Bible Reasons the Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer

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Bible Study With Myron Golden
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if there's no opportunity to lose big there's no opportunity to win big if there's no opportunity to lose there's no opportunity to win we've all heard the phrase that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer but have you ever asked yourself why have you ever wondered are there are there some biblical reasons why Jesus said the poor you will have with you always do you feel like you're one of those people who's rich and getting richer or do you feel like you're one of those people who are poor and getting poorer do you feel stuck financially wishing you can do more for your family wishing you could do more for your church wishing you could do more for your community but at the end of the at the end of the day you have more month left at the end of the money than you do money at the end of the month well this video is for you because this video is going to is entitled escape the poverty trap and I'm telling you poverty trap can be escaped but you have to understand that poverty is a trap I did a video um I think it was about a year ago called the poverty programming trap well that video is talking about one thing this is something totally different I'm going to give you some biblical reasons why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and we're going to find it in a story in Matthew chapter 25 now I don't know if you ever noticed this or not but Jesus talked a lot about the kingdom of God in fact that's the thing he talked the most about out um Jesus the name Yeshua means salvation because Jesus Yeshua is salvation he said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me but even though Jesus is salvation when he preached the gospel the gospel that he preached the majority of the time was the Gospel of the Kingdom he did preach the gospel of salvation but he preached the gospel of the Kingdom more than he preached the gospel of Salvation because the purpose of Salvation is to restore Kingdom the purpose of everything is kingdom are yall tracking and I find it fascinating that Jesus often times compared the kingdom of God the Kingdom of Heaven to a business think about how many times Jesus himself compared the Kingdom of Heaven to a business now I believe the reason he did that is because the kingdom of God is the kingdom of God is a family business it's a business that's run by a king and his Kings and his Queens God is The Sovereign King and when I yield to him as the Sovereign king of my life then he will make me King over an assignment I will have Sovereign authority over that assignment I will use that assignment to serve other people their lives will be blessed and my life will be blessed and honor will be brought to his name anyway so I'm going to read the story to you Matthew chapter 25 um verses 14 through 30 and it says for the Kingdom of Heaven is as a man traveling into a far country who called his own servants to him and delivered unto them his goods and un one he gave five talents to another he gave two I'm sorry to another he gave two and to another one to every man according to his several ability now that word several means specific individual and the word ability means get ready for it you ready ability okay just wanted to make sure I wanted to make sure I didn't say it too fast now now which tells me something by that by itself tells me something God gave all of us some ability but he didn't give us all the same ability and God doesn't expect me to do with my ability what he expects you to with your ability and he doesn't expect you to do with your ability what he expects me to do with my ability but he expects all of us to do the best we can with our own several ability this is this this all I'm doing is reading right now and I'm getting all worked out who knew um and then it says then he St straightway took his journey into a far country uh took his took his journey then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same and made them five made them other five talents and likewise he that had received two he also gained other two but he that had received one went and digged in the earth and hid his Lord's money that word Lord is lowercase lord it's his boss's money his Founder's money his CEO's money the company owner's money okay oh by the way I forgot to do the math on it so we'll do it right now I'm going do it in front of y'all because it says he gave delivered unto them his Goods to one he gave five talents to another he gave two to another he gave one well and when we think about that we think you know maybe he gave him 50 bucks or maybe gave him you know a thousand or maybe a couple thousand well if you if you do some research on talet if if the depending on where it came whether where it came from whether it came from Assyria whether it came from Rome or whether it came from Babylon um or Egypt a talent weighed somewhere between 68 and 74 lbs so if if you gave somebody let's say it's 70 lbs and um you multiply that times 16 that's 1120 ounces the person that received one Talent if it's gold it's 1120 ounces of gold okay if you multiply that times the current price of gold which is about $24 400 bucks that's $2. 6 eight8 million so we're not talking about some little piece of change this guy was a successful businessman he delivered different people who worked for him maybe in different departments maybe over different divisions he delivered to them his Goods so to one he gave um one Talent 2. 6 million to the other he gave two that's 5 3 million to the other he gave five so you multiply that times 2 * uh two two and a two time one times one and a half um so let me do divide it by two again that's what I'm going to do divide it by two and then multiply it times five that's $13.
4 million okay so so we're not we're talking about people who obviously had some level of business Acumen some level of business skills some level of business experience he's not going to call some dude he just hired three days ago and say here here here's uh here's one point uh one point whatever I said 1. 6 million or $1.
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