Do-It-Yourself Home Test for Hypothyroidism (Low Thyroid)

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Dr. Eric Berg DC
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let's talk about the number one best home test to determine if you may have a hypothyroid condition or not now the problem with hypothyroidism is that it's very very difficult sometimes to figure out if you have a hypothyroid problem because let's say for example you have many of the common symptoms but then you go get a test it all comes out normal like how can that happen or let's say for example your test does come out abnormal let's say they say you have low thyroid hormones you have a hypothyroid condition yet you don't have very
many symptoms you're not overweight you don't have this you don't have that so it can be very very confusing so i want to share with you some very interesting things about the thyroid that you probably have never heard of and what i'm doing is i'm summarizing all of this great knowledge that i've accumulated in working with tens of thousands of people and that's one of the advantages that i have i was had a chance to spend 30 years in practice to work with real live people or as compared to other experts who don't have the
experience they basically graduate and then they start teaching or they start doing research unfortunately right now it is difficult to find good knowledge because when you do searches on youtube or google many times this great knowledge is buried it's suppressed it's very difficult to find for example they have google health right now which google owns youtube and google health has recently partnered with various groups that consider credible health information as what most the experts agree on so their definition of quality information is a lot different than my definition of quality information so if at some
point in the future you cannot find any of dr berg's information realize i have an app all the videos that are on youtube are also on that app okay so so just remember that all right let me get back on track number one hashimoto's is behind 90 of all of the cases when you're talking about a hypothyroid situation i mean that's fascinating only 10 are caused by something else so this autoimmune disorder hashimoto's is extremely common and an autoimmune condition is a condition where you have antibodies that are attacking your own thyroid and so one
thing you really need to know about and this is the most important thing is that gluten okay that's a protein in certain grains especially wheat can mimic certain things in your thyroid gland now what does that mean what's the significance of that that means if you develop an allergy to gluten you will also develop an allergy to your own thyroid gland okay and this can set you up for a chronic inflammatory condition of your thyroid gland and so if you have a thyroid problem you should completely and utterly avoid gluten at all costs and just
that right there might give you a tremendous amount of relief with your thyroid condition the other thing you need to know about hashimoto's is that a big problem of that is the conversion from t4 to t3 now t4 is the inactive version of the thyroid hormone t3 is the active version and so when we talk about three and four we're talking about the number of iodine molecules that are attached to that thyroid gland so when you strip off an iodine molecule it becomes activated and everyone's talking about iodine for the thyroid but for the conversion
you need selenium that's another trace mineral selenium if you're not getting enough selenium you're not going to be able to make this conversion so selenium is a very important trace mineral for the thyroid and you can get it from sea calf which also has iodine and a lot of other nutrients for the thyroid gland the other thing that you need to know is 80 of this conversion happens through the liver and the gallbladder so if there's damage with the liver let's say you have a fatty liver or you have hepatitis or you have cirrhosis or
you have your gallbladder removed or you have a gallbladder problem that could be the reason why your thyroid's not working so it could be that you don't really have a primary thyroid it's secondary to this other problem and so you're doing all this treatment you're on synthroid for years and you don't really seem to ever get better and this is why when sometimes people take purified bile salts um their thyroid starts to work better so because it's speeding up this conversion now i said eighty percent of the liver the gallbladder but the other twenty percent
occurs in your kidney now if you're a diabetic okay you probably have some weakness within within the kidney and that could be the reason why you have a thyroid problem possibly but the point is that the kidneys are responsible for 20 of the conversion and the liver is responsible for the 80 of the conversion but like i said before it could also be a lack of selenium oh and by the way one brazil nut will give you all the selenium you need for that day all right here's some other things you need to know about
the thyroid and and these things i'm telling you are the most important things that you're probably not going to find when you do research you'll find a lot of other information but it might not be the most important information it could be just kind of trivial and so not all knowledge has an equal importance some things are way more important than others what i'm teaching you right now is the important stuff i would say probably the majority of hypothyroid cases are not primary hypothyroid cases they're secondary to these other factors that i'm talking about now
but there's a couple other points i want to mention them about that number one if your estrogen is too high if you're estrogen dominant that could be the reason why your thyroid is not working so as estrogen goes up your thyroid goes down so that's another cause and so women that have heavy periods that have estrogen dominance a lot of times have a thyroid problem and so instead of treating the thyroid they should be treating the estrogen dominance or they just won't see the results and another thing about the thyroid if you have thyroid nodules
that is a classic iodine deficiency and there's a very simple test to do to see if you are deficient in iodine and i will talk about that in a minute and the classic symptoms of a hypothyroid situation would be you're cold you're tired your cholesterol is higher you're depressed you have a puffy face you have weight gain all over the body equally you're getting constipation you have hair loss thinning of the hair loss of eyebrows right here dry skin dry hair and you have brain fog other than that you're perfectly fine so with all the
confusion how do you really know you have a true hypothyroid situation and it's not secondary to something else well i'm going to show you a really really cool test that you probably have never heard about before but it's pretty darn accurate especially if you correlate it with some of these other symptoms too which i just mentioned you know i just released another video on the adrenal gland some real simple tests that you can do to determine if you have adrenal fatigue so my whole goal is to give you things that you can do at home
to figure things out to potentially prevent the progression of a certain problem from getting worse because if you can catch it right in the very beginning and then you can use natural remedies you can save yourself a lot of grief before i tell you about this test i wanted to share with you one of my favorite words okay and that word is proactive what is the definition of proactive this is what it means controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened okay so you're being proactive if
you're doing something to prevent a problem and this definitely relates to an eating plan which i recommend of course the healthy version of the ketogenic diet within a minute fasting it's really wild to me of some of the responses that some people will give me when i tell them to do this this diet they might say well i don't have a weight problem so i don't need to do any diet i don't need to change my diet i don't have a weight problem not fat okay well i guess the only reason to change a diet
is because of weight what about your health or better yet i had someone to tell me they can't do the ketogenic diet because they're a diabetic and i'm like wow wow that is amazing i mean there is no diet you should be doing other than that one so anyway if you've been watching my videos my whole goal is to give you the important knowledge so you can survive better now this test that you're going to do to determine if you have a hypothyroid situation is called waltman's sign okay it's an ankle reflex test so you're
going to be using a reflex hammer if you don't have a reflex hammer you can just use the end of a butter knife or the end of a screwdriver or anything even like this because you're going to be tapping your achilles tendon okay and there's a reflex in your achilles and tendon that should cause you when you tap it to do this it should kick in and kick out it should just kind of like do a little jerk like that just like if you were to tap any reflex right here and you would see this
this motion right here so you're going to do this with the achilles tendon you can actually do it with both ankles okay now with a true hypothyroid condition what you're going to notice with your foot it's going to kick out okay when you tap the achilles tendon but it's going to be very very slow on the return okay it's going to be it's going to contract fast but it's not going to reset fast okay very important because the muscles involved in hypothyroidism um can't relax as good as normal muscles even though it's really the nervous
system that's affecting the muscles the nerves and muscles are slower with a hypo thyroid condition so we're going to be focusing on the reaction after you tap and it and it kicks the the return back to rest or normal okay that's what we're going to be focusing on if it's slower than it should be chances are you could have a hypothyroid situation so very simply maybe you kneel on your couch okay and then you can tap the achilles tendon and it will jerk and then watch for the rebound if it's very very sluggish on both
ankles suspect a hypothyroid situation that is actually a pretty accurate method of figuring out a true hypothyroid situation so if it's normal okay then you need to look at some of these other reasons for a thyroid problem maybe you have a thyroid condition that's secondary to something else now you can also measure iodine like an iodine patch which only gives you information about iodine deficiency and like if you have hashimoto's which is 90 of the time it might not be an issue with iodine but it could be now to measure an iodine deficiency you'll take
the inside of your upper arm or the thigh and you'll take a little cotton ball and you'll rub some iodine you can get at the drugstore two percent just rub it around in a circle about two inches by two inches okay either on your arm or your leg and then you wait for about an hour if it's still there after an hour chances are you are deficient in iodine it should be able to be absorbed into the skin and you shouldn't see a yellow stain okay so that's the iodine patch test so the next video
that you should watch would be on various food tips for the thyroid gland i put them up right here check them out you
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