3 Very Disturbing Military/War Horror Stories

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Mr. Nightmare
These are three stories recounted by people who served in the military, either during wartime, or ba...
Video Transcript:
[Music] this particular story took place when I was in the Air Force and stationed in Louisiana I won't mention the name of the base but I'm sure that there are many people out there who will know which one it is once I make mention of some of the details to this story this story took place a few years after I had been stationed there I first arrived to this base in 2006 and upon my arrival I along with with many other new troops were greeted with many different stories of horror there were stories about a
man in a top hat who walked a dark long and narrow dirt road on the outskirts of a storage facility area there was another story about a crazy man who was hit by a patrol car and ran off into the woods next to the same place but my story relates to a separate story that was told to me it was my second night on shift as I recall I was posted with an Airman who had been there for several years he gave a rundown about some little girl who had been visiting her father when the
storage area we were working in was being constructed which was well before any of our time the story went that that little girl was playing on some of the structures while her father was working but had fallen to her death by slipping off the edge at the top of the structure itself most of the story didn't make sense to me at the time but regardless of the facts it still scared the out of me to make matters worse the air man had taken me to the exact place where the supposed story took place he would
shut off the engine and turned off the music as we just sat there in silence he startled me a few times but nothing ever happened now skip forward about 3 years I was scheduled to work that particular spot of the base this night keep in mind that I'd been visiting this spot for years now but at this point the storage area had been completely closed down except for a few minor areas which required us to do physical drive-throughs and checks of this area the shift itself started out rather shitty me and my Alpha Ka partner
had been given a cattle truck to do this Patrol as our normal vehicle was in the shop for maintenance yeah I'm not kidding a cattle truck I know this part doesn't seem very important to the story at the moment but it will tie into the story eventually so to save on time let's skip forward a few hours we were scheduled to do three random checks of the storage facility that night and we had already completed two of the three prior without any issues so come about 4:00 in the morning we decided to do our last
check seeing as all the main maintance guys had went home for the night in this area the only way to access the area was with two very large separate Gates which took forever to open we Pile in lock the gates behind us and continue on our way my Alpha was driving during this check and I was the spotter who used the flashlight to check the lock on each structure an important detail that I left out which may be necessary here is that the story of the little girl had taken place on a road within the
storage area which we called Echo Street by this point everything was fine and we had finished our rounds my Alpha makes the final turn down Echo Street we had both been pretty talkative during most of the night and we were just shooting the when I got an uneasy feeling something felt different but I couldn't make out what it was we were about halfway down the road when things became almost completely and frighteningly Silent even the rumble of our cattle truck and the faint noise of the radio playing seemed to become less audible as we approached
the structure from my previous story and I must stress at this point that even telling or typing this part still brings a chill down my spine and makes my eyes tear up in fear but as we approached the structure itself I turned my head to the outside of the window opposite of the structure and out of my left ear I hear a sound that nearly caused me to piss myself it was the sound of a person groaning or moaning in distress sort of like the moan of the girl from The Grudge yes I'm very serious
the faint creepy moan begins to ring inside the cab of the truck between the two of us in between the dark emptiness of the middle seat I feel my blood turn cold and I quickly turn to my Alpha and yell dude cut that out my Alpha turns to me with a confused look on his face at this point he begins to take his foot off the accelerator and asks am I going too fast I remain silent for a moment with my hand in a pausing gesture and I listen I hear the noise again my my
partner interrupts and asks what's wrong I quickly turn the music off without saying anything at first and then I whisper to him do you hear that he stops the truck in confusion and listens closely it was almost dead silent for a second or two when we both hear it this time that long chilling groan of a woman it echoed in my ears it sounded like someone was struggling to breathe and taking in a giant breath of air while someone was trying to strangle them the sound was beyond terrifying and the fact that I wasn't the
only one hearing it only made it more of a horrifying experience I found myself beginning to ask him my original question again but he quickly interrupts and says with a strong sound of fear in his voice what the is that we stupidly waited to see if we could hear it again the rumble of the gates on the back of the truck are easily heard and recognized as they made a sort of metal on-metal clatter and the diesel engine has that typical Rumble as well but in between both the noises we heard it again for the
final time that groan it sounded even louder but this time it sounded like it was coming from both inside and outside of the truck like we were being surrounded by whatever was making that noise of distress without even making a peep my Alpha puts the truck and drive and he hauls our asses off that street quicker than I have ever gone on any other Street in that entire base he nearly flips the truck going around a curve but it doesn't bother us one bit we were both in an unspoken agreement that we wanted to get
out of their quickly we got to the two gates again and I hopped out of the truck as fast as I could my Alpha watched my back as I quickly opened both gates he jumped back into the driver's seat sped out and waited for me to close both gates as well once we completed that task we quickly returned to the main part of the base and we requested to meet with our flight Chief to tell him what had happened when we finally met up with him we expected him to think that we were both full
of or that we had just imagined the entire thing being as it was so late into our 12 12 hour shift and we were both tired but I clearly remember him saying to the both of us I completely believe you as a matter of fact I had something like that happen to me twice once in that same place and the other in that building behind you as he points at our jail house again I know that sounds completely cliche with that Grudge likee moan we had heard but it honestly happened and it still brings those
tears of fright into my eyes every time I tell it I went back to that storage area only once after that but I never went down that road again and I never went after [Music] dark I haven't told my story to many people except for my wife and a few other of my close friends it happened while I was stationed in the Army as a radio operator during the Vietnam war and I haven't forgotten it to this day I was a young recruit freshly drafted out of high school and I didn't know much about the
war I had no no idea what I was getting into or what it was all for but what I did know was that I had a duty to my fellow servicemen we arrived on a Friday evening and got loaded onto many buses to be taken to our Barracks the air was very humid and the soil was soaking wet due to a storm that had just passed through the area I vividly remember the drive and how it stunk like sewer my first night was uneventful and quiet but we all felt the tense atmosphere as our drill
sergeants taunted us with stories during BAS training I remember the half moon right over my head which kept peeking out from Over the clouds and all of us were just sitting around telling jokes I was more of a technical guy and didn't have much aptitude for comedy so I just listened in my duty was to manage Communications between my unit and all of our other guys so that everyone knew what was going on everywhere else I carried a box on my back which were the size of radio devices back then and also a ton more
equipment and supplies I was quickly assigned to a tight-knit unit who had just lost their Communications operator to a landmine and I remember the first time we made contact with the Enemy it was the loudest thing I ever heard we were in a dense part of the Jungle and couldn't see the enemy at all but we quickly ducked as soon as they began firing at us and we opened fire in their general direction in return the chaos seemed to last forever and we probably seized fire after a couple of minutes we Advanced forward to close
in on the enemy and secure the area and it was the first time time I ever saw the enemy up close there they were three dead Viet Kong soldiers laying in a pool of their own blood I couldn't believe that I was looking at three human beings that were alive just moments ago young guys who maybe had sisters or brothers and parents they were probably just chilling around moments before we arrived and here we are moments later looking at their motionless bodies but I must say that I felt Justified because they were the enemy and
they would have been standing over our dead bodies instead a few days later we got assigned to a different location which saw heavier casualties and needed more support I grew accustomed to the violence and saw many of our young men die painfully one day I was told by my NCO that someone wanted to speak with me I was greeted by an older man in his late 50s who looked totally out of place his demeanor was calculated and predictive and even my commanding officer seemed to have turned into a yes man in front of him he
introduced himself as rck Douglas an intelligence officer stationed nearby and that I was going to be assigned to him as an RTO for his unit I liked my unit and wanted to stay with them but orders are orders and I had no choice so I got on the Huey and went with him we landed in a heavily wooded area next to a few Viet Kong Huts it was heavily built up by the enemy and I could definitely imagine the fight that must have taken place here there were some guys who had gas masks on and
others standing nearby but they didn't seem to notice notice me or even care that I was there it was a very strange atmosphere that didn't feel quite right these guys didn't act like normal soldiers and definitely didn't have the look of fear in their eyes as most of us did I even tried to talk with some of them but all I got was a strange emotionless glare like they were infected with something whatever it was they all had it and it made me feel very uneasy officer Douglas and I entered one of the smaller huts
and I was told to stay put until someone would come and get me I should have just stayed there and waited but I was too curious and apprehensive to relax so I just made my way out towards the main tent and took a peek inside what I saw made my stomach drop like it never had before on a makeshift table lay six murky containers each one of them had a severed head of a gorilla fighter inside with several tubes and wires protruded from them a green liquid seemed to be reacting with the heads as their
mouths and eyes were quivering like they were half alive I suddenly felt a hand grab onto my shoulder it was Intelligence officer Douglas and he looked very upset I meekly asked what they were doing inside there but he angrily said that I should not have gone in there and sent me back to my Hut we must have been attacked or something because I woke up a day later in triage with several broken ribs and a fractured collar bone with no memory of anything that happened right after that I never saw officer Frederick Douglas or those
soldiers ever again during my time if that was even his real name and I often wonder what those guys were doing back there maybe they were trying to gather intelligence from dead enemy soldiers or something either way it was a strange experience that I'll never [Music] forget all names in the story will be changed and all locations will be left out this experience has left me very paranoid in a lot of ways it was the late hours of the night I could feel the thud of my heartbeat inside of my chest as our armored vehicle
veered off the gravel road plowing through the dense underbrush it had been weeks since Bravo unit had gone silent Vanishing like a wisp of smoke on a windy day the distress call had crackled through our comms earlier an unexpected sign of life from our long missing comrades but what haunted me more than their sudden reemergence was the content of their message a cryptic string of numbers repeating endlessly Sergeant Davis are you sure this is the place I asked over the static hiss of the radio cutting through the silence that had settled over our Squad that's
what command confirmed get ready Davis replied as our vehicle came to a halt the dense fog seemed to get worse we disembarked into the unknown The Silence of the abandoned base growing increasingly unsettling buildings stood like hollowed out husks with Windows shattered doors a jar a living Town not even a few weeks ago now just a ghost Town Davis ordered us in a whisper to stay sharp as we moved forward with our boots crunching on broken glass and debris signs of a struggle were everywhere overturned Furniture bloodied rags and Scattered ammunition littered the ground painting
a picture of the chaos that had taken place here recently the base once a bustling Hub of military activity was eily silent now except for our own shallow breaths and the distant echoing Cry of the numbers broadcast as we neared the command center the transmission grew louder a constant chant that seemed to bore into my mind its meaning as elusive as the shadows in the fog surrounding us entering the command center we found it abandoned the air stale the only light coming from the blinking consoles the radio speakers crackling with static repeated the sequence over
and over in a monotone voice 5 8 2 4 7 5 8 2 4 Corporal Lee whispered what does it mean I saw her eyes were wide as she scanned the room Commander H Haskins might have known Davis said Commander has Haskins was the name of the unit's leader who had vanished along with his team we continued our search through the desolate base hoping to find a clue a Survivor anything but it was the laboratory that changed everything the door was a jar hanging off its hinges as if forced open inside the the air was
thick with the scent of Decay and chemicals shattered vials and overturned equipment were signs of activity halted abruptly and then we saw them bodies members of Bravo unit or what was left of them were sprawled across the floor their faces contorted in expressions of Terror it was a massacre but the cause was unclear no bullet wounds no signs of struggle on their remains and then Lee gestured toward a corner of the room there amidst the pile of research notes and hastily abandoned experiments lay the body of Commander has Haskins clutched in a stiff lifeless hand
was a notepad the numbers 58247 scrolled across it in shaky handwriting followed by a single chilling sentence they're coming for us the Revelation struck us like a physical blow the implications of his words spiraling into a million questions with no answers who was coming for them was this distress not a Beacon of Hope but a warning it was then that the reality of our situation descended upon us the isolation the Eerie silence broken only by that Relentless string of numbers we were not The Rescuers we were the next victims Panic set in as the base
seemed to close in on us the fog outside felt like it was thickening our only choice was to flee we ran stumbling through the fog Guided by the distant light of our vehicle the numbers continued to Echo in my mind a chant that seemed to follow us Whispering through the fog just as the vehicle came into view a shadow emerged from the midst a chill colder than death itself crawled up my spine as the strange man cloaked in Shadow moved towards us we need to go now Davis's shout snapped me back to reality the urgency
in his voice mirroring a primal fear within me our training had prepared us for many different types of enemies but we had no idea what we were dealing with here we scrambled into the vehicle Lee's hands were shaking as she manned the communications with obvious fear and shaking in her voice this is Alpha unit calling command mayday mayday we need immediate extraction from Zone Bravo you copy over the radio crackled the numbers interrupting her plea for help 5 8 2 4 7 I couldn't shake the feeling that those numbers held some kind of meaning into
what we had stumbled into as the base f into the distance swallowed by the fog so too did the person who emerged from the Shadows of the fog yet the terror it inspired lingered as we race toward an uncertain future Davis broke the silence and said we can't let this end here we need to find out what those numbers mean and what happened to Bravo unit I wanted nothing more than to find these things out as well I felt like we owed it to them thinking of the Twisted lifeless bodies we'd Left Behind as the
first light of dawn began to pierce the darkness I felt a grim determin ation settle over me we had survived the night but the real battle felt like it was just beginning armed with nothing but a string of numbers and The Haunting memories of what we had witnessed the mystery of those numbers and the horrors of what could have happened to Bravo unit still remain a mystery and it stays with me haunting me I'm sure it stays with everyone from my unit the horrors at that base were just a chapter and a story far greater
and more terrifying than any of us could have imagined
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