Retail Arbitrage At Walmart - I made $1000 in 2 hours.

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Hustle Buddies
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we are here at Walmart to start our Retail Arbitrage sourcing day so what I'm looking for here is items that are priced so cheaply that we can flip them for a profit on Amazon eBay even to make a living all right let's dive in all right so the first place that I like to come check is always the giant clearance aisle here at Walmart today I found these uh it's $3 today so I'm going to open up our nepto app here this is a completely free scanning app I'll put a link down in the
description you can see there we put in our cost of $3 this calculates everything for us you can input how many you buy to make a nice easy buy list uh to finish up at the end of the day but all of the data that we need to see is right here at our fingertips we can see the sales rank it gives us an estimated monthly sales you've got the keeper graph all of the other sellers who are on this listing it's it's phenomenal considering that it's free all right next product we have some monthly
planners now surprisingly monthly planners will sell even on the off years so we're going to open up the nepto app here and just scan it again all right so we've got this uh it does say like variations will vary so I'm not too worried about it not being that flower one we'll put in $2 here check the other seller count all of this data uh everything here looks good to me I'm not seeing any red flags that would make me want to avoid it so we will input uh how many we've got we've got 11
here on the Shelf so we'll just put that in and and uh yeah we're making some really good money on that seven and seven plus and change all right next we've got these batteries um batteries can be a little bit funky sometimes they are considered Hazmat sometimes they are not depends on the listing so you might have to ship these separately um I will I'll go through those steps if I have to later on we can see here with a buy cost of $5 we're making just under $2 a profit on each of these and
there's really no prep in involved you don't have to poly bag this or anything you just slap a sticker on send it right into Amazon so really really easy uh a simple flip even though it's a low dollar amount I'm still happy with making 37% Roi on these considering how easy they are to flip all right we're going to check some other products here we're going to scan this so the NPO scanning app will scan a barcode if you see something where it says product not found honestly nine times out of 10 that you just
skip it you just pass it all right next we've got the Post-it notes on clearance here for about five bucks so we'll scan the barcode there you don't have to press anything on the nendo scanning app it just automatically scans the barcode for you when it's in that screen okay now there are two different pictures here we're going to pick the one that has a sales rank the other one is not really selling input our buy cost of 550 and uh yeah this looks pretty decent 41% Roi $226 profit not bad um yeah we're just
under that 50% Roi um yeah I mean there's I I see Amazon is trying to sell it I'm not too worried about that I will compete against Amazon all day every day that doesn't bother me at all um so yeah I think I'll uh I'll pick up some of these they got four on the Shelf so we'll put four into our cart and move on to our next product all right there are some other Post-it notes here there's a lot of these things on clearance with back to school season ending um they're they're clearancing out
all of their overstocked inventory so again we've got two different listings here we're going to select the one that has a sales rank the other one is probably not really selling okay our buy cost on this is 11 bucks well if it's 11 bucks then we're not making any profit on it so yeah we're just going to skip that and move on to the next one you don't need to try to make something unprofitable profitable all right scan to the next item nothing found there so we're going to skip it and move on uh moving
on through this clearance shelf lots and lots and lots of these different sticky notes and Post-it notes and all that stuff um scan everything guys when you're at the store just scan everything you never know what is going to be selling well on Amazon I tell people all the time like turn your brain off just look at the math if the math checks out enter in your buy cost we got six and a half bucks here all right sweet we're making a little bit over $3 58% Roi I like it um I I don't see
any red flags there all the data looks good it is selling well um yeah I mean it's Amazon thinks this is selling 10,000 plus times per month and if it's ranked 224 in the in this category I think that that's not too unrealistic so yeah another one where we're going to be snagging each one of those that is on the Shelf because those will sell pretty much instantly as soon as they get to the warehouse all right so that was most of the Post-it notes we're going to move on up here and just continue scanning
the stuff that is on sale all right nothing found so we will move on scan the next product nothing found Move On Again guys don't spend too much time trying to uh figure out why something doesn't exist or creating listings you can do that later when you're more experienced seller but as a beginner seller don't bother wasting your time with all that stuff okay um I do see this but it's only selling for $662 so there's really not enough meat on the moan uh no matter what I buy it for even if I get that
for free it's probably not good all right couple more things we're going to skip on that it's not found I'm just trying to scan every barcode sometimes you got to lift up little things here and there scan all the little barcodes that you can if it's not found move on if the price doesn't look good move on if the sales rank doesn't look good move on okay you always want to check is it profitable is it selling and can you sell it if it doesn't hit any one of those criterias pass and move on quickly
all right uh not found so we're going to pass and move on I've got these Avery labels here these should pop up these are pretty profitable so we've got two different listings here um the bottom one is a image match as well so I like that one a little bit better the front cover looks the same as mine even though both upcs match we're buying this for 450 yeah we are more than or almost doubling uh almost tripling our money sorry so yeah really good there we're going to snag both of those that's just an
easy no-brainer tons of those are selling per month over 200% Roi easy peasy now this is an example of a section of Walmart that I would almost always skip I have never once in my history of selling on Amazon flipped a shoe from the Walmart aisle but I saw these on clearance right here at the side for n bucks and I I couldn't resist just scanning it and sure enough these are selling for $65 on Amazon and they are selling frequently this is estimating the sales at 121 uh sales per month with a sales rank
of 140 that is that's solid um yeah this is this is one of those great ones there's kind of there's one of just about every different size um so I did check the various sizes and basically all of them were good and profitable because we're buying them for $9 um some were selling for closer to 7 some were selling for closer to 50 on Amazon but they were all fantastic buys considering our buy cost um a couple of the larger sizes did cost $11 so my averages I put there all right now I did move
on I scanned the other shoes here at Walmart uh some of them they put this stupid little they covered up the barcode so I couldn't easily scan it um and unfortunately they did that with a lot of the shoes I did scan them all I try to practice what I preach in that you should scan everything so I tried to scan everything these didn't pull up but man the uh those other shoes were good enough that I am I'm not sad at all that none of this stuff pulled up here okay when you are hitting
a store like Walmart it's really important that you just scan everything especially if it has that clearance sticker especially if it's on sale if it looks like it could be a good deal give it a scan uh worst case scenario it doesn't exist on Amazon and then you move on but best case scenario just like what we saw a second ago we hit these shoes that we can buy for $9 and sell for $65 and they are selling multiples a day okay all right moving on to some grocery we see this Dolly Parton banana now
instead of scanning the barcode I'm going to do an image scan I like to do this for grocery because groceries tend to have a lot of two packs or bundles like we can see here this is the banana flavor with some icing so we're going to go ahead and click on that we can get the icing at the same cost so it's $ 250 for the box and then 250 for the icing so our buy cost Allin is $5 all right um yeah I like how this looks if we got it for free our profit
would be nine but again our buy cost here is five so we are almost doubling our money we're getting a profit of a little bit over $4 82% Roi which is solid so yeah this is selling frequently uh I know this will continue to sell well all during Q4 as we get into Thanksgiving there are 23 of the bananas here on the Shelf uh and a lot more of the icings I can get as many those as I want pretty much uh but yeah we're going to go ahead and just snag all of those and
move on all right next uh there were some clearance in the regional grocery section so like this Jam here you can't find this anywhere else this Melinda's ghost strawberry uh I think this is made in Florida um this first one does not pull up but the second one here uh yeah this is this is fantastic so if we buy this our buy cost here is $250 we're selling it for $14 14 is the all day everyday price on Amazon here um solid sales I mean not a crazy fast mover but it's moving enough that we
will get our sales I can buy all of them here that are on the shelf we've got six here and I can reasonably guesstimate that I will sell all six of these within a month since our estimated sales are roughly 56 sales her all right moving on we're going to look for some more seasonal stuff so these pumpkin things at the store can be really good we're going to scan the image of the Pillsbury perfectly pumpkin cake mix all right make sure when you do these image scans that you do actually select the correct product
obviously it's not the cookie pumpkin it is the cake pumpkin mix um sometimes the packaging can change over the years sometimes you will see other private label bundles getting put in here where people made like a special spoon or something don't do that by the way guys it breaks the TOs just don't do it all right so yeah yeah we found this two pack here there's not quite enough meat on the bone there to make that profitable so I'm going to select the other two pack the one that is selling for a little bit over
$14 actually $15 right now so yeah sales of 54,000 really really good estimated sales 172 uh units per month what part our cost in this cost us a buck 88 but there are two of them so it's really $380 something cents okay so our profit is $3.10 I like everything that I'm seeing here and this will just continue to sell better and better and better okay seven on the Shelf so we can pick all of those up and uh and yeah we should be good there all right I finished up my day here I spent
about two 2 and 1/2 hours here at this Walmart uh so let's see the uh the damage that I was able to do we'll check our our buy list for today all right so we uh we pulled up today's estimated profit um so this is it's 11:00 I got here at about 9:00 so about 2 hours worth of time uh about $11,000 in potential profit um you can see here the uh the stuff that we bought all of the fees and everything that uh that are incurred so if you're an active seller you can actually
export this to the CSV file up there at the top or to Google Sheets uh make yourself a nice easy buy list but uh yeah this stuff is is all winners I'm really surprised these shoes were killer the day was going okay it was going to be kind of a mediocre Walmart day um but these shoes just absolutely blew it out of the water now personally I don't use this CSV file um and I am using this as a rough estimate so some of these shoes for example will be just slightly different because I have
about uh one of 10 different sizes um now the ones that I checked were all very very similar so just for the sake of easy math and an easy video I am uh I'm combining all of those together but I mean it's the profit 300% Roi is crazy good on uh on shoes so yeah I'm super happy about that um I like those pumpkins as well I'm probably going to check some other uh Walmarts for those the uh the pumpkin mixes I might fbm I might do that as a merchant fill just to get it
to my customers faster um and it wasn't on clearance or anything so I should be able to find that at multiple Stores um and I would guess that I could probably find these Post-it notes at another store um maybe this uh kind of it's like a hot jelly type thing um I might be able to find this at other Walmarts in the area um these are probably just specific to this Walmart so I I doubt that I'll find those again but yeah not a not a bad day for 2 hours of work $1,000 of profit
um all in all I am quite happy with it all right let me know what you guys think so yeah that's how I scan stuff at Walmart this this is Retail Arbitrage this is going into stores finding things that are often time clearanced out closed out whatever uh storees trying to get rid of their inventory and we are just taking that from the store and listing it right on to Amazon um the prices on Amazon are the normal prices for these products we're not uh I'm I'm not buying like a $10 toy in the store
and then trying to sell it for $200 online that's not really what we're doing we're taking things that are normally 30 we happen to find it on clearance for like 10 and then we're flipping it for 30 okay so this is a very simple business it's hard work uh I don't want to present this like it's it's super easy and it takes no work at all no no this is this is hard work you you have to go to these stores you have to hit the roads you have to put in the time put in
the grind but it's a very simple and solved buiness business model it's very easy to get into the barrier to entry is incredibly low this NPO app that I was using completely free anyone can just download it you don't even need an Amazon account um signing up for an Amazon account it can be free although I do recommend you get a professional selling account on Amazon which is about 40 bucks a month again very low barrier to entry comparing this to like owning a restaurant or something crazy like that it's just there's no comparison okay
if you guys want to learn how to Source more stuff at stores put a comment down down below if you have questions put a comment down below I'm happy to answer stuff if you want a a whole guided class you can see up there uh we do a sourcing Camp so our quarter 4 the Q4 sourcing Camp uh replays are available for you guys if you want to uh purchase something that's much more in-depth there's like 60 hours of in-depth sourcing content there so if you do want to sign up for something like that definitely
check that out but otherwise yeah let me know what other kinds of videos you guys want to see what else I can show you if you like these Retail Arbitrage videos let me know give this a thumbs up give it a like and uh and that'll tell me and the algorithm that I should make more videos like this all right we'll see you out there guys make some money
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