How To Make Money While Learning To Code - Full Guide (Part 1)

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Cristian Florea - I hate “3 MoNtH bOotCamPS” and all the nerds selling you DSA courses, so I ...
Video Transcript:
in this video I'm going to show you how to make $1,000 a week with your coding skills and I'm going to share with you the exact strategy that I would use if I would want to monetize my skills right now okay so I'm going to show you the process from A to Z if you have no experience I'm going to show you what to do if you have some experience I'm going to show you what to do I'm going to show you how to actually get in touch with these people that desperately need your skills
if you follow this guide and if you actually give it a shot I can guarantee you that you'll start making money literally next week and then you can use the experience that you got to either continue freelancing and make even more money like this on the side while you are learning to code to get a job or you can use the projects and the experience you gain by yourself to actually land that first developer job way faster compared with most beginners because let's be honest if you saw any of my portfolio reviews you'll see that
normal people that are not really watching this channel that are not really implementing the advice that I'm sharing with you will never get a job because they do not have a job getting a job as software developer so follow these steps Implement these steps put every single thing that I'm going to tell you into practice and you will get paid literally next week okay so I'm going to have a document that's going to go over every single detail of this process you just have to follow it know people who are making $5 to $10,000 a
week doing this so without any further Ado let me show you what this is all about for for most people this is going to seem like a get- rich quick schem and in fact it is kind of a get- rich quick skem because if you do it right you can end up making $1,000 every single week and from there you can scale up you can make even more $2,000 $5,000 every single week and I know that for most people these numbers are absolutely you know out of this world and unbelievable this is possible I know
a lot of people who are making big big big big bucks doing exactly what I'm going to tell you here okay you do not have to aim for $5,000 per week because this is kind of out of your reach and it seems impossible and because it seems impossible you won't do what is required together okay but I want you to set kind of an unreasonable reasonable goal so for example an unreasonable goal would be making a million dollars per month month next week that's extremely unreasonable okay it's not not possible whatsoever but if you set
a goal of I want to make $1,000 next month that is a reasonable unreasonable goal okay because if you have no experience you don't even know how to make websites and whatnot and again I'm going to get into how to do it in a second uh but 1,000 bucks is not that much right so it's an reason reasonable a reasonable goal okay so it is achievable you just don't know how and I'm going to show you in this video how to do it okay so to be able to actually make $11,000 a week uh with
coding you need to know a couple of things HTML and CSS that's pretty much it if you know some JavaScript wow you are amazing you don't need to know reactjs you don't need to know no JS you don't need to know typescript or nextjs don't need to know any of the geeky or nerdy stuff you know that uh the popular influencers are pushing to you because if you would go that way that far on that Spectrum then you'll become a software engineer and software Engineers are extremely when it comes to using their skills to make
money online so besides creating a SAS they cannot do anything else okay they they their skills are too skewed towards one thing which is working in big teams working on big Tech okay that is the problem with them again uh probably you want to become one of them at some point uh that's why you're watching this channel I was one of them uh at some point a couple of years ago so I was the engineer um but then when I started trying to make money with my coding skills I realized that I don't need to
know that much coding in to be able to make money in the real world uh so that's something that you have to keep in mind what we want to do is to sell websites okay we want to sell websites to Brick and morar businesses that do not have an online presence or have a poor online presence okay that's the first uh thing that we are going to tackle and in part two of this uh series we'll tackle how to make money online with coding but I'm going to make the that uh video once this uh
video that I'm making right now for you will hit at least 100 likes and 100 comments okay so by the end of this video please leave a comment please leave a like if you enjoy the content if you found it insightful if you actually took action on my advice and that's going to motivate me to make a part two where you learn how to make money online and then when it comes to making money online you can 10x results that you could get from following this video okay let's talk about how to actually get clients
you know because making a website is super easy it's like stupidly easy in this day and age the problem is finding someone that would pay you for that website that you are about to make right that's that's that's the biggest problem so how do you do that well the problem that you have right now is that you are a beginner you have no experience and and you have no proof that you are even worth getting a shot okay you are again you are expensive to work for free right uh you have no value so we
need to craft some value for yourself first before you can even make some money okay so the strategy here is to actually get you uh free clients okay so how do we get free clients uh we get free clients by finding lists of people okay we can use Google and Instagram and I'm going to show exactly how to do that but the idea is that we will pitch these people to work for them for free so let's say hey Mr Anderson I think that's the name of the guy from Matrix um I have no experience
and I want to create a name for myself and I want to make a website for you okay I'm going to make the best looking website that you can even imagine and that website is going to get you so much so many customers that your business won't be able to handle can I do it for you for free he's going to say yes as long as you sound convincing right and then you'll say okay if I do it right can you give me one video testimonial and can you refer me to two people that would
also need websites and that person will most likely say yes okay that's kind of how we started this whole thing we get to work on something for free we do our best to create the best looking website for that person that person is going to refer us to two other people we're going to get a video testimonial then from those two other people will start charging money right so we can start charging let's say $250 per website or $500 per website we'll set up the whole thing for that uh for those two people and then
we'll also ask hey can you give me a video testimonial and can you refer me to two other people they'll probably say yes because if you are an accounter right now do you know two other accountants yeah you know okay so then if I go to those two other accountants do they know other two accountants yes they know okay so these people live in networks okay they know everyone so then if you get referred from this person to this person to this person to this person you'll start to become like the king of a niche
right because let's assume we are starting out with Barber or with massage salons then you'll become very specialized in that Niche and everyone is going to look for websites from you because you got so good at it if you not do this if you're not willing to do work for free starting out you will not have the confidence to charge some more money when I first started teaching programming to people didn't charge any money okay for the first I think two or three months I was helping out people for free I was doing oneon-one calls
for free I think I was working like 20 hours per week extra with random people that I was Finding in Facebook group to learn what these people need what's important here is that you need to stop thinking about the fact that you need to be an extremely good uh developer okay because uh I assume you think that you need to be extremely smart extremely good as a developer to be able to pull this off no you don't have to actually you can actually buy templates uh from different shops online right and you can uh literally
pay 100 bucks to get a team that is tailor made for massage salons or like dentist or for uh Beauty cleanings or whatever it's out there and then you can just use your HTML and CSS skills that you learn I'm going to tell you how to learn them later to customize those themes and then use those themes to deliver a great product to the end consumer now you might be saying okay but why would anyone pay me for a template where they don't pay for the template they don't care about that they care about having
the end goal or the end result which is you helping them make more money right have more customers nobody cares how you did it okay and this is something that you need to remove from your head like for example when you use Amazon right and you order I don't know a book do you care if Jeff basos delivers it to you because he is the owner of Amazon right or he used to be or whatever no you just care about receiving your book the value that you pay for right and that's how it works here
they will pay you to get more customers they don't care if you buy a template and give it to them now you might might feel like uh bad about it right but that's how Commerce works right you go to the shop you buy a Coca-Cola bottle it's like I don't know $3 to make that bottle it costs $0.22 but then there are markups and fees added for your convenience okay that's how you have to think about this and the interesting part about this whole process is that you don't even have to make the website yourself
you don't have to customize it yourself so once you start getting good at this once you start to build this agency or this reputation for yourself what you can do is you can Outsource the creation of the website to someone else so let's say you have lists of people that uh want a website from you they all paid you $1,000 here $2,000 there $3,000 there you don't have time to actually build these websites it's uh like physically impossible so you start hiring people from Philippines from India from Pakistan and because you have the skill you
will know if they do or not do the right job and then you just pay them I don't know $7 per hour $10 an hour and then you profit $9 900 950 and now you might feel like oh wow I'm taking advantage of these people yeah that's what you're doing you're taking advantage of Labor and welcome to becoming a business owner all you think about is how to get deals coming and then you pay people to do different things for you and then later you can also Outsource like calling up these people that will later
become your customers so then you have a person that gets you deals then you have a person that builds the website for you and then you're just managing these people and guess what later if you make even more money you can Outsource even this thing right and then you just talk with one person which is going to be the manager that handles all these people like literally this is a business course probably it's so obvious but you would never think about like how this whole business model would work because you're not spending time with the
right people on YouTube okay that's why this is the proc process like I'm I'm talking about like a one or 2E timeline process for you what I want you to be aware of is that if you do not do every single step that I'm going to tell you about in this video you will not make any money so from time to time in this video I'm going to tell you to take action right now if you do not take action on that point then you will not make money let's have a look at my Google
Chrome Chrome so the strategy right as we discussed is to find someone that you can work for free and then ask them that once they get a website from you they will give you a video testimonial and two referrals I hope this makes total sense and so from those referrals you can ask to get paid $500 per website and two more referrals like if you do this right and if you buy a template and if you are good at HTML and CSS you should be able to make $1,000 per week right either with making two
websites per week then later if you charge $1,000 per website then you should be able to like make easy four five 6 7 even $10,000 per month doing this stuff right so for the next customers that will come from your first referral you'll say that you usually charge $100 $1,000 for a website but if they give you two referrals after you work with them and a testimonial at the end uh then you only charge them $500 okay so by the way I'm going to give you this Google dog if uh this video reach is 100
comments so leave a comment uh below this video with the Google Doc word and once we have 100 comments I'm going to send you individually this uh this link so you can actually uh refer it refer to it later okay so the first step is to choose a niche right so I listed out a couple of niches in here so we have Barbers we have dentists we have beauty salons aestheticians restaurants and car dealerships there are way more niches and I don't want to get into it because if I tell you exactly what Niche to
choose then everyone is going to do exactly that Niche and then everything is going to be ultra saturated and it's not going to work okay so these are some ideas I don't recommend you specifically this but to give you a tip regarding like what you should choose think about uh a niche that charges a lot of money right so let's say car dealerships there are a lot of car dealerships with shitty websites let's just look let's see car dealership I'm doing it with you live you know let's let's have a look at this one so
this uh these guys don't even have a website as you can see they are on this app I guess yeah so as you can see it kind of sucks they don't even have a website it's exactly what I said look at this right point is like there are so many businesses out there that don't have an online presence does this look like a barbershop website like let's just be honest I mean it looks like a junior developer portfolio but who am I to judge right anyway so what you'll do is you'll spend 1 hour today
and I want you to have a spreadsheet like this with the name website phone and last contacted and I want you to fill it up right so for example here we have the new California Barber Shop right so we'll type in the new California Barber Shop we'll take the website put it here let's see if we find the phone we found the phone let's copy it we want to get their contacts right because we'll end up calling them later so calling them maybe even getting them uh their email right so let's add a new column
over here later we'll start contacting these people and then we'll put here the date on when we contacted them so we know exactly who we contacted when so we have some sort of organization in our process so I want you to get a 100 people okay this is your first action point I want you to fill this with 100 people you can use Google as I showed you I just literally Googled Barbershop and your area it doesn't have to be your area but it might help because of time zones and you know like knowing how
to get around so you can use Google search which is free you can use Instagram which is free and then you can also find use this uh app called D7 lead finder but basically here you say car dealership and then here you can put New York and now you'll get the leads and you literally get a huge uh list of car dealership like 300 400 of them and you'll get the exact people that were there it's Absol absolutely amazing like you just need to learn how to make money and then you'll see that it's quite
easy you need to learn from someone that knows how to do it next step after this my friends is to actually get in touch with these people because if you do not fill up this list that's procrastination if you filled up the list and you are not calling anyone that's also procrastination okay what you'll do is you'll call them and you'll say some something like this I'm about to sound like every other salesman that calls at this office and ask something but I'm actually looking to make a website for you for free no catch what's
whatever because I want to build a name for myself but I'm not even sure if the owner is there the owner name there if you know it is even okay with this right so you will say this and then they will most likely say ha that's so funny okay uh let me get you the owner and you can talk to him and most people will tell you to off and that's also okay that's fine you'll get rejected people will not want free stuff from you it's going to be shocking okay you that you have all
this value that you're bringing to this to this world and people don't want something for free done by you that's going to be a massive realization okay it's going to wake you up it's going to make you extremely mature to realize like how much you actually have to grow that you are a nobody really when it comes to this and if you are able to grow past this you'll make a lot of money most people that are watching this video will not make this list I know that 100% uh um I could charge a th000
$2,000 for this because this is like a course that I'm giving you and I'm giving it to you for free because I know for sure that you will not implement it but I want to do my part in telling you how to do it because I want to be able to sleep good at night if you want to be able to sleep good at night after seeing this information you have to put it into practice if you do not put it into practice I hope you're happy with the amount of money that you're making okay
because it's not going to change we have the option to call call them then we have the called email uh version right so basically uh the email has two parts which is the subject so the title that you see before you click on an email and then the body I left a few examples here like for example this make me click so I have on my email I have a thing called swipe file so I subscribe to a bunch of emails and then I see you know what kind of headlines they're using and stuff like
that and uh this was seemed pretty good pretty good re your website is down it sounds like we already spoke and his website is down and he wants to know what it is about right black or white it could be like black or white what do you mean click you know it could be like the theme of the website or whatever then remember that thing I asked you know like what thing you ask me click boom open the email right and then in the body we'll actually use a tool called Loom the same tool that
I'm using right now to record this video and uh this tool will allow us to show them their website versus their competition let's see if we can find one that has a good website none of this yeah none of this uh places have a good website you know if you find a good website you can say hey look your competitor has a better website than you they have this and this and this thing and this thing and you only have this it doesn't even look like it's a barber shop it looks like you are selling
energy or something like that you know and then you can use this tool like for example it's called similar web and you can say look you only get 2.6 th000 visitors while your competitor gets this one is worse but you get what I mean right if you need to find the competitor and you can show them like look the potential is this you could end up being like this but you are like this let me help you get to this place because you'll be making more money right that's kind of the idea obviously I had
bad examples because uh I I I didn't think about showing you this part of the video to be honest the cool part about this is like Okay Christian but I'm going to end up like calling people every single day to get leads uh in the beginning yes a little bit until you like get the idea of how this business works but what's really cool is that you can end up doing something called an upsell businesses have something called an upsell so an upsell is you buy a product and then they say Hey you can also
get this thing you buy that thing and then they say okay you can also buy this extra thing which is going to give you this amazing result then you end up buying four or five things when you only came to buy one thing right so what we can do is with UPS we can create monthly recurring Revenue right so monthly recurring Revenue means money that going to come to you every single month without you doing much work right so in the beginning you do a lot of work to get these initial customers because it's okay
to do a lot of work you're are starting out a new business you don't want to do that forever right in this service based business that's how you make your money right with things like maintenance so you make the website and you say hey uh I'll charge you I don't know 100 bucks per month to make Contin your website to fix different things that appear to add new stuff if I see them fit to analyze the performance you know to make your websites look better and feel better or if you have any problems I'll fix
them it's like a security guarantee then we have pper click Google ads you'll say something like hey by the way uh you have this car dealership right you are giving amazing results to your customers you have this amazing website why not rank higher in Google so when people search for car dealership they will will come straight to you they'll find your website you have all the testimonials there all the price list all that all that good stuff I can do that for you for $500 a month or not even that I'll do it for you
for $100 a month and you can pay me a percentage of all the deals that come through the ads campaign from Google it takes a couple of hours per week to do that and then you make extra cash then you have SEO right you'll say hey look you have a nice we site uh let's work on the SEO which means search engine optimization and in 6 months from now whenever someone types in dentist War so you'll show up on the first page for free you don't have to pay for any ads people will click on
your website they will see again testimonials and everything and then you'll get all the customers and you have to pay 0 to Google you just pay me to make sure that your website is optimized for search engines and you just profit how does that sound and they'll be like amazing right so this is like a very long video okay and I went quite in depth in certain things although I just scratched the surface so this is maybe 0.5% about what I know about like starting a business like this and I would recommend you to start
doing the things that I told you to do and uh start getting paid if you want to learn the skills to be able to do this you have two options you either go on YouTube again and try to find all the random resources it's going to take you a few months maybe 6 n months till you are able to have some decent skills when it comes to this or you can learn them in one or two weeks in my mentorship program okay it's as simple as that so this is the first time when Ryan attempts
this let's see if it looks good okay looks good there are maybe a few issues so this is his first time trying out CSS properly okay uh with my technique worked pretty well okay let's look at another one let's type in apple all right so if want to learn how to do stuff like this really fast without wasting your time apply for my mentorship program like literally it's made to make you money all you have to do is do the work so click the link in the description the first one and I have an amazing
offer and the offer is I get you job ready in 9 months or less and if I fail to do so I'll give you all your money back and $5,000 for wasting your time is going to be written in the contract so uh I'm pretty much leg legally obligated to follow through with my promise um so yeah if you're interested in that the first link in the description and just give this thing a shot at least fill up your list of people and call them see what results you get if you want this actual guide
just leave a comment below with the word or the two words Google doc and then when we have 100 comments I'm going to leave you I'm going to leave you with the link and then I'll will get to work on the second part which is showing you how how to use Fiverr and upor to make even more money okay so that's pretty much it I hope you enjoy this video bye-bye
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