jim edwards here and here's my number one tip for headlines that hook like crazy now what's this all about well let me tell you a quick story you may or may not know but for 10 years i was a syndicated newspaper columnist which meant that i wrote real articles that appeared in real papers across the and in magazines around the world so i remember when i started writing for the newspaper i was so nervous and so i would literally spend all day sunday writing my column and so then my deadline was on tuesdays around 9
9 30 in the morning and so i would submit my my column and then would wait for the paper to come out on wednesday and i started noticing a pattern and that pattern was that when my column came out obviously i had an editor and the editor would go and make little tweaks to my article but not really ever any tweaks that were noticeable but he kept changing my headline literally my headline was not the headline that i put out there and week after week after week after week i'm submitting this thing and he's changing
my headline changing my headline so i called him i'm like hey what's going on what's wrong with my headlines he said well they're not hooky enough what what do you mean hooky enough he said well the purpose of the headline is to make people curious to watch the vid i mean excuse me to watch the video to read the article to make them stop make them curious enough to read the article and so you need to hook them with an angle and with curiosity i didn't know it at the time i can't spell curiosity but
um i didn't know it at the time but that was one of the most valuable copywriting lessons i had ever gotten in my life by the way one of the things that i will tell you is in my book copywriting secrets if you don't have a copy of it yet you should on page 42 i start revealing to you my 14 top headline formulas that i have learned over the years that are absolutely proven to grab people to hook people and to grab them and pull them in but let me give you a quick tip
on all of this and pull it all together i'm going to give you my number one top script for headlines that are super super hooky okay and it is how to benefit that is a formula a script that will work anywhere to sell anything why because the reason people pay attention to anything is because they think there's some sort of a payoff in it for them i don't care if it's quilting i don't care if it's weight loss i don't care if it's how to make money in the stock market i don't care what it
is how to improve your marriage the benefit is the hook all right it's it's like a fisherman with their big hook out there and just like the editor of the newspaper barely touched the copy of my article he knew that the hook was what was going to get people to stop what they were doing and to actually read the article so your big tip here is the hook i want you to use this week how to benefit and this is a big reason why you got to be totally tuned in with your avatar because your
avatar is what's going to dictate the benefit the payoff the thing that you put in this script that's actually going to work it's going to attract your avatar so this is critical though so try this it seems simple like oh i don't know maybe a third grader could understand it which maybe we'll talk about that later this week but if a third grader can understand it by golly your overworked busy time starved attention starved avatar can grasp it and this works for sales copy and this works for content like gangbusters hey one last thing if
you don't have a copy of my book yet copywriting secrets you really should because it doesn't just show you like on page 42 how to use 14 of my top headline formulas and scripts to get amazing results on page 16 it gives you the top 10 reasons why people buy anything which you can then use as the angle for your curiosity inducing headlines and my old editor at the newspaper sure would be proud so if you want to get good at angles you want to get good at hooks you want to get good at all
of this stuff grab a copy of copywriting secrets i'll give it to you for free just head on over to copywritingsecrets.com i'll give you a free physical copy of the book just pay a small shipping and handling i'm jim edwards i hope you enjoyed this tip and remember if you want to know how to get a benefit of being able to be amazing at copywriting grab a copy of my book and also check out our blog the jim edwards method premium or excuse me the jim edwards method you have a premium site but we'll talk
about that another day