hey what's up and welcome back to my channel in today's video I want to take you behind the scenes and show you how I make $100,000 in just one day using a master class so if you're a coach consultant or an entrepreneur let's dive in on how you can do a six-figure day too let's go when I first got started I stumbled across this thing called a master class now you may be asking yourself like is it a webinar or is it a virtual event picture hosting an online virtual party where this is different than
a webinar is it lasts a little bit longer it's a little bit more casual and it's a little bit more conversational the essence of it is typically 2 to 4 hours and at the end you make an offer so you may be asking yourself the question all right how do I do six figures in one day well the essence of the master class is this at the end you enroll them in a premium package or a high ticket offer whether you're just getting started I'll show you how this can work for you or if you
are an experienced entrepreneur and you already have a high ticket offer let me show you how you can actually do a million dooll Day by the end of this video so quick story when I first figured this out back when covid was happening and hotels shut down I couldn't run my seminar business I would typically have people come into a hotel room not that many people but somewhere between 10 to 20 people and I would do a sixf figure day but when the hotel shut down I had to go online so I developed this thing
called a master class I just figured what would it be like if I could sell it through a virtual event rather than have people come to a hotel so what I did was this on a Friday night I said yo what's up guys I'm going to host an online class a little party here on a Friday night I'm going to be teaching 1 2 3 XYZ insert whatever it is that you teach and come on over and join me in this Zoom room then what I did next is I asked a guest speaker to come
and share for just a little bit at that Master Class so he could actually invite more people in the room would be more full by the end of that Master Class we had done a sixf figure day and I said oh my gosh that was amazing let me do that again so we did it the next Friday and then next Friday and the next Friday and after about 3 months we had made over a million dollars and we each had deposits to buy houses we wanted to buy so this formula was mindblowing when I figured
it out and it's still the same formula that I do today to do six figures multiple six figures and even seven figures in just one day let me go over the entire system for the million Master Class there are four steps only four steps in order for you to do a six and seven figure day but as I dive into the system I wanted you to do one key thing suspend all disbelief suspend all this would be too hard or this may be complicated because in essence doing a sixf figure day is actually not that
hard ask me how I know because I've done it multiple times and I've had new entrepreneurs do it multiple times the lie that you'll be tempted to believe is that in order to make six or seven Figures it's hard this may be controversial but the struggle isn't real the struggle is only imagined so suspend all disbelief as I go through the system and just go what would this be like if this worked for me and think about this the offer you don't make no one can take so the new high ticket offer or the next
high ticket offer that you have the offer you don't make no one can take so why not have that 5,000 10,000 20,000 $50,000 offer and let's create it right now in this video so the four steps for the million-dollar Master Class are this first you decide then we're going to fill the master class then we're going to host the master class and then there's postm class which is collecting all the money that's the best part right so let's talk about step number one decide what do you need to decide there's only two things you need
to decide when you have a master class number one when am I going to have this master class and two what am I going to sell at this master class number one when are you going to have the master class here's my best tips and suggestions if you're selling to entrepreneurs have it during the daytime typically over lunch but if you have sell to people who have jobs you're going to sell at night or on the weekend okay so you're going to do a master class on like Friday night or Saturday or Sunday afternoon okay
if you're selling entrepreneurs somewhere starting around 10:00 a.m. Central 11:00 a.m. eastern then going for 2 to 4 hours Works amazing some people ask me what day I like to do it Thursday or Friday I don't know why it just feels really fun you can do it whatever time you want to do it and works best for you in your audience but what you want to be focusing on is 2 to four hours that your audience typically has free okay you got that so now some people say does it have to be 4 hours it
doesn't technically have to be 4 hours but here's the principle immersion causes conversion so the more time in the room that you have with your new friends and your new clients the more they're going to know like and trust and therefore the higher your sales will be okay so you want more time in the room that's a good thing okay you want time in the room so decide when you're going to do it the next thing you're going to decide is what you're going to sell what we want to sell here is somewhere if you're
just starting off between A5 to $10,000 premium package if you've already got a high ticket offer I would highly encourage you to sell something around 20 to $30,000 maybe a new level maybe a new Mastermind that you could layer into your business but let's say you're just starting off and you're going to sell A5 to $10,000 premium offer if you want to do that the only thing you need to decide is what is the end result of that offer what is the thing that your client or customer will achieve accomplish gain what will they have
after they go through your program you want to sell one thing and one thing only and that is the end result sometimes I like to say the Bright Beautiful future that you want your client to have what are they going to hold in their hand what are they going to experience have you ever thought about this when people buy travel vacation packages they show you the photo of the bright the beautiful beach with the sun shining down they show you the family walking along the beach the excursions the adventure guess what they're not talking about
they're not talking about the line at the airport they're not talking about going through customs they're not talking about losing your luggage they're not talking about the journey to the destination they're selling you that destination so you just want to think about what's the end result that my client will achieve after they go through my program that's your end result of your offer now I want to encourage you make it amazing make it something very valuable for them that they would want to spend High ticket you don't want to just be selling something that they
could get for $27 you want like a big end result that they could accomplish to help those of you here once you start charging up more premium price for your offer think about all the support coaches cool things that you can help them with events that you could do with them so that they'll get that result faster so you got number one you're going to decide number two we want to fill that Master Class if you think back to my original story one of the easiest ways that you can fill your master class is having
a guest speaker you want to just invite somebody to pop in for about 20 or 30 minutes and then encourage that guest speaker maybe to do an interview with you on their platform highlighting that event where they will be speaking using guest speakers is one of the coolest ways to fill your webinars master classes and virtual events one of the very ninja things that we'll do is we'll incentivize that guest speaker to actually get a percentage of the sales that come in once we make the offer at the end think about how many guest speakers
would be so incentivized to partner with you to speak at your event EV if they would get a cut or percentage of the sales that come in isn't that awesome so Partnerships guest speakers super fun way to fill a master class let me make it really easy on you this is not like an epic marketing launch for your party think of it more like you only need to Market it like the week before think about if you have a party at your house right I mean maybe you'll send a save the date or something like
that if you're more organized but what about those parties you have where you're just like come on over on fridy let's get together wouldn't it be fun so this is more the essence and the feel of the master class it feels light it feels fun it feels hey you want to dive deeper you want to learn about this come on over so you really only need to like let the world know about it like 3 to 5 days beforehand sidebar most tickets for events come in 72 hours and 48 hours right before the event so
you don't need to Market this forever and ever and ever you just need to have a lot of fun have a lot of energy invite a guest speaker the week of so that's the second step we're going to decide then we're going to fill then we're going to host the match master class here's a little format that you could use for your 2 to 4our Master Class what you want to do is you want to like break it into sections and cover their most common questions or their biggest challenges if you don't know their biggest
challenges what I like to do before the party is actually ask my attendees and ask my guests hey what are your biggest challenges or what are your biggest obstacles toward achieving this end result when I first got started and I didn't know what to talk about in my master class I went on online and went live on Facebook and said hey what's up guys on Friday night I'm thinking about doing a master class on how to discover your purpose have you ever felt stuck or have you ever felt like you had a big calling but
you didn't know exactly what it was or how to step into it on Friday I'm going to dive deeper in how to discover your purpose and how to get unstuck and start that dream in your heart that you really want to do but you don't know how to make progress on I said if you want to attend the master class comment below with what your biggest chall challeng is discovering your purpose let me know like where do you feel the most stuck and people started commenting below this video telling me well you know I think
my biggest challenge is like I have so many ideas I don't know which one to do and I started commenting more and more with the answer to that question for them now I had a bunch of feedback a bunch like a list of questions so what I did is I took those questions and I designed my content for the master class around their questions when you design your presentations like this for your master classes what you're going to be actually doing is overcoming their objections to the sale because once their mind sees oh that was
a problem I had or that was an obstacle I have and now you're removing those rocks in their path they can see that the path is now clear the end result that they want and that will make them more likely to buy so in essence you're designing your presentation and your master classes around their false beliefs and around their limitations this is actually how you Ser serve your your clients and your customers and your audience the best cuz think about this if you could remove every obstacle from the minds of your listeners how valuable of
an experience would that be for an attendee so when you're filling your master classes ask this question what's Your Number One Challenge accomplishing this and that will be all the content for your master class when I first got started I remember getting all the answers and I didn't know how to respond to all their questions so I just kind of did a crash course before the master class studying how to respond to their questions I was like what do you do when you have a ton of ideas I don't know and I just did research
and like on Google to prepare but I Was preparing only around content that addressed their challenges and their limitations so it came off really great and it will come off really great for you too another power tip is I want to encourage you to interrupt your master class asking for takeaways from the audience what's resonating with them what is an aha for them what are they getting out of the master class because the more that you're particip ANS speak and share and comment and talk about what they're learning the more they will be selling thems
on your presentation and for the rest of the listeners they will see and believe that this is really really valuable content because look at this breakr that all of these people are having so pause often for takeaways for ahas and pause often for questions invite the audience to say hey how can I clarify this or what question do you have around this as you do that you're going to be uncovering more and more objections to why they would buy at the end so lots of room for ahas lots of room for questions when you're hosting
your master class all right let's dive into the last step postm class this is where you collect money after you've made your offer and you're like I wait when do we make the offer well at the end of the master class what you're going to say is something around the lines of hey how many of you guys have enjoyed this experience so far how many of you have gotten so much out of the master class you'll say at the end hey would it be a okay with you if I share for a couple minutes about
how we serve people let me know with a yes in the comment box below or just wave at me if that's okay if I share for just a couple minutes how my company serves clients at the highest level that's called asking for permission after that you'll dive into your offer hey we've got this thing or hey we've got this party we've got this the next party coming up or hey we've got this Workshop or this intensive or whatever your offer is you'll dive deeper into that in the end result okay then you'll say hey if
you'd like to sign sign up for this or if you'd like to register your seat kind of visit this link below and we can't wait to serve you at this next event then just keep moving on with the rest of your content I would encourage you to have another uh presentation or more value after you make that offer postmaster class is where you or your customer service team or your assistant or yourself if you're just getting started follow up with the people that have registered for your next offer the way we like to do it
is have them put some kind of deposit down to secure their seat for the next party or for the next Workshop that we have going on they're on that followup process it's more a question of hey let's talk about how you're going to fulfill the rest of the investment or here I want to get you connected with this Finance partner or here's a payment plan that could help you fulfill the rest of this so that's where you'll dive into different options but just have some kind of deposit somewhere between $500 to $2,000 for them to
secure their seat toward the next step toward your offer there are the four steps for the million-dollar master class first we're going to decide then we're going to fill the master class then host the master class and then postm class let me give you a few more tips for those of you that want to close with higher conversion rates at your master classes use urgency and scarcity so one of the things that we like to do is we have a workshop but we only have a certain number of seats because that's how much the venue
holds so it's a logical form of scarcity like we can't take everybody and you can see that on the smash class there's 300 people or 200 people or 20 people and we only have X amount of seats so have some type of scarcity that you can't take everyone but you can take a smaller amount than the audience sees is there in attendance does that make sense the other thing we'll offer is urgency so we'll say this offer is good typically for about 72 hours after the master class we'll say something like at this point we
don't know if the price is going to go up or all these bonuses will still be available and we honestly don't know if all those bonuses are still going to be available so we have 72 hours why do we do this because human nature responds to scarcity and urgency have you ever thought about this that like God actually set this up with like we only have a certain amount of time here on Earth and that motivates us and causes us to move we have a scarcity of days we have an urgency of a countdown clock
human nature many times comes in right at the buzzer have you found this did you ever write your paper right before it was due so urgency and scarcity are not like manipulative or sleazy or saly techniques that people use they're actually just working with human nature so when you add things like a countdown clock to your emails or a countdown clock to your landing page or this offer is good until you're actually working with human nature and don't back off from that lean into that you can even say things like the reason why this is
closing down in 72 hours is because we are looking for people who are decisive and we are looking for people who are action takers so if that's not you this may not be for you but this is what the opportunity is this is how long it is good for now for those of you who want to do big big money days and you heard me mention at the top of the video about million dooll days I want to let you know that there are master classes that will lead to something like a 30k or higher
package so once you start layering in these masterminds or these offers that are VIP key days or 30,000 50,000 think about how many sales that you would need to do in order to do a million doll day I remember doing the math before we did our very first million dooll day and saw that at $30,000 we would need to make 35 sales so we did some math not even that complicated math but we started seeing that we needed about 200 people in the room for us to do a million dollar a day so I want
to encourage you that kind of Math's really fun it's not like pre-calculus it's actually really really enjoyable to talk about how to do million dooll days and I want to encourage you that the master class format is one of the easiest ways that you will do a six and even maybe seven figure day if you enjoyed this video be sure to give it a thumbs up and a subscribe and if you want to dive deeper into how you can do a million-- dooll master class there's a link below in the description where you can check
out that free training again I want to thank you for watching and I can't wait to see you in the next video