THROW IT DOWN THE TOILET and you will NEVER AGAIN have DEBT POVERTY and BAD LUCK| Buddhist Teachings

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THROW IT DOWN THE TOILET and you will NEVER AGAIN have DEBT POVERTY and BAD LUCK| Buddhist Teachings...
Video Transcript:
throw it down the toilet and you will never again have debt poverty and bad luck Buddhist teachings pour this into your toilet and you will never experience bad luck death poverty or financial difficulties again remember that everything starts from your home because it is the foundation of your life the toilet can Harbor negative energy that can infiltrate your life and positive energy can also leave through it therefore you must be very careful with this specific area in your home in today's video the Journey of wisdom will bring you a ritual a way to remove negative
energy from your home by pouring it into your toilet the negative energy will disappear from your life it will be sent away allowing wealth and prosperity to flow into your heart home all the money you deserve for everything you have envisioned for a long time will appear soon so stay until the end of the video and you might find it hard to believe that you didn't know about this ritual sooner a ritual that helps you eliminate bad luck is so simple to perform yet it brings incredibly quick Financial results but stay with me because this
is supported by scientific research if you are not someone who believes in spirituality if you are a person inclined towards science but have clicked to watch this video you don't believe in the Law of Attraction and you don't believe in luck you always think that everything must be the result of your own efforts to achieve results then today I want to analyze with you another aspect quantum physics teaches us that the outer world is a reflection of the inner world this saying is no longer unfamiliar to the the Journey of wisdom Community right if you
have heard this saying before please comment one or 11 in the comments section so I know that the messages I have shared before the knowledge that the best most successful people in the world have shared you fully grasp let me repeat this saying the outer world is a reflection of the inner world if you have heard this saying before please comment 101 in the comments section this ancient wisdom aligns beautifully with the teachings of Buddhism where it is believed that our environment mirrors our internal State Buddha once said what we think we become the toilet
ritual symbolizes cleansing negative energy from your life akin to Flushing away your worries and misfortunes making space for abundance and joy to enter this practice while simple acts as a a powerful metaphor for letting go of negativity and welcoming positivity scientific studies in the realm of quantum physics suggest that our intentions and energy can influence our reality this is not merely spiritual jargon it is backed by evidence that our thoughts and emotions can shape the world around us Dr Masaru emoto's water experiments have shown that positive words and intentions can change the molecular structure of
water turning it into beautiful crystals this indicates that positive energy can have a tangible impact on our surroundings when you pour this mixture into your toilet you are symbolically flushing away the negative energy creating a fresh start the first let's delve deeper into the specifics of this ritual but first let me share with you a powerful and seemingly simple method dropping a clove of garlic into your toilet this practice has transformed my financial situation almost instantly it sounds incredible doesn't it let me take you back to a time when I was drowning in debt after
losing my job it was one of the darkest periods of my life I had been earning well and supporting my family but suddenly it all vanished overnight I found myself jobless and engulfed in fear and uncertainty the bills piled up rapidly draining my savings faster than I could have ever anticipated days turned into weeks and weeks into months leaving me trapped in a cycle of negativity I completely lost faith in myself sinking deeper and deeper into despair the mounting bills for rent daily expenses and Children's Medicine weighed heavily on me I lost weight couldn't sleep
and felt utterly hopeless this overwhelming debt seeped into every aspect of my life sapping all my energy and leaving me feeling powerless as if everything was slipping through my fingers I tried everything praying creating vision boards practicing positive thinking and affirmations yet after a month I was still jobless buried in debt and exhausted I felt lost directionless and began to question whether anything could work in such dire circumstances at my lowest point a friend called and shared a peculiar yet intriguing solution he claimed it could help me eliminate my debt initially it sounded absurd but
his conviction made me consider giving it a try James told me about a ritual involving a clove of garlic which he believed could clear all debts overnight despite my skepticism his confidence convinced me to try it James explained the ritual step by step first he emphasized the importance of keeping the bathroom clean a clean bathroom he said is essential for maintaining a positive energy flow this includes regularly emptying the trash and keeping the toilet lid closed as toilets can harbor not just physical waste but also negative energy the ritual involved ensuring that the toilet bowl
remained closed when not in use as leaving it open could allow negative energy to circulate he explained that physical and energy waste could affect our well-being especially at night when energy levels are lowest by keeping the toilet clean and closed we could prevent the accumulation of negative energy James's method might sound unusual but his own success story was compelling he recounted how this ritual had SA saved his family from losing their home after he lost his job his gratitude for this practice was palpable and his story inspired me to follow his advice I performed the
ritual as instructed each step from cleaning the bathroom to placing the garlic clove in the toilet was done with utmost care and belief the results were astonishing gradually my financial situation began to improve opportunities that I had never imagined started to present themselves it was as if a heavy burden had been lifted from my shoulders this experience taught me the power of intention and the importance of maintaining positive energy in our surroundings as the Buddha once said what we think we become by focusing on cleanliness and positive energy we can transform our lives have you
ever considered how the energy in your home affects your life how might have simple ritual change your financial situation or overall well-being share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below your insights could help others facing similar challenges remember the key to success lies in our mindset and actions by adopting simple practices like this ritual we can invite positive changes into our lives trust in the process and stay open to new possibilities as the Buddha said the mind is everything what you think you become despite my skepticism I decided to explore an ancient ritual involving
a clove of garlic to see if it could truly help eliminate my debts my financial situation was Dire and I was willing to try anything with no other options left I committed fully to the process even though my rational mind struggled to make sense of it one night I gathered my courage held a clove of garlic in my hand and wrote down my monthly debt of 1034 666 on a piece of paper the act of writing this number down felt surreal my hand trembled my heart pounded and a sense of uncertainty loomed Over Me closing
my eyes I took a few deep breaths and began to chant all debts are now fully paid one by one as I chanted I visualized my debts Vanishing from my mailbox and disappearing from my bank account this visualization felt like a miracle in itself lifting a heavy burden off my shoulders I then threw the clove of garlic into the toilet symbolically flushing away my financial troubles this act gave me a spark of hope and I went to bed feeling more peaceful than I had in a long time I placed absolute trust in the ritual believing
that what happened next was beyond my control when I woke up the next morning I felt a profound sense of change as if a significant shift had occurred overnight over time I maintained this unwavering faith and to my astonishment I began to notice changes one day in April while sipping my morning coffee I checked my phone and discovered that my debt of 134 666 had miraculous ly disappeared not only were my debts gone but I also started experiencing unexpected Financial gains it felt like a divine intervention a financial miracle that I could hardly believe grateful
and overwhelmed with joy I knelt in tears thanking the universe for this incredible turn of events reflecting on this experience I realized the power of belief and the impact of rituals on our subconscious mind while the garlic RIT ual might seem unconventional it served as a catalyst for my transformation this story reminds me of the famous Buddhist saying what you think you become what you feel you attract what you imagine you create by aligning my thoughts and actions with the intention of Financial Freedom I opened myself up to new possibilities in Modern Life we often
seek logical solutions to our problems but sometimes embracing the unknown and trusting in ancient wisdom can lead to extraordinary outcomes for those struggling with debt poverty or bad luck I encourage you to explore practices that resonate with your beliefs and values whether it's a ritual meditation or simply shifting your mindset the key lies in your unwavering faith and commitment to change as Buddha said the mind is everything what you think you be come by harnessing the power of your mind and aligning your actions with positive intentions you can create a life of abundance and prosperity
remember the journey to Financial Freedom begins with a single step and sometimes that step requires a leap of faith embrace the journey trust the process and watch as Miracles unfold in your life next prepare to embark on a transformative journey into the realm of Buddhist teachings with a ritual that promises to free you from debt poverty and bad luck this ritual inspired by ancient wisdom will guide you towards prosperity and abundance to begin gather a fresh garlic clove powdered cinnamon a green candle a medium-sized mirror two pieces of white paper and a pen or marker
before you start find a Serene space in your home preferably near your financial area or Works Space this space will be your Sanctuary where you can connect with the energy of prosperity light the green candle representing the energy of money and Fortune Let its warm glow fill the room and your heart with hope for an abundant future visualize the flame growing Illuminating every corner of your life with prosperity on one piece of white paper write the name of your main source of debt with determination recognize this debt as an obstacle to your financial goals by
naming it you take the first step to freeing yourself from its burden and opening the path to abundance place the mirror strategically to reflect the candle's Flame the mirror acts as a portal amplifying the energy of prosperity and connecting you with your inner abundance take the garlic clove in your dominant hand and write the exact value of your debt on it sprinkle the garlic with powdered cinnamon symbolizing the attraction of prosperity close your eyes take a deep breath and visualize your debt disappearing affirm aloud with this ritual I am debt free Prosperity flows into my
life I am blessed with financial abundance Here and Now place the garlic on a symbolic money note write the total value of your debt on a piece of paper as if it were a bill combining it with the name of the debt Source light the tip of the paper and let the flame burn the representation of the debt as the flame consumes the paper repeat my debts are transforming Prosperity is on its way burn the paper safely ensuring you are away from flammable materials Focus your Gaze on the mirror absorbing the green candle's light as
a Beacon of Hope and prosperity let this light permeate your being Illuminating every area of your financial life and guiding you toward abundance visualize the prosperous life you desire debt-free surrounded by opportunities and enjoying the abundance the universe offers feel the joy and gratitude overflowing in your heart thank the universe for the infinite opportunities opening up to you acknowledge the blessings in your life and express unwavering faith in the opportunities to come embrace the certainty that the universe is conspiring in your favor guiding you toward your dreams this ritual combines the ancient wisdom of garlic
the positive energy of cinnamon and the profound meaning of the mirror to activate positive energies ward off negativity and attract Prosperity into your life consider the story of Sida gaama the Buddha who abandoned his luxurious Life In Search of Enlightenment through immense struggle and meditation he attained profound wisdom under the bod tree this story teaches us that true wealth lies not in material possessions but in spiritual enlightenment and inner peace reflect on this how can you apply the principles of Letting Go and seeking inner peace to your financial struggles by embracing the teachings of the
Buddha you can transform your relationship with money and prosperity in conclusion this ritual is more than a practice it's a profound Journey towards Financial Freedom and spiritual enlightenment it combines the ancient elements of garlic and cinnamon the reflective power of the mirror and the transformative energy of fire to cleanse your life of debt and poverty by following these steps you align yourself with the universal energy of abundance remember true Prosperity is not just about wealth but also about finding balance inner peace and spiritual fulfillment what steps will you take today to integrate these teachings into
your life how will you transform your financial challenges into opportunity for growth and Enlightenment by engaging with these questions you open the door to a life filled with abundance Guided by the Timeless wisdom of the Buddha with deep gratitude thank the universe for the infinite opportunities opening up to you acknowledge the blessings that already exist in your life and express your unwavering faith in the opportunities that are yet to come embrace embrace the certainty that the universe is conspiring in your favor guiding you toward the realization of your dreams the ancient practice of expressing gratitude
has been a Cornerstone of many spiritual Traditions including Buddhism by focusing on the positive aspects of our lives and acknowledging the good things we have we open ourselves up to even more blessings as Buddha once said let us rise up and be thankful for if we didn't learn a lot today at least we learned a little and if we didn't learn a little at least we didn't get sick and if we got sick at least we didn't die so let us all be thankful this quote underscores the importance of gratitude in our daily lives the
ritual we are about to discuss combines the ancient wisdom of garlic the positive energy of cinnamon and the profound meaning of the mirror to activate positive energies ward off negativity and attract Prosperity into your life garlic has been used for centuries in various cultures as a powerful protector against negative energies in many Traditions It is believed that garlic can repel evil spirits and harmful influences similarly cinnamon is renowned for its ability to attract abundance and prosperity its warm and sweet Aroma is is said to invite positive vibrations and good fortune lastly the mirror holds a
deep symbolic meaning in many cultures representing self-reflection Clarity and Truth to perform this ritual you will need a few cloves of garlic a stick of cinnamon and a small mirror Begin by holding the garlic in your hands and taking a moment to set your intention think about what you want to attract into your life and what you want to eliminate as you hold the garlic visualize it absorbing all the negative energy around you imagine all the debts poverty and bad luck being drawn out of your life and into the garlic next take the cinnamon stick
and hold it in your hands feel its warm and comforting energy as you hold the cinnamon focus on your desires for prosperity and abundance visualize your life filled with wealth success and happiness now take the small mirror and hold it in front of you look into the mirror and see your reflection as you gaze at yourself affirm your worthiness and your ability to attract positive energies into your life say out loud I am worthy of abundance I am deserving of prosperity I am open to receiving all the good things that the Universe has in store
for me repeat this after information several times until you feel a sense of conviction and belief once you have set your intentions and affirmed your worthiness it is time to complete the ritual take the garlic and the cinnamon stick and place them in a small bag hold the bag in your hands and say a prayer or affirmation of gratitude thank the universe for the blessings you have received and for the ones that are on their way after you have expressed your gratitude take the bag to the bathroom and flush it down the toilet as you
do this visualize all the negative energies being washed away and your path being cleared for abundance and prosperity this ritual is a powerful way to align yourself with the Positive energies of the universe and to attract Prosperity into your life it is a symbolic act that helps to shift your mindset and to focus on the positive aspects of your life by letting go of the negative energies and affirming your worthiness you are opening yourself up to receive the blessings that the Universe has in store for you remember the key to this ritual is not just
in the physical act of flushing the garlic and cinnamon down the toilet but in the intentions and beliefs that you hold as Buddha said the mind is everything what you think you become this means means that by focusing on positive thoughts and beliefs you can create a positive reality for yourself as you go about your daily life continue to practice gratitude and to affirm your worthiness make it a habit to thank the universe for the blessings you have received and for the ones that are on their way by doing this you are keeping your energy
aligned with the Positive vibrations of the universe and attracting more Prosperity into your life in conclusion the ritual of throwing garlic and cinnamon down the toilet is a powerful way to activate positive energies and to attract Prosperity into your life it is a symbolic act that helps to shift your mindset and to focus on the positive aspects of your life by expressing gratitude setting your intentions and affirming your worthiness you are opening yourself up to receive the blessings that the Universe has in store for you remember the key to this ritual is in the intentions
and beliefs that you hold by focusing on positive thoughts and beliefs you can create a positive reality for yourself as you continue to practice gratitude and to affirm your worthiness you are keeping your energy aligned with the Positive vibrations of the universe and attracting more Prosperity into your life what are some of the blessings you are grateful for in your your life right now how do you express your gratitude on a daily basis how do you plan to incorporate this ritual into your life to attract more prosperity and abundance share your thoughts and experiences in
the comments below remember the universe is always conspiring in your favor guiding you towards the realization of your dreams embrace the certainty that the universe is working in your favor and continue to practice gratitude and positive thinking by doing this you are opening yourself up to receive all the good things that the Universe has in store for you because the outer world is a reflection of the inner world the positive changes in your energy beliefs and emotions will manifest outwardly leading to changes in your external reality conversely if you Harbor negative forces Within you will
attract similar adverse situations for instance negative energy within you will inevitably draw in negative energy and circumstances you may find yourself stuck in a cycle of debt and poverty no matter how diligently you work the physical removal of waste from your home holds significant symbolic meaning it helps to clear away toxic energy that obstructs Financial abundance from reaching you by embracing these fundamental practices and combining cleansing rituals with positive affirmations visualization and intention you can significantly enhance your results utilizing positive affirmations allows you to program your subconscious mind with new Prosperity oriented beliefs now let
me tell you a story from Buddhist teachings that beautifully illustrates this principle once upon a time there was a wise monk who lived in a tranquil Monastery this monk was known for his profound wisdom and calm demeanor one day a troubled villager came to seek his advice the Villager lamented about his continuous misfortunes and constant Financial struggles he felt trapped in a NeverEnding cycle of bad luck and poverty the monk listened patiently and then invited the Villager to join him in cleaning the monastery grounds as they swept the leaves and removed the dirt the monk
explained the importance of maintaining a clean and harmonious environment he said just as we cleanse our surroundings we must also cleanse our minds and hearts negative thoughts and emotions clutter our inner World attracting negativity and hindering our progress the Villager though skeptical decided to follow the Monk's advice he started cleaning his home guarding old unused items and began practicing daily affirmations of gratitude and abundance over time the Villager noticed a shift in his life his mind felt lighter his heart more open and gradually opportunities began to present themselves his financial situation improved and he found
himself attracting positive experiences and supportive people the Monk's teaching had shown him that by aligning his inner world with positivity and Clarity he could transform his outer reality this story emphasizes a profound lesson the state of your inner World profoundly impacts your external circumstances by regularly engaging in practices that cleanse both your physical environment and your inner landscape you can attract luck and health into your life begin each day with a mindful intention to clear away negativity and to embrace positivity use affirmations to reinforce beliefs of abundance and wellbeing visualize your desired outcomes and feel
the emotions associated with achieving them imagine the transformation you could experience by simply decluttering your living space and your mind what new opportunities might come your way how might your relationships improve reflect on these questions and take the first step towards a more prosperous and harmonious life remember the power to change your reality lies within you in summary the practice of cleaning and decluttering combined with positive affirmations and visualization can bring about remarkable changes in your life by aligning your inner world with positivity and Clarity you attract similar energies into your outer World Embrace this
practice with with an open heart and witness the transformation it brings let this story and its lesson inspire you to take action today fostering a life filled with luck health and abundance dear friend if you feel that you are sinking in despair remember the powerful lesson of the clove of garlic it's a reminder that sometimes the smallest actions can lead to the most profound changes in our lives by embracing this teaching you can transform your financial situation and bring positivity into your life if you found this video helpful please like share and subscribe to our
channel the Journey of wisdom don't forget to turn on notifications so you never miss our upcoming videos thank you for watching and may you find peace and prosperity on your journey [Music] [Music]
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