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in 2019 I was 13 years old and lived near a forest with my family. Our home was cozy surrounded by tall trees that always seemed to whisper mysteries on a night that would change my life forever the weather was stormy the rain beat against the windows while lightning lit up the sky my mother my brother and sister were in the hospital taking care of my father who was seriously ill I was alone trying to be brave sitting on the sofa I watched television to distract myself the house seemed huge and empty without my family the
shadows were longer deep and the sounds of the Storm outside made everything more frightening the clock hanging on the wall ticked Ava audibly and I was trying to concentrate on the program suddenly I heard my name being called a voice whispered from upstairs I stood still the television continued on but I couldn't hear it anymore the voice was so clear so real I turned off the television and paid attention the voice called again My heart was beating fast who could it be supposed to be I was just gathering my courage and decided to investigate I
slowly went up the creaky stairs wooden each step emitting a loud sound the corridor was dark so I turned on the light first I went to my room it was empty exactly as I had left it I checked my brother's room then also empty the voice seemed to come from the end of the corridor in my room parents the door was ajar I pushed it and looked inside the room was dark with only a faint light from the Hallway coming in I went in and called Hello no one answered I checked the closet and under
the bed but there was no one a shiver ran down my spine the voice had become sweaty so close but now it had disappeared uneasily I decided to return to the ground floor as I turned to leave the room I noticed something in the corner of my eye a shadow moved outside the window my heart raced and I was paralyzed slowly I approached the window and looked outside the rain was falling intensely making it difficult to see But then a flash of lightning lit up the yard near the edge of the forest there was a
figure it was too dark to identify who it was but I knew there was someone there panic took over me I ran down the stairs and locked all the doors I picked up the phone to call my mother but there was no signal the storm must have affected the service I felt trapped and scared I chose to stay in the star room from where I could see both the front and back doors I turned off the lights to see the outside better I sat on the couch holding a flashlight waiting for something to happen as
the minutes dragged on the storm continued and I often looked at the windows then I heard a noise it was a light tap coming from the back door I turned around and my heart skipped a beat through the door glass I saw the figure again closer this time standing right on the balcony the Lightning flashed again and I could see a pale face with dark eyes looking straight at me I screamed and fell back dropping the lantern I tried to catch it but when I directed it towards the door the figure was gone I didn't
know what to do my mind was spinning in a whirlwind of fear and confusion I decided to hide I ran to the closet under the stairs and cowered inside I closed the door and tried to calm my breathing I heard the rain hitting the roof and the occasional sound of thunder time passed slowly I remained as silent as possible attentive to any sign of the intruder my mind tricked me into thinking I was hearing footsteps and whispers I was too scared to move finally tiredness overcame me and I fell asleep I don't know why How
long was I unconscious But I woke up to the sound of voices calling my name these voices were familiar I opened the closet door and peeked out the storm had passed and the house was lit I cautiously walked out and saw my mother, brother and sister standing in the living room they looked worried and relieved take Are you ok my mother asked running to hug me I felt tears in my eyes I heard someone calling my name upstairs and I saw someone outside I said with a trembling voice my mother hugged me tightly it's ok
Tomy we are here now you are safe I looked around still feeling uneasy the house seemed normal again but I couldn't shake the feeling that something had happened My mother said it was probably just my imagination due to the storm and being alone but deep down I knew what I saw and heard that night it left a mark on me a memory that would never disappear even now years later I can still hear that voice calling my name and seeing the figure standing in the rain was A Scary Night and I was alone Hello everyone,
my name is Maurício and I come from El Salvador for a long time, I want to share an experience that I had when I was approximately 12 years old, I lived in my family's house. parents and the rooms were lined up in a corridor that opened onto a Courtyard with no lighting of its own, only slightly brightened by the light that came from the bedroom windows, perhaps because I was used to it, I never felt uncomfortable there, also aware that my parents were next door in the next room my mother in particular is a woman
of deep faith and always taught us to revere and fear God, she did not allow me to watch horror content at that age, such as films or books, I must also mention that we had a dog called Munheca who passed away from velice after her death perhaps due to the habit of watching her grow up with me I could still hear her barking or playing in the yard as before she had even slept behind the front door or playing with a ball despite being a little strange it never scared me or caused fear It was
more out of curiosity than anything else, I mentioned it to my parents who said I hear it occasionally, it is protecting us, son, my mother said what comforted me, however, one night during an episode of sleep paralysis I saw the moonlight coming in. through the window a lady with white hair and an old dress floating around the room her Tesa was pale and ghostly and the scene looked like something out of a movie with ghosts floating with their clothes and hair in the wind unable to move I watched in horror as she approached and began
to opening his mouth in an abnormal way speaking in a language I didn't understand I was terrified in a cold sweat praying that everything was just a dream when I finally managed to move I ran to my parents' room where through tears I related what happened my mother allowed me to sleep with them that night and the next he gave me a Bible to keep next to my bed open to a Psalm normally I slept with my bedroom door half open so I wouldn't be woken up if someone came in the next night a soft
sound woke me up at the door it was made of metal so it was the typical sound you make when opening it then I saw the sound of small claws touching the floor towards my bed with the ceramic floor the sounds were even clearer This was the second night I was most afraid I felt so scared in my life that I didn't even think about getting up I felt the bed sink due to the weight of something lying next to me now I was sure it wasn't a dream because it was a long 3 hours
with the weight there feeling like that of an animal but in reality it wasn't I dared to move or turn around I just lay there with my eyes open staring at the ceiling until I finally fell asleep the next morning nothing strange was found in my room just the door was a little wider than usual I didn't tell my parents anything feeling embarrassed, I was a child with a lot of imagination, I thought, but over time the situation got worse, the visits now occurred three times a week, always in the same sequence, except that now
they closed the door, even so, I could feel how the creature walked and lay down next to me. side on several occasions I felt the heat of his breath on my back I started to feel uncomfortable fearing I would spend another night there but I couldn't muster up the courage to tell my parents about this strange situation after many nights I got used to it the fear was no longer the same and was replaced by a feeling of irritation whenever it occurred the situation remained the same for almost 5 years at 16 I moved out
of my parents' house for study reasons while I was preparing to move I wondered what would happen now that I was alone if the events would end or if that would follow me my doubt was clarified from the first moment I moved or so I thought because I felt that it had followed me Thank God it wasn't for long because I soon stopped feeling that presence sleeping next to me it was a process slow but at that point I was starting new studies so I didn't have much time to think about supernatural things these days
I'm 38 years old and that never came back a friend who believes in the Paranormal told me it was a totem animal that was protecting me that probably came to protect me of the lady that I saw on the first night in my country is the savior there is also a famous legend about an animal called the cadejo that describes two dogs, a white one that is good and a black one that represents evil. Both are characterized by having red eyes which can you identify them I remember that night clearly it was a cold and
windy night in our troubled neighborhood my name is Mary and I was only 12 years old at the time I lived with my mother and my little brother take our father was away on work as was often the case E we were used to looking after ourselves but that night was different it was very late maybe close to midnight the wind was howling outside and the trees cast scary shadows on the walls Tom I were already in bed but I couldn't sleep I was lying awake looking at the ceiling when suddenly I heard a sound
it was a soft knock on the front door at first I thought I imagined it But then I heard it again my heart started beating fast who could it be at that time I got out of bed and looked down the hall I saw my mother standing there listening intently she was worried Stay in your room Mary she whispered when she saw me But I was paralyzed as she went to the closet and picked up Dad's old shotgun I had never seen my mother so scared she held the gun tightly and walked to the door
who is then she asked with a trembling voice there was no answer Just more knocking she looked through the peephole but didn't see anything my mother took a deep breath and opened the door slightly there was no one there She closed the door quickly and locked it her hands shaking go back to bed Mary, she said But I realized she was scared I also went back to my room but I didn't sleep I stayed awake listening to every noise the next morning we found something strange outside there were footprints on the ground near our house
they were as big as a man's but strange as if he was dragging something heavy we also found barbed wire stuck in the bushes near Our Backyard it was rusty and sharp and it gave me goosebumps my mother called the police who came to investigate they examined the footprints and the barbed wire and took photos the police spoke to my mother for For a long time, I could see that they were also worried. They advised us to be careful and keep the doors and windows locked. We spent the day thinking about what had happened. I
didn't understand much, but I felt that something was wrong . strength that night we barely slept every noise scared us days later we discovered something that made the situation even more terrifying we had a neighbor who lived a few houses down was an elderly man called Senor David he was always a bit eccentric but we never paid much attention however one of our neighbors He said something that chilled my blood Mr David has been behaving strangely lately said Mrs Peters I saw him walking at night carrying something big and heavy he seemed disturbed My mother
thanked us and hurried us in she seemed more worried than we should ever be alerts she said stay close and don't go out alone we started to notice more strange occurrences sometimes we heard noises outside at night as if someone was going around the house once Tomy found an old and damaged doll in our yard it was dirty and damaged and it made me nauseous just looking at it my mother called my father and told him everything he said he would come home as soon as possible but it would still be a few days before
he arrived we had to stay safe until then one night I woke up to the sound of glass breaking I jumped out of bed and ran to my mother's room she was already up armed with the shotgun stay behind me she said we walked slowly towards the room where the sound was coming from the window was broken and the cold wind came in my mother pointed the shotgun at the broken window your hands shaking who There she shouted there was no response we heard footsteps moving away and then everything went silent my mother called the
police again who arrived quickly they searched around the house but didn't find anyone we need to leave mom said after the police left it's not safe here we fixed it our things quickly my mom called dad and told him what had happened he agreed that we should leave we went to stay with my uncle and my sister for a while there it seemed safer but I still had nightmares about that night a few days later dad finally When he got home, he hugged us tightly and I felt safe for the first time in days. He
talked to the police and with David, the police discovered that Mr. David was hanging around our house, he had a history of problematic behavior and was never taken in for questioning again. We returned to that house silent to a new neighborhood far from Senor David and the scary nights it took a long time to feel safe again but we were together and that was what mattered I still think about that night sometimes the knock on the door the footprints the barbed wire it seems a bad dream but it taught me to be brave and to
trust my family no matter what happened we would always protect ourselves I'm not a hotel employee but my profession requires me to travel constantly recently I needed to stay a few nights in a hotel I already knew well it was an old and attractive establishment in a quiet town my aunt and uncle were the previous owners and I have fond memories of it from my childhood the hotel remained practically unchanged over the years the wooden floors still made noise when walking and the aroma was a soft mix of lavender and old books my room was
on the first floor facing the inner courtyard it was comfortable with a spacious bed adorned with a colorful bedspread a wooden chest of drawers and a small writing table next to the window I used to leave the window ajar at night to enjoy the cool breeze and the calming sound of the fountain downstairs on the first night I fell asleep quickly but around midnight I woke up to the sound of furniture being dragged in the room above me the noise was a slow drag as if someone was moving a heavy chair across the floor, initially
I thought it was just another guest rearranging the room, but the noise persisted for hours, I put a pillow over my head, but that didn't solve it. In the end, I fell asleep from exhaustion the next morning, I mentioned the noise to the receptionist, a young woman of Warm smile she was confused and informed me that the room above mine was unoccupied with no guests For weeks I ignored it assuming that the sound could have come from somewhere else maybe it was just the old pipes making noise that night the same thing happened again when
I was almost asleep the The noise began again, the scrape of furniture reverberated in the ceiling, this time my curiosity got louder, I put on my slippers and went down to the lobby to meet the night guard, he was a serene-looking gentleman and agreed to check the room above mine. We went up in the creaking elevator. up to the second floor the corridor was faint and the carpet muffled our steps the guard opened the door and we entered the room was empty exactly as the receptionist had mentioned with the furniture intact and a thin layer
of dust covering everything there was no sign that anyone had been there there we returned to the lobby and the Guard assured me that he would be alert I went back to my room but I couldn't sleep every slightest noise scared me I was imagining the mois aci moving on their own as if an invisible force was reorganizing the space the next day exhausted I decided to change my room the hotel staff was understanding and allocated me to a wing far from the Fountain of Noises my new room was equally welcoming but with a view
of the Garden instead of the courtyard for the first time in days I relaxed, took a long shower and settled into bed with a book the night was peaceful and I finally relaxed thinking that the worst was over but just when I was starting to fall asleep I heard the same dragging sound again now above my new room my heart raced as I heard the disturbing sound it seemed to circulate as if someone was deliberately trying to bother me I couldn't take it anymore I picked up my phone and called the reception the receptionist seemed
worried and Said she would send the guard immediately in a few minutes I heard a knock on the door it was the same Guard now with an even more serious expression We went up together but again the room above was empty the guard checked every corner without finding anything unusual he suggested that I try to rest and assured that he would make rounds through the corridors during the night back to my room I felt dismayed what was causing those noises Why did they follow me to the other side of the Hotel lying on the bed
I watched the ceiling trying to decipher the mystery the sound continued Relentless and frightening as the dawn advanced the noise finally stopped and I fell into a restless sleep when I woke up the sun was shining and everything seemed normal again I packed my bags and checked out of the hotel feeling a mixture of relief and residual apprehension as I walked away I couldn't help but feel that something was wrong in that place the hotel that once seemed to me a second home was now shrouded in mystery and fear I wondered if I would ever
find out what had caused those noises but a part of me was relieved to leave them behind to this day I think of that experience every time I stay in a hotel the memory of those nights the sound of furniture moving in an empty room still haunts me it's a reminder that some mysteries are best left unsolved and that some places no matter how familiar can hide secrets in their shadows i decided to camp alone in the woods seeking tranquility away from the Urban turmoil I prepared my camping equipment, provisions and took my old and
trusty rifle for protection I drove to an isolated camping spot deep inside the forest a place I had explored a few times but had never camped alone I arrived at dusk the sun was still shining projecting shadows lengthened by the trees the air was pure and the only noises were the singing of birds and the rustling of leaves I set up my tent in a small clearing surrounded by tall pine trees it was the ideal place far from islands or other camps after erecting my tent and organizing my belongings I decided to look for firewood,
the sun was starting to set and I wanted to prepare a fire before it got dark, I went through the forest, collecting small and dry twigs as I walked away from my camp, I noticed something unusual in the distance, I saw someone walking through the forest, it was unusual because the person was not following a The trail moved slowly, almost aimlessly through the dense vegetation, a chill ran down my spine. Who could it be? And why was I wandering through the forest like that? I dismissed the feeling of discomfort and continued to look for firewood,
convincing myself that it was just another camper exploring the region with firewood. enough I returned to camp As the sun set over the horizon I lit the fire, the flame danced and crackled, bringing warmth and light to the clearing, I prepared a simple meal and sat by the fire enjoying the isolation, the forest around me darkened and the stars began to emerge in the The night sky was serene and I began to relax after eating I decided to sleep I turned off the fire leaving only a few coals burning and I entered the tent the
forest was calm except for the occasional hoot of an owl or the noise of animals in the undergrowth I felt protected in My tent snuggled in my sleeping bag I probably slept for a few hours when I woke up to a strange noise it was a soft and melodious whistling at first I thought I was dreaming but the whistling persisted it seemed to be coming from outside my camp my heart or who would be whistling here in the middle of the dawn I took my rifle and slowly unzipped the tent the whistling stopped as soon
as I left I scanned the surroundings my eyes adapting to the darkness the fire had gone out and the only light was the faint glow of the moon I listened carefully but I could only hear my breathing then in a glance I saw a figure on the edge of the clearing it was an evil man in the darkness he was just watching me a sudden terror took over I noticed myself and instinctively raised my rifle the man remained motionless I shouted with a trembling voice who is there there was no response the man remained silent
and motionless I kept my rifle pointed my finger on the trigger and for a time that seemed eternal we slowly stared at the man He turned and walked away, disappearing into the woods, I continued with the rifle in hand, listening to the sound of his footsteps, I didn't go back to the tent, I stayed by the fire, feeding it with more wood to keep it lit and shining, I didn't sleep for the rest of the night. my eyes searched the shadows attentively the aobo did not return and I no longer saw the man as soon
as the first rays of light crossed the trees I dismantled the camp I did not wish to remain in that place for another moment I returned to my car with my heart still pounding for meeting The journey home seemed longer than usual with my mind replaying the night's events over and over. When I got home I told my friends what had happened, some were dismissive saying it was probably just another camper playing a joke, others suggested it could be a local resident or even a hunter, but deep down I knew it was something more disturbing
about that man, the way he stood there watching me in the darkness, I never returned to that campsite, the forest, once a place of peace and isolation, now the memory seemed sinister and dangerous. That night is a reminder of how vulnerable we can be when we are alone in the Wild Nature. Every year my city holds a festival with carousels, park games, Pavilion of Mirrors and that crazy spinning ride that makes you nauseous, they put a lot of effort into this one weekend October during my childhood I always ended up with an overdose of Sugar
as my mother called it from eating so much cotton candy and Fried cakes I only felt the symptoms at the end of the night lying in bed holding my toys, I ignored the pain and relived all the celebrations in my mind nowadays I avoid the festival it no longer attracts me so imagine my discomfort when my girlfriend who helps organize the festival took me there one night after the crowd had left without queuing she exclaimed I even know how to operate the Ferris wheel I tried to show enthusiasm she she dragged me to the target
shooting tent and we sat down in front of a counter with water pistols, several targets were arranged about 4 m away, we shot more clearly, I let her win, I jumped over the counter and went to the large stuffed animal prizes display caps and t-shirts occupied the wall Which one do you prefer I shouted back Um she pretended to ponder an important decision I admit now it was a bit charming before choosing she took out her cell phone and took a photo of me next to the prizes I'm undecided between choosing you or that stuffed
octopus nearby of the clown doll, I'll keep the octopus, she said, rolling her eyes. I stretched out my arm to catch people passing by the clown doll, then she took me to the Carousel, I saw her enter the engineer's control cabin and seconds later the organ of tubes started playing and the Carousel spun during the ride she decided it was time for another photo this time I really tried to smile we just stayed for a while in the Pavilion of mirrors it was totally dark and we kept bumping into the mirrors and into each other
she took another one photo and the flash sing just got in the way Our orientation after the scary experience in the Pavilion of mirrors we decided to leave she said she was going home to post the photos of the incredible night the next morning I went to Facebook and saw the small album she posted I started reading the lucky comments festival just for you how cool the comments that surprised me were I loved the clown who suddenly appeared who was dressed like that wait what I reviewed the photos again and there he was in the
Carousel photo a tall clown was in the background the speed of toy blurred his image a little but he was standing there with his arms at his sides in the Pavilion of mirrors the flash highlighted the face of a smiling Clown in one of the mirrors in the corner of the photo there was something macabre in his expression how many times did I bump into him thinking who was my girlfriend, finally there was a photo of me next to the Awards display in the shooting tent and there he was next to the people I chose
for my girlfriend I thought he was a doll the realization made me completely sick I was the minimum distance from him his hot breath Probably brushed my skin What kind of evil pleasure did he get from this I called my girlfriend who was still asleep and asked if she knew the clowns hired for the Festival Her response made me shiver they abolished clowns 5 years ago after parents complained that they scared children and So our night at the festival concluded with a mystery that was never fully explained. I was in the state of Washington, spending
several days exploring the national parks, I was already about 20 m from the nearest road and for the first two days I didn't come across anyone, it was the beginning of Autumn so the weather was a little cooler than many prefer but I was well equipped the next morning I made a quick coffee on my camp stove and headed to the next campsite which was 6 miles away a long hike in the mountains after 4 hours of walking there were Steps in front of me I saw a man walking on the trail in the opposite
direction to mine I didn't expect to meet anyone but I waved as I passed him noticing something strange he wasn't carrying a backpack or water bottle anything other than a long sleeve t-shirt and worn out hiking pants I turned around to get a better look at him because I was intrigued when I did so he also looked back to avoid embarrassment I continued on my way after a while I tried to forget what had happened thinking that maybe he had a campsite nearby and was just hanging out a walk although I knew there were no
campsites nearby anyway I decided it wasn't worth worrying too much the next few hours were exhausting But finally I reached my campsite which was unoccupied with only a small space for My tent the place was not as good as I expected the view should have been better but it was almost hidden by the trees the place really seemed to be in the middle of a forest not on top of a mountain exhausted My tent and I relaxed As the sun was setting I suddenly heard a noise behind me I turned and I was amazed to
see the same man I had met before he was still without a backpack or any equipment and it was even stranger to see him in this camp he had gone in the opposite direction when I last saw him and to get here now I would have to have Back soon after we met he went to the opposite side of the small space and sat on the ground looking at the forest he was about 15 feet away from me but with his back turned I was able to observe him better The man looked to be in
his early 30s years old thin beard and short brown hair I felt very uncomfortable nothing about that situation seemed normal and as the sun went down I felt more and more insecure Who was this man and what was he doing 25 miles away in the Shelterless Forest food or water about 30 minutes passed and he still hadn't moved I decided I couldn't stay there I had nowhere else to go but I knew I needed to find some random place and make sure he didn't follow me I started to take down my tent and pack things
up and it was only then that the man looked at me once and he didn't take his eyes off me and every time I looked he was staring at me as soon as I finished putting everything in my backpack I noticed from the corner of my eye that he got up I started to walking quickly, listening to his footsteps right behind, I held my small knife tightly without knowing what would happen after a minute I looked back a few times seeing that he was still following me but staying behind so I took the risk, I
left the trail and entered the forest it was already completely dark so I hoped he wouldn't see me and just kept going when I was about 20 feet into the woods I hid behind a tree and waited 30 seconds then his steps continued along the trail but when I was about to pass he stopped and watched the darkness looking as if he knew that I was no longer on the trail so he started shouting trying to sound friendly which made it even more disturbing after two minutes he stopped shouting But instead of going back to
camp he walked straight into the forest on the other side of the trail his figure disappeared and the forest fell silent I waited there for over an hour before finally moving on and on my way I forced my body to continue and ignored the next campsite to be safe When I returned to town I reported the oo to the local police But they never contacted me I don't know if that man lived in the forest or stole or kidnapped people or TZ both but I was lucky to have managed to escape when I did for
many years in my maternal lineage Especially at my grandparents' residence there were countless situations linked to the Supernatural audible sounds outside in the corridors in the kitchen in the backyard or even on the ceiling were typical of these events there was a period when my cousin and I were younger these Supernatural occurrences were more frequent in their house this Episode took place in a rural location in the department of Santa Rosa in the southeast of Guatemala in the early years of the 90s, at that time the region where my grandparents lived was predominantly agricultural, with
the cultivation of coffee, corn, sugar cane, among others, it is important to mention that at that time my grandparents had very few neighbors, generally separated across vast stretches of land where they cultivated their products, which gave the place a dark air at dusk. There were several occasions when a certain apparition disturbed my grandparents during the night, more irritated than scared, my grandfather took his powerful and armed himself with stones for when the entity appeared again they had already tried different ways to expel this evil spirit but without success however that night after reciting a special
prayer my grandfather managed to reach the creature with a hybrid appearance between human and animal with huge wings as he described the being fell into the part of behind the land, but to my grandfather's surprise, he disappeared without a trace. Days later, they learned that a neighbor had been injured, receiving an impact strong enough to almost break her arm, and that was why she had stayed away, my uncle and grandfather already suspected her. who often heard peculiar sounds coming from their property and saw strange figures in addition to their unusual behavior However nothing could be
definitively proven and my grandfather ended up selling the land after my grandmother's enigmatic death it has been more than 20 years since the last time I was in that village on my last visit, I discovered that the house where they lived no longer exists, replaced by a mansion with an abandoned appearance, the adversities have not ceased as it seems that luck continued to affect some family members who had interactions with that enigmatic woman, my uncle is now a man elderly, despite his continuous efforts, he faces extreme financial difficulties, living one day at a time, my
grandparents are deceased for years and my cousin, although he is a competent and well-paid worker, seems to see his money evaporate, never being enough, as for me, I am close to 40 years old and I lead a relatively peaceful life with a loving family who greatly values ​​my presence at home, although it seems that the events did not affect me directly, I can say that paranormal occurrences have also marked my life. I live in the north of Guatemala in an isolated region close to the border with the Mexico, surrounded by dense forests and combs mountains,
this place also holds dark and horrifying accounts of Guatemalan history where mythical figures such as lorona Laci guanaba and the cadejo are protagonists My experience with this last being has been recurring, although he scares me, I have never run away, I have always faced these courageously encounters stories that I will share another time the most terrible night of my life was on Halloween 2010 my cousin chis and I were roommates at the time and we had moved in together in the months before Halloween we were pretty well known in our house and we wanted to
make a halloween party at our new place We spent the day preparing for the party, buying drinks and food and decorating with cobwebs and other decorations. It was a great moment when I dressed up as a Crazy doctor and Cris as a clown, livening up the party with his typical clown games to make everyone laugh I was 18 and not used to drinking a lot but that night I drank a lot I started with beer and then I started taking shots with people I can't remember exactly when people started leaving but I think it was
around two or TR in the morning I remember being so drunk that I couldn't getting out of the chair I was sitting in in the room people started to leave and I barely noticed I was just watching I vaguely remember Chris telling me he was going out to buy some more drinks for some people and then I passed out the next thing I remember is waking up with chis coming back in through the garage door and sitting on the couch across from me the whole room was spinning fast and i couldn't keep my vision still
long enough to focus on anything i remember asking if he bought the drinks and he just He shook his head no after that I just remember going back and forth in consciousness my cell phone was ringing but I ignored it I was too drunk and tired to take it out of my pocket and answer it but it kept ringing several times I finally picked it up and pressed the green button on the screen Hello I said into the phone drunk and then I heard Chris's voice say man we were finally about to leave we are
at Jack in the Box do you want anything in my drunken state I didn't put the pieces together right away but I remember looking at Cris on the couch, but the room was spinning so much that I couldn't make out his face, just the bright colors of his costume. So I said to Chris on the couch, man , I think I'm going to throw up, stop calling me, but he didn't respond at all and then I heard the voice of Chris on the phone saying see you later and he hung up I stood there for
a moment barely able to think But suddenly I had a moment of lucidity I realized I heard girls in the background on the phone and so I put the pieces together I got up from the chair and managed to stand whoever who was sitting in front of me was a complete blur so I started walking towards him, each step extremely difficult. I stopped in front of him, half squinting my eyes and placing my hands on the sides of my head, it worked, it stabilized my vision and I could clearly see the older man. sitting on
the couch smiling at me I asked who the hell he was and then he got up and walked past me I stood there on the couch unable to turn around that's the last thing I remember the next thing I knew I woke up in a hospital and I felt a very different kind of drunkenness i asked a random nurse who was near me where i was and what the hell was going on she told me i had been attacked about 24 hours later i was finally thinking clearly again when i woke up chis My sisters
and my parents They were all in the room I asked again what had happened and Chris said he found me lying on the living room floor in a pool of blood we were all just as confused as I was but I tried to tell them I thought it was Chris in the room with me they weren't they understood but I told them there was a man there clown I never found out who that man was or how he got into our house since then I avoid thinking too much about that night but every time I
see a clown I can't help but get a shiver down my spine E so the most horrible night of my life ended leaving a mystery that will never be solved I would like to share an event that occurred two months ago I live in Corinto Nicaragua and work in a company that stores cereals like corn in a very large space I need to mention that this happened while three colleagues and I were on the night shift, we were disinfecting the deposits where we kept the Yellow corn, we used a reflector to guide us through the
gloom, it was a rainy night and while we were cleaning we could see our shadows reflected by the light. There were only four of us so we stopped abruptly when we noticed that five shadows were forming on the ground as there were five of us I remember a colleague asking us we remained silent intimidated without reacting our terror was accompanied by a feeling of oppression in the air and a cold as if the temperature had suddenly dropped a rumble in the top of the warehouse woke us from our stupor. This was the signal for us
to run immediately, leaving our belongings behind. behind and the service incomplete, we arrived at the central office, soaked by the rain and scared, we reported what happened to our supervisor and I noticed how his face changed when he heard us, he seemed fearful and before we could ask how he was he informed us that bizarre events are common In that warehouse, one of the oldest, but not the only one, he said, without giving many details, advising us to rest a little before heading to other warehouses. After three days, another incident occurred, with the difference that
this time it was during the day, that time I was in charge. to do maintenance in warehouse 15 together with two colleagues, the shift continued normally until lunch time when the supervisor said that they could go home and rest because they would be needed at night as the cleaning was almost finished, I thought it would be ok to remain alone to finishing an hour later around 3 pm and still in the middle of cleaning I swear I started to hear footsteps in the warehouse as if someone was walking on top I wondered who was there
thinking I was alone but they had probably sent someone to help it was strange but I decided to assume that this was the explanation, however the situation became even more bizarre when I heard the laughter of a child reverberating through the environment, I ran outside looking at the top of the warehouse and saw a child, what the hell does a child do up here, I thought how did she I entered a company where minors are not allowed and as I got up there everything was so abnormal and unsettling, terrified I looked down to call the
supervisor and in a second when the child had disappeared again I left my objects and went to look for my colleague Frank to report the situation as soon as I found him Frank after a sigh explained to me This poor boy or whatever he is usually appears in the warehouses Especially when there is Only one person cleaning if they send you to clean again don't go alone believe me it's safer to have someone with you, this will prevent you from having an accident, many have seen this entity comment that at night it seems more threatening,
some have seen it larger as if it were about to attack those unfortunate enough to have the misfortune of encountering the demon from deposit 15 after this last encounter with the inexplicable the team began to strictly follow the advice of the foreman Never to enter the warehouses alone especially on the 15th shifts were adjusted to ensure there was always company and although rumors and whispers about the ghost boy continued to circulate among the workers no further incidents have occurred since then we learned to respect the stories and spaces we occupy Especially when they hold Secrets
older and deeper than the grains we store and So our work routine continued with a new caution and a renewed respect for the unknown that sometimes does more than than just whispering in the shadows I was on night shift at the gas station the hours were long and the nights were generally quiet nothing exciting happened I cleaned the counters restocked the shelves and served the rare customers who needed fuel or a snack However, one night something happened that I will never forget. It all started like any other night. I was behind the counter reading a
book to pass the time. It was around midnight and the station was deserted. The bright lights inside made the darkness outside seem even darker. intense the only noise was the hum of the refrigerator and the sporadic vehicle traveling along the highway suddenly I saw intense headlights outside a vehicle parked at the pump but no one got out I watched for a moment waiting to see if the driver would enter after a few minutes The Door Opened and a man He came out he was tall and slender with messy hair and clothes that looked like they
hadn't been washed in weeks he walked slowly almost tripping towards the door when he walked in I noticed he was restless his hands were shaking and he was looking around anxiously there was something about him that wasn't there Right, he approached the counter and looked at me without saying a word. His eyes were wide and intense and I could see sweat on his forehead. Can I help? I asked, trying to sound calmly he didn't answer he continued Just looking at me my heart started to speed up I didn't know what to do I looked at
the phone wondering if I should call for help but before I could decide he said is there a bathroom he asked with a trembling voice Yes it's in the background I replied pointing to the door at the end of the Hall he walked towards the bathroom still looking around anxiously I watched him leave feeling uncomfortable there was something about him that was wrong but I couldn't put my finger on it I tried to ignore the feeling and returned to my book but I couldn't concentrate I kept an eye on the bathroom door waiting for him
to come out the minutes passed and he still hadn't left I started to feel even more uncomfortable what was he doing in there I decided to check I walked slowly towards the bathroom door with my heart pounding in my chest I knocked lightly, is everything ok then I asked there was no answer I knocked again now louder sir it's ok I repeated still no answer a fear invaded me and what if something had happened to him I hesitated for a moment then decided to open the door I pushed it slowly and looked inside the bathroom
was empty he was gone a chill ran down my spine where he had gone I searched the gas station but there was no sign of him it was as if he had disappeared into thin air I went back to the counter feeling more uncomfortable than that I never decided to Call my manager just to report what happened when I was about to pick up the phone I saw headlights outside again another car was arriving at the pump this time it was a taxi the driver got out and at the Dire entrance was an older man
with a smile welcoming came in and looked around the busy night he asked, approaching the counter not so much I replied forcing a smile I had a strange customer A little while ago what happened he asked, showing concern I reported about the nervous man and how he had disappeared from the bathroom the taxi driver heard me agreeing As I was saying this it seems bizarre he commented you should be careful you never know who might show up here yes I agreed feeling a little relieved to talk to him thanks for the advice you're welcome he
replied smiling again if you need anything I'll be around that's all honk If you need help thank you feeling a little safer knowing he was nearby the taxi driver returned to his car and I watched him as he drove away I felt a little better but I couldn't dispel the feeling of apprehension I returned to my book but I could n't I was able to concentrate, I kept looking around, half-waiting for the nervous man to come back, and hours passed and nothing else happened, the gas station remained calm and I tried to relax, but just
when I thought the night would end without further incident, I saw headlights outside again, my heart quickened when the same car as before stopped at the pump the nervous man got out again looking even more anxious than before he walked towards the entrance and a wave of fear washed over me I looked around hoping the taxi driver was still around but there was no sign of him the man nervous he walked in and walked to the counter looking at me again with those wide and intense eyes my hands started to shake but I tried to
stay calm can I help I asked my voice shaking he didn't respond instead he took a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to me without saying one word I took it in my hands Shaking the paper was old and worn with writing difficult to read it looked like some kind of map What is this I asked confused he didn't answer he just kept looking at me with those intense eyes a wave of fear invaded me I didn't know what that he wanted and didn't want to find out I think you should
leave I said trying to sound brave he didn't move he just kept staring at me my heart started to faint I looked around hoping to see the taxi driver but there was no sign of him I didn't know what to do at that moment I heard a horn outside I looked up and saw the taxi driver's car he had returned I felt a wave of relief wash over me the taxi driver got out of the car and walked towards the entrance the nervous man looked at him and then at me he looked even more anxious
Now everything is fine, the taxi driver he asked looking at the nervous man the nervous man didn't respond he just turned and walked out the door without saying a word I watched as he got into his car and drove off the bright headlights disappearing into the darkness are you ok the taxi driver asked approaching the counter I think Yes, I replied, still shaking, Thank you for coming back without any problems, he said, smiling, I said, If you need anything, just honk, Thank you, I thanked him, feeling a little better, the taxi driver stayed there for
the rest of my shift and nothing else happened when morning came, I thanked him again and he left. He walked away I never saw the nervous man again but I never forgot that night it was the scariest night of my life and I was grateful to have someone there to help me overcome it if you are enjoying our videos take the opportunity to subscribe to the channel leave a like comment and share the video Thank you very much in advance for watching, stay with God and see you in the next video bye
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