Begin by getting into whatever position makes you feel best right now softly closing your eyes and Gathering up all of your awareness from wherever it's been and inviting it to be present with you here connected with any Sensations related to observing your breath and body letting yourself settle into this experience of being present with yourself for these five minutes letting yourself know wherever you've been in your life thus far has been leading you to the greatest Joys and pleasures and experience is imaginable the greatest of which being the experience of being fully in love with
you yourself on your next in breath let it come in extra slowly and deeply savoring each sip of air holding it at the top and when you're ready let it go very slowly and extra long tuning into every sensation ation this creates and at the bottom of the breath let the breath return to whatever feels best let yourself off the hook for anything that's ever come before this moment wiping your slate clean as you let yourself know that you are good enough and you always have been and you're doing great invite any muscles in your
shoulders that you do not need to use right now to become more heavy and slack where else can you let the body relax more now as you do let yourself be thankful to yourself for giving yourself this feeling of relaxation letting yourself just be centering into the feeling of being enough as you are not needing to prove anything and you imagine for a moment a sweet innocent baby bunny sleeping does that sweet innocent baby bunny need to do anything in order to prove it is worthy of Love does it need to get good grades or
a good job or can it just be loved well wouldn't the same be true for you if not even more so what if you've always been worthy of being loved from the second you existed and what if that can never ever change and what if today is the day you give yourself evidence of this in your own heart mind and body inhale extra deeply into this thought stomach and rib cage fully expanding holding the breath at the top as you affirm I am willing to love myself more deeply today but when you're ready exhale with
a powerful sigh at the bottom of that breath as your breathing returns to whatever Pace feels best to you take your time stretching or moving your body as it feels called and very slowly blinking your eyes open back to the world around you great job today thank you so much for being here you incredible Masterpiece you