Joker: Folie à Deux - SPOILER Talk!

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Jeremy Jahns
Joker: Folie à Deux Opens tonight....but on the off chance I can save you money before you destroy t...
Video Transcript:
hi I don't know why I didn't notice it before I uploaded my review but my uh Joker 2 review just starts out so all right as some of you know trying to jump scare folks try to start these videos off a little softer like hello but this is my spoiler Talk video for Joker 2 Joker fully ad do was that more accurate it's the best you get from me though we all know the actual title is Joker fully a this is also your spoiler warning if you haven't seen the movie yet I suggest you stick
around and save yourself a few bucks regardless I am going to spoil the movie and as always it's not going to be a play-by-play just talking about some things that stood out to me that's in the spoiler territory so the movie starts out I guess I could have talked about this in my spoiler free video but it's going to lead to spoilers Arthur's in his dungeon of Gotham and he's really not saying much he's kind of Silent which still did kind of feel like Joker to me you look at Dark Knight Returns Joker hasn't talked
granted in this movie there's no Batman to cause this vow of silence but I suppose it does illustrate the fact the fact being silence makes one more mysterious because regardless as to where the movie's going to go he still felt like Joker in these instances was always waiting for that moment that Hannibal moment where he oh he's quiet he's a model citizen he's not causing any problems and then someone gets too close he just bites their face I don't know would have been a pretty sweet moment would have gone against what this movie is illustrating
so let's move on this movie was pitched as a joker Harley movie and though it it's kind of kind of kind of what's her name in this movie Lee quinca like Harley Quin is it anyhow Harley and Joker I shouldn't even call him Joker he's Arthur Harley and Arthur meet when I was watching it go down my thoughts were consistent as to what I thought when I saw the trailer she's already in there she's already crazy it is I don't want to use the word accomplish but it is more of an accomplishment for the Joker
to corrupt a doctor then it is like hey crazy lady who's obviously a huge fan of mine want to I don't know hang out of course she's going to she's a Super Fan who's in Arkham though there is a reveal in here the reveal being the backstory she gave him was all [ __ ] she actually voluntarily committed herself in order to meet him her dad's a doctor she was actually working on her psych degree so you know it's it's still kind of there I did appreciate the fact that there is that nod to her
actual origin story though in a flip she's the one manipulating him cuz let's face it the Harley Quinn origin story like suicide squads probably the last time we ever see it on screen it's seen these days in the Hollywood circles as problematic Harley manipulating this mentally ill patient yeah that's fine so then she's like hey let's hang out let's bang in your cell while you're in solitary though that's when she puts makeup on his face and then he doesn't have the makeup so I was like was he imagining that but then she's like hey by
the way I'm pregnant so apparently he didn't imagine that otherwise she's just swinging for the fences of I I'll bet you he hallucinated me in his cell uh it's kind of a Hail Mary but I'm going to say I'm pregnant but then the next scene you see him he doesn't have makeup on so maybe I don't know this is what happens when they do what they bragged about doing I saw reports about how they were like yeah we'd have a script for the day and we would just throw the script out and do our own
thing yeah I'm sure that's a lot of fun and that can lead to iconic inspired moments like in the first movie can also lead to a complete and total cluster [ __ ] like this movie and to be fair the trial of the Joker could actually be a really cool movie this could have been amazing but it comes across as such a disjointed uninspired mess and maybe I'm just theorizing here but maybe it's possible Todd Phillips didn't want the comparison the first moovie got a lot of people were like yeah Joker's king of comedy meets
Taxi Driver maybe this time around he was like no one's going to compare this to anything it's going to be its own thing and I'm going to write it and after seeing Joker fully a dumb maybe he should have ripped off one flu Over the Cuckoo's Nest meets Primal Fear at this point I'm like yeah feel free to borrow when the courtroom stuff starts going the defense is Joker is another personality inside Arthur flex's head Arthur doesn't know what he did and I feel like the movie is executed in a way where it wants the
audience to humor that idea to have that mystery of oh is that the case but I was never on that ride because I saw the first movie even the little cartoon at the beginning of this movie that primes the audience to humor that just never landed with me I was like but that's that's not it to be clear I don't think that's actually what's happening it would kind of be ridiculous but the construction of the movie almost makes it look like that's what's happening just another case of I don't think this movie knows what it
wants to be I don't I don't think Todd Phillips knew what he wanted to make it zazzy beats characters back which I was like didn't she die in the previous movie which he killed five people six including his mom so let's count him out the three Wall Street guys on the subway Randall Murray his mom but also the doctor at the very end I mean when he was walking away he had the bloody Footprints the implication is that he killed her but if the kill count is six not seven well I guess she lives I
guess she didn't die guess he just stepped in red paint at the end of the last movie uh zazzy beat's character again was almost implied but there's wiggle room there she didn't die though her character has so much more information than she probably should have had she's talking about how Arthur's mom would talk with her about Arthur granted Penny Fleck was crazy too maybe they were just in the elevator like so here's here's the low down on my son just dumping on her I could see it as much as that's all possible it came across
in the movie as we just needed all this information about Penny and how Penny actually viewed Arthur and they just will had her know it when Gary took the stand best seen in the movie it's not even close Gary the little dude who lived that's actually one of the most intense scenes in the first movie because you just don't know what's going to happen to this dude and Arthur Goes you're were the only one who was nice to me kisses him on the head lets him go so it's kind of flipped when he's on the
stand Gary starts talking to Arthur and he's like you were the only one who never made fun of me and basically he you traumatized me and that's the moment you see the whole Joker thing is [ __ ] is when it actually starts affecting Arthur and he's like no no further questions I was like oh you care Joker wouldn't care is this going to be [ __ ] uh yeah yeah it was at the end of all the courtroom stuff Arthur's become his own lawyer and he's making his closing statements and he's pretty much like
look there is no joker it's just me April Fool's audience sorry you wasted your time oh that was funny we got him nervous laugh while you cry in private and then when there are people around fake it tell you make it if I wanted to see people fake confidence I'd get Tik Tok or a dating app I've never actually seen a sequel not since Highlander 2 anyway have I seen a sequel so try to undo everything the previous movie did in the end yeah Arthur Fleck dies he's confronted by this other inmate in Arkham this
character who just was looming in the background staring a few times he tells him a joke and says you get what you [ __ ] deserve and just Shanks him until he dies then as Arthur's bleeding out on the ground camera zooming into his face you see the guy blur in the background but he's taking the knife and he's carving a smile onto his face that's right that's the real Joker there this Arthur guy was just a sad guy in makeup again was always a possibility in the online conversations but now we know unfulfilling yeah
like it's just it's some guy who stabbed him a joker that was called Joker wasn't actually about Joker it was just Arthur him cutting his face implies that he'll have a joker smile like Heath Ledger Joker in The Dark Knight which doesn't really make sense again that's what he borrowed from right there Todd pH pH was like I'm not going to borrow from anything except Heath LED's Joker from Dark Knight I'll borrow from Nolan but he can't actually be that joker he's too old Joker takes place in what 1981 this is 2 years later so
1983 if Heath Ledger's Joker is comparable to Heath Ledger's age he would be what four in this movie this dude's way too old doesn't make sense also the Todd Phillips Gotham and Arkham compared to Christopher Nolan just they're two different worlds so him cutting his face you would know who he is but there's no way that Heth Ledger's Joker funny thing it's also very circular in a very pointless way Arthur starts out in Arkham meets Harley Quinn goes to trial a whole bomb that goes off in the courtroom he escapes to talk to Harley and
she's like look it was just a fantasy no thanks the cops pick him up he ends up back in Arkham so what was the point of all that he ends up at the end of the movie where he started out at the beginning of the movie and he gets shanked in the hallway this could have been a 5minute joker DLC scene on YouTube Arthur's sitting there watch watching cartoons oh you have a visitor he goes gets stabbed in the hallway guy cuts his face and that's where the Saga ends we're going to go ahead and
save $200 million with the rest of the [ __ ] we'll just give you this it's a serviceable fan film with big stars at that point also Brandon gleon was great Brenan Gleason's always great see yeah the movie's disjointed it's shoddy the ending is unfulfilling the musical numbers just exist to get Wen Phoenix in the makeup in fact anyone he ever quote kills happens in his imagination but no revenge on the guards why not not have him just be Joker and he meets Harley and they actually [ __ ] [ __ ] up have him
stand trial have him be convicted have him get the chair but if you want to see him pay for his crimes have him go out as the Joker but this movie does make you think like does Todd Phillips regret doing the first Joker movie and he just wanted to do this to undo it we're in this weird time where Studios and filmmakers are like so let's just troll the fans that actually built this thing up hundreds of millions of dollars on their own private joke their own way to stick at the fans it's so strange
but this movie did unite the people the fans and the critics whereas the previous film was very divisive no one seems to like this well this divided day and age that makes it Mighty Joker fully ad do shows exactly why Wen Phoenix does not do sequels and officially when you hear reports that movies get these longstanding Ovations at film festivals I guess at the Venice Film Festival this movie got an 11 minutes Standing Ovation 11 minutes you know how long 11 minutes clap for 11 minutes and tell me your hands don't fall asleep tell me
the last thing you witnessed in life worth that and if you have something ask yourself well did you do it did you clap for 11 minutes no exactly yeah this is definitely one of those movies at the time of filming this it's only been a couple days I already hate it more and that's going to be consistent as time goes on two weekends in a row of complete and total vanity project nonsense these movies could have a pay-per-view match so Joker fully ad do have you seen it what did you think think about I think
I already asked you that or what are you saving your money for if you're not watching this or you know what what's your favorite Joker on screen comic book any of it but whatever you think comment below let me know and as always if you like what you've seen here and you want to see more click right here to see more [Music] Doo
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