What's the New Ai Generative Extend Tool in Premiere Pro?

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The New Generative Extend tool, powered by Adobe Firefly, enables video editors to add those extra e...
Video Transcript:
at last inside of Premiere Pro beta you can now start testing the generative extend tool what the heck is generative extend it's powered by Adobe Firefly which is adobe's generative AI tool that will essentially allow you to use the tool to extend the clip to essentially cover a gap if there's missing information smooth out a transition or just hold on a clip for longer because you need it to match the beat better yet you can also extend audio have you ever forgotten to record room tone you can now use generative extend for that so I'm
very excited to show you how it works so let's go ahead and jump on in before we start I want to talk about a few limitations cuz remember this is still in beta as of right now in terms of resolution we are limited to 1080P and 720p in the landscape format for now I did try it on a vertical video in 1080P and it did not work I also tried it out on 4K UHD footage just to test and I also got an error message saying that it doesn't work in that resolution yet as of
now you can only extend video clips by 2 seconds and audio clips by 10 seconds and you Cann not of course extend music also to extend audio clips it needs to be at least 3 seconds long if you try to extend an audio clip that's any shorter than 3 seconds you will get this airror message saying there needs to be 3 seconds of data for it to work with so those are the current limitations that I found currently inside of beta but now let's go into try out some use cases so for the first use
case we're going to test extending a video clip to match the end of a video so it perfectly ends with the music so you can see here I actually have this moving storyboard that I actually generated with Adobe fireflies text to video tools which is currently in beta so if you want to watch that video you can check that out after this one and you'll see here that this last clip actually has text but it kind of ends abruptly here and then music continues on a little bit so I want to extend this last clip
here so let's go ahead and let's zoom into the timeline let's go up here to the generative extend tool once you have that selected you can select the end of this clip and drag it out and you can see that it actually stops at 2 seconds I can't actually extend this anymore and I let go and it starts to prepare and up upload and then it starts to generate an extension for you so it takes about 20 to 30 seconds to complete sometimes it's a little bit faster and you can watch that progress bar right
next to the word generating to get an update on its [Music] status all right it looks pretty nice here and just like with any other clip you can rightclick on it and apply a default transition so that way it just Fades out which is nice I did not notice a slight shift in color if we go to the frame before it's AI generated and go here it looks a little bit lighter but you'll notice that the part that's AI generated is labeled AI generated and if you rightclick on that you can click on generate again
if it just didn't turn out great because each generation will be a little bit different you can also leave feedback if it was a good output or a poor output for example if you select Poe output you can go and give further information on what happened and that will be submitted to the Premier Pro Firefly team which is great so definitely give feedback because it's only going to improve the tool and how it works one thing that I would like to see is being able to rightclick on this AI generated portion and just deleting it
because of course you can control Z and command Z to undo let's say you start editing and then you forget oh actually I want to delete that generation I don't want it there anymore it's more difficult to delete it right because you can't right click and just delete it now you might be wondering where are these generated Clips existing well when you generate things it actually creates a folder in your project panel called generated media so you can always go in here and delete any of these extensions also you might be wondering where is it
located on your computer if you rightclick on any of the media that you generated and go to reveal in finder inside of the same folder that you saved your project you will see here that there's a generative assets folder that has all these generative extensions saved to it so it's not in like a random documents folder which I love I'm glad that they came up with this so this was extending essentially a stock video clip right what about human faces I took a sample clip here from a previous video and you can see that I
already extended it and I also extended the audio too it has AI generated AI generated so let's just have a look here and see if you can see the difference creative console by Logitech and you can see the same thing kind of happens with the light so here it's a little bit darker and then here it gets a little bit brighter as soon as we get into the generation so I'm not quite sure why that's happening but I would hope that this would be fixed so it's more consistent so you can see here that it's
pretty much just repeating the same action of the last frame which is me smiling and that's what we want because we don't want me all of a sudden dancing or doing some free freaky Smile as soon as we extend it right they actually simplified this generation model to really just extend the action from that last frame let's talk about extending clips for a transition if you've used Premier Pro for a while you probably have gotten an error message at some point that said that there's insufficient media when you're trying to apply a built-in Premiere Pro
transition or a plug-in transition between two clips when there's not enough information and you press okay and then you get these kind of striped bars here and it's repeating frames here and that's because if we delete this transition you will see that actually there's no more information if I try to drag out this clip here for this one let's say I want it to be this length but I want it to be a little bit longer so I can have it work for the transition that I'm trying to do so what I can do is
just move this clip over just to give it enough space for the extension then go to generative extend and end out this clip 2 seconds and it will start to generate an extension just like it did before all right so the generation looks fine it looks like an exact extension of our clip so no worries there but remember that you cannot apply the transition at the very end of this generation because you're going to get that same airor message of insufficient media so I recommend actually rolling in this generation just by pushing it in so
you have a little bit of information to work with with that transition that we didn't have before so we can bring in our other clip and then I can take the grunge impact and apply it on these clips and we do not get that air message so I've moved over to a more advanced version of this transition here and let's talk about extending audio you can see I've added some sound effects notice right here the room tone ends and this can happen for a lot of people of course you can duplic at the room tone
that's one way of doing it but what if you just want to extend it out using generative extend so let's go up to generative extend and let's drag the end of this room tone and roll it out to meet the end of our video clip now remember right now it only works up to 10 [Music] seconds I think it sounds just fine another thing if we zoom in here you can see I've cut up these different typing sounds to match her stroke movements in doing that created these gaps so you can use this generative extend
to fill in those gaps so you don't have a drop in kind of the room tone that was recorded when that sound effects was being recorded initially [Music] worked pretty nicely but it doesn't always work for example here I tried to extend this Ambience track of inside of a boat let's listen back to hear what [Music] happened so it kind of goes in and out it didn't replicate the sound perfectly and I think I got confused because really if you look at the this waveform here it's kind of a rolling [Music] sound it kind of
goes up and then down again and I don't think that the generative extend is really designed to do that I think it's designed to literally mimic the last three seconds of that sound and kind of keep it consistent and it just didn't know what to do here so if we can get generative extension to work with these types of sound effects that would be great but for now it just didn't do the job if this was a good introduction into generative extent for you be sure to give this video a thumbs up as well as
drop a magic Emoji Down Below in the comment section now I know there's so many different things you guys want to see inside a Premiere Pro me as well and trust me I'm going to keep you on the loop on everything that's going on and I will pass on any feedback that I can to the Adobe Premiere Pro team but leave your comments below and your feedback because they are watching these videos I do know that a lot of you on my previous video commented that they would love to see different things that AI can
do to speed up their workflow I think somebody wrote that you know if AI can generate a bunch of tennis balls why can't it just animate a photo for me automatically with an ease in ease out that's a great point I think it's really good to start these conversations leave comments I think that's how things get developed so anyway thank you so much for watching this video and as always keep creating better video with gal see you next time bye
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