameras even start rolling when you take the time to vividly imagine what you want you're not just dreaming you're training your mind to make it real because everything you build outwardly begins within think about it if you don't have a clear idea of what you want how can you expect to get there as senica said no wind is
favorable for the sailor who doesn't know where he's going in other words you need a direction a Clear Vision to guide you but here's the key it's not enough to just imagine it you have to feel it as if it's already happening that's the magic of this exercise it helps you relax align with with your desires and start moving toward them with confidence did you know that your brain doesn't distinguish between what you vividly imagine and what actually happens that's what psychologist and author Joe dispenza explains when you visualize something in detail your mind interprets
it as if it's real it's like creating an invisible blueprint for what you want to build and this changes everything it changes how you move through the world your energy your decisions and even the opportunities that come your way begin to align with that Vision it's like tuning an instrument suddenly everything starts to sound the way it should I'm sure this idea has you intrigued and ready to try it out so how can you make it part of your life first spend 5 minutes a day closing your eyes and visualizing your goal in detail don't
just picture what you want live it mentally for example if your goal is to write a book imagine yourself at your desk typing the final page seeing your name on the cover and holding the book in your hands how does it feel what emotions run through you when you bring your dreams to life in your mind your brain starts acting as if they're already happening next write your goals as if you've already achieved them this isn't just a list it's a declaration for example instead of writing I want to have my own business right I
have a successful business where I do what I love fill it with details what's your daily routine like what impact are you making and here's one more tip make this process relaxing don't treat it as just another task on your to-do list see it as a moment to enjoy play some soft music sit in a quiet place and let yourself dream because my friend dreaming isn't wasting time it's giving your mind the direction it needs to start building what you desire everything begins in your mind when you imagine with Clarity you take the first step
toward making it a reality it's not just about dreaming it's about using those dreams as a compass to guide your actions so what are you waiting for start visualizing start believing and start shaping the life you've always wanted and let me tell you something your best is yet to come this final point isn't just a powerful way to tie it all together it might just be the push you need to connect everything we've talked about and transform your life completely are you ready to discover it 10 trust in what's coming imagine you have a small
garden and you decide to plant carrots you prepare the soil plant the seeds and water them every day in the first week you check the soil with excitement hoping to see green Sprouts but nothing happens am I doing something wrong you wonder as you examine the dirt you keep water ing patiently but another week passes still nothing frustration Creeps in is there something wrong with the seeds maybe I'm not watering enough what you can't see is what's happening underground the roots are hard at work growing preparing to break through the surface from above it looks
like nothing is happening and that can drive anyone crazy but don't give up all that effort is bearing fruit even if you can't see it yet and when those first shoots appear it'll all have been worth it because my friend carrots aren't in a hurry but when they come they're here to stay strong steady and just as you imagined do you see now the same thing happens when you're trying to manifest what you truly desire even if it seems like nothing is changing everything is moving in the right direction your intentions your efforts even your
energy are Paving a path you just can't see yet and when you least expect it that's when the results will arrive let's be honest no one likes to wait but what if I told you that patience isn't just sitting around it's believing that while you do your part the universe is doing its part too as Marcus aurelus said nature doesn't Rush yet everything is accomplished think about a river it doesn't matter how many twists and rocks it encounters it never stops it always reaches its destination the ocean now imagine you're in a tough spot you've
decided your life needs a radical change quitting your office job selling everything you don't need and setting out to travel the world sounds exciting Right But Here Comes reality the first few weeks are a disaster your savings disappear faster than you expected the jobs you thought you'd find aren't there and you start questioning if you've made a huge mistake you find yourself trying to control everything obsessing over finding an immediate solution but then you remember you need to trust in what's coming you start applying what you've learned you relax write down your intentions visualize clearly
what you want and let go of some of that control and then something unexpected happens in a casual conversation someone mentions an opportunity a work exchange program where you can stay at hosts while traveling this is exactly what I needed you say jumping with joy but do you see you wouldn't have found it if you hadn't let your guard down and trusted in what was coming my friend don't get it wrong trust doesn't mean crossing your arms and waiting you have to work at it but you also need to relax and manifest everything you desire
with calm and when doubts creep in because let's be honest they will repeat this I'm doing my part the rest will come in its time write it down if you need to put it somewhere you'll see it every day it's a reminder that you're not alone in this process never forget trust in what's coming because while you're planting the seed life is already working to make it grow and when you least expect it you'll be surprised by the fruits you never imagined would come I invite you to embrace everything we've explored today let every pause
every visualization Every Act of Letting Go and trusting be an opportunity to bring you closer to what you truly desire remember every step you take no matter how small it seems has a purpose in that calm and trust there's no emptiness only possibility that's where your dreams are born and where they begin to take shape in reality if you've made it this far right in the comments I relax and attract what I desire that way I'll know who the true stoic Warriors are who made it to the end don't forget to subscribe hit the notification
Bell and give this video a like so you don't miss out on what's coming next I also invite you to check out our playlist which you'll see on the screen it's packed with ideas stories and advice to help you navigate life with more wisdom and confidence click it and let's keep moving forward together until next time take care and keep embracing your inner stoic