Identity Shifting: Your New Way to Reinvent Yourself (in 3-6 months)

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Clark Kegley
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this sounds like an exaggeration but it's no BS you have the potential to literally become whoever you want we're talking about how you can Master shifting your identity now if you know how to do this you have the potential to literally do whatever you set your mind on you want to become more charismatic identity shifting you want to make more money identity shifting now if you don't know what's in this video you're going to wake up year after year wondering why you're not further ahead maybe you see other people crushing it and you wonder what's
their secret what do they got in this video I want to give you some higher level perspectives on shifting your identity and then you know I'll try and give you a few techniques that you can walk away and use so you're walking away with something tangible so what is this what is identity shifting a good place to start is old school Maxwell maltz psycho cybernetics now Maxwell maltz was a plastic surgeon and people would come to him they wanted to look a certain way so they'd go to Max maltz and he'd fix their appearance now
these people thought that if they fix their appearance they would internally feel amazing right it makes sense too like you've probably thought if I just didn't have my nose the size it was I could feel beautiful or if my face was a bit more snatched then I would get the attention I want like most people who want plastic surgery it kind of follows the same story if I look this way I can feel that way people will treat me that way and for some people it did work but what was more interesting for him and
why he actually switched and became a psychologist is no matter what surgery he did on people they still internally felt awful they felt ugly inside what he realized is that the patient self-image mattered more than the results they got even when he made them objectively beautiful if the patient still maintained the belief that I'm the ugly duckling I can't look myself in the mirror and everyone notices my big nose no matter what surgery they did it didn't matter in other words the patient's internal image mattered more than their external perception inless the internal identity shifted
nothing on the external had any impact so what is Shifting your identity identity shifting is when you make the decision to change in order to get closer to the ideal version of you and in doing so you start to become this person that you've always imagined there's an urban legend that if you have a goldfish in a small bowl it will never outgrow the Bowl's size but if you put that same goldfish in a much bigger bowl or a fish tank it will grow and grow until it reaches the size of the tank now here's
where we're going with that as you have a tank whether you realize it or not that tank is your identity okay this is what's placing limits or breaking through limitations for you A lot of times you didn't even set it yourself it's set by the people around you Society teachers parents growing up so let's talk about why it's so hard for us to change and why you get stuck in the past versions of yourself I don't like this language of becoming someone new because that's sort of outrunning yourself and that's just like Maxwell maltz realized
with the plastic surgery that people were trying to like become someone new physically and then it gave them internal permission to feel a certain way now here's what I'm more of a fan of is realizing that a a lot of what we're projecting out into the world or behaving a certain way is not our true selves identity shifting is really about like identity connecting connecting to that Core Essence that doesn't change so it's not necessarily about like taking on these tactics and these routines and becoming this like completely new person that's a really sexy thing
to buy into and to the degree you buy into it I find is where it creates a lot of dissonance because you're almost rejecting the true self you're saying no shut up get away I need to become someone new cuz you're not worthy enough you're not good enough what I'm more of a fan of is identity shifting is more like identity shedding and it's shedding the beliefs and stories and getting to that true core and trying to bring that version of you out more and when you're able to do that now there's no act now
there's no front and now you really put yourself out there and when people like you they love you because that's really you and there's no faking it guess what I found that when people reject that version it's almost a relief it's not this deep-seated like pain that we think we're going to feel we think if someone really rejects the true us it's going to hurt way more but it's almost a relief like oh we would never vibe in a million years and I showed my true colors and I'm okay with that so one big mistake
when we're talking about creating the 2.0 and identity shifting and Reinventing yourself replace that with reconnecting to yourself now for the next part of this video I want to go over some practical steps on how you can start to reinvent Yourself by shifting your identity we got three of them let's rock and roll you ever heard of the hero's journey it's the story of all stories like literally when you see it you cannot unsee it and it kind of ruins a lot of the major movies you grew up with I'm talking Spider-Man uh Lord of
the Rings The Matrix Star Wars Lion King even they all follow the same script and it's by Joseph Campbell who studied myths since we developed language as humans sitting around a campfire we've passed down stories and he noticed that all the great stories tend to follow a 12-step process boiled down into three major things act one act two act three where the hero is in his ordinary world there's a call to Adventure to step in and challenge themselves so they they leave the home step out into the unknown before finally returning home with the prize
and what's interesting about the hero's journey is that yes on paper it looks like an external process okay Neo got the call to Adventure he learns about the Matrix he goes in defeats all the agents and then he comes back to save the world but the real hero's journey is the internal transformation not what they got but who they became and so to draw a parallel between that whole storytelling Arc and your life right now that sums up exactly what you're doing in the phase you're in right now you see there's something in that first
phase The Call to Adventure it's where like Neo in The Matrix gets that call from the agents in The Matrix now it's been said that you are the hero of your own movie and here's the best part all those stories have one thing in common there's the hero or the main character that refuses this Call to Adventure like they push it away they want to step out of their comfort zone but then something in them kind of pulls them back and that's the very thing that most people get stuck in not for a year not
for 5 years but I'm talking 20 years I'm talking 30 years people are in this push pole like I want to leave my comfort zone and do that thing I really know deep down inside I'm made for but H let me backtrack because it got hard or I got pushed back from my friends and family or I'm scared to put myself out there and look stupid or waste energy or money I've always said that negative emotions are called to action you want to write that down your negative emotions they're not bad it doesn't mean you're
wrong to call to action so the very first step you need to do to shift your identity and reinvent yourself you need to answer the call The Call to Adventure like if you feel burnt out or if you feel drained or if you feel tired or even like depressed that's your call to Adventure if you're looking to apply everything we talk about in these videos to change your life life check out our coaching program metamorphic it's a full tenek program one-on-one Shadow work sessions interactive live calls and a full badass community of 850 people in
your corner to help so if you're ready for a change check out the link in the bio and start your journey today now in the hero's journey there's phase two where the hero leaves their Ordinary World and they're going through this journey and what's interesting is they're always held back by the limitations like their skill level doesn't yet meet the challenge that they're up against and so there's a lot of failures there's them getting in their own head questionings who am I until they eventually get beyond that and Achieve what they set out to do
much like that hero I'm sure you felt this in your life who am I to believe in myself like that no that's too arrogant you hold yourself back you self-sabotage or you get in your own way this is what is known as your Shadow you know one story on this you know we're talking a lot about about like Journeys and getting over yourself and getting Beyond it on your hero's journey I told you a little bit so you know I was in Mom's basement in my 20s and I was consuming a lot of content trying
to learn how to build a business online and one of the people who came up was Gary ve um and he you know goes on Rants and I like a lot of his stuff but one thing he said that like was a dagger to me and it messed me up he was on a lecture and someone got up and they asked him about I think it was life coaching and they're like you know I'm in my 20s I'm I'm 22 and I'm trying to be a life coach and he just like stops them he's like
wait you're 22 and you're trying to be a life coach see the problem no one's going to take advice from a 22-year-old about life when they haven't lived yet and that again dagger to me because that was about the age I was and I'm like okay well if the guy on stage says it then it must be true and mind you I still wanted to start a business but that put such a belief such a sandbag tied around me that every time I went to film content or write something I had that voice in the
back of my head no one's going to take life advice I'm too young right that was the belief I had is I'm too young oh maybe I just got to get older before I do this well I'm too young no one's going to listen to me and so I carried that belief around for years until I finally snapped and got over it and cut the sandbag and I'm so glad I did cuz it was how I was able you know years later to get out of my own way and life's irony this is the funny
part and as soon as I started my coaching business you know what the number one belief that held people back a lot was I'm too old I'm too old oh my ship has sailed it's too late and then I started thinking about age and it's like you're either thinking you're too young the whole time and like oh I just got to wait till I'm older or you're thinking I'm too old oh man it's a Young Person's game I wish I had my youth back there's never the time where you're like I'm the right age I'm
in my Prime yes this is perfect my reason behind telling you that is what would your life look like if you weren't drawn back by the two or three stories you're telling yourself like the two or three beliefs that you tell yourself daily and are holding you back those are causing 80% of the damage these can be things like I'm not valuable I need to perform I need to win people over because I don't deserve the love but man it's impossible to reinvent yourself if you don't release and now you're like well how do I
do this the first step is awareness you have to be aware of what's holding you back and there's really two ways you can gain this awareness the first is done with yourself okay this is like DIY you can literally do this after this video make one of these a habit things like journaling meditation guided Shadow work prompts these are all ways that you can hold the mirror up to yourself and dig down and say like what are my core stories holding me back so the first way is with yourself but the second way is with
others these are using therapy coaching and programs I know there's a lot of like skepticism with programs out there and everyone thinks like courses are evil I personally did not have that experience and I've invested hundreds of thousands in courses of course there were some that were bad but for me they were a very coste effective way to get a lot of growth and I'm not trying to pit you anything right here you know whether you do ours or not that doesn't matter I'd encourage you to explore like programs because for me when I look
back on my growth spurts a lot of them came when I was in a program whether it was business or personal so if you're looking to like get over yourself I think it helps to have some sort of structure in place so we've spoke about Reinventing yourself and answering the call we've also spoken about releasing that Shadow Self or at least starting to explore the parts that will get in your way let's talk about the third thing and this is perhaps the most important thing that you need to do daily there's a myth out there
of this oneandone self-improvement right like if I can just do the one exercise I never have to do it again well the hero's journey is not supposed to be easy you're not just like going on a stroll through a field skipping along like there's that wants to kill you there's people that want to stop you there's real stuff that happens along the way and without those real challenges the movie would be terrible like who wants to watch a movie where everything went their way and it worked out that would suck it's the same thing with
your life and so along this way it is so important for you to embrace these challenges by reconfirming that you're on the right path that you are this version that you're shifting into like this 2.0 U that's coming you reconfirm it every day just like going to the gym you don't go to the gym once and expect to look in the mirror and see that version of you that's fit healthy muscular but you keep going regardless and if you keep going eventually you look in the mirror and the image starts to change and then pretty
soon you keep it up long enough and you are that person so I'm bringing this up because for you like if this new version of yourself that you're experimenting with feels like there's a little push back that's okay that's natural it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you it's supposed to feel uncomfy at first but there's one thing you can do that will make all of this feel really natural reconfirm in this version of you a very practical tip that I've done is whenever you're adopting a new version of yourself or new traits start stacking
wins for it like keep a win log uh you want to be more confident instead of being like well I want to be something I'm not look in your recent past or when you're going about your week and start writing down and tracking the times you are I am confident you know I spoke my mind in that conversation or I didn't withdraw or I embraced that challenge write a little win and the more you stack these wins for this new version that's going to outweigh this old version and pretty soon this just is who you
are the same thing with like YouTube um you know you want to film a video so instead of being like well I I don't film videos I'm trying to be a YouTuber as soon as you start doing something that is in the camp of being a YouTuber you write that win down okay I filmed a video today I bought camera I outlined it again this evidence is going to outweigh this evidence and then this is just who you are dream body track all your workouts keep a progress log write all your food like that stuff
right there is how you stack the deck and you stack the evidence in your favor so now you know you need to reinvent yourself release Your Shadow Self and reconfirm this 2.0 you do those three steps and that my friend is how you reinvent yourself thanks so much for watching hope you do this video in the formats if you want another one I'll put it up right here perfect followup keep the party going see you in the next one stop settling start living see you
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