welcome back today I'm going to teach you how to scale your Facebook ads to the Moon as you can see we have an ads manager here with a couple hundred sales on and today we're going to be doing live scaling so you're going to see the exact process that goes through my mind when running my Facebook ad this video is going to be worth more than a $55,000 course and I'm going to give you raw pretty much uncut unfiltered all the information that I have on Facebook ads for completely free so if you just watch
this one video I don't think you know like how much money you're going to make okay now this is the exact same strategy that I'm using in my own store which did over $870,000 in sales last month as you can see here we peaked at 38.9k one day we're going to also break it down by uh November so you can see the results there a little bit down this month but I can't complain 200k in a week is pretty good and I've been running this for a while now if we break down September and October
we're going to see some pretty insane and H hly kind of stable results so before you scale there is something that I like to call the criteria of scaling your Facebook ads okay and without this you're not going to get up to two5 $10,000 per day the ads manager we're going to look at is a store that's doing $1 to $2,000 a day and I'm going to show you exactly how I would bring it up to 10K a day but before you scale you need two things number one you need a way to actually pay
for your ads I recommend everyone who's trying to scale to have at least $200 saved up so you can pay for your ad cost and then after that you can go ahead and reinvest your profits the second thing you need in order to scale is a dominating adset so what I mean by dominating adset if we look at this ad account right here is that let's say we have a campaign that's running that's making a sales a dominating adset is basically the one that is getting the majority of the sales okay so when we first
started testing this product right here uh we went for four different adsets so just like you can see I went for four different adsets then we quickly found out which one performed the best and what we're basically doing now is we are cutting all the ones that don't work and since we have a dominating adet we can scale it now as you probably know now my testing strategy on Facebook is I usually like to run a60 to $80 CBO campaign inside of that one I'm going to be having three to five adsets depending a little
bit on my mood that day and inside the adsets we're going to have different video ads so if we look at this campaign right here we can quickly see that we have one dominating ad set that's getting all the sales it's also the one sitting at the best row as now this Row in general actually isn't that good it's kind of tricky prob to sell but a realistic scenario I'm also going to show you guys a better ad account after but as you can see we have a dominating adet and it comes down to two
things right you can see we have a very high CTR the click toade and we also have a much lower cost per click now these are two metrics I want you to really pay attention to when testing your product okay because that ultimately means you you are going to get more website visitors as we can see right here so when launching a campaign I would look at a click toate if it's lower than 23% I'm going to cut it but ideally we actually want to get some sales here so dominating adet means it has three
sales the criteria to scaling is three sales in the same adset okay so what I do with my campaign that is working is I will first of all cut all the ones like this one for example it has a $8 CPC absolutely trash I'm going to go ahead and get rid of that one this one too is probably not going to perform that good it spent £ 37 it's only at one sales row is super low going to go ahead and cut that one as well but what I do in my winning adsets when trying
to start scaling is I will take uh the one that's performing in the CBO I will then go ahead and duplicate it I'm going to duplicate it into a new campaign I'm going to call it testing and I'm also going to make two copies of it then in the campaign level we're going to come down here to where it's this Advantage campaign budget we're actually going to go ahead and shut that off because that's going to give us the chance to do custom budget so for both of my new duplicates I'm going to go with
a $10 a day custom budget and I'm basically taking all the adset that's performing well in my CBO and I'm putting them into an where I have more control over them on Facebook you have two options you can let Facebook spend the money on whatever adsets they want that's what we call a CBO an advantage campaign budget campaign the second option you have is to give it ads at budget so if you look inside of here for example we can see that we have now taken one that is performing super good from the CBO Campaign
which we used for testing and we have then gone ahead and duplicate that one into an where we're giving the adset $10 a day budget so that's the first move I will do when scaling what I will do after that for the campaigns that I have that is working is I will go ahead and increase the budget let's say you're running at $80 a day for testing I will go ahead and increase the budget to $120 cuz anything that works on Facebook should just be scaled vertically if you have an adset that's making you money
duplicate and increase the budget or go to your campaign level and just double the budget instantly okay cbos only work by scaling vertically but there is one more thing I will do in my winning campaign I will actually take the adset that is performing good so it's sitting at three sales I will then go ahead and duplicate it in the same campaign then I'm simply just going to go ahead and publish it so I'm making a straight up copy of the adset that is already performing good because if this one is already performing good why
wouldn't a copy of the same one perform just as good like duh now another reason I do this actually it's called horizontal scaling is I'm looking to find new segments of the audience every time you duplicate an already existing adset you're giving it a new chance to optimize and let's face it bro your first campaign is not going to perform as good as when you're getting data so every time I have a dominating adset I will duplicate it into an okay to give it adset budget second thing I will do is I will increase the
budget of my campaign because it's making sales why wouldn't we vertically scale it try to make more put in more budget get a higher return and last last ly I will also go ahead and just copy it horizontal scale if you are very bad at Facebook ads and you don't understand this just go ahead and clone your good adsets make it copy uh duplicate them and don't touch too much more now here is where the interesting part comes in okay and when you're going to know if you really have a winner you know I told
you guys to put it into an right so in the we have $10 per adset what you want here is you want it to perform the same and if it doesn't is usually not a winning product so in the I'm going to milk these adsets until they reach three sales okay so let's just pretend for the sake of this video that my new adset let's say I made it two days ago I put in an AO like I told you guys and the results are now three sales in the same adset I'm going to go
ahead and duplicate the winning one and I'm going to clone it once like I just showed you but more importantly I'm going to vertically scale it from $10 a day up to 25 a day just like I said anything that works on Facebook I'm going to up the budget of I know this is a lot of info but you can do only one of them there's there's no exact way of doing this so don't stress that you're going to it up okay I'm giving you Alternatives now you want to test all of this and I
guarantee you one of them is going to scale to the Moon okay because from now you're probably relying on only making like one change and if that doesn't work you don't know why you're making sales I can guarantee that your budget increase is going to work I can't guarantee that your AO is going to work but I can guarantee you that one of the things I'm teaching they will work so what I will do when I find a winning product is I will come up to create right here and I'm going to go for a
new campaign that's made with SA sales and you can even use this to test products it works super super well I'm going to be running an Advantage Plus shopping campaign and when I scale my own store to the Moon as you can see here we were sitting at 26k a day we're trying to scale it all the way up to for example 40 one of the best methods to do that is actually by going with an Advantage Plus campaign so you create a campaign you select Advantage Plus inside of this one you're going to store
only one adset so it's a straightforward process let's say you want to start it off with $60 a day you don't do any targeting like you do the exact same thing as you do when you test it okay so however you open your campaign whether it was a CBO whether you were testing audiences you're going to use the exact same method you're just going to select Advantage shopping campaign instead and watch your results fly to the moon so at this point we have multiple ads that's working for us right we've got an that's pumping we
got a CBO that's pumping what I want you to do next is I want you to repeat the cycle I want you to make a new CBO from scratch I want you to increase the budget on your campaign that's working and I want you to constantly do what I told you so every time you have an adset that reaches three sales you're going to go ahead and once again duplicate it so as you know today we just made this copy right of this one originally had three sales I decided to copy it clone it I'm
going to repeat that process I'm going to repeat putting it to as well now here's what I do that is like the secret I have to make serious money when scaling so I now have at this point a campaign that's working right I'm making sales but I don't really have a defined audience like I I don't really know who my buyers is the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to hit the breakdown tab right here then I'm going to judge my results mainly based of Ages to kind of see who is buying
my product and as you can see in this case we're having a lot of 45 54 year olds the age of my my dad those are the kind of people that is buying the product so what I will do is let's say this is a product that helps women with aging okay if you they use it they basically look better what I will do is I will go in my I will take any adset really that's doesn't matter I'm going to go ahead and duplicate it then I'm going to scroll down here to the actual
targeting place and I'm going to switch to original audience this is the old school way of doing Facebook ads I know there's going to be some guys in the comment section who haven't even hit their first 1K they say Henrik why are you doing interest targeting it's outdated my question to you is why are you not making 40K a day it just doesn't make much sense okay okay so we're selling a product to old women let's start by searching for aging are there any interest there anti-aging cream that's going to be an absolute Banger right
so I'm just going to go with one interest per adset and I'm going to make like five different adsets so let's say this one is completed we put anti-aging cream in uh we're actually going to go ahead and name it that too anti-age we name the adset to interest then let's just say that we go ahead and duplicate another one or we could actually make three at the same time now we're going to go inside of every single one of the adsets we're going to switch to original audience then we're going to come down here
and we're going to search for for example the anti-aging cream we're going to hit this suggestion Tab and this is going to be your best friend when scaling and we're going to find so many relevant interests that is 100% going to make us money if anti-aging is working why wouldn't for example exfoliation work why wouldn't for example cosmetology or cleansing work well the answer is they all would work so by doing this we can find an audience usually when I like to test products I go completely broad okay but then once I find a dominating
adset I will start testing audiences to find one that actually works for me and by the way I also teach this I have a mentorship program for Drop Shipping which has had just absolutely insane results I've even taken beginners from 0 to 100K their first month so if you want to be a part of my mentorship program and learn from someone who is actively doing the business and get to know the exact strates that I use which is pretty much going to guarantee you success with Ecom if you prepare to do the work you can
send me a message on Instagram right here so let me show you exactly how my test look as you can see this one is called CBO test it's having pretty good results let's have a look at the RAS some of these adets are absolutely dominating right this is my own account that I was using for a challenge the other ones I'm showing you is either clients of mine and students of mine that I think have realistic uh type of results that's going to be relevant to your situation but when I work with my strategy I
hit some really really good adsets this one is sitting at a five row as and basically R is what tells you whether or not you're profitable right so you really want to pay attention to this metric and also calculate your break even row as okay you can just search how to calculate Break Even row as you can get a profit tracking app as well but as you can see we decided to run a CBO um we're running it at $100 a day we have five adsets inside of it so it's going to equal around $20
per adset and as you can see I'm hitting so many different good performing adsets but I also had one that performed pretty bad so I also ended up um actually shutting that one off and leaving the winning once running and we can see that this one has spent $100 to get three purchases it's just not performing good so I'm going to shut that one off as well but the main thing I want you to pay attention to it is the click trade I'm having because I have some absolute killer creatives for this product right here
I you have all seen it no I'm not running it anymore okay this product right here is a killer product first of all but look at the videos they are very attractive they shows exactly how the product is supposed to work so no wonder I'm having Great Click rate right compared to many of you guys who maybe just Outsource it or you don't have the best videos so if we look at the best one we can see that it actually has 7% clicker it only got two clicks though but video ads is the most important
okay so I very often actually go back to scratch completely and I launch a new CBO pretty much every single week where I will test as if I am starting over again to find new videos now the whole system though is you find a winning adet in your CBO you duplicate that one into an AO you increase the budget of the your campaign that is performing then in the you make new adsets where you try to find new interests and at the same time you are also testing more video ads huh okay I know this
sound complex but just focus on one step at a time and you're GNA get there okay because Facebook ad doesn't really have to be that difficult all of you watching this you can do this 100% And I know that this is more of an advanced video but I want to make some content for the guys watching this who don't just care about stupid challenges who aren't subscribed to YouTubers that don't teach your people that are putting hyperedited videos that's just there to entertain you I want to make some Advanced videos for the followers that I
have that actually want to make money so so be it if I'm just getting 500 views on this video Let's just say it's going to be a Hidden Gem like the info here is crazy but people are still going to be you know wanting to watch the challenges now if all of this is very complex to you when testing just pay attention to your click through okay if you have a horrible click rate just shut it all down but the strategy I used to find this product right here which has gone on to make me
millions of dollars in sales I'm actually going to refresh the store for you as well the strategy I used to find this one is I hyper tested okay so every single day I listed like three campaigns so so it's a lot of work I'm constantly testing new products and I just judging them by the cature okay if a campaign doesn't work for me after $20 25 I know it's crazy I'm just going to cut it cuz good profitable campaigns they are good already from day one if you have to figure out whether or not your
product is worth it you have break even rocks it's just not looking good is not a viral product just trust me on that or you need to get better creatives okay if the click rate is low from the start don't bother and yes statistically that's a little bit Randomness involved but you're just better off spam testing cheap like this than to making everything perfect you're going to hit a winning product faster and as soon as I hit a campaign that actually has good clicker like this one I'm just going to leave the campaign running and
I think when I first started running this one I made uh one sale the first day it wasn't looking good at all no it was looking good because I had a spending limit of 45 uh and I made one sale the first day for I think $49 so I was $4 profit excluding the the protocols but then a couple of days later the sales started coming in so because it a good clature I decided to leave it on now if you look at this campaign right here $19 spent it had a 0.5% clickr it's just
performing terrible I decided to just cut it instantly I don't waste my time on products that don't perform good from the GetGo now if I have campaigns like this one that are actually performing good um you see we have 2.6 CTR nothing crazy but decent we have a very low cost per click if I have campaigns like this which is performing very good is getting tons of checkouts tons of purchases I'm actually going to go ahead and just duplicate the campaign so I can run two of them instead of one I basically clone my cbos
too and for every day that my CBO is doing good I will increase the budget like $50 and eventually I just go crazy on them I start spending like $600 $800 a day with my cbos but don't start spending too fast cuz Facebook is going to shut you down and another thing you need to know about cbos is that they die out a little bit quickly so if they don't work you need to make new ones all the time one last thing I'm going to tell you here which is absolutely golden advice inside of the
that I made you remember I told you when we find a winning uh campaign and and we're going to put some more adset into an I am looking for dominating adsets again remember if this one has three sales we're going to duplicate it up to $25 a day right and we're going to also clone it but more importantly I'm looking for multiple adsets that has seven sales or more each now these ones don't have but let's just pretend for a video they have all these four adsets have now milked its way up to seven sales
each what I'm going to do with them is I'm going to duplicate my winning adsets into a new campaign with which is a CBO so Advantage campaign budget I'm going to give it $50 per adset so with four adsets that's going to equal 200 and watch your store blow up okay every time I do this I take my winning asset into a high budget CBO I start making so much money it's absolutely crazy another thing I like to do is every adset that I have that's performing good I like to add this thing called engage
Shoppers okay this is basically a function on Facebook where you can target the people who's been shopping the last week for example so these guys are more likely to purchase your product every good adset I have I'll just make a duplicate try to toss this in I'll sometimes make duplicate changing the ages as well and lastly I want to leave you with this advice don't listen to what Facebook says they're going to tell you on the left side here like you could get 33% lower cost they just want to waste their money bro they want
to put it bad places so all the advertisers that are big and spending serious money get all the good traffic and you get crushed so on Facebook trust yourself okay they're going to tell you a lot of stuff now as far as for for killing outsets though I just cut it based on CTR if it's awful I'm not going to run it if I for example give a $20 budget uh and it spends the 20 without a sale I cut it any adet that spend his budget without sales I'm going to cut my campaigns I
also cut super early I'd rather move on to another product because I believe that if it doesn't work naturally from the start it's probably not going to work good to begin with either cuz I believe that if it doesn't work from the start like naturally is just not going to be a good product and I've also made this slide here on click terate I'm not going to explain it now I did it previously take a screenshot of this one pause the video you're going to need it and I'm going to show you also here two
proven ways of increasing your clature rate as I believe this is the most important metric now I'm just going to quickly let you know this as well even though it's not a part about scaling uh Drop Shipping is really about one thing okay eliminating what can go wrong a successful campaign is going to have four pillars working okay a good store a good ad strategy Perfect videos and a marketing angle so where are you lacking are you for example getting visitors but no sales that means your site needs a fix or that your price is
too high like I told you the most important metric on Facebook is CTR it needs to be 2 to 3% but ideally four plus if not even more if CTR is low cut the campaign instantly don't waste your time on it and here you can see that it says what CPC got in the course this is a part of my mentorship program okay so I'm actually showing you like some of the insights here because at the end of the day Drop Shipping it comes down to testing products so that is exactly how I will be
scaling my product in 2025 and this strategy is going to be updated for years to come if you liked it remember to smash a like on this video And subscribe to my channel because I'm really trying to just be the most valuable YouTuber out there and I know this isn't relevant to everyone some of you are also beginners the more content is to come if you keep working and listen to my videos you will be successful so that's it I'll see you in the next one