You Are Right Where God Wants You To Be | A Blessed Morning Prayer To Start Your Day

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
Video Transcript:
[Music] this is a true story of two women both born in Iran both raised in Islamic households and then they did what was considered to be Unthinkable as they grew older they converted to Christianity so strong was their Zeal for Christ that these two ladies would risk their lives they would Minister to others in the streets they would host Bible studies in their home and this was extremely dangerous one day they were caught by the police and thrown into to one of the world's darkest and most dangerous places Evan the notorious tyan prison it's a
place where prisoners are often treated harshly routinely tortured what's fascinating about this story is that it was while these ladies were imprisoned it was while these women were in a place that wasn't just frightening but filthy it was there that they realized that God was answering their prayers for so long they had yearned to be able to minister freely to others they wanted to speak about Christ openly to those who needed the gospel outside of prison they had to be extremely careful about who they spoke to they had to be cautious about who else might
be listening outside of the prison they were restricted when it came to talking about Christ however now that they were inside this prison they realized that here they could could openly minister to so many other ladies who were also imprisoned this realization brought them to understand that God had indeed answered their prayer request they wanted to be able to Simply minister to as many people as they could and so to anyone who was willing to listen these two women were willing to talk about Jesus to anyone who needed prayer these two women would often pray
with them to anyone who needed comp passion or who needed to be treated as though they were worth something these two ladies demonstrated the love of God the attitude and actions of these two women were so different from the norm of that society that even some of the guards would secretly come to be prayed for and do you know what's interesting sometimes we can pray for something and we have an idea of how we want God to answer us but we often forget that God is not living lied to our understanding God doesn't always answer
your prayers the way you want them to be answered and let me tell you something it takes maturity to be able to understand that how many times are we disappointed or discouraged not because the Lord hasn't answered our prayers but because he hasn't answered our prayers in the way that we want him to perhaps you're right where you need to be even though it looks nothing like what you pictured in your mind perhaps Ministry for you begins with your extended family your cousins who are not in Christ your uncles and aunts who are in the
world for someone else their Ministry might look completely different not all of us will be on stage preaching Christ to thousands of people some may be ministers to ex gang members because they too were once there others may bring Christ to those who are homeless are on the streets selling themselves and others will support missionaries who are actively preaching God's word in third world countries and so forth Psalm 23 reads the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me to lie down in Green Pastures he leads me beside the Still Waters he
restores my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup runs over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever I love that psalm 23 begins with the words
the Lord is my shepherd from here I immediately picture a Good Shepherd a Shepherd usually stands at the rear of his flock so that he can watch over the entire group this way he can easily notice if any sheep is going astray a Good Shepherd leads the Sheep a Good Shepherd helps them to navigate The Journey now in Psalm 23 look how after saying the Lord is my shepherd David begins to describe the journey that the Lord takes him on it's a journey that has Green Pastures Still Waters Paths of righteousness the Valley of the
shadow of death and the house of the Lord being led by Jesus Christ means that you will experience Green Pastures you'll experience Still Waters but listen you will also experience the Valley of the shadow of death now does this this deathly Valley make the Lord a bad Shepherd no however when we pray and say Lord lead me how many of us can picture our Good Shepherd leading us into the valley of the shadow of death it's probably not what we have in mind but this is exactly where we need maturity our attitude and our actions
they must reflect our trust and faith in the Good Shepherd who is helping us to navigate the way in Psalm 23:4 and 5 just pay attention to the sequence of things you're led into the valley of the shadow of death but yet you aren't fearful because you can feel the Good Shepherd helping you along the way his rod and his staff gently remind you that I am with you his rod and staff pull you in this direction even though in your mind you may want to go that way because that's where you think you'll find
God and as soon as you've come out on the other side of this Valley you find that the Good Shepherd has already planned ahead he already has a table prepared for you I want to encourage you to meditate on Psalm 23 today perhaps you are right where you need to be in this moment in life but maybe just maybe you aren't looking at the picture right perhaps you are in the Valley of the shadow of death but if you pay attention you can feel his Rod you can feel his staff leading you showing you the
[Music] way now let us pray Lord we thank you we thank you for being good you've been good to us although we have not deserved it we're Beyond grateful for all that you've done for us Lord Jesus you've been so faithful you've kept us you've preserved us you've been faithful to pull us through some of life's toughest and most trying times thank you for your word that tells us all things will work together all things are working together for our good I pray that everything the devil meant for harm you King Jesus will turn it
into good every trap that the enemy has set may it become a stepping stone for for us Lord every attack that comes against our families I pray that you would not only block these evil attacks but turn them around for our good we declare that no weapon formed against us as your children will prosper Psalm 37: 3-6 trust in the Lord and do good dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture take Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desire s of your heart commit your way to the Lord trust in him
and he will do this he will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn your Vindication like the Noonday Sun you are not only a merciful god but you are a faithful God faithful to protect us in the day of trouble you're faithful to be our refuge during trying times you're faithful to answer us whenever we call for help and so our faith is in you King Jesus you are the anchor to our souls you're the one who makes us to lie down in Green Pastures you King Jesus you prepare a table for us in
the presence of our enemies meaning that we may have enemies enemies who plot and scheme against us but they will have no power over us in Jesus name the devil and his demons they have no power over us they will not cause damage nor destruction in our homes or in our lives in Jesus name Lord we declare Psalm 91:7 a th may fall at your side and 10,000 at your right hand but it shall not come near you dear Lord have mercy on me father and give me the grace to see this world for what
it really is this world would only lead me to destruction but your way Lord Jesus it will lead me to an eternity in your presence Heavenly Father open our eyes so that we can see that there is nothing to be gained from this world this world can only disappoint us but you Lord Jesus you will never fail us nor will you let us down lord Jesus joy peace protection and true contentment can only be found in you not in this world this world is filled with fleeting pleasures and I pray that I would never be
drawn to what this world offers help me to reject the advances of the world Lord I desire to walk with you your word in Romans 13: 12-15 it says the night is far gone the day is at hand so then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light let us walk properly as in the daytime not in orgies and drunk ESS not in sexual immorality and sensuality not in quarreling and jealousy but put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires
I pray that the fear of God would rule my life Holy Spirit help me to conduct myself in accordance to God's word help me to walk honorably and with Integrity as a child of God father help me to walk in obedience to your word help me to walk under the guidance of the holy spirit let Faith be my eyes Lord I desire to walk with you always I desire to walk in agreement with you I desire to walk in submission to You Hear My Cry Lord Jesus as my heart yearns for your presence Lord I
seek to draw closer to you each and every day may you be my only focus may your presence be my heart's desire Purge me oh God and remove all worldly desires from my life remove any and all ungodly passions your word in Luke 10: 27 says you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your strength and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself with all that I have with every breath in me I declare that Jesus Christ is Lord over my life I thank you
for hearing my prayer in Jesus name I pray amen trust in the Lord and do good dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture take Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart commit your way to the Lord trust in him and he will do this he will make Your Righteous reward shine like the dawn your Vindication like the Noonday Sun so you shall keep the Commandments of the Lord your God by walking in his ways and by fearing [Music] him if we claim to have fellowship with him and
yet walk in the darkness we lie and do not live out the truth but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have Fellowship ship with one another and the blood of Jesus his son purifies us from all sin if you want to be perfect go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven then come follow me verse 22 however then goes on to say but when the young man heard this he went away sad for he had many p
possessions the night is far gone the day is at hand so then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light let us walk properly as in the daytime not in orgies and drunkenness not in sexual immorality and sensuality not in quarreling and jealousy but put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to gratify it desires [Music]
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