Why Do the CHOSEN Ones Flee from the CHURCH? The HIDDEN TRUTH Finally REVEALED! 🙏✨

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✨ Have you ever wondered why many Chosen Ones feel an inexplicable need to distance themselves from ...
Video Transcript:
have you ever wondered why so many of the chosen drift away from churches even though they have a strong connection with God this is a controversial issue that few dare to explore but the truth is that it doesn't happen by chance within the walls of a temple many chosen ones feel a deep doubt am I where my soul really needs to be what I'm going to reveal to you here is more than an explanation it's a journey to understand the reasons behind this movement A Spiritual Awakening that is actually a profound call to something much
greater if you've ever felt this disconnection know that there is a powerful answer and this answer can be transformative for your life don't leave here before discovering how this path can Reveal Your authentic connection with God and the purpose he has for you perhaps you have felt out of place in a religious community as if something there didn't completely fill the void in your soul many chosen ones go through this it's that feeling that no matter how hard you try to follow the Norms or expectations something inside you Longs for a more authentic connection with
God something that goes beyond the words of a leader or traditional rituals and you know what you're not alone in this experience what we are about to explore here is not based on guesswork or passing opinions this is a deep dive into observations and spiritual teachings that Echo from ancient times to today showing us how God often calls the chosen ones to something that goes beyond the walls of a temple stay until the end because what I'm going to share with you is something that is often ignored or silenced it is a truth that can
finally bring the clarity you seek for your spiritual journey and help answer the question that has been echoing in your heart why does it seem so difficult to find my place within a church the answer can change everything the idea of the chosen is deeply rooted in scripture and spiritual tradition from the Old Testament God often separates specific people or groups to fulfill his Divine purposes Abraham was chosen to be the father of a Nation Moses was appointed to free Israel From Slavery and David was anointed to be a king after God's Own Heart in
the New Testament Jesus highlights that many are called but few are chosen Matthew 22:14 emphasizing that being chosen is a spiritual distinction and responsibility this idea resonates in many spiritual Traditions Beyond Christianity showing that the chosen ones often have a direct connection with the Divine which transcends human institutions throughout history churches have played a central role as places of communion and spiritual learning they have been fundamental in disseminating teachings preserving scriptures and promoting faith in communities around the world however it is undeniable that in many moments these same institutions have faced challenges the pursuit of
Earthly power hierarchy and the institutionalization of Faith often overshadowed the true spiritual purpose for this reason many chosen ones who have a closer connection with God may feel that institutional environments sometimes stifle or divert the focus of the this direct connection there is a clear historical and spiritual tension between the organizational structure of churches and the individual experience of Faith since the early days of Christianity this tension is evident Jesus for example openly questioned the religious leaders of the time such as the Pharisees and Sadducees who turned Divine Law into heavy burdens for the people
often seeking more Prestige and control than a true relationship with God the chosen ones as followers of a higher spiritual ual truth often find themselves in this Dilemma to respect human organization or follow the intuition and directions that God places directly in their hearts God's teachings often transcend any human organization this does not mean that churches are unnecessary but rather that they are tools not the Final Destination history shows that God often calls the chosen ones to missions that break current norms and structures this reflects an essential truth the relationship with God is personal and
profound and no human intermediary can completely replace it this is where the discomfort of many chosen ones arises who feel that the institutionalization of faith can limit or even distort this direct connection John the Baptist for example operated outside the religious system of the time preaching in the desert and calling people to repentance he did not depend on the temple or the approval of religious leaders to fulfill his mission similarly Martin Luther questioned the practices of the Catholic Church initiating the Protestant Reformation because he believed that God's teachings were being manipulated to serve human interests
these examples show how the chosen ones often challenge established structures to follow a higher calling Jesus Christ often withdrew from the crowds and synagogues to seek God's presence in isolated places he taught that the kingdom of God is not limited to a building or institution but is within each person this radical message was often misunderstood and rejected by the religious leaders of his time demonstrating how the chosen ones frequently face opposition precisely because they point to paths that transcend human limits Beyond biblical examples history also presents Mystics and Visionaries who distance themselves from institutional churches
to follow their spiritual callings St Teresa of Avala for example faced resistance within the Catholic Church while promoting a spiritual reform in her order she emphasized the need for a personal connection with God through contemplative prayer something that was not always encouraged in the rigid structures of her time these examples illustrate how the chosen ones often need to break barriers to fulfill their Divine Purpose it's important to remember that the chosen ones do not leave the church out of rebellion or disdain but because they feel that God's call often requires a journey Beyond institutional walls
they understand that true communion with the Divine is not confined to rituals or dogmas but is found in the depth of a life lived in alignment with spiritual principles for the chosen ones the journey is always about purpose and obedience to God's voice even when it means walking solitary or misunderstood paths this tension between structure and individual spirituality is not new but is intensified in current times as more people awaken to their spiritual callings they often realize that some Churches cannot meet their deep needs for transformation and connection with God this does not mean rejecting
the importance of churches but rather recognizing that the Holy Spirit Works in ways that go beyond any human organization the flight of the chosen ones from institutional churches is not an act of rejection of Faith but a search for something more authentic profound and aligned with the essence of what it means to be chosen they are responding to a call that often challenges human conventions but is in perfect harmony with Divine purposes this leads us to reflect are we ready to allow God to work in our lives in ways that transcend our human expectations and
limitations have you ever felt that even surrounded by people in a church you were spiritually alone that almost inexplicable feeling that your soul was seeking something deeper more true but could not find it in the environment around you this is an experience that many chosen ones share While most seem content with what is offered you feel an emptiness a disconnection as if your spirit is on a different frequency it's not because you are arrogant or consider yourself superior but because there is something inside you crying out for a direct connection with god without filters without
intermediaries perhaps when entering some Churches you felt a weight not because of the environment itself but because of the attitudes and judgmental looks of some people how many times have you sought welcome but found judgment have you noticed that instead of love and understanding some communities seem to prioritize rules appearances and rituals this hypocrisy so visible to you may go unnoticed by others but for a chosen one who possesses a unique spiritual sensitivity it is impossible to ignore these inconsistencies it is as if your spirit automatically rejects what does not resonate with God's truth furthermore
many chosen ones report feeling that their deep questions about life the universe and purpose are often ignored or treated as inconvenient have you ever felt frustrated by wanting more than ready-made answers more than repeated speeches perhaps in search of understanding you realize that the depth your soul desires is not easily found this is because the chosen ones have a greater spiritual hunger an innate desire for authentic Revelations that go beyond the surface of religiosity this journey can be lonely and at the same time liberating when you realize that you are not alone in this feeling
that there are other chosen ones going through the same situations a weight seems to be lifted from your shoulders it is important to know that feeling this disconnection does not mean that you are strayed or lost on the contrary it is a sign that your spiritual sensitivity is active and aligned with what is true you are not rejecting God you are rejecting what does not reflect the Divine Essence the spiritual sensitivity of the chosen ones is a gift but also a challenge this sensitivity makes you perceive inconsistencies in people's behavior and even in the very
structure of religious institutions when you see leaders who preach love but live judging or communities that talk about Unity but exclude those who are different your spirit becomes restless you cannot simply go with the flow because there is something greater inside you something that cries out for authenticity and Truth truth this sharp perception is not a flaw it is a gift given by God to help you navigate a world full of Illusions the chosen ones are called to go beyond appearances to seek the essence this explains why often you may feel that you do not
fit into any church or religious group your mission is greater than following Traditions or Norms imposed by men God has placed in you a special ability to discern what is genuine and what is just appearance and this can be uncomfortable for those who do not share the same vision if you feel that the religious experiences you have had so far have not been sufficient this is not a flaw of yours on the contrary it is a Divine call to seek more to connect directly with God in a unique and personal way many chosen ones report
finding peace and spiritual depth outside the four walls of a church in moments of meditation solitary prayer or contact with nature these moments of intimacy with God often bring more Revelations than years of attending empty rituals if you if you feel spiritually alone even in the midst of a crowd know that this is a sign that you are chosen your journey will not be the same as everyone else's and that is perfectly okay this apparent loneliness is actually preparation for something greater a deeper connection with God the hidden truth which few can see is that
God is calling you out of The Superficial for a walk of authenticity and purpose do not blame yourself for what you feel embrace the sensitivity as a sign that you are on the right path the chosen ones face a great challenge in adapting to the hierarchical structures of churches as their spiritual nature often leads them to question and seek answers that go beyond the rules imposed by these organizations they feel that their connection with God transcends any human intermediary which can cause tensions within a system where there are pastors leaders and spiritual authorities who determine
how Faith should be lived for many chosen ones the hierarchy seems to limit the spontaneity and depth of the relationship with the divine mind generating a sense of spiritual Suffocation the chosen ones face a great challenge in adapting to the hierarchical structures of churches as their spiritual nature often leads them to question and seek answers that go beyond the rules imposed by these organizations they feel that their connection with God transcends any human intermediary which can cause tensions within a system where there are pastors leaders and spiritual authorities who determine how Faith should be lived
for many chosen ones the hierarchy seems to limit the spontaneity and depth of the relationship with the Divine generating a sense of spiritual Suffocation this difficulty is also deeply linked to the conflict between the search for Spiritual freedom and the rules established by Churches the chosen ones usually have an internal calling that drives them to explore their faith in an individual and free way while most religious organizations present fixed Norms rigid doctrines and traditions that must be followed without question this clash between freedom and conformity often makes the chosen ones feel uncomfortable and out of
place as if they are being forced to shape their spirituality to fit a predetermined format another point that contributes to this difficulty is the chosen one's perception of authenticity in the practices of some Churches they possess a heightened spiritual sensitivity that leads them to detect when acts of faith are not genuine or are done only to fulfill a ritual for a Chosen One spirituality should be a living deep and transformative experience not a an empty routine or public spectacle when they perceive a disconnection between what is preached and what is lived it generates a strong
resistance to remain in these environments the disconnection between dogma and direct experience with God is also one of the reasons that make it difficult for the chosen ones to stay in churches Many religious systems prioritize the interpretation of sacred texts and fixed rules as the only way to reach the Divine while the chosen ones experience God directly through dreams Visions signs and unique spiritual experiences this difference between dogma and personal experience often places the chosen ones in a position of questioners within churches which is not always well accepted within churches human judgment is another factor
that deeply affects the chosen ones they are often targets of criticism or misunderstandings because their attitudes and choices may seem out of the norm the search for an intimate and unique relationship with God often puts them in opposition to what is socially expected this constant judgment can lead to a sense of exclusion or inadequacy something that contradicts the message of love and acceptance that should be the essence of any faith community the chosen ones also have a special sensitivity to identify the weight of vanity and ego in some religious leaderships when they perceive that the
focus has shifted from the sincere search for God to power control or self-promotion it creates an almost insurmountable barrier for them spiritual leadership should be based on humility and service not on the imposition of Authority or personal prominence another point of conflict is the difficulty in accepting practices that seem to manipulate faith for the benefit of the institution many chosen ones perceive that certain churches use elements of spirituality as tools to generate profit or control the faithful this perception which may go unnoticed by others provokes in the chosen ones a sense of betrayal of the
highest values of faith and leads them to seek a p path additionally the chosen ones often feel a lack of space to express their unique experiences within churches they carry spiritual gifts such as intuition prophetic Vision or a special connection with the invisible which are not always understood or accepted in more traditional religious contexts this repression of their gifts can create a suffocating environment where they feel they cannot be who they truly are the pressure to conform to a standard of behavior within churches is also a significant challenge the chosen ones often have unique personalities
and spiritual Journeys that do not follow predetermined formulas this authenticity often conflicts with the expectation of uniformity that some Churches impose on their members generating frustration and a desire to seek Freedom outside these structures many chosen ones also face the difficulty of finding a clear purpose within the church while some seek specific roles within the religious hierarchy others feel that their mission goes beyond the walls of the temple involving actions in the outside world this perception of a greater vocation often conflicts with the idea that true service to God can only be carried out within
the institution another significant challenge is the feeling of spiritual isolation that many chosen ones experience within churches even though they are surrounded by people who profess the same Faith they often feel that their vision and spiritual understanding are not shared or understood this can lead to deep spiritual loneliness where they see themselves as strangers among their own people one of the greatest lessons that the chosen ones learn is that God can be found in everyday life he is in the small things in the sunrise in the smile of a child in the Silence of a
quiet morning when the chosen ones begin to perceive the Divine in every moment their faith becomes alive and practical they do not need specific times or defined places to feel God's presence because he is everywhere and at all times the chosen ones are called to something greater to transform the world around them this means bring the Divine Light to places where it is not recognized when they stop limiting themselves to physical structures they realize that their impact can reach unimaginable places God calls them to be spiritual leaders at work in the community in the family
showing that his love knows no boundaries this is how the chosen ones fulfill their mission spreading the gospel in a living and practical way by embracing this Universalist perspective The Chosen one's experience and Indescribable spiritual Freedom they understand that God never intended to limit his presence to Temples or rituals the true Temple is the heart of each one and the greatest worship we can offer is a life lived in communion with the Divine this Freedom drives them to live with more purpose without fear of judgments because they know they are exactly where God wants them
to be outside the four walls impacting the world with their light churches have always played a central role in human spirituality serving as spaces for learning prayer and Community growth for the chosen ones these institutions can be seen as places where the spiritual Foundation is strengthened especially in the early steps of the faith journey in churches many find essential tools to understand the scriptures develop prayer practices and connect with people who share similar values however for a Chosen One the relationship with churches is not always simple often the chosen one feels a call that goes
beyond institutional limits and seeks something deeper which is not always found in these spaces not all churches are the same and recognizing a healthy Community is crucial for the chosen one healthy churches are those that promote spiritual Freedom encourage healthy questioning and create an environment where each individual can flourish at their own pace these places become true Bridges to the Divine Purpose helping the chosen one discover and manifest their spiritual gifts in these churches the focus is on the essence of God's message not just on human rules or Traditions chosen ones who find such churches
often report a transformative experience and a deep sense of connection on the other hand some chosen ones may have negative experiences in churches that stray from the Divine Purpose these environments can be controlling fear centered or even exploitative making true connection with God difficult for a chosen one who already carries a heightened spiritual sensitivity these situations can be extremely draining spiritually toxic environments can lead to discouragement doubt and even complete withdrawal from institutional faith it is important to recognize the signs of a church that is not aligned with the Divine Purpose to avoid these experiences
blocking the spiritual path how then to know if a church is aligned with the Divine Purpose spiritual discernment is an essential tool for the chosen ones an aligned church will be one that places God at the center of everything and encourages members to develop a personal and direct relationship with him additionally it respects the individuality and spiritual choices of each person recognizing that the path to God can vary from person to person pay attention to churches where the message promotes hope love and transformation and avoid those that place excessive emphasis on dogmas and judgments unfortunately
many chosen ones share stories of how they lost their purpose or felt discouraged within churches that should have been their spiritual refuges some report situations of emotional manipulation excessive Financial demands or an exclusion for not fitting into predefined molds these experiences can be painful but also serve as lessons showing that not every religious environment is suitable for The Unique journey of the chosen ones these stories teach us the importance of seeking authenticity and Truth in any spiritual community on the other hand there are also inspiring testimonies of chosen ones who found in churches a fertile
ground to flourish these are people who upon finding a genuine and welcoming Community were able to activate the their spiritual gifts and strengthen their connection with God these stories highlight that when a church is a true reflection of divine love it can be a powerful Catalyst for transformation for these chosen ones the church is not a spiritual prison but a springboard to fulfill their Divine Purpose choosing a spiritual Community requires care and patience especially for the chosen ones who have such a specific calling it is essential to seek a church that values Freedom authenticity and
mutual respect talk to the members observe the leadership and ask yourself do I feel closer to God in this environment trust your spiritual intuition and the answers God will place in your heart remember the ideal church for a chosen one is one that nurtures their faith without trying to control it even within healthy churches it is important for the chosen ones to recognize that their faith is not limited to the walls of a temple God dwells in each person's heart and the connection with the Divine transcends rituals or specific locations churches can be excellent tools
but should never replace the direct and personal relationship with God chosen ones must learn to balance Community participation with moments of spiritual Solitude where they hear the Divine voice clearly one of the greatest challenges for the chosen ones in churches is finding respect for their individuality as Souls with a singular purpose they often feel they do not fit into traditional patterns healthy churches understand this need and promote a space where everyone is free to explore their spirituality authentically if you feel that your individuality is stifled in a church it may be time to reconsider whether
that is the right place for your journey finding a spiritual Community is not a race but a journey it may take time until you find a space where you feel truly welcomed and understood in this process trust God to guide you he knows what you need and at the right time will place the right people and environments in your path never lose hope for there is a perfect Community for you that will respect your individuality and help you fulfill your purpose as a Chosen One many chosen ones face at some point a phase of distancing
from the church this does not mean abandoning Faith but rather a deeper search for Spiritual truth it is common for this period to be triggered by a feeling of disconnection or by questions that seem to have no space within traditional religious practices in a chosen one's Journey distancing often arises as an inner call to discover something greater than apparent rituals and r rules an invitation to a direct relationship with God and deeper self-discovery the decision to distance oneself from the church may seem to many like an act of rebellion or even spiritual weakness however for
the chosen ones this generally represents a stage of spiritual maturity it is at this moment that the desire to connect directly with the Divine without intermediaries emerges this process does not invalidate the importance of the church but reveals that each chosen one has a unique path that does not always follow traditional molds it is the search for the truth that God writes directly in each one's heart the spiritual desert is a crucial stage in the Journey of the chosen ones it is a moment of solitude where external voices are silenced and only the company of
God remains during this period the chosen one is challenged to face their own fears doubts and weaknesses developing a stronger and more independent Faith this painful but transformative phase serves to remove limiting beliefs and reveal the Divine Essence that resides within each being it is in the desert that many discover that silence can be the place where God speaks the loudest although difficult the spiritual desert is a training ground for the chosen ones it is where spiritual skills are awakened such as patience resilience and the ability to hear God's voice without distractions by walking through
this place of uncertainty The Chosen One learns to trust God fully developing a faith that transcends any institution this inner Journey also strengthens the sense of mission and purpose allowing the chosen one to reconnect with their Essence in a deeper and more genuine way one of the most effective practices for navigating the spiritual desert is spiritual journaling writing down thoughts feelings and experiences allows the chosen one to organize their inner journey and recognize the growth patterns that are emerging this practice not only alleviates emotional weight but also creates a clear record of God's promises and
the insights received during the walk it is like building a spiritual map that can be Revisited whenever the chosen one feels lost nature is another powerful channel for the chosen ones seeking reconnection often distancing from the church creates space for direct contact with God's creation to serve as a sacred place of worship walking through forests contemplating the sunset or simply listening to the sound of the wind can provide a sense of peace and unity with the Creator in nature the chosen ones frequently find answers that previously seemed unattainable and feel the divine presence palpably fasting
is another essential tool during the spiritual desert by renouncing something whether food entertainment or other distractions The Chosen One learns to discipline their body and mind creating space for a deeper connection with God during fasting many experience moments of spiritual Clarity and Revelations that transform their lives this practice teaches to prioritize the spirit over the flesh strengthening the ability to hear the Divine voice various stories of chosen ones reveal that although the spiritual desert is challenging it often marks the beginning of extraordinary transformation many report that by distancing themselves from the church they found God
in unexpected ways in a book in music or even in a dream these experiences show that temporary distancing is not a loss but a necessary stage for Spiritual rebirth and reconnection with the Divine Mission as they Traverse the desert the chosen one begins to realize that nothing happens by chance every difficulty every doubt every moment of solitude has a purpose this phase teaches that a true connection with God does not depend on a physical place or rituals but on a sincere heart willing to listen in this understanding many find the strength to continue their Journey
certain that they are being Guided by something greater upon emerging from the spiritual desert The Chosen One returns with a renewed vision of their mission they Now understand that their faith is is not defined by an institution but by their personal relationship with God many return to attend churches but with a transformed heart ready to contribute authentically others discover that their role is to take the Divine message beyond the church walls reaching people who might never step into a temple chosen ones who overcome the spiritual desert often feel called to share their experiences by doing
so they Inspire others who are going through the same process showing that they are not alone stories of over coming and reconnecting with God serve as a light for those still walking in darkness creating a network of support and hope among the chosen ones the spiritual desert is not just a period of trial but also a testimony of Faith by emerging stronger and more connected with God the chosen one proves that even in the most difficult phases Divine Love Never Fails this journey of self-discovery transforms lives and strengthens the mission of the chosen ones allowing
them to live as true examples of God's 's Grace and Power in action the Journey of a chosen one is deeply spiritual and often misunderstood the church for many is the place where Faith develops where spiritual bonds are strengthened and where the community gathers to seek God but for the chosen ones there is a call that goes beyond the walls of any Temple this call does not diminish the importance of the church but points to something even deeper a direct connection with the Divine a journey that requires courage to step out of the comfort zone
and face truth that are not always accepted or understood by everyone the chosen ones flee from the church because they feel within themselves that their mission transcends rituals dogmas and human structures this does not mean that they reject God or spirituality but are driven to seek something more something that can only be found in a direct and intimate relationship with the Creator God In His Infinite Wisdom often removes the chosen ones from traditional religious Fellowship so that they are not shaped solely by human interpretations but by the spiritual truth that comes directly from him this
redirection is not an abandonment but an invitation to a greater Journey when God calls a chosen one out of the church he is saying I want to speak directly with you he removes the intermediaries because he knows that the purpose of this Chosen One requires discernment spiritual sensitivity and a connection that cannot be limited by Traditions or Norms this does not mean that the church is wrong but that it may not be the place where certain chosen ones will find the fullness of their mission being a chosen one means carrying a purpose that often challenges
conventions for many this may seem like Rebellion or a deviation from Faith but in reality it is an act of obedience to the Divine call the chosen ones are shaped to think differently to see beyond what is visible to feel beyond what is said they perceive that the relationship with God does not depend on a physical space but on a state of mind a total surrender that can only be experienced when one is willing to tread unknown paths often upon leaving the church the chosen ones face judgments and misunderstandings but this solitary walk brings them
even closer to God they learn to hear his voice amidst silence to trust in him even without the support of a community and to find answers that can only be revealed in the intimacy of the heart it is a process of strengthening and purification where God prepares them to be a light in a world that desperately needs truth love and compassion if you feel like you are fleeing know that this may be a sign that God is calling you to something greater fleeing from the church is not the same as fleeing from God in fact
it may be the first step to finding him in an even more authentic way it is at this moment that you realize that you are not alone that there are other chosen ones around the world going through the same process seeking the same purpose hearing the same call the call of a chosen one is unique and personal that is why they often do not fit into traditional structures they are called to break barriers to question what needs to to be questioned and to bring A New Perspective to the world they understand that the role of
the church goes beyond a building the church is a state of being a mission that they carry with them everywhere God did not choose you to hide within four walls but to be the church in the world you were called to bring light where there is Darkness to bring love where there is hate to spread hope where there is despair this is the true purpose of your journey and that is why God directs you outward so you can reach those who would never set foot in a church this redirection is also a test of faith
are you willing to follow God's voice even when it means leaving behind what is familiar are you ready to trust his plan even when it seems you are walking alone the answer to these questions reveals the depth of your commitment to your spiritual purpose God molds you in solitude strengthens you in difficulties and guides you amid uncertainties he equips you to be a spiritual leader someone who inspires and transforms lives being chosen is being a bridge between in Heaven and Earth someone who brings God's presence where it is most needed this Mission requires courage but
it also brings Eternal reward so reflect on this perhaps the reason you are fleeing is because God is redirecting you he is calling you to a journey where you will be the church where you will be the light shining in forgotten places where you will be the answer to the prayers of those who have not yet found him this is the great hidden truth that you were chosen to reveal remember that your journey is not about where you are but about who you are becoming you are the living temple of God and wherever you go
he will be with you be strong and courageous because the world needs what you have to offer and by accepting this call you not only fulfill your purpose but also Inspire others to find theirs chosen one now I want to know have you ever experienced moments when you felt that the church was not the right place for you or perhaps you found your connection with God in a completely different way share your story in the comments let's create a chain of support and ins INSP spiration for all the chosen ones who are seeking answers thank
you for accompanying me this far if this content resonated in your heart follow the channel like and share this video with those who might also relate if you want to discover if you are among the 1% ready to enter the Creator mode the next video is for you click now and discover [Music]
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