and this is what the Lord said March and April and May certain structures are going to start to crumble as soon as I heard that I I saw a vision of the casinos from those films the oceans films like Oceans 11 those that series and some of the The Nightlife imagery like inside of those films you know like people going to casinos and living it up that kind of stuff right and then people going places in nice cars spending money you know wasting money things like that and then I heard this is affected it will
be affected then I heard a crumbling where pieces start to fall some in place and others out of place and then he he said a tumbling Tower of sorts so if you think about a chessboard you know if it fell off a table um and all the pieces scattered they would be falling out of place right but if One landed where it was supposed to go still it'd be falling into place a lot of these things are going to feel like a rumbling and a shaking um structure crumbling essentially but some of the things are
be going to be used for good and then the Lord said in time people will see that ultimately I can use anything for good no matter how challenging it is at the moment this is what God Said and this is a critical message for the church I believe and the time that we're living in this is what the Lord said he said but right now my main purpose my main goal is to reach out and make a statement to the world so this is right after he said in time people will see that ultimately I
can use anything for good no matter how challenging it is at the moment so God is saying even some of the weird things we see happen this year God can ultimately use for good and yes the principles found in the Bible in Psalms Proverbs in in the scriptures still apply a nation that seeks after God is going to prosper a nation that rejects God is not going to prosper across the board right but that's not God's main goal God's main goal is not our prosperity God's main goal is not the United States prospering God's main
goal is not Israel prospering and some people going to think I'm a heretic for just saying that but that's not his main goal his main goal is to see people saved people everywhere of of in Israel in in the United States in every country right that's his main goal he said my main goal is to reach out and make a statement to the world he said I am here and I love you I love my people and I want to protect them as they take shelter in me but I also love the world and I
want her to come home that's what I heard the Lord say so he does want to protect us does want to provide for us absolutely Jesus Promised his provision in Matthew chapter 6 to those who are seeking first his kingdom but we don't have to worry about that as Believers we don't have to worry is God going to provide is he not of course he's going to provide the question we need to think ask is am I actually seeking first his kingdom or not he he's already promised to do it but he's asking us to
take shelter in him but he he said this he said each and every person is important and valuable to me and I don't leave a single one behind who calls out to me in truth Jesus says in scripture he says that he would leave the 99 to go after the one would the church do this there's the question that we need to ask would the church do this would we would we gather as the 99 and say we've got to take care of our own needs yes that one one over there is lost but we've
got to take care of the needs of the 99 or would we do what Jesus would do and would we leave the 99 to take care of the one that doesn't mean we neglect the 99 that doesn't mean we reject the 99 but it means we are looking for their salvation first we're look we're thinking of the needs of someone else before ourselves and the purpose is to bring them back into the fold right so there is a building up of the church that takes place absolutely but let's not lose sight of the Heart of
Jesus Christ for the world today we're going to stand before God someday we're going to be we're going to be standing before him we're going to see him when we see him in All His glory and we receive and we we feel the love that he has this intense like un inexpressible love it's it's it's unfathomable you know it's it's it's it's beyond comprehension is what the word says like we can't even like like experience it all at once it's going to take Eternity for us to experience it it's it's so great we're going to
stand there we're going to say I wish I had done everything for this moment and I didn't now I wish I had done everything for right now because of his glory because of how great he is because of how Mighty is because of how much he loves us because of how good he is and we're going to see whoa you deserved everything for me you you really did and I didn't see it I heard the Lord say this he said my spirit is moving across the Earth to bring people into fellowship with me again and
that happens through the sun this is happening outside the church it's happening for unbelievers but it's also happening with Believers we need to hear the gospel just as much that's why Paul says in Ephesians to put on the full armor of God and and he's talking about basic Christian truths basic Christianity here he's say hey do this every day remind yourself preach the gospel to yourself get up and meditate on it meditate on what Jesus has done for you so that you stay in Fellowship so you're not running from him so you're not falling out
of love with him so you're not falling in love with something else he said when people the Lord said this to me he said when people hear the gospel message and truly accept it they are made new and come into alignment with my will for their life but there's more to come after that I also want to change people with the same love that saved them so we keep coming in we keep allowing the Holy Spirit to remind us of God's love and that love overshadows us and it continues to change us the Titus says
the grace of God appeared uh uh instructing us to deny ungodliness so it's his grace which is unmar favor God you loved me you favored me even though I didn't deserve it and I still don't deserve it and yes I'm repenting of sin and and I am confessing that to you I'm not staying in that place but at the same time I'm understanding that it's because of what Jesus did for me that's what saved me that's what set me free that's what allowed the Holy Spirit to come in and Empower me to change it's not
my efforts it's not even my willpower it's the holy spirit's power and he's here to change us today and he's here to love you today and that's how he's going to do it he's going to love you right out of it love you right into Freedom where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom man I just feel the love of God so strong right now this is the charge I have from the Holy Spirit to to share with you right now the presence of God is real and it's it's very accessible and it's
very tangible meaning you can feel it meaning you can experience it the love of God as I'm sitting here I'm feeling the power of God and the love of God just like pour over me but that's for you too that's not for special Believers it's for all believers Jeremiah 29:13 when you seek me you'll find me when you search for me with all your heart God has promis that we would find him when we search for him we would spend more time in worship if we truly believed that the tangible presence of God was going
to meet us there a real encounter a real manifest presence of God tangible presence of God experience now many Believers most probably 99% of people listening to me you've you've you've experienced the presence of God let me tell you there's more it doesn't stop there there's more and he wants to reveal that to you and there's there's a purpose behind it it's not just so we can sit around feeling good but with the presence of God comes confirmation of purpose it comes refreshing times of refreshing a purification comes a reminder of his Holiness his goodness
when you see him you're Changed by him you know one day we're going to stand before him and see him in All His glory and we're going to say man I wish I had Liv my whole life for this moment right now when you encounter him today you get a little taste of that now and you start to think more about that day than you do about today I hear the Lord saying I have that for you you have access to my presence every single day and that encounter is found through the life the death
and the resurrection of the Son of God Jesus Christ because of his blood you now have access because of his life you now have fellowship with the father through the son by the power of the Holy Spirit I pray that this message was encouraging to you today I love you so much I'll see you next time